Private Administrative Process
The current commercial process in the world today is a game, is created entirely in the realm of FICTION, operating as private law and private contract between legal fictions, i.e.,…
Lien Up
If some organized crime unit steals your car and then tries to sell it back to you or put a lien on it saying that it was “abandoned” or some…
Get yourself a printable version HERE and carry it with you when you travel. Even though we know that even when cops know how to read, they usually don’t like…
What to do When the Towing Company Steals Your Car
I am sure we have all been concerned about getting our personal property stolen by the police, what do you do when your car is stolen? The following letter is…
PEOPLE secure in their PERSONS
The 4th amendment is very interesting because it refers to both “people” and “persons” in the same sentence as separate things.It says that the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to be…
Public Notice
I hereby rescind, revoke, and cancel any express or implied agreements and/or contracts that relate to securities owned by the United States. If it happens that an “accuser” or “victim”…
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; The undersigned herein and in all supporting documents that are styled as “Defendant” hereby give notice to the court, that they are not a civilians, trained in…
CASE DISMISSED! Out of court!
My friend Jaron has been doing some great work! He recently received this citation in Colorado and then fought it and beat it (but not necessarily how you would expect……
Are you a Driver?
Do you DRIVE?Are you a DRIVER?Is your car a MOTOR VEHICLE?Have you BAILED your property to the DMV? Take the test by answering the following 12 questions and determine for…