12:00:08 From Queen Of Torts : #statutoryemployees 12:00:09 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds 😇💫 🙏🏾✨ 🇲🇦🤞🏾✡️🤚🏾🇲🇦🛸 12:00:20 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Hey hey heyyyyy 12:00:21 From #02022023 : Branded 12:01:10 From eliyahu : subornation of fraud, unlawful conversion... 12:02:37 From eliyahu : until they get a NoL and Intent to Sue 12:02:39 From eliyahu : and then you sue them 12:02:45 From Kimberly : Greetings all...blessings 12:02:48 From Mary : Greetings friends in law 12:02:51 From Lady Barbara : Shalom🌸✍🏾 12:02:54 From Lady Barbara : 💕 12:03:03 From MJ : good day all 12:03:56 From gliderl33 : Happy Thusday y'all! 12:04:07 From Mary : 🌻 12:06:06 From eliyahu : oh while i am here - who do i ask at the BLM for the Territorial Jurisdiction map for a Sheriff? 12:06:13 From eliyahu : like who do i send a letter to 12:06:32 From Galaxy Tab S5e : I cant hear 12:06:42 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:06:49 From eliyahu : i might catch up to it later on but i wanted to shoot out some notices this weekend 12:06:49 From #AiAm : Greetings Reflections to #Surficebeings and #Innerearthbeings on #Thurs2February2023 #02022023 #50thYearthisDae 12:07:18 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : the privacy act 12:07:36 From Queen Of Torts : #nationalstatus 12:08:05 From #AiAm : #02thursfeb2023 #02Feb2023 12:08:26 From Queen Of Torts : scams 12:08:38 From eliyahu : i got hearsay that taxes go into a wall street slush fund 12:08:45 From eliyahu : nobody wants to pony up evidence because they might suddenly die 12:08:52 From MJ : Malika You keep having bad lag. 12:08:55 From benny : #murderbyinjection 12:09:06 From Mcreal : They aint government 12:09:13 From benny : #eustacemullens 12:09:21 From Queen Of Torts : yes they are not 12:09:44 From Mary : Awesomeness 😎 12:09:49 From eliyahu : that would be an immediate end of career for that attorney... time for him/her to make a new "Person"/// 12:10:10 From benny : did see 12:10:23 From benny : go to tme 12:10:46 From Queen Of Torts : what 12:10:50 From benny : wow 12:10:55 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Being on HISAdvocates.org you are hereby acknowledging our complete Terms of Services posted here.   HISAdvocates.org/HIS Advocates, s.s.m. is Non-Domestic without United States [Title 28 Section 3002] in the private.  For questions please call Toll Free (844) HIS-ADVO (447-2386).  If you are needing support on Living in the Private and are a VIP Member, click here for support.  To become a VIP Member, click on the below picture where it says GO VIP.  HIS Advocates, s.s.m./HISAdvocates.org hereafter HISA, is a private/un-incorporated membership association known as a church ministry/social platform wholly managed by HISA leadership and does NOT practice law or give legal advice.  HISA reminds the people to obtain proper legal/lawful counsel to determine the best approach for each specific situation.  "The practice of law cannot be licensed by any state/State. Schware v. Board of Examiners, United States Reports 353 U.S. pgs. 238, 239. In Sims v. Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925) "The practice of law is an occupatio 12:11:00 From eliyahu : see the kind of fraud and defamation they do? 12:11:08 From Mary : #beatthebar 12:11:08 From Queen Of Torts : wow 12:11:12 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : from kelby smith's website; sue their asses for slander, libel and defamation 12:11:14 From mark : Who is in trouble? All caps? 12:11:17 From Mary : #gomalika 12:11:23 From benny : yep saw it 12:11:46 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : I have other case law in my annual tax statement as well; 12:12:12 From eliyahu : "by sending notice to the court" i highly doubt that 12:12:19 From Wendie : We're witness 🤗 12:12:27 From eliyahu : "sent notice to the attorney" most likely 12:12:56 From Cyndi : Slander and defamation 12:13:05 From Queen Of Torts : wow crazy 12:13:33 From Laura : hi everyone 12:13:39 From Cyndi : They put a man hunt on u 12:13:50 From eliyahu : no they are trying to claim due process to a war name 12:14:02 From eliyahu : identity theft and copyright fraud 12:14:12 From eliyahu : unlawful conversion, creating false or fictitious records 12:14:15 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : yes identity theft, copy claim, copy right, trade name, trade mark, assume name infringement as well 12:14:22 From eliyahu : bad faith with malice aforethought 12:14:30 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Trespass by way of harm, etc 12:14:38 From Queen Of Torts : yeah brother !! love ya is here 12:14:39 From mark : Really good to hear your voice brother 12:14:47 From Queen Of Torts : awesome 12:14:48 From mark : Praise God 12:14:53 From MJ : Glad to hear your voice kieth 12:14:59 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : that is great keith; praying for you to heal; 12:15:06 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:15:14 From eliyahu : yeah they love those bench warrants that they can't do anything with 12:15:31 From eliyahu : yeah thats feb last year 12:15:35 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : charge them 10 million dollars plus one dollar per second since they started their Trespass 12:15:43 From eliyahu : but this new attack is this year 12:15:52 From Mary : We all love you Keith! 12:16:03 From gallorook : WHAT SPECIES OF PAYMENT ARE YOU GOING TO REQUEST 12:16:06 From Amazing Aza : Blessings love light and peace Keith 12:16:27 From Queen Of Torts : she was trying to help a brother 12:16:33 From eliyahu : private counsel is not attorney *in* fact 12:16:33 From Samsung SM-G975U : So these corporations are front companies for Piracy..... 12:16:42 From eliyahu : and an attorney *of* fact is not an attorney *in* fact 12:16:49 From eliyahu : it's like they don't know how words work 12:16:50 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : title 28 section 3002 per kelby smith, etc; 12:16:56 From Samsung SM-G975U : And money laundering 12:17:08 From C Lockridge : facts! 12:17:19 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:17:37 From Coach : Man…they scurred of you Malika LOL😂🤣💯 12:17:53 From mark : Discrimination too. They hate that one 12:18:30 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Being on HISAdvocates.org you are hereby acknowledging our complete Terms of Services posted here.   HISAdvocates.org/HIS Advocates, s.s.m. is Non-Domestic without United States [Title 28 Section 3002] in the private.  For questions please call Toll Free (844) HIS-ADVO (447-2386).  If you are needing support on Living in the Private and are a VIP Member, click here for support.  To become a VIP Member, click on the below picture where it says GO VIP.  HIS Advocates, s.s.m./HISAdvocates.org hereafter HISA, is a private/un-incorporated membership association known as a church ministry/social platform wholly managed by HISA leadership and does NOT practice law or give legal advice.  HISA reminds the people to obtain proper legal/lawful counsel to determine the best approach for each specific situation.  "The practice of law cannot be licensed by any state/State. Schware v. Board of Examiners, United States Reports 353 U.S. pgs. 238, 239. In Sims v. Aherns, 271 S.W. 720 (1925) "The practice of law is an occupatio 12:18:52 From Cyndi : Bench warrant they wont come to your house 12:19:04 From eliyahu : yeah i am at that point too, "you are so far outside of your jurisdiction that you are courting death. get back in your jurisdiction." 12:19:04 From #02022023 : Wow 12:19:30 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:19:30 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : LOL 12:19:35 From Mary : They won't get past Malika's dildo... 