Four (4) Classes of Citizenship in America

1. Oregonian (State Citizen, highest form, on the land by right, owns land (home), not property (resident). Right to do all except violate another mans rights. Inhabits land that is private, land not owned by United States) Property is that which one has a right to, not ownership of. Property tax is different than a land tax.

2. Resident = Resident Alien (An alien residing on the land by permission.) All “state” license require proof of residency. Taking a license waives rights held by the Oregonian.

3. United States citizen of right 1790 to 1868, (Pre 14th Amendment citizen)

4. 14th Amendment State citizen from 1868 to present. Inferior to all of the above.

(( citizen = subject of a citi, citi is a body politic (unified group of people) ))

Three *proverbial states in America are?

Below are three of the main “state” distinctions one should be aware of.

–1. *state Oregon = the land that is within the exterior boundaries of what we call the *territory of Nebraska.  This “state” term is a noun.  This state is presently occupied by Nebraskans (native by right).

–2. *state of Oregon (legally styled as – STATE OF OREGON) = a created entity, part of the perpetual union, created by chartered permission pursuant to the United States Constitution.  This “state” term is a noun.  This *state consists of resident aliens.  Resident aliens are not classed as native; they reside only by permission and are governed by the Federal Congress and State Legislative written law.

–3. United States *state = a created entity, created pursuant to the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation (legally styled as The United States of America), and the North West Ordinance.  A tool for the Confederacies needs.

So if asked; are you a state citizen, ask which state?

If asked for a resident address; reply by saying do you have any evidence that I am a resident of any state.

Resident is not a location it is a class of privilege, a class that state jurisdiction governs entirely.

US courts have clearly identified the differences in association (contract), and citizenship, of the various states.

One can live in Oregon as a native or as a resident.

A native is by right, a resident is of permission.

Natives are governed by the people’s state of law.

Residents are governed by the state entities that the native people allow to operate on the same land.

A “resident” is a subject to US, state, written law.

A “native” is subject to God’s law.

A resident does business (travel, etc.) as a granted privileges of the state.

A native does business (travel etc.) by grant, permission, of God.

When one gets a state drivers license he is presumed to be a resident of Oregon and thus governed by the state, an alien, not a native.  No one can get a state drivers license without signing a document that they are a resident in/of that given state.  Natives need no such license for they have a right to the open highways of Oregon

Such license is only considered *prima-facie evidence of residency and can be rebutted because residency is a contract and no contract is valid if a right is given up without full disclosure.

Learn more about maintaining independence (contract avoidance) from any deceptive “state” near you.

I recommend having little association with godless states.

NOTE – A 14th Amendment citizen is vastly different than a “state” citizen, and both of those are vastly different that a Oregon “native” citizen.



*pro·ver·bi·al, adjective

5.  having become an object of common mention or reference:

**state, noun

1.  the condition of a thing, as with respect to attributes

*state, adjective

15.  of or pertaining to the central civil government or authority.

16.  made, maintained, or chartered by or under the authority of one of the commonwealths that make up a federal union: 

*prima-facie evidence – evidence / facts considered to be true until controverted.