
Posted Jan06, 2021

What is a law?

Can anyone tell me what a “law” is? Is it something that is written by legislatures? Is it something written by lawyers? Or, are laws written by God? Or are…

Posted Jan06, 2021

Redefining words to steal your freedom

Allow me to reveal to you something that I find rather interesting about the constitution. Stay with me here for a bit I promise it will be worth it. Have…

Posted Dec30, 2020

I declare;

I am not a “United States citizen.” I am not a “resident of,” an “inhabitant of,” a “franchise of,” a “subject of,” a “ward of,” the “property of,” the “chattel…

Posted Dec27, 2020

Got Insurance?

Any and every insurance scheme is racketeering, If you look to the uniform bonding code any law that is made compulsory is gambling/racketeering and any judge who “knowingly” enforces a…

Posted Dec27, 2020

Demand for Dismissal

Now Comes James Trent Goodbaudy, a man standing on the land of the Oregon republic, alleged defendant, by special visitation, not submitting to the court’s jurisdiction, who hereby demands this…

Posted Dec27, 2020

Overcome Your Fear to be Free!

I know that you may have a bit of fear-based conditioning when it comes to cops, but I wanted to talk about something you may not have thought about. Usually…

Posted Dec18, 2020

Resident vs Native

Four (4) Classes of Citizenship in America 1. Oregonian (State Citizen, highest form, on the land by right, owns land (home), not property (resident). Right to do all except violate another mans…

Posted Dec18, 2020

NOTICE of Libel of Review in ADMIRALTY

This is an advanced notice for those looking to seek remedy and/or enforcement from a refusal for cause. If you are not sure what a R4C is, please see this article for…

Posted Dec18, 2020

What should “YOU” do when you get an offer from Government? Send a ‘Notice of Mistake’!

I don’t know what you would do, but I know what I am going to do with this most recent “offer” from government. I am going to let them know…

Posted Dec18, 2020


By Neil Rowe P.A.G.; Professor of Law No, I’m not going into to traffic court and arguing illegitimate corporate government, or any of the other varied long winded arguments people…