12:01:12 From @robinmarie : I'll hop off phone or computer if we get up to 100 again 12:01:35 From #AiAm : #01312023 #31Jan2023 Greetings Reflections We are having a #SupremeDae ... 12:01:39 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds 😇💫 🙏🏾✨ 🇲🇦🤞🏾✡️🤚🏾🇲🇦🛸 12:02:03 From Kimberly : Greetings and blessings all! 12:02:05 From #AiAm : #MindExperimentDay 12:02:59 From A woman : #asabovesobelownotice 12:03:19 From A woman : #whyareyoutalkingtomenotice 12:04:24 From #AiAm : #corpusdelicti 12:04:28 From Sia Meri El : #01312023 12:04:58 From Sia Meri El : #January31 12:05:00 From Queen Of Torts : My mic doesn’t work stupid phone 🙄 12:05:57 From Chi-Bey : 🤲🏾🙏🏽 12:06:11 From Coach : Year of the rabbit🐰🐇 12:06:19 From Samsung SM-G975U : I don't think Canada or New York has invaded or is invading 12:06:48 From Cee Lockridge : 🙌🏾 12:07:52 From #AiAm : can Malika qualify #qualify breakdown, although one already has and idea of it, just require a little clarification within agencies or agency and legal stants, Ty Hapi Bunny :) 12:08:07 From Samsung SM-G975U : 1965 civics 12:08:13 From #AiAm to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : can Malika qualify #qualify breakdown, although one already has and idea of it, just require a little clarification within agencies or agency and legal stants, Ty Hapi Bunny :) 12:08:18 From Lady Barbara : Shalom Everyone ,Grand Enrichment🌸✍🏾 12:08:22 From #AiAm to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : Lol 12:11:50 From Samsung SM-G975U : Simon says......... 12:13:53 From Mary : Greetings friends in law, I popped in late, so grateful I got in to todays Bible study 12:14:20 From #AiAm : The poem "#OurDeepestFear" by Marianne Williamson (often mistakenly cited as a Nelson Mandela quote) and a poem titled "The Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer are two of the most inspiring writings available. Even if you've read them before, read them slowly now and breath this inspiring wisdom into the depths of your soul. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us. We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. https://www.personalgrowthcourses.net/stories/williamson.ourdeepestfear.invitation 12:16:57 From #AiAm : #DeclarationofIndependence 12:17:36 From Coach : They like “Please R.S.V.P. to our party, please!😬 12:18:09 From Royal Rising : #art1 #art2 #art3 12:18:53 From Mary : I love that poem, AiAm, I found it in and had it hanging on my wall at the Housing Authority of the City of Torrington until 2006. Thank you for sharing this 12:20:01 From #AiAm : #deathcertificate 12:22:06 From #AiAm : #commerce #interstateandforeigncommerce #collectionoftaxes 12:22:10 From benny : collection of taxes and commerce are inseparble 12:22:41 From benny : #taxesandcommerceAREinseparable 12:23:35 From #AiAm : #feedthefamclass #chargeagaintlarseny 12:24:07 From #AiAm : #larcenydefense 12:24:24 From benny : #larcenydefinitionDEFENSE 12:25:24 From #AiAm : THE CHARTER & THE BYLAWS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/DNC-Charter-Bylaws-10.09.2021.pdf 12:26:22 From Mel Grover : Definitions 1101. 42 USC 1301 https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/ssact/title11/1101.htm 12:26:42 From benny : Bookmark this link: Basic Latin Reader .. can help with those Latin Law words - and even etymology. https://latinitium.com/reading-plan-for-learning-latin-beginners/ 12:27:29 From #AiAm : #selfsacrifyatthedoor 12:27:46 From legallyattractive : volunteerism 12:27:52 From Trinity Ncrts : https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2020/title-16/chapter-8/article-1/section-16-8-2/ 12:29:06 From Trinity Ncrts : Theft by Taking☝️ Georgia 12:29:46 From Antwonic’ Bey : Reacted to "https://law.justia.c..." with 🤲 12:30:07 From benny : Start building a person lexicon with these terms, ya'll. :) 12:30:08 From tabitha’s iPad : Yup they did that to me they said I put my kids in danger for groceries shopping 12:30:27 From benny : yup 12:30:37 From Coach : Do they throw out the expired food at the store😳…why not give it away🤔it’s a tax deduction anyway🤨 12:30:47 From Samsung SM-G975U : Assume 12:30:52 From benny : 'want some cheeze with that whine'? 12:31:04 From Samsung SM-G975U : Rub my belly 😌 12:31:14 From benny : 'they're so scary, tho' 12:31:34 From Coach : Right?!!!! 