12:19:47 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : You’re in the money/….youre in the money …LMAO 12:20:02 From Truth Angel : #TyreNichols police don't follow the law 12:20:06 From Coach : LOL😂🤣💯 12:20:25 From C Lockridge : THEY CANT!!!! THE MFS STILL AINT CAME BACK WITH THE RECORDS AFTER BRINGING SWAT BLOCKING OFF THE STREET, MOVING COMPANY ETC all to walk tf off looking salty asf WE STILL IN OUR HOUSE fuck them! 12:20:28 From Demarzgio : Wait is that link about Malika ?? 12:20:28 From Coach : It’s only just began💯 12:20:42 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i will add those references to my documents; 12:21:01 From #02022023 : They just want to slander ur name 12:21:09 From Coach : They tryin to defame you in public 12:21:35 From Queen Of Torts : where is the application 12:21:43 From eliyahu : in other words "expired licensee only" 12:21:57 From C Lockridge : 💯 12:22:06 From Tracy Cunningham : That's from my notes from you Malika this time last year. Lol 12:22:08 From Coach : It’s like they mudslinging in a election race 12:22:36 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : I used those exact sites in my bar grievance against Bethany Hager. 12:22:54 From #02022023 : Ok 12:22:55 From eliyahu : they want to *steal* as much as *possible* through their courts and bond fraud and SEC fraud 12:23:18 From Truth Angel : What does that have to do with an arrest 12:23:23 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : still working 12:23:25 From gallorook : EXACTLY 12:23:32 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : today for FRN's 12:24:36 From Neit : are you sueing the writer also ? 12:24:43 From eliyahu : i find that Astrology has a 98% error margin 12:25:04 From eliyahu : technically it's closer to 99% but i like to drop the decimal just to give it some mercy 12:25:13 From Queen Of Torts : be giving the writer a NOL ITS 12:25:58 From mel b : Replying to "i find that Astrolog…" Absolutely not! I find astrology and numerology to be 99% accurate. 12:26:01 From eliyahu : for a 1099LTC to stick a Performance Bond on your butt and then cash it in for their Slush Fund 12:26:01 From Queen Of Torts : yes 12:26:04 From eliyahu : and that's all they want 12:26:08 From eliyahu : they want a new cash cow 12:26:12 From Samsung SM-G975U : Mail fraud 12:26:16 From eliyahu : securitization of living flesh and slavery 12:26:19 From eliyahu : war crimes 12:26:22 From eliyahu : death penalty 12:26:23 From Queen Of Torts : criminal complaint 12:27:00 From Truth Angel : An "arrest," as the term is used in criminal law, signifies the apprehension or detention of the person of another in order that he may be forthcoming to answer an alleged or supposed crime. 12:27:03 From benny : copy that! 12:27:13 From eliyahu : what i do is i take the general flow and replace them with the local stuff 12:27:27 From Queen Of Torts : i love the color coding .. i got almost caught up 12:27:49 From mel b : Replying to "i find that Astrolog…" I find interpretations of the message 50% error margin 12:28:07 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Replying to "i find that Astrolog..." 👍 12:28:22 From Yohn Bey : Learning Private vs Public 12:28:32 From C Lockridge : MFS AINT GOT NO AUTHORITY that’s what we learned 12:28:44 From eliyahu : they are invading via attrition and brainwashing 12:28:47 From eliyahu : Roman war 12:28:47 From Mcreal : None 12:28:54 From eliyahu : 5th generation warfare is information war 12:29:02 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Replying to "i find that Astrolog..." “The astrologers, also known as 'Chaldeans', were part of the king's circle of so-called 'wise men' who practiced divination. The actual word for astrology in the Hebrew language literally means, 'divining the heavens'. Divination is the act of foretelling future events, or of revealing secret knowledge, by means of signs and omens or other supernatural agency. The practice of pagan divination is prohibited by God. It's in the Bible, Leviticus 19:26 NIV, "Do not practice divination or sorcery.”” 12:29:32 From Laura : the connection to each constitution and statute has made everything much clearer. 12:29:34 From eliyahu : a diviner is an Augur, what is an InAugurAtIon? Contract near Divination? 12:29:52 From eliyahu : divination is against torah, we are not to do it 12:30:02 From eliyahu : same with using Persons 12:30:06 From Truth Angel : The arrest is still in action ! 12:30:10 From eliyahu : that is a no go zone (death penalty) 12:30:16 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : Real Power is People. 12:30:20 From benny : she sounds like a bro sanchez caller 12:30:49 From eliyahu : yeah early on for me it was Yusuf El and Peter Eugene and Kurt Kallenbach and Tazadaq Shah 12:30:58 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : We know in principal and only need the evidence to support. 12:31:04 From hiya : Yeah lets get back to the document 12:31:04 From eliyahu : and it came clear to me: Contracts are the only Law. 12:31:13 From eliyahu : If there is no contract, there is no duty and thus no law. 12:31:19 From benny : Reacted to "Yeah lets get back..." with 👍 12:31:33 From benny : ok, ok! 12:31:47 From mensah_c : The direction Malika provided on the below County Charter, specifically reading "...for the Government" and the County Charter specifically reading the County is governed by "Federal Law". 12:31:54 From Wendie : 💓 12:31:54 From Truth Angel : How does that stop a unlawful kidnapping 12:32:34 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : amendment I, congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion or the free exercise there of and luke 17:20-21 12:32:53 From Wendie : 👏👏👏👏 12:33:13 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : and any other scripture that talks about the temple, etc 12:33:14 From Mary : I can do the things I thought I couldn't and must. Nothing I need to know or do will be withheld from me. 12:33:16 From benny : yes. bottom line! zero relationship. verified! 12:33:17 From Queen Of Torts : yes 12:33:22 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : DITTO!!! 12:33:27 From Mary : I know who I am 12:33:31 From Wendie : 💓 12:34:10 From hiya : #18usc7 12:34:22 From eliyahu : high seas: over 300 miles out to sea from shore 12:34:25 From Queen Of Torts : #seamen 12:34:32 From eliyahu : ..i think 12:34:39 From eliyahu : that's international waters, foreign commerice 12:34:44 From Samsung SM-G975U : People in my classes talked about this in 1966. Since then it's all gone down the shithole. 12:34:49 From eliyahu : and today i can't seem to spell :) 12:34:57 From Truth Angel : Not necessarily 12:34:57 From #02022023 : I need the points to sink in 12:35:11 From Queen Of Torts : yes lets get into the red written please 12:35:50 From eliyahu : i hold Leviticus 25:23 to be true and the whole earth to be local and there to be no "foreign" or "interstate" or even "land, sea, air" jurisdictional separation because it is all one creation that is exceedingly tiny to the creator (it is his footstool) 12:36:20 From Queen Of Torts : #pointers 12:36:40 From Truth Angel : Facts 12:37:11 From eliyahu : DHHS does talk about Seamen 12:37:12 From Samsung SM-G975U : Do we have at least one lawyer in the group that talks? 12:37:23 From T Roy : CAN WE PLEASE ONLY TALK ONE AT A TIME AND NOT ON TOP OF EACH OTHER 12:37:24 From eliyahu : and Foster ParentCorporations 12:37:30 From eliyahu : aka "Parents" 12:37:40 From #02022023 : Good luck T Roy 12:37:42 From eliyahu : and ChildCorporations, aka "Child; Children" 12:37:52 From benny : it's not literal, ya'll. just like reading the bible is not literal. 12:38:09 From A'lukeyO-i : Is it on the banking. 