12:10:02 From legallyattractive : #01262023 12:10:09 From benny : STOP feeding babies that chit in bottles! awful. 12:10:23 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : the city where I live is poisoning the city water with fluoride and they get the water from 2 wells so they first clean it with Cholrine then floridate it; 12:10:52 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds 😇💫 🙏🏾✨ 🇲🇦🤞🏾✡️🤚🏾🇲🇦🛸 12:11:10 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i only use clear Palmolive dish liquid for dishes now; 12:11:27 From benny : Ms. Annie! 12:11:36 From benny : yup 12:11:37 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I LOVE THAT SONG 12:11:41 From Queen Of Torts : yup 12:11:43 From gliderl33 : I love this show!!! 12:11:55 From Chi Bey - All Rights Reserved : CLASSIC 12:12:00 From Samsung SM-G975U : BDSM 12:12:20 From Queen Of Torts : yes 12:12:33 From I-mA : Who singz dat song? Annie Lennox? 12:12:36 From Truth Angel : Crushed bug "Additive" is Now Included In Pizza, Pasta, & Cereals Across The European Union 12:12:49 From Jaime Wilkinson : What is the songs name again? 12:12:50 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Reacted to "What is the songs na..." with 😣 12:12:51 From Coach : Cognitive dissonance 12:13:15 From Coach : Eurythmics is the group 12:13:24 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Reacted to "Crushed bug "Additiv..." with 😣 12:13:32 From Mary : Public government pedophile rapist Uncle Sam Inc indoctrinated... 12:13:49 From Queen Of Torts : lol my youngest is now singing that song 12:13:57 From Irene Zantae : Replying to "What is the songs na…" Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics 12:13:58 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Replying to "What is the songs na..." sorry , it was meant for @truth above 12:14:07 From Truth Angel : Eurythmics -Sweat Dreams 12:14:11 From Samsung SM-G975U : Fredo YOU BROKE MY HART 12:14:14 From Coach : Yep…create reasonable doubt in their mind 12:14:26 From I-mA : who iz the SINGER? 12:15:04 From Mel Grover : yup .. husband the same 12:15:06 From Truth Angel : Annie Lennox , Dave Stewart 12:15:20 From Jaime Wilkinson : Reacted to "Sweet Dreams by Eury..." with 👍 12:15:22 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : yo im rolling 12:15:26 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : hahah 12:15:44 From benny : whole lot of energy spent on discussing "niceness" of folk.. 12:16:27 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : LOL 12:16:27 From Truth Angel : You Wild ! lol 12:16:30 From eliyahu : i tend to just break through their BS without asking 12:16:44 From eliyahu : like they are stupid for not asking 12:16:56 From Mary : Narrow path to God's righteousness, all are called, few volunteer and not all are chosen.. some are chosen who are the least of these.... 12:17:00 From benny : Reacted to "like they are stup..." with 👍 12:17:24 From eliyahu : malika your upload bandwidth is being choked out 12:17:27 From Antwonic’ Bey : She in the Matrix 12:17:27 From benny : Replying to "i tend to just bre..." intended here. :) 12:17:31 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : who iz the SINGER? The song is by the Eurythmics. Annie Lennox is the singer 12:17:43 From Coach : Reacted to "who iz the SINGER? T…" with 👌 12:17:51 From eliyahu : "send male to the airs" 12:18:09 From eliyahu : i don't mind male so much as i mind fee mail 12:18:16 From eliyahu : feemail is not so kind 12:18:25 From I-mA : Yessss, thatz whut I did think. Thanx & Blessingz! 12:18:32 From gliderl33 : I am glad Happy Gimore did not know you or there would not have been a movie hahaha 12:19:29 From Queen Of Torts : do i removed State and but county and ECE in the TRO or leave it State when in the suit its not the State 12:21:12 From eliyahu : automatically disqualified... 12:21:16 From eliyahu : 1 usc 1 12:21:55 From @am woman : #01262023 #012023 #jan2023 #jan262023 #asabovesobelowvideonotice 12:22:28 From Coach : Hidden in plain sight🧐 12:23:54 From eliyahu : judicial 12:24:03 From eliyahu : judicial is making executive orders? 12:24:20 From eliyahu : sounds legislative as well 12:25:08 From @am woman : #recordsrequestvideo 12:25:14 From mel b : What if they are ignoring your RECORDS REQUEST - 12:25:24 From mel b : No letter or anything back 12:25:58 From sunny! : #asabovesobelow 12:27:24 From Tony DuPont : 100 nice thank you 12:27:47 From Chi Bey - All Rights Reserved : Thanks for your wisdom 12:27:57 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:28:57 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : yes how do we peacefully approach the men and women acting as the city water and sewer department who are poisoning our city water with flouride 12:29:46 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : loll 12:29:51 From Meagen C. : @mel b then they are admitting fault and you can put them in default lol send a notice of default and an invoice for damages 12:29:51 From Neekolas : loool fr 12:30:03 From Royal Rising : Perfect analogy 12:30:59 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i saw on FB that the alleged vice presiient man now woman is changing the declaration of independence wording but she doesn't know it onlyl applies to her corporate members; 12:31:06 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : taking out creator, et;c 12:31:29 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 12:32:18 From Queen Of Torts : #intheunitedstates #untitedstates #whereareyou #youarehere lol 12:32:51 From Tecumseh 2.0 : maybe it was meant for me to be here... lol. made it! 12:33:02 From Coach : You are actually in the “Twilight” zone😵‍💫 12:33:12 From eliyahu : remember when the USC says "continental united states" and "geographic sense" and "geographically defined"? anything GeoGraphic is a Graphic of dirt. It's a map. A map inside of D.C. 12:34:07 From gliderl33 : When you go to Key Biscayne they make it clear that you are no longer in a territorial jurisdiction. Take the cog dissed there! 