12:31:48 From Demarzgio to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : The sound stop working gonna leave and come back 12:31:59 From tabitha’s iPad : I will be written a criminal complaint on manager for kidnapping and slander at the store 12:33:36 From #AiAm : #secretaryofcommerce #secretaryofstate 12:34:27 From tabitha’s iPad : Lol hud sec is freaking out I asked them one question only 12:34:30 From benny : just saw a funny joke to that point @bobby 12:35:14 From Samsung SM-G975U : Lawyers use Garamond for all their gibberish 12:35:57 From benny : person said the clerk said their filing exceeded the limit of pages. they rewrote and took out all formatting. hahaha. .. resubmitted a solid block of text lolol 12:36:00 From Coach : I’m private, Thank you. 12:36:02 From Mcreal : We are the boss 12:36:53 From Mcreal : No need 4 constitution 2 know ur the boss 12:36:53 From benny : where dis doc @? hahaha 12:37:29 From Samsung SM-G975U : I needs to be beware 12:37:30 From sunny! : this is her document that's only for the presentation, people following along should have their own version 12:37:56 From benny : thank sunny.. have started building one. 12:38:10 From benny : it's funnn 12:39:26 From hiya : #46 cfr 308.504 will help on property tax 12:39:59 From benny : wright of man :) 12:40:45 From #AiAm : #Title46Transportation 12:41:18 From legallyattractive : #traffic notice of claim and claim for damages 12:41:43 From benny : #time & #labor = #property 12:41:50 From legallyattractive : communicating with me without corpus delecti, time, property 12:42:20 From legallyattractive : #traffic 12:42:45 From legallyattractive : trains, railroads, railroad workers 12:43:07 From benny : hello cashier... "do you have authority to go through my unzipped tote in my cart at the check out?!" 12:44:37 From gallorook : so explain when reference is made to state and in the state w?hat geographical space is reference 12:45:26 From benny : NunYa! 12:47:23 From woman2 to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : is there a way i can have access to the google doc? 12:47:51 From Coach : What chu talkin bout Willis?! 12:48:08 From Mcreal : We have the right 2 stfu 12:48:39 From Laura : intra is inside the state, what is inter? 12:49:00 From sunny! : between the states 12:49:23 From #AiAm : #intrastatecommerce+statename 12:49:59 From Ebony Tisby : Intrastate commerce RCW + your state 12:50:13 From legallyattractive : https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2013/title-27/chapter-65/in-general/section-27-65-23 12:50:21 From benny : Replying to "intra is inside th..." Intra - within Inter - beween i.e. interoffice commuication i.e. intra store communication 12:50:38 From Laura : Ty 12:51:13 From T Roy : https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11971 12:51:33 From Skenny : http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.302.html 12:51:50 From Samsung Galaxy S8 active : COMAR 11.22.02 -11.22.04 Maryland 12:52:06 From Jaime Wilkinson : 3VAC10-210-780. Interstate and foreign commerce. A. Generally. The tax does not apply to sales of tangible personal property in interstate or foreign commerce. A sale in interstate or foreign commerce occurs only when title or possession to the property being sold passes to the purchaser outside of Virginia and no use of the property is made within Virginia. The following examples illustrate transactions in interstate and foreign commerce to which the tax does not apply: 12:52:11 From Mel Grover : Minnesota also Transportation Intrastate commerce https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/221.031 12:52:41 From benny : In CA... first hit. DMV 12:53:02 From Docta Dix : Md. Agriculture Code Ann. § 1-101. Definitions. (e) “Intrastate commerce” means commerce wholly within the State. 12:53:30 From Demarzgio : Anybody found it in the ARIZONA REVISED STATUES? 12:54:09 From T Roy : #michigan MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ACT OF 1963 (EXCERPT) Act 181 of 1963 480.15 Intrastate transportation; applicability to farm vehicle driver, implement of husbandry, public utility driver, government-owned commercial motor vehicle or vehicle used in execution of emergency governmental function, certain combination of vehicles, and buses; motor vehicle engaged in seasonal construction-related activities; definitions. 12:54:37 From Jaime Wilkinson : #virginia "Interstate" means the transportation of property between states. "Intrastate" means the transportation of property solely within a state. 