12:38:33 From eliyahu : @benny the Bible is mostly just a historical document of deeply pious people and legit supernatural things 12:39:07 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : bible is all about the mind, brain, etc 12:39:25 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : bill Donahue at hiddenmeaning.com 12:39:33 From Queen Of Torts : someone mute 12:39:40 From #02022023 : Omg 12:40:01 From benny : Reacted to "bible is all about..." with 👍 12:40:23 From benny : Reacted to "i find that Astrol..." with 😂 12:40:52 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : https://www.rockfuscoconnelly.com/illinois-appellate-court-clarifies-the-minimum-contacts-required-to-collect-state-sales-tax/ 12:41:31 From eliyahu : Non-Resident but STILL CIVIL 12:41:45 From eliyahu : State Of Oklahoma has none for the Franchise 12:41:54 From eliyahu : so they default to the Federal 12:41:56 From Queen Of Torts : 543.19 PERSONAL JURISDICTION OVER NONRESIDENTS. Subdivision 1. Personal jurisdiction. As to a cause of action arising from any acts enumerated in this subdivision, a court of this state with jurisdiction of the subject matter may exerc 12:42:07 From Queen Of Torts : what #minnesota has 12:42:11 From eliyahu : poking around some more 12:42:12 From benny : sidebar: so next time someone decides to post/share a link to an "explosive" story remember this today. the media is a propagandized arm of the dept/agencies u are combating. please do not get it twisted. 12:42:29 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : https://www.wilsonelser.com/news_and_insights/insights/1514-illinois_supreme_courts_new_ruling_may_impact_the 12:43:30 From #AiAm : The Jurisdiction of Georgia Courts: Minimum Contacts – Part 3 Blogging to you from Atlanta, Georgia, I have been writing a series on “jurisdiction” as it is applied under Georgia law. My most recent two entries have been about the concept of what minimum contacts a non-resident must have with the State of Georgia before he can be haled into court here. For example, When I file a Gwinnett County personal injury lawsuit, I have to be sure that the Gwinnett County court has jurisdiction over the defendant who committed the tort. In Georgia, we have a statute that sets out six conditions under which a Georgia court can have jurisdiction over a non-resident. Yesterday, I discussed the first two provisions that are set out in the statute. To briefly recap those provisions, a Georgia court has jurisdiction over a non-resident who: (1) Transacts business within this state. O.C.G.A. § 9-10-91(1). (2) “Commits a tortious act or omission within this state, except as to a cause of action for defamation of character arisi 12:44:35 From hiya : #buckact 12:44:42 From Kimberly : Can not find it in Florida 12:44:52 From Samsung SM-G975U : If you're not "transporting passengers" then under the code there is no in-personam to complete the court 12:45:20 From eliyahu : yeah all i see is cases where they either decided that none existed or that enough for "quasi in rem" existed 12:45:27 From Queen Of Torts : this is what minn came up with lol609.205 MANSLAUGHTER IN THE SECOND DEGREE. 12:45:32 From Wendie : Tennessee uses the Internet for minimum contact!!! 12:45:36 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : So in 1940, Congress passed the "Buck Act" 4 U.S.C.S. 104-113. In Section 110(e), this Act allowed any department of the federal government to create a "Federal Area" 12:46:09 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : Facts 12:46:16 From champ : I only found “Buck the CDC” in Florida 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 12:46:30 From gallorook : YES 12:46:49 From mel b : Anyone find the buck act for Texas?!? 12:47:06 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Not in Illinois, either 12:47:25 From eliyahu : https://www.uniformlaws.org/committees/community-home?CommunityKey=71d40358-8ec0-49ed-a516-93fc025801fb 12:47:28 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reconstruction Acts 12:47:35 From #AiAm : #UniformSupportAct 12:47:42 From Lady Barbara : So far I found this under Buck Act (not hunting) https://www.casemine.com/search/us/buck%2Bact%2Bincome%2Btax 12:47:46 From gallorook : THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE 12:47:49 From eliyahu : i linked it Hasan 12:47:49 From Yohn Bey : The buck act 12:47:58 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://freedom-school.com/buck-act.pdf 12:48:04 From NobleTyroneEl : https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2019A/bills/2019a_1088_enr.pdf buck act 12:48:06 From #AiAm : #UniformFamilyAct 12:48:11 From Skenny : Uniform family state act 12:48:34 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://freedom-school.com/story-of-the-buck-act.pdf 12:48:51 From Samsung SM-G975U : They did not "free slaves" they made EVERYONE slaves so we could all be miserable together 12:49:09 From #AiAm : #UniformInterstateFamilySupportAct 12:49:11 From eliyahu : for Oklahoma all i found so far is cases and this: https://library.unt.edu/gpo/acir/Reports/policy/A-50.pdf 12:49:15 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Googling Buck Act in NJ I only get stuff about Deer and hunting LOL 12:49:59 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : For Nevada its https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-130.html 12:50:30 From Tracy Cunningham : By Buck. AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; ... This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Budget Reform Act of. 2008”.  12:50:44 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://www.njchildsupport.org/Services-Programs/Other-Resources/Uniform-Interstate-Family-Support-Act.aspx 12:50:45 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i tried to search for Michigan and it popped up hunting links; loll 12:51:43 From #AiAm : property is used 80 percent of the time in a trade or business and is used 20 percent of the time for personal purposes, only 80 percent of the basis (or cost) of such property qualifies as section 38 property. 12:51:47 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://www.njlrc.org/projects/2019/6/5/new-jersey-adult-guardianship-and-protective-proceedings-jurisdiction-act-z35cb-bear6-bnshg-9p9yw-baja2-2g536 12:51:48 From benny : lieber act 12:51:50 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reconstruction Acts required all states to throw out their governments to be able to rejoin the union and required to rewrite their constitutions as federal corporate franchises. 12:51:57 From gallorook : EVERYTHNG IS DONE UNDER CESSION 12:52:26 From benny : Reacted to "Reconstruction Act..." with 👍 12:52:39 From eliyahu : but the original states are and cannot be anything but Unincorporated 12:52:40 From Samsung SM-G975U : Smoke & mirrors 12:52:46 From Mel Grover : any one find Minnesota? 12:53:15 From eliyahu : and they cannot dissolve their own employment contracts and then rewrite them 12:53:21 From eliyahu : so those Reconstruction Acts are invalid 12:53:24 From Tracy Cunningham : OLSON v. DEPT. OF REVENUE 10 COURT: SUPREME COURT OF MONTANA. DATE: OCT 24, 1986   CITED BY: 24   CORAM: 1 ...subsequently had no power to tax any persons residing in that area of the Park. However, in 1940, Congress passed what is commonly called the Buck Act. That Act provides: "No...and 2-1-216 were enacted in 1979, and there was no similar statute prior to that time. The Buck Act was passed in 1940. Consequently, the State acquired taxing jurisdiction over the Montana portion of Yellowstone...in 1940 through the Buck Act. Although it is said that acceptance by the State is technically necessary to render a retrocession of jurisdiction effective, it is universally held that.. 12:53:35 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : you can use general delivery at the post office; 12:53:35 From Coach : Ain’t this some witchcraft🤨🤔 12:53:58 From Dr. Dix : No "Buck" in Maryland Code 12:54:13 From #AiAm : Foreign Service Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-465) 12:54:14 From Mel Grover : Minnesota CHAPTER 325L. UNIFORM ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ACT Don't think this is it. