Caught up in the Words 2/15

One thought on “Caught up in the Words 2/15”

  • I don’t know where I should post this comment; here or on the video, but I remember Malika saying that there are 16 videos in the As Above So Below Series all access class on freedomfromgovernment but she also said she didn’t know where it went in the series…Not sure if she has noticed yet or if anyone else has but I believe that for video 3 (The Right Spot To Build), she accidentally put the wrong video and uploaded video 2 (twice); in place of video 3. Because when I click on video 2 it says Rule 60. Relief from a judgement order which is 3:56:29, and when I click on video 3 which should be (The Right Spot To Build) it is showing the same thing, Rule 60. Relief from a judgement order which is 3:56:29.

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