12:55:13 From sunny! : found this for Arizona: https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/50leg/1r/bills/sb1178s.htm 12:55:27 From sunny! : #arizona 12:55:56 From Demarzgio : Title 44 - Trade and Commerce https://www.azleg.gov/arsDetail/?title=44 12:56:12 From T Roy : Houston still lookin'...LOL 12:56:34 From benny : a dollar as in 1975 12:57:12 From tabitha’s iPad : How do we do that with small kids and perteat them if they pull us over and we r all along 12:57:23 From T Roy : yes, numerial identifier 12:57:30 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : NJ - TITLE 24 FOOD AND DRUGS -24:11A-7. Modification of vitamin and mineral requirements; interstate commerce ; authority of department 12:58:54 From #AiAm : https://wisconsindot.gov › Pages › dmv › com-drv-vehs › mtr-car-trkr › mc-ins.aspx Wisconsin DMV Official Government Site - Motor carrier insurance Wisconsin DMV Official Government Site - Motor carrier insurance Motor carrier insurance for commercial motor vehicles Please note: The Wisconsin legislature has passed a bill to introduce new insurance minimums for motor carriers of passengers that operate solely in intrastate commerce. The bill becomes effective May 1, 2018. 12:59:00 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : NJ TITLE 13 CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT--PARKS AND RESERVATIONS - 13:1F-15. Pesticide held, used, distributed, sold or offered for sale or delivered for transportation or transported in intrastate commerce ; annual registration; renewal; denial, refusal to register or cancellation; grounds 12:59:46 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : NJ TITLE 39 MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATION - 39:5B-32 Rules and regulations. 12:59:57 From T Roy : Doesn't the EPA track U, bio-hazard waste of the mother 13:00:22 From Samsung SM-G975U : pussy product 13:00:53 From benny : do we cut the plates and return? 13:01:01 From woman2 to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : brchant123@gmail.com for the google doc if i may have it. thank you. 13:01:15 From T Roy : 👍🏼 13:01:38 From Coach : Identity theft it is 13:01:40 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : NJ TITLE 45 PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS -45:14D-3. Exclusions - b. Persons transporting property in intrastate commerce without compensation or where such person is the owner of the property and the transportation is not performed as a subterfuge to avoid regulation hereunder. 13:02:04 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "Identity theft it is" with 👍 13:02:09 From Samsung Galaxy S8 active : Maryland Code AGRICULTURE § 4-221 - Investigation of persons engaged in intrastate commerce; reports and answers 13:02:47 From Samsung SM-G975U : For trucks it's taxable gross weight 13:02:59 From tabitha’s iPad : I need to do something so I can use my car again 13:03:05 From Royal Rising : #mcrealnotes #bmv 13:03:16 From legallyattractive : #notices automatic license plate reader 13:03:21 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : #liznotes 13:03:29 From legallyattractive : #public and private 13:03:32 From Samsung SM-G975U : Get a plate flipper 13:03:42 From Samsung Galaxy S8 active : Universal Citation: MD Agric Code § 4-221 (2013) §4-221. (a) The Secretary may investigate and gather, and compile information concerning the organization, business, conduct, practices, and management of any person engaged in intrastate commerce, and his relation to other persons. (b) The Secretary, by general or special order, may require any person or class of persons engaged in intrastate commerce to file, on forms the Secretary prescribes, annual or special reports or answers in writing to specific questions, furnishing to the Secretary information he requires concerning the organization, business, conduct, practices, management, and relation to any person filing. Every report and answer shall be made under oath, or otherwise as the Secretary prescribes, within a reasonable period set by him, unless additional time is granted. 13:04:54 From #AiAm : #motorvehiclesafetyadministration 13:05:01 From legallyattractive : #sensitivesecurityinformation 13:05:07 From Samsung SM-G975U : I know a guy that went into court and Declared that's not me. They tossed the tickets 13:05:50 From tabitha’s iPad : How we do that with small kids in the car 13:05:59 From benny : who gets the Notice for "sensitivesecurityinformation"? 