12:34:26 From Jaime Wilkinson : Wizard of Oz is a movie with symbolism of commerce within it 12:34:36 From wendie : Ignore it 12:34:44 From Neekolas : is the 14th amendment not a protection tool? 12:34:52 From Chi Bey - All Rights Reserved : can i record this? 12:34:59 From eliyahu : they ignore it until the agencies above them get in their chili 12:35:46 From benny : Replying to "i saw on FB that t..." theatre 12:35:56 From Mary : Criminal deprivation of equal protection under the color of law. They ignore FOIA requests as well 12:36:28 From Truth Angel : Rule 37 12:36:43 From Queen Of Torts : #rubnoiseinit 12:37:20 From wendie : 🤗 12:37:50 From eliyahu : i hold that the bible cannot be reconciled with the talmud or quran, the three cannot coexist 12:38:04 From eliyahu : they are diametrically opposed 12:38:15 From Truth Angel : consensual intercourse 12:39:00 From eliyahu : as the talmud and quran authorize deceit and lawlessness conditionally and the bible does not authorize such things at all 12:39:32 From eliyahu : "Organized Under The Laws Of" = business entity 12:39:35 From Truth Angel : In a file cabinet😂 12:39:45 From eliyahu : business entities have no substance or form, no hands or feet 12:39:55 From mel b : FACTS 12:40:01 From eliyahu : "Vessel of United States" = US Citizen 12:40:08 From Samsung SM-G975U : United states of Europe USE 12:40:20 From gliderl33 : We the people 12:40:21 From eliyahu : "we the people" 12:40:25 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : yes in premble 12:40:41 From T Roy : https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/rule_37 12:40:46 From @am woman : Our generation is so stupid and ignorant 12:41:09 From Queen Of Torts : they just "nice" 12:41:22 From Truth Angel : Who or how is People, PEOPLE or people used ? 12:41:30 From gliderl33 : People birth but Corporations born? 12:41:44 From eliyahu : @Truth Angel - Capitis Diminutio 12:41:58 From Queen Of Torts : #bornin #personborn 12:41:58 From eliyahu : which is why i tend to type in lowercase all the time 12:42:33 From eliyahu : Capitalizing Words Makes Them Commercial And Values Them As Capital 12:44:10 From eliyahu : someone wrote up a charter or some articles of incorporation "on your behalf" while you were searching for mom's milk 12:44:18 From Queen Of Torts : #reside 12:44:59 From eliyahu : enoch 69:8-11 12:45:17 From Truth Angel : You need the right Bee lol 12:45:30 From gliderl33 : We contracted. We did not have full discloser tho-. 12:45:38 From eliyahu : "men were not made to confirm their faith with pen and paper... but were made to be exactly like the angels... for this reason man is pierced with >>death<< from eternity to eternity" 12:46:00 From sunny! : Replying to "We contracted. We di..." who contracted? when? 12:46:05 From eliyahu : michael the archangel testifying about the things the fallen angels taught man 12:46:32 From eliyahu : @glider no we did not contract as a newborn man or woman to be considered a vessel of United States 12:46:39 From eliyahu : neither is such a contract valid 12:46:40 From Truth Angel : 1 USC 1 12:46:45 From Mary : My parents registered my birth after I was born. I have multiple public records rebutting the assumption that I consent. I repeatedly verbalize I do not consent in writing and in court proceedings 12:46:50 From Truth Angel : What rights ? lol 12:47:08 From benny : agree 12:47:22 From Queen Of Torts : i just ask them who they bound to that 12:47:26 From gliderl33 : Adhesion contract on a child, fraud. 12:47:35 From Queen Of Torts : how not who lol 12:47:38 From Truth Angel : Constitution ? lol 12:48:14 From Neekolas : would one not be using the fourteenth amendment to call out a states' encroachment on one's rights; secured by the constitution? 12:48:37 From eliyahu : @glider be careful to mean non-statutory if you mention "child" as the evil ones tend to create their false gods within a "family" hierarchy and a "child" is a subcorporation 12:48:58 From Truth Angel : What Constitution ? 12:49:03 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : your property is the correct word to use with [chirlren] 12:49:12 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : [children] 12:49:12 From gliderl33 : This fault is BORN of the bill of rights. The constitution worked for the infrastructure just fine until the 7th snuck in common law. 12:49:40 From eliyahu : @brenda i am just careful to point out that everything i am and do and say is non-statutory and that i never volunteer for anything 12:49:44 From Queen Of Torts : #territory #possession 12:50:00 From eliyahu : the whole world is my father's house so there is no foreign or interstate commerce 12:50:40 From Truth Angel : Who's your Daddy ? 