Demand for Dismissal
Now Comes James Trent Goodbaudy, a man standing on the land of the Oregon republic, alleged defendant, by special visitation, not submitting to the court’s jurisdiction, who hereby demands this…
Overcome Your Fear to be Free!
I know that you may have a bit of fear-based conditioning when it comes to cops, but I wanted to talk about something you may not have thought about. Usually…
Resident vs Native
Four (4) Classes of Citizenship in America 1. Oregonian (State Citizen, highest form, on the land by right, owns land (home), not property (resident). Right to do all except violate another mans…
NOTICE of Libel of Review in ADMIRALTY
This is an advanced notice for those looking to seek remedy and/or enforcement from a refusal for cause. If you are not sure what a R4C is, please see this article for…
What should “YOU†do when you get an offer from Government? Send a ‘Notice of Mistake’!
I don’t know what you would do, but I know what I am going to do with this most recent “offer†from government. I am going to let them know…
By Neil Rowe P.A.G.; Professor of Law No, I’m not going into to traffic court and arguing illegitimate corporate government, or any of the other varied long winded arguments people…
5 Ways to terminate a contract
A contract is a legal document that binds at least two parties to one another and requires them to meet certain obligations detailed in the contract. In some instances, contract…
Traveler Stop New Guinness World Speed Record
Holy cow my friend handled these guys with a quickness! I am pretty sure that he broke a record.
How George Washington broke the government
“What Does the Constitution Say?” Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera:George Washington Jailer And Tax Collector Everyone realizes that government is broken from the top on down, but no one has figured…