13:06:52 From Samsung SM-G975U : Smells like something crawled in here and died 13:06:53 From legallyattractive : #misrepresentation 13:08:20 From Royal Rising : @Trinity, wld u spell the phrase? Use of Fr*ckery? Google won’t pull it up 13:08:46 From tabitha’s iPad : How do we get it off there from all the credit reporting 13:09:14 From benny : can we do a special session with @Trinity?! 13:09:38 From benny : featured guest #Trinity 13:10:09 From Royal Rising : I hate that I missed that Trinity’s call. I thought it was scheduled a day later than it was. 13:10:11 From legallyattractive : After you get an answer re identity theft mention that you will assess this account and will charge them and alert the financial crimes unit mention hobbs act, restraint of trade usc 1 and 2, forgery by wire 13:11:25 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 13:12:51 From Demarzgio : Did you ever get to talk to that guy? Malika 13:14:47 From T Roy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qR-0n-w7HU 13:14:56 From Coach : (Con)gress is opposite of Progress😉🤣😂😉 13:15:04 From T Roy : FREE CAR video 13:15:39 From benny : Places will not SHOW units in LA before prescreening ON THE PHONE. they're asking for income verification before viewing! 13:15:56 From benny : prop mgs, that is 13:17:05 From benny : WE KNOW that... haa THEY know that.. They still boldly discriminate 13:17:34 From benny : reniging 13:18:02 From Trinity Ncrts : #usufructuary 13:18:09 From tabitha’s iPad : So how do we despite so called charges on credit report 13:19:03 From Demarzgio : Did they just give it to you? 13:19:14 From Trinity Ncrts : Replying to "@Trinity, wld u spel..." usufructuary 13:22:17 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : how did you pay for it; 13:23:09 From Champ : How would you lien the VIN 13:23:23 From benny : what's the disclaimer again, pls "i do not intend to use ___ for business" 13:23:35 From Natty : I have one who sent me 5 come in and test drive one today. Run your credit before you come in. 13:24:10 From T Roy : correct 13:24:53 From Najima El : #najimanotes 13:26:25 From Royal Rising : Replying to "@Trinity, wld u spel…" Thank u ☺️ 13:27:08 From Natty : I posted this a couple days ago! This tells you what one has to do to get out of their code for insurance purposes. Go to: Car Insurance Laws by State - FindLaw and look up your state. Was it really this simple simon... 13:31:27 From Royal Rising : #carinsurance 13:31:28 From Champ : Reacted to "I posted this a coup…" with ❤️ 13:31:35 From T Roy : #michigan Chapter 445 TRADE AND COMMERCE 13:31:37 From Royal Rising : Reacted to "I posted this a coup…" with ❤️ 13:31:56 From legallyattractive : #financecharge 13:32:40 From legallyattractive : dealership is suppose to pay it 13:32:58 From legallyattractive : bank is suppose to pay it 13:33:03 From Samsung Galaxy S8 active : Md. Code, Transp. § 25-111.1 Download Current with changes from the 2022 Legislative Session Section 25-111.1 - Minimum security requirements for commercial motor vehicles(a) The Administration, in consultation with the State Highway Administration, may adopt rules and regulations that are consistent with 49 C.F.R., Part 387 .(b) The rules and regulations adopted under subsection (a) of this section shall apply to the following vehicles:(1) For-hire vehicles engaged in intrastate commerce that exceed a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds and are designed to carry property;(2) For-hire vehicles engaged in interstate commerce that:(i) Exceed a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds and are designed to carry property; or(ii) Are designed to transport passengers, including the driver; and(3) Vehicles that are required to be marked or placarded for the transportation of hazardous materials or otherwise are subject to the requirements of 49 C.F.R., Part 387 when transporting hazardous materials.