This week only!
Challenge Jurismydiction!
Challenging jurisdiction is one of the best defenses you can make, because if you use the right argument it is almost impossible for you to lose! If they attempt to…
Every Man His Own Lawyer
Just about 250 years ago, the great American democratic experiment began. Almost from the first day–and despite the contrary views of a succession of English monarchs–it assumed that an educated…
Scourged for WHAT?!?!
Young Christian attorney Patrick Henry saw why a JURY of PEERS is so vital to FREEDOM! It was March 1775 when he rode into a small town of Culpepper, Virginia.…
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE; The undersigned herein and in all supporting documents that are styled as “Defendant†hereby give notice to the court, that they are not a civilians, trained in…
You PLEDGE What?!?
In the first two words of the “Pledge of alliegiance” you make a very important action. What exactly does it mean anyway? PLEDGE A BAILMENT or delivery of PERSONAL PROPERTY…
CASE DISMISSED! Out of court!
My friend Jaron has been doing some great work! He recently received this citation in Colorado and then fought it and beat it (but not necessarily how you would expect……
Are you a Driver?
Do you DRIVE?Are you a DRIVER?Is your car a MOTOR VEHICLE?Have you BAILED your property to the DMV? Take the test by answering the following 12 questions and determine for…
The door is open…
Imagine you are a bird, and you have lived your entire life up to this point in a cage… one day you awake and find that the cage door has…