To book a consultation with Malika, please click www.tinyurl.com/bookMalika or via email (See the image below) for any of the team members.

To book a consultation with Malika, please click www.tinyurl.com/bookMalika or via email (See the image below) for any of the team members.
i am not able to log into the membership i have billed for a few months please disenroll me on your end from being billed and i will try and reenroll later
Justice League of America
We know police and judges are subject to the laws in their district so sovereign citizens who accept your ideology inevitably get arrested and their cars get towed away literally every time. Some charges get dismissed until they get caught repeatedly attempting to drive illegally. Your movement is creating grief and financial stress for those who are 100 percent convinced that they can bypass the law. Each and every one eventually gets arrested. Fortunately for the rest of us watching your devotees come face to face with legal reality frankly is satisfying entertainment. In this life or the next you will pay for blinding these people I guarantee it.
Sounds like you really are in need of a Concepts Correction Session in order for you to heal from your lack in comprehending when the will of the legislature applies and when it does not. Be brave.
Have a graceful and productive day.
Peace Be unto You
Locked out of my yearly membership . Can someone assist me with this ? Not recognizing my email to even reset password. I can see this has undergone a huge change so perhaps that is th issue at hand. My email account it’s under is [email protected] I can provide a copy of the receipt
I was arrested for a parking ticket and held in jail for ??? no charges were filed, I was thrown out of jail 27 hours later because I refused to accept bond or BOOK IN. I have the whole thing audio recorded THEM TORTURING ME, NOT FEEDING ME, NOT GIVING ME WATER,
I tried to make a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT BUT THEY refuse to take it. BOTH THE BISMARCK POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT. The Judge filed another summons FOR THE SAME PARKING TICKETS after holding me in jail already and filed ANOTHER warrant for NOT AGREEING TO BE KIDNAPPED AND HELD HOSTAGE AGAIN. I filed paperwork before the summons hearing and without answering my demand for dismissal and notice of non persons appearances she puts out the warrant. The court site shows 0$ and they are trying to arrest me and hold me for being parked legally at a government building attempting to get a case file. NORTH DAKOTA IS HORRIBLE, CONSTITUTION Doesn’t EVER APPLY, AND ANYONE THAT TRIES TO STAND ON THEIR RIGHTS ON ASSIST OTHERS THEY do this to. I REALLY NEED some help and support FROM MY FRIENDS IN LAW.
Concepts Correction is key when endeavoring to comprehend how to discipline those that think they are immune from appropriate reprimand.
Be Brave. Schedule a Concepts Correction Session.
Peace Be unto You.
I have a criminal case open, do you guys take on criminal cases as well?
Malika Duke
absolutely! Just got a criminal case closed in florida days ago! Connect with us.