(c) Any motor carrier operating a vehicle that is subject to the rules and regulations adopted under this section shall, at all times when operating the vehicle on a highway in the State, comply with the rules and regulations adopted under this section. Md. Code, TR § 25-111.1 13:33:48 From benny : that's because you're scanned 13:33:57 From benny : it's digital currency... no cash 13:34:17 From benny : they're experimenting now at wholefoods here in LA 13:34:24 From Skenny : From app on phone 13:34:31 From Cee Lockridge : lol 13:34:33 From benny : Identity Report 13:34:34 From wendie : Justia › US Law › US Codes and Statutes › Tennessee Code › 2021 Tennessee Code › Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers › Chapter 15 - Motor Carriers › Part 1 - General Provisions › § 65-15-105. Interstate Commerce and Government Business Excepted Go to previous versions of this Section 2021 Tennessee Code Title 65 - Public Utilities and Carriers Chapter 15 - Motor Carriers Part 1 - General Provisions § 65-15-105. Interstate Commerce and Government Business Excepted 13:34:43 From Royal Rising : 🤣 13:35:03 From benny : just like Lawnmower Man was the precurser to VR. 13:35:07 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : I just read an article by mike adams that the spike proetins aka snake oil peptides are shortening the telembers; 13:35:17 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : telemeres 13:35:22 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : proteins 13:35:23 From Royal Rising : When u goin to cash that check 🤣 13:35:58 From Royal Rising : Wow 13:36:02 From legallyattractive : #car dealership #its not interstate and foreign commerce 13:36:27 From legallyattractive : she cashed it 13:37:12 From Coach : Was that a copy or the original check 13:37:22 From Demarzgio : Isn’t it an impossibility to pay by way of fiat currency 💴 13:38:02 From Royal Rising : I’m going to look into a refund 13:38:23 From Demarzgio : A mistake is what you do time and time again and don’t learn from it. One mess up isn’t a mistake. FUCK AROUND & FIND OUT 13:38:25 From Laura : so would the registry of deeds get its authority from the title 46? 13:39:08 From Demarzgio : Reacted to "I’m going to look in…" with 🌱 13:39:35 From #AiAm : Georgia Intrastate Permit The Georgia Intrastate Permit Application can now be processed through the Federal Applications Processor for commerical motor vehicles (CMVs) 10,000 pounds or more engaged in intrastate commerce within the Georgia state lines. GIMC Permit Deadline: December 31st (annually). *After Dec. 31 additional minimum of $30 per vehicle will be charged. 13:40:28 From #AiAm : https://wisconsindot.gov › Pages › dmv › com-drv-vehs › mtr-car-trkr › new-carrier.aspx Wisconsin Department of Transportation Motor carrier start-up packet ... The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) welcomes you to doing business in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Motor Carriers operating in interstate commerce must comply with federal and state operating requirements 13:40:49 From Skenny : http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0600-0699/0617/Sections/0617.1711.html 13:40:52 From #AiAm : https://ask.fmcsa.dot.gov › app › answers › detail › a_id › 249 › ~ › what-is-the-difference-between-interstate-commerce-and-intrastate-commerce? What is the difference between interstate commerce and intrastate commerce? If your trade, traffic, or transportation is one of the following, this is considered interstate commerce. Source: 49 CFR 390.5.: Between a place in a state and a place outside of such state (including a place outside of the United States) Between two places in a state through another state or a place outside of the United States 13:41:27 From Skenny : The 2022 Florida Statutes (including Special Session A) Title XXXVI BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Chapter 617 CORPORATIONS NOT FOR PROFIT View Entire Chapter 617.1711 Application to foreign and interstate commerce.—The provisions of this act apply to commerce with foreign nations and among the several states only insofar as such commerce may be permitted under the Constitution and laws of the United States. History.—s. 111, ch. 90-179. 13:41:40 From Royal Rising : #title49 #motorvehicle 13:42:06 From Natty : So you do not even have to sign. How then do they prove everything to the bank? 13:42:42 From Tecumseh 2.0 : i need a tank 13:42:47 From Queen Of Torts : Trolley in Minnesota 13:42:54 From benny : my car HAS been called a #tank. 13:43:53 From legallyattractive : For a motor vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of 10,000 pounds or less, register the vehicle and receive your license plate from your local county Tax Collector's office. You will need to register the vehicle in the county where the vehicle is domiciled, or where it is parked (garaged) overnight. 