🤓 12:51:12 From Queen Of Torts : #8usc1421Naturalizationauthority #datarequest #recordsRequestAG 12:51:29 From Queen Of Torts : #AGrecordsDataRequest 12:51:37 From sunny! : #recordsrequest 12:51:40 From Neekolas : "there are two Due Process Clauses, one in the Fifth Amendment and one in the Fourteenth Amendment. The former operates as a limit on the power of the national government, while the latter operates against the power of the states" 12:52:10 From Neekolas : Aspen constitutional law fourth ed. 12:53:06 From Queen Of Torts : #stategovernmentlimitedto #property #timeyourproperty 12:53:11 From gallorook : International and national Law...governments cannot own land..... 12:53:21 From Neekolas : and it's your life too as well as property 12:53:25 From Neekolas : yesss 12:54:14 From Coach : Pursue that happiness y’all 12:54:27 From Queen Of Torts : yes 12:54:56 From Queen Of Torts : well it sure aint their property ! 12:55:06 From Neit : The public school taught us wrong shid. I blame them for misteaching us!!! 12:55:26 From Neit : Public Schools are the culprits!!! 12:55:31 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:55:31 From gliderl33 : My attention is my property as well. govcorp is not entitled to it. 12:55:34 From Coach : The record does not reflect 12:55:49 From Neekolas : no procedural due process 12:56:23 From Neit : Public Schools are one of the culprits!!!! Sorry to say our parents are too. Many were not able to understand or failed to make it their priority to understand. 12:56:30 From benny : Replying to "Public Schools are..." extra reading.. General Education Board GEB 12:56:32 From gliderl33 : Self determination! 12:57:08 From Skenny : #AttorneyGerneral 12:57:26 From Neit : They send soo much money to foreignors! 12:57:31 From Queen Of Torts : #title15 #15usc1261 12:57:49 From Neit : We using the internet. Consumer 12:58:00 From Truth Angel : Pete Buttigieg 🤩 12:58:34 From Queen Of Torts : #consumer .. kyle at Minn AG office could not understand i am not a consumer i am a end user 12:58:59 From eliyahu : the Birth Canal... 12:59:04 From eliyahu : Birth Registration 12:59:14 From eliyahu : why babies are "born at the Panama Canal" in the USC 12:59:15 From Queen Of Torts : #DistrictofColumbia 12:59:39 From Truth Angel : Secretary of Trans-port-ion Pete Buttigieg 12:59:41 From Queen Of Torts : #PuertoRico #CanalZone 12:59:49 From Mary : I was born in NUREMBURG GERMANY, the US Department of Secretary Consular Report of Birth Abroad states that acquired US and USA CITIZENSHIP after I was born and my parents supplied documentary evidence. I have requested that documentary evidence from the US Consular in MUNICH GERMANY where my parents registered my birth with those documents three months after I was born 13:00:03 From Samsung SM-G975U : Terror Tory 13:00:11 From Queen Of Torts : #title48 #48usc1491 13:00:20 From Tony DuPont : just got out of group meeting with sherrif what is so impoortant about the word include 13:00:38 From Tony DuPont : oppps had some shit wroten first befor my question 13:00:46 From eliyahu : and that's all your 98 EIN and 83 EIN and so on trusts 13:00:55 From Queen Of Torts : #trustTerritory #Pacificisland 13:01:11 From Queen Of Torts : #includes 13:01:16 From eliyahu : includes is a limiter 13:01:16 From Chi Bey - All Rights Reserved : me too 13:01:20 From Queen Of Torts : you will like this 13:01:22 From eliyahu : includes (only) 13:01:41 From Queen Of Torts : #donotexclude 13:03:18 From Queen Of Torts : #27cfr2711 #title27 #ATF 13:03:47 From Mary : I was born in a non military hospital, but my father was in the Army as an officer. When I enlisted in the Army at 18, I imposed double jeopardy without my knowledge making myself a GI, government issued and owned, I have sixty years of layers of US Citizenship presumptions to correct. Correct the record in my mind for at least a dozen years, I know who I am as a daughter of God 13:03:55 From Queen Of Torts : #27CFR72_11 13:04:00 From Jaime Wilkinson : You can download all the codes here: https://uscode.house.gov/download/download.shtml 13:04:27 From Queen Of Torts : #sameclass #applesandorangesarefruit 13:04:28 From gliderl33 : 1 13:04:29 From Dr. Dix : 1 13:04:30 From Queen Of Torts : 1 13:04:30 From Natty : 1 13:04:31 From C. Lockridge : 1 13:04:31 From Antwonic’ Bey : 1 13:04:31 From Chi Bey - All Rights Reserved : 1 13:04:33 From LeAnna : 1 13:04:35 From Crystal Douglass : 1 13:04:37 From eliyahu : 1 13:04:39 From @am woman : 1 13:04:39 From Lady Barbara : 1 13:04:39 From T Roy : 1. 13:04:39 From Tony DuPont : 1 13:04:40 From Derrick Blash Bey : 1 13:04:40 From mel b : 2 13:04:42 From BamBam : 1 13:04:44 From mel b : 2 13:04:44 From wendie : 1 13:04:45 From BamBam : 1 13:04:49 From Jaime Wilkinson : 1 13:04:49 From #Najima : 1 13:04:51 From gallorook : yes but that's a 1usc 1 13:04:53 From Eugene Pride : 1 13:04:54 From Spiritpower : who determines class? 13:04:55 From Mary : 1 13:04:56 From Truth Angel : 1 in like kind 13:04:57 From I-mA : 1 13:05:28 From Queen Of Torts : #generalclass 13:05:47 From eliyahu : "one of these things is not like the others... one of these thigns does not belong..." yeh i am not one of your 'Citizen's... where is the exit? 13:06:05 From gallorook : will wait you return to 48 13:06:05 From I-mA : 1 of theez tings iz NOT like di otherz..... 