
Posted Sep07, 2021

Beat Any Victimless Case in America

I am constantly getting the question: “I got arrested and now I have court in a week… what do I do???” Right away I want to say that the following…

Posted Sep02, 2021

The Poison Needle

Some very interesting suppressed information is within this post. God never meant for us to put needles in our bodies. When vaccinations first were introduced the rate of diabetes skyrocketed…

Posted Aug29, 2021

152 Tax Facts

Only the rare taxpayer would be likely to know that he could refuse to produce his records to Internal Revenue Service agents. U.S. v. Dickerson, 413 F2d 1111 A person…

Posted Aug29, 2021

10 Points About Law

Law1. It is not presumed that the common law is changed by passage of a statute which gives no indication that it proposes such a change. Atkins v. United States,…

Posted Aug24, 2021

Color of Law

"Colorable" means "That which is in appearance only, and not in reality, what it purports to be, hence counterfeit feigned, having the appearance of truth." Windle v. Flinn, 196 Or.…

Posted Aug24, 2021

No Victim, No Crime!

CORPUS DELICTI “For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (Corpus Delicti) There can be no sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right.”…

Posted Aug24, 2021

Resisting Arrest?

There is no such crime as “resisting arrest” when the supposed arrest is unlawful. This is a fictitious crime dreamed up by law enforcement to accuse a citizen of a…

Posted Aug23, 2021

UNITED STATES rules and regulations only apply to “PERSONS”!

“The Official State Office Known As “PERSON” This is the single most important lesson that you MUST learn. If you spend an hour to learn this material you will be…

Posted Aug23, 2021

“We The People” have 11th Amendment Immunity!

Most people are unaware that “We the people” have 11th Amendment immunity! 11th Amendment Immunity1.) The 11th Amendment under the US Constitution reads as follows: “The judicial power of the…