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/325L 12:54:21 From benny : always the attorneys lo 12:54:25 From benny : lol 12:54:32 From Queen Of Torts : still looking for Minnesota 12:54:42 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://faq.usps.com/s/article/What-is-General-Delivery 12:55:09 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : s/b general post office but they call it general delivery and you have 30 days to collect each days mail; 12:55:38 From Samsung SM-G975U : It was founded by attorneys staffed by attorneys 12:56:01 From eliyahu : ok it was under "Personal Jurisdiction" for #Oklahoma (State Of, Inc): https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2014/title-12/section-12-718.5 12:56:02 From Samsung SM-G975U : Congress = 535 attorneys 12:56:09 From benny : Little Match Girl so much symbolism 12:56:28 From Chi-Bey : Islam 🤲🏾🇲🇦 12:56:49 From Queen Of Torts : lol cannot remember what i looking for 12:56:53 From benny : the story is hidden in the lore 12:57:18 From Truth Angel : Attorn-ey aka the 🤬Devils Advocate 12:57:20 From eliyahu : business, operating a motor vehicle, notice of consent, received service of process, "appeared voluntarily for a purpose *other than* protecting property" 12:57:48 From eliyahu : Queen - Buck Act in the State stuff 12:57:50 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "Attorn-ey aka the 🤬..." with 👍 12:58:09 From eliyahu : the closest match i found for "Minmum COntacts" was Personal Jurisdiction elements 12:58:23 From Tracy Cunningham : There has been created a fictional Federal “State within a state”. See Howard v. Sinking Fund of Louisville, 344 U.S. 624, 73 S.Ct. 465, 476, 97 L.Ed. 617 (1953); Schwartz v. O’Hara TP. School Dist., 100 A. 2d. 621, 625, 375 Pa. 440. (Compare also 31 C.F.R. Parts 51.2 and 52.2, which also identify a fictional State within a state.) This fictional “State” is identified by the use of two-letter abbreviations like “CA”, “AZ” and “TX”, as distinguished from the authorized abbreviations like “Calif.”, “Ariz.” and “Tex.”, etc. This fictional State also uses ZIP codes which are within the municipal, exclusive legislative jurisdiction of Congress. This entire scheme was accomplished by passage of the “Buck Act”, 4 U.S.C.S. Secs. 105-113, to implement the application of the “Public Salary Tax Act of 1939” to workers within the private sector. This subjects all private sector workers who have a Social Security number to all state and federal laws “within this State”, a “fictional Federal area” overlaying the land in California and in all other states in the Union. In California, this is established by California Form 590, Revenue and Taxation. All you have to do is to state that you live in California. This establishes that you do not live in a “Federal area” and that you are exempt from the Public Salary Tax Act of 1939 and also from the California Income Tax for residents who live “in this State”. 12:58:31 From Truth Angel : Facts Bobby 12:59:16 From Samsung SM-G975U : 😅 west Virginia 12:59:21 From Tracy Cunningham : https://www.educatedinlaw.org/2019/03/the-buck-act-and-other-articles-by-richard-mcdonald/ 12:59:58 From Hazeem Bey : where that private notice bobby lol 13:00:04 From Hazeem Bey : I need it 13:00:29 From gallorook : YES 13:00:46 From spiritpower : Now, the government knows it cannot tax those Citizens who live and work outside the territorial jurisdiction of Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, or Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2. So in 1940, Congress passed the "Buck Act" 4 U.S.C.S. 104-113. In Section 110(e), this Act allowed any department of the federal government to create a "Federal Area" for imposition of the Public Salary Tax Act of 1939, the imposition of this tax is at 4 U.S.C.S. section 111, and the rest of the taxing law is in Title 26, The Internal Revenue Code. The Social Security Board had already created an overlay of a "Federal Area." As a result, the Federal Government created Federal "States" which are exactly like the Sovereign States and occupies the same territory and boundaries, but whose names are capitalized versions of the Sovereign States. (Remember that Proper Names and Proper Nouns in the English language have only the first letter Capitalized.) For example, the Federal "State" of ILLINOIS is overlaid upon the Sovereign State of Illinois. Further, it is designated by the Federal abbreviation of "IL", instead of the Sovereign State abbreviation of "Ill." So too is Arizona designated "AZ" instead of the lawful abbreviation of "Ariz.", "CA" instead of "Calif.", etc. If you use a two-letter CAPITALIZED abbreviation, you are declaring that the location is under the jurisdiction of the "federal" government instead of the powers of the "Sovereign" state. As a result of creating these "shadow" States, the Federal government assumes that every area is a "Federal Area," and that the Citizens therein are "Federal" citizens. 4 U.S.C.S. section 110(d). "The term `State' includes any Territory or possession of the United States." 4 U.S.C.S. section 110(e). "The term Federal area means any lands or premises held or acquired by or for the use of the United States or any department, establishment, or agency of the United States; any federal area, or any part thereof, which is located within the exterior boundaries of any State, shall be deemed to be a Federal area located within such State 13:01:10 From Samsung SM-G975U : There are people in the government that know and their hair turns gray. Like Obama (Bam Bam) 13:02:10 From #AiAm : A business entity with only one owner is classified as a corporation or is disregarded; 13:02:28 From Queen Of Torts : 3.226 CONTRACTSWITH VENDORSWHO DISCRIMINATE AGAINSTISRAELPROHIBITED. Subdivision 1. Discrimination by vendor. (a) The legislature may not enter into a contract with a vendor that engages in discrimination against Israel, or against persons or entities doing business in Israel, when making decisions related to the operation of the vendor's business. (b) For purposes of this section, "discrimination" includes but is not limited to engaging in refusals to deal, terminating business activities, or other actions that are intended to limit commercial relations with Israel, or persons or entities doing business in Israel, when such actions are taken in a manner that in any way discriminates on the basis of nationality or national origin and is not based on a valid business reason 13:02:28 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : gray, white silver hair is caused by a mineral deficiency, not from aging; 13:03:46 From #AiAm : #18usc7 13:04:34 From #AiAm : (6) A business entity wholly owned by a State or any political subdivision thereof, or a business entity wholly owned by a foreign government or any other entity described in § 1.892-2T; 13:04:51 From eliyahu : trans - port 13:05:00 From eliyahu : trafficking children... 