13:07:00 From Spiritpower : apple and car are in the class of things 13:07:24 From gliderl33 : Includes could still be sneaky by excluding what was mentioned before it 13:07:25 From gallorook : Not all mentioned in title 48 are in the same class 13:07:34 From eliyahu : when talking about Persons there is no class parity with People 13:07:41 From I-mA : parity.. pairz....of like kind.. 13:07:54 From eliyahu : but folks keep trying to pur People in there as Persons 13:08:31 From eliyahu : but they do that all the time, see the MuniCode for evidence 13:08:37 From Spiritpower : pluto used to be a planet? Now what? It’s a ball? 13:08:41 From eliyahu : they keep trying to expand their nonexistent authority 13:08:48 From gallorook : but that's what they did in title 48 13:09:02 From eliyahu : Pluto is an image rendered in a NASA simulator 13:09:23 From Samiyha : Samiyhanotes 13:10:19 From gallorook : that is a 1usc 1 13:10:42 From gallorook : ceded not purchased 13:12:52 From Queen Of Torts : #birthcert #5us301 #40usc121 13:13:06 From benny : #birthcertificatebey 13:13:27 From Queen Of Torts : #title5Employee 13:13:37 From benny : wowowow 13:15:05 From Jaime Wilkinson : The pdf for title 26 is 6979 sheesh 13:15:10 From eliyahu : Rescission for Cause 13:15:16 From benny : Boys Clubs of America Girls Club of America Boy Scouts of America Camp Fire Girls Bit Brothers - BIg Sisters 13:15:21 From benny : all under this code! 13:15:26 From eliyahu : "Subornation Of Fraud, i repent" 13:15:34 From benny : "youth organized" 13:16:01 From eliyahu : she was not born in the bounded paper of a map in D.C.... 13:16:13 From eliyahu : "Born in the State" = born inside of a map. 13:16:25 From eliyahu : "born on the land and soil" = not born on a map. 13:16:50 From eliyahu : Hospital is always a military field office 13:17:05 From eliyahu : Licensed Medical Professionals are Military Field Officers 13:17:14 From gliderl33 : Civil = Roman/military 13:17:30 From Bloom to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : Greetings, still unclear how to UNdo the authentication process 13:18:55 From Bloom to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : lots of birth certificate Bey's recommend it, as you say. 13:20:32 From Coach : Are we under martial law🧐 13:20:41 From Tecumseh 2.0 : request 4 admiss: are u a contractor as defined by F.A.R. 13:21:57 From Queen Of Torts : #datarequestPOST #POST 13:22:44 From eliyahu : but terrible things come in terrible twos... 13:22:58 From eliyahu : a Person for every man... but that's only the start of it 13:23:00 From Tracy Cunningham : Show me the lawful promulgated records that prove my child is an article of commerce? 13:23:05 From eliyahu : but if we cut the root then that's the end of it 13:23:14 From benny : why are these codes getting such frequent updates now? 13:23:17 From Queen Of Torts : #executiveorders 13:24:03 From Queen Of Torts : #secofcommerence 13:24:04 From eliyahu : Records Request: how did my unalienable rights become commercial property or territory of United States? 13:24:14 From eliyahu : that right there should make an attorney scowl... 13:24:31 From eliyahu : Family Court is Human Trafficking 13:25:00 From eliyahu : they don't return children, you have to force them to give your children back 13:25:05 From eliyahu : you have to sue them with intent to kill 13:25:08 From eliyahu : kill their papers 13:25:54 From Queen Of Torts : #suethemall #suethem 13:26:07 From Meagen C. : SUE DEM 13:26:24 From eliyahu : go private, then go with 2 witnesses, then put them on blast 13:26:56 From Natty : That is the problem we don't have nobody near to go with us. 13:28:13 From eliyahu : "Returned Service, No UCC1 Contract Trust, No Territorial Office or Officer" 13:28:21 From T Roy : I laugh all the way to mailbox...LOL 13:28:21 From eliyahu : and they shut. up. 13:28:33 From gliderl33 : You have many here that will "go with you" physically or in writing. We are friends and fam in law 13:28:53 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Reacted to ""Returned Service, N..." with 👍 13:29:52 From Queen Of Torts : we can CC each other in electronic mail 13:29:55 From Mary : Suing the government is not easy, even filing administrative process complaints is futile, my lawful notification letters of intent to sue put me on a bigger target list, the notice of intent to sue was to ask them to fix the problem to prevent the law suit, asking them to perform an admin review, settle out of court. All I got since 2010 was criminalized and demonized. 13:30:32 From Mcreal : Thay ARE NOT GOVERNMENT 13:30:50 From legallyattractive : they don't believe that mcreal 13:30:52 From benny : what @glider33 says... find the ones willing to assist. decide you will find a way. 13:31:00 From gallorook : which is why 48 USC does not apply in what they define as territories 13:31:57 From Neit : Walmart is Not a federal area. 13:31:58 From Queen Of Torts : #Statemeans #Title4 #4usc110 13:32:49 From gallorook : The supremacy clause clarifies this.... 13:32:51 From eliyahu : 28 usc 3002 15 a b and c 13:32:56 From gallorook : exactly 13:32:59 From eliyahu : federal corporation, franchises 13:33:05 From Neit : What is a federal area...ceded to or owned by 13:33:20 From gallorook : exactly 13:33:22 From gliderl33 : Thank you for sifting out this remedy gold! 13:33:49 From Neit : Oh no I am at library. 13:34:19 From gallorook : which is why 48 USC and the definitions of territory contradicts the Supremacy Clause 13:34:22 From T Roy : Only my acessor.. 