Watch and listen to our friend in law Anwar explain how he got rid of undue income tax not once but twice in two different states and two different companies! Some people are happy to pay taxes voluntarily but no one should be forced to volunteer. If one would like to learn how to use equity to stop undue income tax click here or the image below to take our course. Includes templates and full explanations to create remedy!

cyndi ruff
if anyone can make the audio louder please do. Congratulations!
cyndi ruff
also the screen share is not showing as a screen share 🙁
Question Everything 2x
Congratulations, Anwar! That was a great story. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Brother I’ve filed my non exempt status as well. Your story is different from mine I just filled out the w4 for the state and fed and quoted the ira definitions 26 USC 7701 sections and the 8 USC 1101 definitions. I also created a “FOREIGN STATE” corporation with the appointment of public minister on behalf of the organic republic as so stated within the constitution Art. IV sec. 4 . As dual citizens of both the several states and United States we got the right to represent the organic republic-can state as state nationals. Making us diplomatic since we are forced to step into the 10sq miles of DC on paper. Love to share everything I know with the community. Just call me MasterSelf