13:05:21 From Tracy Cunningham : 18 U.S. Code § 7 - Special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States defined https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/7 13:05:29 From eliyahu : #humantrafficking #sellingbabies 13:05:44 From Truth Angel : Pre-sump-tion 😎😎😎 13:05:58 From benny : Replying to "There are people i..." Imagine if one worked and reported to the Devil for 4yrs. You'd turn grey too.Remember Twin Peaks... Laura Palmer's father's hair turned white. What did he see in his mind? 13:06:10 From Mel Grover : also why they use the "obstruction bs traffic/crim codes to take the kids 13:06:10 From #AiAm : United States. For purposes of section 7701(b) and the regulations thereunder, the term United States when used in a geographical sense includes the states and the District of Columbia. It also includes the territorial waters of the United States and the seabed and subsoil of those submarine areas which are adjacent to the territorial waters of the United States and over which the United States has exclusive rights, in accordance with international law, with respect to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources. It does not include the possessions and territories of the United States or the air space over the United States. 13:06:35 From benny : Replying to "There are people i..." Not a disclaimer for Barry O 13:06:48 From gallorook : OF PARTICIPATING IN THIER STATE 13:07:02 From gallorook : EXACTLY 13:07:26 From eliyahu : "in the State" 13:07:31 From eliyahu : "on a map in D.C." 13:07:51 From #AiAm : #12usc614 13:08:07 From Am woman : Anyone know Malika’s cash app? 13:08:13 From Truth Angel : Obama is related to 6 U.S. Presidents and Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America 13:08:28 From Tracy Cunningham : Malika's post #trymehoe 13:08:34 From Samsung SM-G975U : So in Washington the cops don't enforce traffic laws therefore they pull over son because they targeted him. Malika 13:09:12 From eliyahu : you can't pass a tax on 13:09:18 From Chi-Bey : Replying to "Obama is related to …" Its supposed to be all but One ☝🏽 13:09:20 From eliyahu : but they are passing it to "customer"s 13:09:25 From eliyahu : not to people 13:09:26 From Samsung SM-G975U : I haven't even incorporated my business yet 13:09:32 From Truth Angel : Constitution 🤣 13:09:43 From Tracy Cunningham : Pew pew pew 13:10:04 From Samsung Galaxy S8 active : The Public Salary Tax Act of 1939 came up for my 13:10:08 From benny : Replying to "Anyone know Malika..." u know u can find on her channel and dot com 13:10:10 From Samsung SM-G975U : Erie RR said and anything that AFFECTS commerce 13:10:20 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Illinois Tax Act Article 2 Tax Imposed https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?DocName=003500050HArt%2E+2&ActID=577&ChapterID=0&SeqStart=600000&SeqEnd=3100000 13:10:23 From Laura : https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/statutes/5/title5sec13083-Q.html 13:10:27 From #AiAm : (i) Possession means one of the following United States possessions: American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands. When used in a geographical sense, the term comprises only the territory of each such possession (without application of sections 932(c)(3) and 935(c)(2) (as in effect before the effective date of its repeal)). 13:10:59 From eliyahu : ordinary means ordained 13:11:06 From eliyahu : ministerial 13:11:22 From Samsung SM-G975U : Coveting 13:11:52 From Tracy Cunningham : Bobby 🤣🤣🤣🤣 13:12:03 From Samsung SM-G975U : Laying pipe is good 👍 13:12:25 From eliyahu : and one dude kept telling me to make a 508c1a personal service corp and stick it in a private D.C. "83 EIN" trust... 13:12:28 From gallorook : THAT IS WHY THEY CAN APPLY/PASSON ANY TAXES THEY CREATE TO THOSE WHO WANTS TO PARTICIPATE IN THIER COMMERCE.... 13:12:40 From eliyahu : i was like "no Persons." he was like "you're going to self destruct." 13:12:54 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "and one dude kept te..." with 😅 13:13:10 From Truth Angel : Clarence Carter - Clarence Carter - 🤣 13:13:18 From #AiAm : A member of the Armed Forces of the United States who qualified as a bona fide resident of the relevant possession in a prior taxable year is deemed to have satisfied the requirements 13:14:00 From Samsung SM-G975U : Apply for a free trade zone 13:14:01 From sunny! : Replying to "Anyone know Malika’s..." PayPal: malikasvp@gmail.com CashApp: $PeaceProducts 13:14:07 From Queen Of Torts : Subd. 1b. Certificate of authority. If the commissioner of commerce is satisfied that the corporation has been organized for legitimate purposes, and undersuch conditions asto merit and have public confidence, and that all provisions of law applicable to every branch of business in which, by the terms of its certificate, it is authorized to engage, have been complied with, the commissioner shall so certify. When the original certificate and the certificate of incorporation from the secretary of state are filed with the commissioner of commerce, the commissioner shall, within 60 days thereafter, execute and deliver to it a certificate of authority 13:14:21 From Truth Angel : Residence 🤓🤓🤓 13:15:08 From benny : #grossincome 13:15:13 From Samsung SM-G975U : This state (this franchise) 13:15:26 From benny : #gross term used in agri 13:15:35 From Samsung SM-G975U : LLP 13:15:58 From Tracy Cunningham : What's a knob slobber for $300 13:16:52 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : 😂😂😂😇😂😂😂 13:17:06 From eliyahu : the only reason why the system is still a problem is this: The corrupters are organized and acting as one body politic, whereas those of us who have the authority to fix things are handling things one at a time widely divided 13:17:10 From Laura : §1. Extent of sovereignty and jurisdiction The jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State extend to all places within its boundaries, subject only to such rights of concurrent jurisdiction as are granted by the State over places ceded by the State to the United States. This section shall not limit or restrict the jurisdiction of the State over any person or with respect to any subject, within or without its boundaries, which jurisdiction is exercisable by reason of citizenship, residence or for any other reason recognized by law.  13:17:21 From T Roy : https://www.michiganbusiness.org/4a8171/globalassets/documents/reports/fact-sheets/ftzs.pdf 13:17:35 From Samsung SM-G975U : Travel is without the united states 13:17:51 From Natty : Form 214 - Application for Foreign-Trade Zone Admission and/or Status Designation Form 214 - Application for Foreign-Trade Zone Admission and/or Status Designation Forms Document Posting Date Tue, 03/08/2022 - 12:00 *The OMB Date is expired, however this form is still valid for use and is under review by OMB awaiting a new expiration date. 13:18:11 From Samsung SM-G975U : 'Murica 😆 13:18:25 From Truth Angel : Which People,PEOPLE,people ? 13:18:34 From benny : that's the Tea Party - story 13:18:51 From Samsung SM-G975U : Massachusetts is straight forward 13:18:54 From T Roy : NOT MICHIGAN 13:19:11 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : michigan hides their stuff 13:19:38 From T Roy : No shit 13:19:56 From Samsung SM-G975U : Methinks Washington is a little pissed at the fed anyway 😆 🤣 😂 😹 13:19:59 From eliyahu : OS title 68 is Oklahoma "Revenue and Taxation" 13:20:15 From Mel Grover : everytime I sit here to write this stuff, I get heartburn. gahh. 13:20:50 From eliyahu : Keith said a while back to "ask for the Business Assessment" concerning the County Assessor 13:20:54 From Samsung SM-G975U : Oregon adopted the 14th amendment after 97 years, FOR THE MONEY 13:21:00 From Truth Angel : Residence 🤓🤓🤓 13:21:01 From Laura : the assessors said there is no such records hahaha 13:21:04 From #02022023 : What business is registered at this address? 13:21:27 From eliyahu : what part of the code is that? 13:21:30 From eliyahu : SSA what 13:22:09 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : SSA - the given name is translated to the legal name... 13:22:21 From eliyahu : https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0110212001 section 2 13:23:04 From #02022023 : Malika we can’t hear you 13:23:14 From Cyndi : That article is on yahoo to and u can comment on it 13:24:23 From # babybobbychrist : A'mer'ic'A VS. Amer'ic'a #Public(k)Enemy#1 13:24:41 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Service Occupation Tax - 35 ILCS 115/1 to 115/21 Service Use Tax - 35 ILCS 110/1 to 110/21 Use Tax - 35 ILCS 105/1 to 105/22 13:25:20 From eliyahu : did you look up "Personal Jurisdiction" for Minimum Contacts for Maryland? 