13:34:44 From gallorook : State, In The State 13:34:56 From gallorook : they cannot own land 13:35:17 From eliyahu : pen island, on paper 13:35:23 From gallorook : EXACTLY 13:35:37 From Tracy Cunningham : Brothels 13:35:49 From Neit : So if a crime happens out of federal area, what jurisdiction do they have? 13:35:50 From gallorook : THEY CANNOT OWN LAND 13:35:56 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Not even through annexation 13:36:47 From benny : this may explain ongoing hint at annexing "states" 13:37:00 From eliyahu : Adams vs United States? 13:37:02 From benny : they know the land is fitional 13:37:07 From benny : fictional 13:37:15 From eliyahu : ah yeah there it is 13:37:23 From benny : Civil War, anyone? 13:37:36 From eliyahu : Invasion, Insurrection 13:37:49 From benny : Forming of the UNION. Lincoln Mythology 13:38:30 From eliyahu : all the Sheriffs and Police are under Collective Bargaining Agreement with an invading Foreign Noble pretending to be a District Attorney despite being automatically disqualified from Public Office by the Titles Of Nobility Act by them having a Bar Membership or any Title Of Nobility from a Secret Society (like the Masons) 13:38:44 From Queen Of Torts : donation lol 13:38:59 From eliyahu : and they are used as Pinkerton Mercenaries (Railroad, 1879) to constitute a Private Standing Army on our land and soil 13:39:07 From eliyahu : so yes, it is war 13:39:22 From benny : Pinkerton is a huge player 13:39:37 From benny : Read up on history of Pinkerton 13:39:43 From benny : Wakenhut showed up later. 13:39:49 From Tecumseh 2.0 : currently 40 usc 3111(b) 13:39:51 From eliyahu : Pinkerton Mercenaries are for Railroad cargo protection only, they do not have jurisdiction anywhere there is not a railroad 13:39:53 From Queen Of Torts : #datarequest 13:39:54 From benny : Wackenhut 13:39:58 From gallorook : GOVERNMENTS CANNOT OWN LAND...JURISDICTION OF ANY GOVERNMENT IS LIMITED TO WHERE THIER ARTICLES AND APPURTENANCES ARE..AND NOWHERE ELSE... 13:40:01 From eliyahu : and they only have jurisdiction "on the rails" 13:41:06 From Samsung SM-G975U : Okinawa 13:41:33 From Samiyha : samiyha 13:43:06 From Mcreal : U know I gotta make shit fun 13:43:19 From Royal Rising : We appreciate it lol 13:43:23 From Queen Of Torts : #publiclands 13:43:34 From Royal Rising : Is Malika sharing her screen? 13:43:48 From benny : Replying to "Is Malika sharing ..." y 13:44:14 From gallorook : YES GOVERNMENT 13:44:16 From Royal Rising : I only see Legallyattractive on my screen lol 13:44:19 From Samsung SM-G975U : They are lost at C 13:44:31 From eliyahu : @Royal you have her selected then 13:44:37 From Neit : what if someone parked their car crazily in the road outside your house and they come to telll you or ask questions? 13:45:00 From Queen Of Torts : #AGdatarequest 13:45:41 From benny : Replying to "I only see Legally..." look at view options at top 13:46:01 From Tecumseh 2.0 : oh. my bad. 40 usc 3112 (b). don't mind me 13:46:26 From gallorook : ÁLL STILL RESTRICTED TO THE JURISDICTION OF STATE...NOWHERE ELSE 13:47:24 From Neit : why is the governor dealing with inmates facing death? 13:47:39 From eliyahu : FRCP 17 only Public Officials can be a Defendant 13:48:01 From gallorook : EVERYTHING BASED ON SURRENDERING 13:48:18 From gallorook : EXACTLY 13:48:47 From T Roy : ID theft 13:48:48 From Neit : why do folk on the streets be so mad about anyone using their government name except the quasi governement? 13:48:49 From Samsung SM-G975U : Futher mucker 13:48:54 From gallorook : A NAME LIKE YOURS..... 13:49:17 From Samsung SM-G975U : Likeness 13:49:59 From Mel Grover : I did that, and I got hog-tied 13:50:06 From Neit : protective order 13:50:10 From Mel Grover : they fkn don't give a shit. 13:50:19 From Neit : Protection from abuse order...I have done one 13:50:23 From benny : did what @melgrover 13:50:26 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Oh snap I need that lol 13:50:30 From Sunshine D : legal abuse syndrome is a real thing 13:50:37 From Neit : I need to put it on the police officers. you have to testify in court 13:50:43 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : For to trespass upon against this property/landed-estate physical flesh and blood flowing body is with a fee of 10 million lawful dollars plus one lawful dollar per second; 13:50:51 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I got one against me why not file one against the trespassers 13:50:55 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : that is the first notice on your land, house in your windows, etc; 13:51:02 From Royal Rising : There is a book about legal abuse 13:51:08 From Samsung SM-G975U : I got Natalie to not open the door and charge them with Trespass and invasion of privacy ON THE FUCKIN PHONE lol 😂 😆 🙃 🤣 😅 13:51:20 From Royal Rising : in my library that I haven’t got a chance to read yet 13:52:23 From Samsung SM-G975U : Guess i have to stand behind you and tell you what to say 😆 🤣 😂 😹 13:52:44 From benny : "Nation State" memba that all in the NEWS - Bush gen, i believe 13:52:47 From benny : bush era 13:52:57 From benny : they been telling us all along 13:54:02 From gliderl33 : The dog is not the enemy, the fleas on the dog are the problem . 