Archive Post

Author: admin

Breaking hearts, busting balls and blowin' minds!

You don’t have to pay to play

"The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a natural individual entitled to relief is entitled…

The Gun Is Civilization

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If…

What’s In A Name?

State v. R.E. Wilson (Mont.Supm unpub 12/3/98). Appellant argued that his convictions, for driving without…

What is a law?

Can anyone tell me what a “law” is? Is it something that is written by…

Redefining words to steal your freedom

Allow me to reveal to you something that I find rather interesting about the constitution.…

I declare;

I am not a "United States citizen." I am not a "resident of," an "inhabitant…

Got Insurance?

Any and every insurance scheme is racketeering, If you look to the uniform bonding code…

Demand for Dismissal

Now Comes James Trent Goodbaudy, a man standing on the land of the Oregon republic,…

Overcome Your Fear to be Free!

I know that you may have a bit of fear-based conditioning when it comes to…

Resident vs Native

Four (4) Classes of Citizenship in America 1. Oregonian (State Citizen, highest form, on the land by…