13:25:23 From Cyndi : Im gonna grab that case and post it but on different computer 13:25:28 From eliyahu : elements of personal jurisdiction 13:25:30 From benny : federal buck act is the search 13:25:40 From benny : came right up 13:25:42 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : https://tax.illinois.gov/research/taxinformation/sales/rot.html 13:25:48 From eliyahu : i forgot about exicse too i'll check Oklahoma again 13:27:01 From eliyahu : they are always trying to *convert* you to a 18usc9 13:27:25 From iPad : Did anyone found the Buck act on the state of New York yet😎 13:27:34 From Truth Angel : Knuck if you Buck : Crime Mob 13:27:56 From Cyndi : Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13:28:16 From Kayla Nelson : anyone find the Buck Act in Georgia? 13:28:25 From Tracy Cunningham : Under Tennessee law, the factual allegations in the plaintiff’s complaint must establish sufficient contacts between the defendant and this state with reasonable particularity.” First Cmty. Bank, N.A. v. First Tennessee Bank, N.A., 489 S.W.3d 369, 383 (Tenn. 2015). 13:28:27 From Tecumseh 2.0 : u the truth malika! 13:28:37 From Sia Meri El : cant find it in Mississippi either 13:28:59 From Sia Meri El : I typed in buck act mississippi 13:29:56 From Tracy Cunningham : The Tennessee General Assembly has passed long-arm statutes that expand the jurisdictional limits of Tennessee courts to the maximum extent constitutionally permissible. T.C.A. § 20-2-225 (“A court of this state may exercise jurisdiction: (2) On any basis not inconsistent with the constitution of this state or of the United States”); First Cmty. Bank, N.A., 489 S.W.3d at 384. The Tennessee Supreme Court has “interpreted the due process protections in the Constitution of Tennessee as being co-extensive with those of the United States Constitution.” State v. NV Sumatra Tobacco Trading Co., 403 S.W.3d 726, 741 (Tenn. 2013). “Therefore, the reach of Tennessee’s long-arm statutes cannot extend beyond the limits set by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.” Id. 13:30:11 From eliyahu : rescission is possible 13:30:18 From eliyahu : "notice of mistake and rescission" 13:30:43 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : gotta run... 13:30:47 From eliyahu : she says they are asking for a "final tax return" to let her go 13:30:55 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : been great to be on board again... 13:31:54 From eliyahu : this goes along the lines of what AVR was saying "i am not using the license right now, those rules don't apply until i am back on the clock" 13:32:27 From gallorook : EXACTLY 13:32:59 From Tracy Cunningham : Cicero advised that you must not spring at once into the fact-specific part of your presentation, since “it forms no part of the question, and men are at first desirous to learn the very point that is to come under their judgment.” 13:33:37 From gallorook : THIER LICENCES, TAXES, DOCUMENTS AND SYSTEMS OF COMMERCE...………. 13:33:54 From Samsung SM-G975U : 80% of tickets are in a school zone 13:34:03 From Natty to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : We have been reporting the popo, now they coming thru in unmarked cars running license plates. Just encountered one before I jumped on your bible study. 13:34:04 From benny : zoom created/designed to "enter the home" with consent 13:34:30 From benny : background noise... 13:34:39 From benny : mic noise 13:34:49 From eliyahu : Certified Residential Construction Foreman 13:34:49 From Tracy Cunningham : Security company 13:34:56 From eliyahu : Licensed under the State (Of State) 13:35:07 From eliyahu : to be Code Compliant 13:36:18 From #02022023 : Anyone else here that buzzing & feedback? 13:36:25 From eliyahu : yes very annoying 13:36:25 From benny : pleeeeease mute that mic 13:36:41 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i use first line of first amendment and scriptures to show i am exempt/excepted to their codes; 13:37:16 From eliyahu : https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11971 13:38:08 From Queen Of Torts : minn loves railroads 13:38:24 From eliyahu : "if you exist, you are in Foreign and Interstate Commerce" - every attorney ever 13:38:51 From eliyahu : harmful acts like making a fake news article against Malika? 13:39:07 From iPad : Replying to "https://crsreports.c…" 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 13:39:33 From Queen Of Torts : #cogressAuthoritytoRegulateInterstateCommerce 13:39:43 From Laura : what's the title of that code 13:39:53 From eliyahu : #Congress #ConfirmationBias #ForeignAndInterstateCommerce 13:40:02 From Queen Of Torts : #commerence 13:40:08 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : that is why amish don't have that in their houses, they use phone booths, and generators for olf fashion washers and white gas heaters in their house; 13:40:09 From eliyahu : @Laura we're looking at the PDF i linked 13:40:22 From Queen Of Torts : #commerce 13:40:24 From eliyahu : -- https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11971 13:40:31 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : and ice boxes for fridges 13:40:39 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : possibly ice houses as well; 13:41:08 From Queen Of Torts : lol 13:41:12 From eliyahu : "to burn churches" religious exercise much? 13:41:31 From eliyahu : "real property in D.C. on a map" 13:41:42 From eliyahu : "Geographic (map) sense" 13:41:56 From eliyahu : "Geographically defined (map)" 13:42:03 From Queen Of Torts : #minimumcontacts 13:42:14 From Tracy Cunningham : They guilty then 13:42:22 From eliyahu : "across State Of State lines within D.C. on a Map" 13:42:32 From Queen Of Torts : #intimatpartnerabuse 13:42:49 From eliyahu : technically they are using legislation to make war 13:43:00 From eliyahu : they use papers to "literally" make war 13:43:11 From benny : bingo 13:43:18 From iPad : 27CFR 72.11 13:43:22 From Queen Of Torts : battle of forms 13:43:24 From Laura : thanks got it 13:43:38 From eliyahu : @QUeen against peaceful noncombatants, an invasion 13:44:24 From Samsung SM-G975U : ERIE RR 13:44:50 From eliyahu : Bloomberg Terminal? 13:45:13 From Queen Of Torts : #title18 13:45:32 From Queen Of Torts : #jurisdictionofcourts 13:45:54 From eliyahu : https://famguardian.org/Subjects/LawAndGovt/ChallJurisdiction/SpecialMaritimeExposed.pdf' 13:46:10 From eliyahu : afk 2 13:46:40 From Samsung SM-G975U : Shoobee doobee do 13:47:48 From Queen Of Torts : lol told them that 13:47:58 From Queen Of Torts : i like light on 13:48:32 From #02022023 : Replying to "https://famguardian.…" Link broke 13:49:10 From Mel Grover : gas stations would be under also connected to the "drivers license".. interesting. ?? 