13:54:16 From Samsung SM-G975U : There are federal areas and united states all over the world which one we wanna pick 13:54:24 From Royal Rising : https://www.amazon.com/Legal-Abuse-Syndrome-Avoiding-Traumatic/dp/1481744690/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3SQ1I1GD3GKNK&keywords=Legal+abuse+syndrome&qid=1674770041&s=books&sprefix=legal+abuse+syndrome+%2Cstripbooks%2C160&sr=1-1 13:56:20 From Samsung SM-G975U : Hey honey 13:56:29 From Maya Bee : 😍 13:56:31 From Maya Bee : 💕 13:56:45 From Samsung SM-G975U : 😜😂😂😂😂 13:56:46 From Maya Bee : 🔥 Thanks Malika 13:57:55 From Samsung SM-G975U : A ewe is a female sheep. Hoo u talkin to 13:58:23 From gliderl33 : Remember "unity" on Rick and Morty. Govcorp thinks they are her. 13:58:58 From Samsung SM-G975U : 😤 13:59:20 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "Remember "unity" on ..." with 😤 13:59:41 From T Roy : https://freedom-school.com/story-of-the-buck-act.pdf 14:00:09 From legallyattractive : thanks 14:00:17 From Samsung SM-G975U : Sophistry = soft soaping 14:00:51 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "https://freedom-scho..." with 👍 14:01:03 From gallorook : THATS WHY 48 USC IS AS GOOD AS 1USC1 14:02:49 From Neit : CLUE 14:03:17 From Neit : i ain't the person, so go on somewhere, with the place and weapon 14:03:49 From Neit : This is like the game CLUE yall for real and that is how I have comprehended this today. 14:05:35 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i never use 2 letter states, full locations onlyl 14:05:43 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : in care of: 14:05:47 From gallorook : EVERYTHING IS BASED ON CESSION,CEDE, PURCHASE/SURRENDER 14:05:48 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : near 14:07:01 From gallorook : WITH THE EXEPTION OF TREATY..WHICH IS THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE 14:07:20 From Samsung SM-G975U : I used to say Massachusetts Bay. They hate that 😆 🤣 😂 😹 14:07:48 From benny : Replying to "I used to say Mass..." significance, pls? 14:07:54 From benny : Replying to "I used to say Mass..." what does this mean? 14:08:13 From Samsung SM-G975U : Malika you are in Oregon Country 😁 14:08:26 From benny : WAshington State 14:08:31 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 14:08:35 From gallorook : AND THOSE THAT ARE CEDED ARE WHERE THEY HAVE JURISDICTION...STATE. IN THE STATE 14:08:50 From Kellyslimgoody : 😝🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 14:09:10 From Samsung SM-G975U : Warshington 14:09:20 From benny : Wurshington 14:09:21 From benny : hahah 14:09:46 From gliderl33 : On is much better than in when it comes to Govcorp intercourse. 14:10:13 From Samsung SM-G975U : I LOVE BEING A SUBJECT GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 👸 14:10:23 From Irene Zantae : So how do we apply #inthestate statues to establish our private capacity? 14:10:33 From benny : Is this mythology.. MARYLAND And VIRGINIA Means Virgin Mary? 14:11:11 From gliderl33 : America is a foreign country 14:11:14 From Mary : State of Connecticut Auditors of Public Accounts founding documents tie the State directly to England, The State is subject to the Queen , why it is called New England along with several other Eastern States. U.S. and U.S.A. never won Independence, neither did the people. 14:11:41 From gliderl33 : F yeah! 14:11:42 From Samsung SM-G975U : What's your 20 10-4 14:12:03 From gliderl33 : Denver and Chicago 14:13:09 From Samsung SM-G975U : Replying to "State of Connecticut..." George said he took it all back by agency 🤣 14:13:59 From Maya Bee : https://blm-egis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6f0da4c7931440a8a80bfe20eddd7550 BLM MAP 😎 14:14:09 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Replying to "I used to say Massac..." I asked the Recorders for the records and to Notice them that individuals who have no legal and/or lawful interest recorded the docs 14:14:40 From gliderl33 : Colorado evades that directly in the preamble 14:14:41 From Samsung SM-G975U : Replying to "State of Connecticut..." He has sent forth swarms of officers to eat out our substance 14:15:17 From Meagen C. : #houston #city #charter https://library.municode.com/tx/houston/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CH_ARTIICOGEPO 14:16:02 From [mel b] : Reacted to "#houston #city #char…" with ❤️ 14:16:41 From gliderl33 : Malika said at the beginning that information requests would be at the end? 14:16:56 From [mel b] : Reacted to "Malika said at the b…" with 🙏 14:17:02 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reconstruction placed everyone in civil service 14:17:30 From eliyahu : @Samsung that would be every"thing" as Persons are not people 14:17:53 From eliyahu : the whole point is we are not persons and persons don't have our property 14:18:11 From Mary : Connecticut Governor Lamont legislating gun laws, judges legislate from the bench, the AG and Auditors of Public Accounts along with the Division of Criminal Justice, Division of Public Defender Services, multiple Executive Branch agencies, all elected reps involved since 2003- present, all being sued in Federal 1983 Tort claim, I am still working on this, there are no separation of powers, the Constitution is not upheld by any government entity since 2003-present. 