13:44:21 From legallyattractive : in Mississippi you register a vehicle uner 10000 pounds 13:44:57 From Tecumseh 2.0 : ...regulating the carriages 13:45:49 From benny : get the DL out... read the imprints... 13:46:37 From legallyattractive : #motorvehicle safety act 13:47:24 From legallyattractive : governor is charged with highway safety act 13:48:20 From Skenny : https://www.docsteach.org/documents/document/act-of-september-9-1966-public-law-89563-80-stat-718?tmpl=component&print=1 13:48:27 From Skenny : https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-80/pdf/STATUTE-80-Pg718.pdf 13:49:14 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/interstate-commerce-act 13:49:30 From Kimberly : Florida interstate : https://scholarship.law.ufl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3133&context=flr 13:49:35 From Tecumseh 2.0 : no funding without highwaymen 13:50:22 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : NRS 223.200  Federal Highway Safety Act of 1966: Governor’s powers and duties; Highway Safety Program Plan; Highway Safety Program Planning Account. 13:50:52 From Mel Grover : how did they use an obstruction charge under a drivers license?? at my home? 13:51:09 From Mel Grover : that I didn't give them. 13:51:18 From Kimberly : https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/Interstate_Commerce_Act_Is_Passed.htm 13:53:38 From #AiAm : interstate commerce | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute Interstate commerce is the general term for transacting or transportation of products, services, or money across state borders. Article I section 8 clause of the U.S. Constitution, the commerce clause, grants Congress the power to "regulate commerce. . . among the several states."The jurisprudence around Congress's power under the commerce clause is central to understanding the modern state. 13:54:50 From #AiAm : #howdidonegetintothestate 13:55:55 From T Roy : Resources - Michigan Center for Truck Safety A non-CDL vehicle operated in intrastate commerce only (within Michigan) is exempt from all of the motor carrier safety regulations except 49 CFR parts 391, 392, and 393. A medium-duty commercial vehicle (non-CDL vehicle) is: Required to meet the equipment and cargo securement requirements of part 393; 13:55:59 From Queen Of Torts : These study’s are so empowering 💥💗 13:56:13 From #AiAm : https://www.law.cornell.edu › constitution-conan › article-1 › section-8 › clause-3 › foreign-commerce-power Foreign Commerce Power | U.S. Constitution Annotated | US Law | LII ... ArtI.S8.C3.1.1 Foreign Commerce Power. [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; . . . There are certain dicta urging or suggesting that Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce restrictively is less than its analogous power over foreign ... 13:56:25 From Royal Rising : Agreed @ Queen of Torts 13:56:43 From Demarzgio : “I’m not a lawyer but this case gone be brief” BARZ 13:56:49 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 13:57:26 From Queen Of Torts : Think judge video 13:57:27 From Queen Of Torts : It’s hash tag judge 13:58:39 From Pranvera Sylaj : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EZxMzcFJ-Lc 13:59:47 From Lady Barbara : Thank You for posting. 14:00:10 From Antwonic’ Bey : Reacted to "https://m.youtube.co..." with 🤲 14:00:54 From Queen Of Torts : #judgevideowouldntgetoutofbed 14:02:06 From Queen Of Torts : I asking MilleLacs County fleet manager if the Yukon is part of his dept 14:02:54 From Cee Lockridge : stand ya ground like we did! 14:03:00 From Trinity Ncrts : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2uAY5bhbIho&list=LL&index=49&t=687s 14:04:00 From tabitha’s iPad : I noticed the sheriff almost 2 years before the bull shit they did 14:04:27 From T Roy : Awesome Queen 14:04:39 From Antwonic’ Bey : Reacted to "I noticed the sherif..." with 🤲 14:05:02 From Cee Lockridge : Reacted to "I noticed the sherif..." with 🤲 14:05:40 From JV : The Sheriff has yet to respond to email that was sent last week 14:05:44 From Tony DuPont : thank you trinity 14:05:45 From Tamara Waters- All Rights Reserved : How do you find the chief of county? 