13:49:23 From T Roy : https://offtaxroll.com/what-it-means-to-be-within-in-this-state/ 13:49:38 From #najima : Replying to "https://famguardian...." Try this https://ia802508.us.archive.org/23/items/senate-report-93-549-copy-of-original/secret-maritime-jurisdiction-exposed.pdf 13:50:22 From benny : jz... conditioning lingo 13:50:30 From benny : influencer 13:50:42 From Queen Of Torts : a locate gas station here wont let you get fuel unless you give them a driver lic 13:50:51 From benny : wtf 13:50:59 From Queen Of Torts : they had a bunch of drive offs lol 13:51:15 From benny : these are beta testing zones 13:51:21 From eliyahu : technically "payment is impossible" so... 13:51:24 From benny : all over 13:51:29 From Samsung SM-G975U : are registered and whose flag they have a right to fly. See United States v. Arra, 630 F.2d 836 (1st Cir. 1980). See United States v. Ross, 439 F.2d 1355 (9th Cir.1971), cert. denied, 404 U.S. 1015 (1972), for methods of proving nationality. Note that under 18 U.S.C. § 7(1) Federal jurisdiction attaches if the vessel is even partially owned by a citizen of the United States. See United States v. Keller, 451 F. Supp. 631, 636-37 (D.P.R. 1978), aff'd on other grounds, sub nom United States v. Arra, 630 F.2d 836 (1st Cir.1980). Venue for maritime offenses committed "out of the jurisdiction of a particular State" is governed by 18 U.S.C. § 3238. See United States v. Ross, 439 F.2d at 1358-59. Where the offense occurred within the boundaries of a state, venue lies there. See United States v. Peterson, 64 F. 145 (E.D.Wis. 1894). Federal prosecution may not be undertaken following a state prosecution for the same conduct without authorization of the Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division as provided by JM 9-2.031 (Petite Policy). Prosecution should not be undertaken following a foreign prosecution unless substantial Federal interests were left unvindicated. [cited in JM 9-20.100] 13:51:36 From Tecumseh 2.0 : that's just about the 1st verse i used in their courts. 13:52:05 From Samsung SM-G975U : https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-670-maritime-jurisdiction 13:52:25 From Queen Of Torts : i do care a lic on myself i told them how they invading privacy and after the chat with the owners of the biz they do not ask myself or my family for licesnse and they do not write down my private account number i told them i will sue them lol 13:52:52 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : conversion of real living men and women to paper dolls 13:52:53 From Queen Of Torts : i do not carry a lic lol 13:53:34 From Truth Angel : Send numbered paper to: 🤣 13:53:41 From # babybobbychrist : ^^^ yup 13:53:48 From sunny! : #impunity 13:53:49 From # babybobbychrist : #papertigers 13:53:52 From eliyahu : 13th amendment of the 1st of 3 constitutions: Titles Of Nobility Act, ratified Virginia 1819ad 13:54:03 From # babybobbychrist : #houseofcards 13:54:26 From eliyahu : why not make it an Exhibit 13:54:35 From sunny! : could do both 13:54:38 From eliyahu : well technically copy pasting is doing just that 13:54:53 From benny : how many ELECTED ones boast of being lawyers?! 13:55:36 From eliyahu : "Minimum Contacts" = least opportunity 13:56:09 From Tecumseh 2.0 : actually witnessed that type of shit... 13:56:12 From Truth Angel : Terry Cruz 🤣 13:56:12 From Laura : please bargain 13:56:19 From Laura : plea 13:56:31 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : My aplologies, what is Malika reading? 13:56:49 From sunny! : Replying to "My aplologies, what ..." this https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-670-maritime-jurisdiction 13:57:03 From eliyahu : https://famguardian.org/Subjects/LawAndGovt/ChallJurisdiction/SpecialMaritimeExposed.pdf 13:57:07 From Truth Angel : How do you plead ? 13:57:10 From sunny! : oh oops 13:57:11 From T Roy : U are welcome for this find 13:57:24 From eliyahu : why would you plead? you do not qualify to be a defendant 13:57:29 From eliyahu : need to be a Public Official and they have to prove that 13:57:33 From eliyahu : otherwise pleading cannot happen 13:57:38 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Replying to "My aplologies, what ..." Thank you from my heart to yours 13:57:54 From sunny! : Replying to "My aplologies, what ..." sorry, it's actually this https://famguardian.org/Subjects/LawAndGovt/ChallJurisdiction/SpecialMaritimeExposed.pdf I pasted the wrong link 13:58:22 From eliyahu : https://ia802508.us.archive.org/23/items/senate-report-93-549-copy-of-original/secret-maritime-jurisdiction-exposed.pdf 13:58:23 From eliyahu : found it 13:58:30 From benny : can this used in interrogatories? haha who pays you? 13:58:36 From Tracy Cunningham : Nationwide is on your side 13:58:43 From benny : does the state pay you y / n 13:59:02 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Replying to "My aplologies, what ..." thank you 💙🦋 13:59:06 From Truth Angel : Guilty or Not Guilty 🤣 13:59:07 From Jaime Wilkinson : Replying to "https://famguardian...." @#najima thanks that worked 13:59:41 From benny : @tracycunningham Planters Peanuts (monocled eye and cane) plantation owners 13:59:58 From # babybobbychrist : ^^^ yuuup 14:00:03 From Bloom El : https://ia600201.us.archive.org/20/items/cu31924018926414/cu31924018926414.pdf 14:00:24 From Truth Angel : Someone 14:00:31 From Jaime Wilkinson : Replying to "and one dude kept te..." I have one but have never used it for anything: 14:00:55 From # babybobbychrist : ***monocle / 'the one' 14:01:09 From benny : yep 14:01:26 From # babybobbychrist : 'the 1 voice / sound of god' 14:01:37 From Tracy Cunningham : They (children) aren't disabled are they? 14:01:43 From # babybobbychrist : 'the all see-ing i' 14:01:45 From benny : Supposedly, first mtg of triple K took place at Maxwellhouse 14:02:15 From benny : haha we love the products which embed their dark deeds 14:02:19 From Truth Angel : Epstein 14:02:37 From Queen Of Torts : i was kidnap for no ID for three day and taken three times 14:02:40 From benny : Maxwellhouse Coffee 14:03:53 From Tracy Cunningham : They publicly threatened you 14:03:56 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : The Shield 14:03:59 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Has anyone noticed his/her "bank" where an "account" is open that it is for non-public, non-commercial transactions? 14:04:02 From Queen Of Torts : yup 14:04:21 From Tecumseh 2.0 : sounds like defamation to me 14:04:30 From Cyndi : Its on yahoo so its not just the State 14:05:40 From Queen Of Torts : its probably because they advertising on yahoo 14:06:10 From Truth Angel : Counsel -at-law🚫👀 14:06:48 From Samsung SM-G975U : Email me 14:06:59 From Queen Of Torts : i going to email to them!! 14:07:08 From eric_enterprise : https://ia802508.us.archive.org/23/items/senate-report-93-549-copy-of-original/secret-maritime-jurisdiction-exposed.pdf 14:07:14 From benny : #pungentodoroffear 14:07:17 From benny : !!! 14:07:38 From Trading Brigade : #waft pass or cause to pass easily or gently through or as if through the air. 14:07:55 From Queen Of Torts : lol 14:08:48 From Samsung SM-G975U : It's like whipping out your cross ✝️ 14:09:16 From Cyndi : ugh 14:09:30 From #02022023 : Reacted to "https://ia802508.us.…" with ❤️ 14:09:41 From #02022023 : Lol 14:10:32 From Ceoprivatebanker : FOUND THIS NUGGET LAST NIGHT ABOUT THE RESTRICTIONS OF REPOSSESSION BECAUSE OF COVID. New York State BILL NUMBER: S2849B SPONSOR: THOMAS PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: Restricts the repossession of motor vehicles and mobile homes for persons suffering financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, until the expiration of the restrictions on business and places of public accommodation in the county of the buyer under executive order 202 of 2020, or December 31, 2021, whichever is later. SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: Section one of the bill provides definitions for "covered period," "qualified buyer," "holder of a retail instalment contract," "financial hardship," and "vehicle-secured credit obligation." Law Section: Personal Property S2849B (ACTIVE) - SUMMARY Restricts the repossession of motor vehicles and mobile homes for certain persons suffering financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic until the expiration of the restrictions on business and places of public accommodation in the county of the buyer under executive order 202 of 2020, or December 31, 2021, whichever is later. 14:11:21 From Neit : They want people that don't know you 14:11:33 From iPad : Not people you never met(jury of your peers/piers 14:11:40 From Laura : their own mobile homes? 