Archive Post

Summoned for jury duty?

Here's what you do -OPTION 1, the wiser choice. Sacrifice what you would rather do,…

What is Common Law?

I am now hosting my own videos! Yay! Now we have our OWN community standards!…

Exercising my right to self-expression successfully online

So, it's ok when bullies make all kinds of videos about me and when I…

My email conversation with an attorney

I am so happy that an attorney has decided to give me free "legal" advice,…

YouTube Comment Section Treasures

This guy claims to be an attorney but he falls right into every trap I…

You don’t have to pay to play

"The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a natural individual entitled to relief is entitled…

The Gun Is Civilization

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If…

What’s In A Name?

State v. R.E. Wilson (Mont.Supm unpub 12/3/98). Appellant argued that his convictions, for driving without…

What is a law?

Can anyone tell me what a “law” is? Is it something that is written by…

Redefining words to steal your freedom

Allow me to reveal to you something that I find rather interesting about the constitution.…