14:05:54 From Trinity Ncrts : Reacted to "thank you trinity" with 💞 14:05:57 From Cee Lockridge : they told us they’d be back today with the record….havent seen them yet lol 14:06:00 From Antwonic’ Bey : Reacted to "thank you trinity" with 💞 14:06:14 From Cee Lockridge : Reacted to "thank you trinity" with 💞 14:06:18 From JV : Way to stand strong, Trinity 14:06:22 From Queen Of Torts : Troy the sheriff of Benton County Minnesota told me in email he is not bound to the people! 14:07:02 From Trinity Ncrts : Replying to "https://m.youtube.co..." I would not get outta my bed if I know nobody has jurisdiction over me!!! 14:07:42 From Queen Of Torts : #atfofficer #sheriffATF 14:08:23 From Demarzgio : GTA 14:08:33 From Queen Of Torts : They won’t tell where impound is yet the Yukon is not their property 14:08:52 From Queen Of Torts : Lol they won’t give me a liar 14:08:55 From Queen Of Torts : List 14:09:22 From Demarzgio : Reacted to "Lol they won’t give …" with 😤 14:09:32 From Samsung SM-G975U : They say gun stores are "stockpiling" firearms 😆 🤣 😂 😹 14:09:39 From Queen Of Torts : Reacted to "They say gun stores …" with 😂 14:09:50 From tabitha’s iPad : Yup they towed my car 2 hours away in ny 14:10:42 From T Roy : To find impound yards look up requiremets for pole holding yar 14:12:09 From legallyattractive : Res property- listen there must be a mistake I did not authorize the tow. You are out of regulatory compliance 14:12:28 From Royal Rising : #relisten #impropertow 14:12:32 From Queen Of Torts : They want me to pay for taken n storage n want a license lol they won’t give me any records 14:15:16 From Tecumseh 2.0 : ohio revised code 107.16 Putting into operation the federal highway safety act. The governor, pursuant to the Constitution and laws of this state, shall do all things necessary in behalf of the state to secure the full benefits available to the state under the "Highway Safety Act of 1966," 80 Stat. 731, 23 U.S.C. 401.... 14:15:42 From Tecumseh 2.0 : "all things necessary" though? lol 14:15:58 From Cee Lockridge : Reacted to "They say gun stores ..." with 😂 14:16:21 From Queen Of Torts : #taxassor #datarequestTaxes #datarequest 14:16:31 From Queen Of Torts : Boom 14:16:47 From Queen Of Torts : #IRStaxFraud 14:17:08 From Laura : minute right now 14:17:15 From Natty : She said supports what? Thank you! As I am writing it right now! 14:18:48 From Queen Of Torts : Omg yes 14:18:56 From #AiAm : #castledoctrine 14:19:12 From JV : Contacted the Assessor today for those very records. The agent said one must create an online account to submit the request in order for them to process. I responded with the definition of Freedom, and the Actual State FOIA Act that regulates their actions with regard to those requests 14:19:13 From Queen Of Torts : #fosterparent 14:19:18 From JV : so far no response 14:20:52 From gallorook : You have Free not Freedom 14:21:31 From JV : Reacted to "https://www.docsteac..." with ❤️ 14:21:35 From JV : Reacted to "https://www.govinfo...." with ❤️ 14:23:27 From Queen Of Torts : I do private business 14:23:31 From Royal Rising : Thank u @legallyattractive 14:24:41 From Queen Of Torts : #minimumcontract 14:25:40 From Queen Of Torts : #dueprocess #inrem #instate #statejuristiction 14:26:30 From Queen Of Torts : #causeofaction 14:26:49 From Queen Of Torts : #violateDueProcess 14:27:06 From Queen Of Torts : #businessWithinState 14:27:56 From Queen Of Torts : #parentalRights #cpsAction 14:28:21 From Queen Of Torts : #dotProsacuting 14:28:37 From hiya : #buckact 14:28:48 From Queen Of Torts : #buckact #federalbuckact 14:29:07 From Trading Brigade : 4 USC 110 14:29:10 From Trading Brigade : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/chapter-4 14:29:23 From Queen Of Torts : #4usc110 14:30:05 From Queen Of Torts : #incomeTax 14:30:19 From Queen Of Torts : #federalArea 14:30:21 From legallyattractive : #inthestate 14:32:19 From Queen Of Torts : Yes built it 14:33:31 From Cee Lockridge : FACTS 14:33:47 From Neekolas : confirmed, they don't know shit 14:33:59 From Queen Of Torts : Yup 14:34:08 From Queen Of Torts : Yes yes 14:34:31 From Chi-Bey : Following a script ‼️ 14:34:35 From Samsung SM-G975U : NYS test trooper told me i did not need a license but i MAY get one if I want. The ICC company told me i needed one to engage in their activities 14:34:56 From Natty : Exactly Champ as I was talking to a Fugitive collector and he just kept telling me that I hated the government. I told him how do you know that well you do don[t you. 14:35:08 From Samsung SM-G975U : So i got the tractor trailer license 14:36:07 From Cee Lockridge : LETS GOOOOOOOO 14:36:13 