Are you a Driver?
Do you DRIVE?Are you a DRIVER?Is your car a MOTOR VEHICLE?Have you BAILED your property to the DMV? Take the test by answering the following 12 questions and determine for…
The door is open…
Imagine you are a bird, and you have lived your entire life up to this point in a cage… one day you awake and find that the cage door has…
Summoned for jury duty?
Here’s what you do – OPTION 1, the wiser choice. Sacrifice what you would rather do, for the extremely valuable knowledge and opportunity to defend your freedom by serving on…
Exercising my right to self-expression successfully online
So, it’s ok when bullies make all kinds of videos about me and when I flag them they tell me that they will not take them down but when I…
My email conversation with an attorney
I am so happy that an attorney has decided to give me free “legal” advice, so I am giving him a little bit of my “non-legal” advice back. Let me…
YouTube Comment Section Treasures
This guy claims to be an attorney but he falls right into every trap I set for him. Maybe he is just not very good at his job. I am…
The Gun Is Civilization
Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing…
Redefining words to steal your freedom
Allow me to reveal to you something that I find rather interesting about the constitution. Stay with me here for a bit I promise it will be worth it. Have…
Demand for Dismissal
Now Comes James Trent Goodbaudy, a man standing on the land of the Oregon republic, alleged defendant, by special visitation, not submitting to the court’s jurisdiction, who hereby demands this…
Overcome Your Fear to be Free!
I know that you may have a bit of fear-based conditioning when it comes to cops, but I wanted to talk about something you may not have thought about. Usually…