14:18:19 From eliyahu : attorneys and fake courts love to "presume" otherwise for expressly criminal purposes 14:18:22 From eliyahu : so we sue them 14:18:37 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : https://www.jenner.com/a/web/8P9EHbzNe9amrC5nWxyCwc/4HRMZQ/2020%2520Personal%2520Jurisdiction%2520Practice%2520Series.pdf?1580424178 "minimum contacts" 14:19:02 From eliyahu : the only reason they talk to us is: "we need some more money for this slush fund to round it out to the next hundred million, maybe we can hit a billion next year... who can we steal from?" 14:19:27 From eliyahu : Citizen is a Government Employee 14:19:38 From eliyahu : Private Citizen is Minimum Contacts too 14:19:46 From eliyahu : anything Citizen is Minimum Contacts 14:19:53 From @najima : #NC - Minimum Contacts. NCGS § 1-75.4. Personal jurisdiction, grounds for generally. A court of this State having jurisdiction of the subject matter has jurisdiction over a person served in an action pursuant to Rule 4(j), Rule 4(j1), or Rule 4(j3) of the Rules of Civil Procedure under any of the following circumstances: (1) Local Presence or Status. – In any action, whether the claim arises within or without this State, in which a claim is asserted against a party who when service of process is made upon such party: a. Is a natural person present within this State; or b. Is a natural person domiciled within this State; or c. Is a domestic corporation; or d. Is engaged in substantial activity within this State, whether such activity is wholly interstate, intrastate, or otherwise. 14:19:57 From eliyahu : people are not Citizens 14:20:01 From eliyahu : Persons are Citizens 14:20:04 From Irene Zantae : We the people of the State of Arizona, grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution. Section 1. A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is essential to the security of individual rights and the perpetuity of free government. https://www.azleg.gov/const/Arizona_Constitution.pdf 14:20:07 From eliyahu : people cannot be Citizens 14:20:37 From [mel b] : 🤣🤣🤣🤣 14:20:39 From Mary : Lol 14:21:48 From Mary : It is hard indoctrination to break 14:22:22 From TerrellTamari Bey All Rights Reserved : Only because you declared “it’s hard.” 14:22:53 From Jessenia : https://lawfulliving.disciplemedia.com/posts/34278/comments/120441 records request 14:23:04 From gliderl33 : Thank you Malika! Thank you all! 14:23:14 From hiya : M , you mention at the start of call You wanted to end with records request 14:23:15 From Irene Zantae : Etymology 👌 bombard (n.) early 15c., "catapult, military engine for throwing large stones" ("The name generally given in Europe to the cannon during the 1st century of its use," says Century Dictionary), from Old French bombarde "mortar, catapult" (14c.), from bombe (see bomb (n.)). The same word, from the same source, was used in English and French late 14c. in reference to the bass shawm, a low-pitched bassoon-like musical instrument, preserving the "buzzing" sense in the Latin. 14:24:21 From Mary : Could be. My thoughts I believed were true gave the appearance of it being hard to get out of cognitive dissonance and learn the truth by figuring out the lies beaten into our psyche 14:24:49 From Neit : Alabama b)(1) The secretary shall be appointed by and hold office at the pleasure of the Governor, and shall serve until his or her successor is appointed.  The salary of the secretary shall be set by the Governor, and shall not be subject to Section 36-6-6 . 14:27:58 From Mary : I love the private administerial class. So grateful and blessed. I need to get into Pig Pen, I study Alot over the years, Malika is the bomb of law mentors I learn from since 2010 14:28:07 From Mel Grover : can anyone help me find my county charter?? 14:28:16 From Meagen C. : Reacted to "so we sue them" with ❤️ 14:28:37 From Queen Of Torts : mel g which county or city 14:28:47 From Mary : Connecticut does not have County government or Constitution Sheriffs 14:28:49 From benny : agree 14:28:54 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i also share the zoom number and people can go to www.zoom.us to join also 14:29:11 From eliyahu : i do :) 14:29:14 From eliyahu : because i work for free. 14:29:26 From Mashai Small : Do you have time for a 1 on 1 consultation after class? 14:29:27 From eliyahu : "ye cannot serve two masters, ye cannot serve elohim and mammon" 14:30:21 From Maya Bee : 💪🏽 14:30:22 From benny : hashtag overload! it's blinding! (thomas dolby) 14:30:29 From gliderl33 : I have saved half the price so far to buy my son a full membership! He is starting to listen! 14:30:53 From Samsung SM-G975U : Coming up to visit you and wash your dishes 😁😁 14:31:29 From Mel Grover : @amwoman coach neighbors has a list of things to ask for 14:31:30 From Royal Rising : They reak of desperation 14:31:56 From Mary : I am looking forward to getting a laptop or my desk top next month. I do everything on the phone and it is challenging to navigate . Next month I will be better place to continue to prepare my 1983 Bivins Tort claim. I am doing this 14:32:13 From benny : what state r u mary? 14:32:25 From benny : can patch u into someone - trusted IT guy 14:32:44 From eliyahu : sounds like a judicial complaint on the magistrate is in order so they stop using that AI 14:33:13 From eliyahu : if their AI is going to get them in trouble then they need to pay the piper and then stop using it... obstruction of justice, interference... 14:35:17 From benny : well described! 