From Queen Of Torts : #recusal #docketrequest 14:36:16 From Samsung SM-G975U : Some cops absolutely DO know what's going on 14:36:37 From Queen Of Torts : #judgethatopenedthecount 14:36:44 From Queen Of Torts : Lol 14:37:05 From Tracy Cunningham : Woot woot @champ 14:38:53 From Queen Of Torts : #cheifjudge #Ag #unitedStatesAG #didqualify #AGReport #noticeontherecord #newcasecanbestarted 14:39:25 From Queen Of Torts : #voidOrder #judgesWorkingTogether 14:39:26 From Royal Rising : #relisten 14:39:36 From JV : @McReal @Champ could you please compose a list for all agents that receive notice? I am in need of sending to all for failure of civil due process, no jurisdiction, etc. as well, 14:39:48 From Royal Rising : #2:35:00 14:39:48 From Queen Of Torts : #warAgainstConstitution 14:40:14 From Queen Of Torts : #masternoticeofservice #masterlist 14:40:29 From Tracy Cunningham : #mastercertifcate 14:40:50 From Queen Of Torts : #masterCertifcateofService 14:41:10 From Queen Of Torts : #disquilifyJudge 14:41:27 From Queen Of Torts : Lol the strick out 14:42:56 From Queen Of Torts : #correcttherecord #failtonoticetheSec 14:43:37 From Queen Of Torts : #ifyourmovingtheCourt 14:45:13 From Cee Lockridge : drop it in the chat 14:46:41 From Queen Of Torts : #noticejudgeDisqualify #judgeDisqualify 14:47:12 From Tecumseh 2.0 : https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2701.03 14:48:22 From Queen Of Torts : #consentform #putstuffonrecord 14:49:09 From Tracy Cunningham : The "master certificate of service" is up in the #PrivateMinisterialActionProcess #PMAP classroom folder! Happy noticing, my people! >> https://www.lawfulliving.com/folders/39 14:53:02 From Royal Rising : #securitiesfraud 14:55:24 From T Roy : Surety Bond 14:56:05 From Samsung SM-G975U : Like the lady that got struck twice by lightning 14:56:32 From Laura : so if you pay for it and never used insurance and sell the house. they keep your money. 14:56:51 From Queen Of Torts : #depositsareloans 14:57:10 From #AiAm : GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF REGISTRATION FOR PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGISTS https://sos.ga.gov/sites/default/files/forms/24%20Geology%20Reinstatement%20Application%20%28Rev%2006-18%29.pdf 14:57:33 From Queen Of Torts : #insuranceisasavingplan 14:57:54 From Amud Rashad-El : How about rental insurance? 14:57:58 From #AiAm : #insuranceisasavingplan 14:58:02 From Samsung SM-G975U : I get dividends from NFCU $180 month 14:59:17 From Royal Rising : #relisten 14:59:38 From Queen Of Torts : #elementsoffraud 15:01:03 From T Roy : ranchers and farmers 15:01:06 From Royal Rising : I have Farmers 🤣 15:01:15 From Queen Of Torts : i have not had insureance for 10 years now lol 15:02:45 From Kimberly : Amazing Bible Study and lesson... thank you Malika and all that shared...blessings everyone❤️ 15:03:03 From Tecumseh 2.0 : did someone say grass? 15:03:39 From Mcreal : Private banking insurance 15:04:34 From T Roy : marihuana 15:04:38 From Mcreal : Private banking use life insurance 15:05:53 From Tecumseh 2.0 : ..by way of attorney general office.. 15:06:00 From Royal Rising : #crimevictims #fendforeclosre 15:09:37 From Skenny : What’s was name of document with all addresses to cc 15:12:06 From Samsung SM-G975U : I do it 15:12:53 From #AiAm : 18 U.S. Code § 3771 - Crime victims’ rights https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3771 15:13:37 From Natty : That is to funny when I first started traveling we saw all the flashing lights on the highway and thought we ere supposed to follow everyone else. When we got up there they were like what are you doing here? This is not for pickup trucks. LOL 15:14:05 From Tracy Cunningham : Reacted to "That is to funny whe..." with 😆 15:14:12 From Antwonic’ Bey : Reacted to "That is to funny whe..." with 😆 15:16:13 From JV : Reacted to "18 U.S. Code § 3771 ..." with ❤️ 15:16:52 From #AiAm : https://www.ovc.ojp.gov Home | Office for Victims of Crime Resources for Victims of Mass Violence OVC offers resources to help victims of recent mass violence incidents, their families, and the community during this difficult time. Resources for victim service providers, law enforcement, first responders, and community and faith leaders responding to recent tragedies are also listed. View the resources. 15:18:19 From Tracy Cunningham : #trymehoe Peace out fam ✌️ 15:18:29 From Tecumseh 2.0 : am i the governed?