14:11:59 From iPad : Replying to "They want people tha…" Facts 14:12:41 From Queen Of Torts : #agdatarequest 14:14:18 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : @sunny zoom will not allow me to mute 14:14:27 From Neit : I remember having a sensitive trial about involving a personal offense done towards me by an intimate partner. I walked in and seen all white jurors. I felt uncomfortable, being considered a black woman. I even remember seeing some look away from me. I told the DA to drop the complaint and they never would. So when I got up there I said I do not want to go further. He started proceed anyway. I said do Not provoke me to continue. Then after about one more minute of it he said I could go. How they got a case without me? I made the complaint. 14:14:36 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : no mic 14:14:54 From mel b : Texas penal code definition: SUSPECT = ACTOR 14:16:28 From Queen Of Torts : me 14:16:36 From Tracy Cunningham : Replying to "I remember having a ..." Would you need to withdraw the complaint? 14:17:07 From T Roy : Private Household consumer good 14:17:26 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : vehicle also means instrument = paperwork = COLB etc 14:17:43 From Kimberly : According to 15 USCS § 3002 (6) [Title 15. Commerce and Trade; Chapter 57. Interstate Horseracing] the term off-track State means “the State in which an interstate off-track wager is accepted.” 14:17:57 From Samsung SM-G975U : I'm in Portland shopping and next to me 6 stolen cars and two more stripping right now. No police anywhere. But they have to fuck with u. 14:18:02 From Mel Grover : Im there.. and I hate it!~!!!!! 14:18:18 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "Im there.. and I hat..." with 👍 14:19:30 From Queen Of Torts : nope cannot turn around 14:19:46 From Laura : we have a bunch of statutes on horseracing here. checking it out. 14:20:11 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : #gotthefeels 14:21:44 From Queen Of Torts : yes 14:21:48 From benny : now... think about it... when was this authored?! this is not the first time.. each gen - epoch has this to resolve. :) let's do it. 14:22:10 From benny : we chose to come 14:22:28 From #02022023 : Reacted to "we chose to come" with ❤️ 14:22:36 From #02022023 : We just have to remember 14:23:21 From benny : we are the Ass Kickin' Spirits :))) 14:23:56 From benny : we keep comin' back to do the job. it's a continuum. 14:24:33 From Truth Angel : We talking about "practice" !🤣 14:25:58 From T Roy : Like a doctor...SMH 14:28:33 From Tecumseh 2.0 : sooooo, quasi? lol 14:30:00 From eliyahu : called it 14:30:09 From eliyahu : yeah its bond fraud, securities fraud, certificate fraud 14:30:21 From #02022023 : Could someone pls explain securities fraud 14:30:38 From #02022023 : It seems as if it’s any paperwork 14:32:05 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just isn't the same 14:32:17 From # babybobbychrist : ^^^ yuuup 14:33:57 From T Roy : Sea of Commerce 14:34:08 From eliyahu : OwnerShip 14:34:40 From Truth Angel : Presumption🧐 14:35:45 From spiritpower : GOD is with us! 14:35:52 From benny : yes. 14:35:57 From eliyahu : what's the channel called on rumble 14:36:04 From benny : pls forgive those mistakes!! 14:36:07 From Wendie : 🤣🤣🤣 14:36:15 From benny : set up 14:36:21 From benny : trolls 14:36:25 From C Lockridge : lol 14:36:28 From Kimberly : Wonderful Bible Study and awesome lesson , Malika and all that shared blessings and safe week. 14:36:28 From Kiesha Pink : Greatly appreciated 14:36:28 From #02022023 : Lol please make sure they’re a good fit lmbo 14:36:50 From Tracy Cunningham : 🤣🤣🤣 14:36:57 From benny : agent so and so 14:36:57 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : a man on Facebook said using a woman after our name, etc is frivolous, on documents; loll 14:37:04 From Kelly Malone : 😂😂😂 14:37:06 From Wendie : I try not to have clueless friends 😬 nothing in common with nothing talk 🤣 14:37:40 From Truth Angel : Do the hokli -polkie and turn yourself around 🎶🎵🤣 14:37:47 From gliderl33 : Awesome call! Thank you all. 14:37:55 From Tracy Cunningham : Yes 14:38:28 From Tracy Cunningham : But since they bring it up.... where they license? 14:38:35 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : #jenniferlynnnotes 14:39:09 From Truth Angel : First "48" -Memphis !🤣 14:39:21 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i don't have rumble, how do i join it 14:39:22 From Tamara Waters- All Rights Reserved : Thank you Everyone 😊 14:40:20 From Jessenia : https://rumble.com/user/LawfulLiving 14:40:34 From Tracy Cunningham : Pardon me do you have any grey poupon 🤣 14:40:34 From tabitha’s iPad : Where is the 45 page document 14:40:41 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : thanks Jessenia; 14:40:41 From Wendie : 👏👏👏 14:40:43 From sunny! : https://famguardian.org/Subjects/LawAndGovt/ChallJurisdiction/SpecialMaritimeExposed.pdf 14:40:47 From Skenny : https://ia802508.us.archive.org/23/items/senate-report-93-549-copy-of-original/secret-maritime-jurisdiction-exposed.pdf 14:41:03 From tabitha’s iPad : Thank u 14:41:18 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : My mind, hear and soul are open and receptive to all that is for the benefit of those who #causenoharm #benevolent 14:41:23 From Truth Angel : where are they defined 👀 14:43:49 From Natty : Do Notices, Petitions and Demands 14:44:11 From # babybobbychrist : RUMBLE link plz !!! ??? 14:46:51 From Tecumseh 2.0 : liability 14:48:33 From champ : Is that Tony speaking?? 14:49:15 From Bloom El : https://rumble.com/user/LawfulLiving 14:49:28 From Trading Brigade : https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/22/93.1 14:49:37 From Queen Of Torts : great question 14:49:44 From Queen Of Torts : hmm 14:50:09 From Queen Of Torts : it makes no sense to me either 14:50:18 From benny : rewind please 14:50:21 From Wendie : They are the trusted public official to discharge debt as trustee under 11 14:50:45 From Wendie : 👍 14:50:52 From deanervin1 : This zoom keeps cutting off. Very annoying 14:51:10 From Queen Of Torts : but they are admitting stuff they have no right to 14:51:35 From Queen Of Torts : put you need to be a official 14:51:57 From deanervin1 : Actually it now seems it's just Malika cutting off 14:52:11 From sunny! : its always been malika 14:52:26 From sunny! : either her computer or the internet here is having some issues 14:52:30 From deanervin1 : Damn that sucks 14:52:35 From eliyahu : i never saw any of that work 14:52:47 From Amazing Aza : Listen to Ann Leflor series on trusts 1-24 on the fearless Floyd show. 14:52:48 From eliyahu : i have seen lots of people try that "as the defendant, say this" stuff 14:52:52 From benny : def a delay on her end today could be throttled 14:52:54 From eliyahu : turns out the defendant is a slave 14:53:01 From Queen Of Torts : right 14:53:23 From benny : mythology scripts 14:53:38 From benny : sound good 14:54:02 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Isn't that still allowing public interest in private activities? 14:54:17 From spiritpower : please refrain from talking over each other. Thx 14:54:28 From Amazing Aza : Trust law requires study. 14:54:44 From gallorook : CAN THE ONE WHO THE QUESTION IS DIRECTED AT BE ALLOWED TO EXPLAIN 14:54:51 From # babybobbychrist : NO-DELAGATION-OF-AUTHORITY '2mak' Legal-Apointments OR ASSignMents !!! 14:54:57 From eliyahu : "What is my remedy?" DISQUALIFY YOURSELF FROM THE RECORD 14:55:21 From sunny! : what is the benefit of studying trust law as a private man or woman with no interest in being involved in commerce? 14:55:51 From #02022023 : Everyone is very excitable today 14:56:23 From iPad : Reacted to "what is the benefit …" with 👌 14:56:45 From Sia Meri El : 4:56 pm