14:35:29 From benny : viacom type of crisis actor hahaha 14:36:39 From benny : crisis and PAID actors IS REAL! 14:36:49 From Royal Rising : Did she hop off the call? 14:36:58 From eliyahu : Craigslist Ads... "acting role" 14:37:05 From benny : yup 14:38:02 From Royal Rising : Definitely beneficial to listen to entire call instead of rushing in in a panic and then hopping off. 14:38:55 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 14:39:47 From benny : #memorandumofunderstanding 14:40:35 From Queen Of Torts : yes great video #judgevideo 14:41:06 From eliyahu : rape... "Service" 14:41:18 From eliyahu : they are "Providing Services" 14:41:28 From gliderl33 : Think of how happy you will be when it is over and you will get them out of your mind now. 14:41:58 From eliyahu : legal custody of persons must have nothing to do with people 14:42:03 From benny : It's ALL ABOUT THE MIND 14:42:13 From benny : hard to process but true 14:42:16 From eliyahu : so whatever notice needs to be put together to separate the people from any Persons needs to be done and put in 14:42:25 From eliyahu : #Bifurcation 14:42:29 From benny : y. notice in advance 14:43:26 From gliderl33 : This is painful and terrifying when you think you are in it. 14:43:46 From Samsung SM-G975U : War Games 14:43:51 From eliyahu : yeah that's evidence that you are a party 14:44:00 From eliyahu : like a divorce proves a marriage 14:44:06 From eliyahu : when there was no marriage to begin with 14:44:24 From eliyahu : "i lack parity with the State and never married the State so the marriage license is a suborned fraud and is void" 14:44:26 From Samsung SM-G975U : The only way to win is not to play 14:44:52 From Royal Rising : #exemptfromtaxes 14:44:59 From eliyahu : #neverqualified 14:45:09 From eliyahu : #disqualifythelies 14:45:24 From benny : this kid snatching is UFB! 14:45:35 From Samsung SM-G975U : The only way to win is not to play -computer 14:46:01 From benny : birth 14:46:07 From Mel Grover : well that was Karl Lentz.. 14:46:10 From eliyahu : midwife 14:46:19 From benny : dulas 14:46:31 From eliyahu : never ever use a hospital for bringing forth a new man or woman into the world 14:46:34 From Samsung SM-G975U : DO NOT GO TO HOSPITAL!!!! Hire midwife 14:46:39 From benny : i had that exprence! unforgettable!! 14:46:53 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "midwife" with 👍 14:47:05 From gliderl33 : Guns n Notices! 14:47:07 From Tecumseh 2.0 : 1st amendment 14:47:13 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : against "sincerely held religious beliefs" 14:47:14 From Queen Of Torts : yes 14:47:21 From Queen Of Torts : and email 14:47:22 From Samsung SM-G975U : Replying to "well that was Karl L..." Deez nuts 14:47:31 From Queen Of Torts : email and fax 14:49:12 From Kiesha Pink : I have experience with this topic, with results of a dismissal for all those who need it. 14:49:30 From Mel Grover : use Nuremberg code too!! 14:49:49 From Samsung SM-G975U : They take marching orders 14:49:50 From gliderl33 : Only blue and red nooses are available at this time. Sorry for any hassle … 14:50:03 From Queen Of Torts : #spicey 14:50:09 From Samsung SM-G975U : Ooooh SPICE 14:50:41 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "Only blue and red no..." with 😁 14:51:05 From Antwonic’ Bey : Reacted to "Only blue and red no..." with 😁 14:51:13 From Queen Of Torts : lol 14:51:22 From Royal Rising : 🤣 14:51:27 From benny : whoa! 14:51:35 From Royal Rising : I know it really pisses them off 14:51:38 From Antwonic’ Bey : 😂😂 14:51:49 From Queen Of Torts : yes it piss them off 14:51:51 From Royal Rising : #powersofimpeachment 14:52:45 From Meagen C. : could be could be lol 14:53:03 From T Roy : My Michigan county has this: https://www.mijackson.org/814/Hospital-Finance-Authority 14:53:59 From T Roy : Congrats Tony, 14:54:02 From Mary : ☺️ 14:54:22 From Samsung SM-G975U : I sent the bill and 1099 and filed in federal bankruptcy for non payment. 14:55:35 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Response to yesterday's emailed Notices of Liability addressed to: Dear Clerk of Records for Cook County, Illinois, Karen A. Yarbrough, in public as well as private capacity CC: Cook County Sheriff, Thomas J. Dart, in public as well as private capacity CC: Toni Preckwinkle COUNTY BOARD PRESIDENT  via Fax: Response - You received an alert due to a foreclosure related recording.    If your email is styled as a freedom request for documents, then your request is granted.   Documents contained in the Recorder's Index are subject to the Recorder's act and are free search and free to view online at cookcountyclerkil.gov/recordings/search-recordings , click on the search site and enter the PIN and you may view documents for free online.     We are not the Cook County Circuit Court Clerk/President's Office/Sheriff's Office and we do not have their records.     This matter is closed.  Cook County Clerk's Fraud Unit Cook County Clerk's Office 14:55:38 From eliyahu : "in the State" is how he won that, ok 14:56:24 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : that's what we used 14:56:44 From Meagen C. : GOOD SHIT @TONY!!! 14:57:41 From Mel Grover : just a tip I learned.. to find out if barfly is also on the fed registry.. state look up local bar, I think they said either add or drop a zero. was looking for the disqualify notice. 14:58:03 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 14:58:54 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i like rescuing kitties; 14:59:00 From Meagen C. : LMAO MALIKA 14:59:03 From [mel b] : Reacted to "LMAO MALIKA" with 😂 14:59:21 From Samsung SM-G975U : SCREWS V US 14:59:26 From Meagen C. : CONGRATS 14:59:50 From Lisa Marie : CONGRATS!~BLESSINGS~ 14:59:55 From Meagen C. : WITH SETTLEMENTS! 15:00:00 From Queen Of Torts : awesome 15:01:01 From benny : What a Feelin'! 15:01:16 From eliyahu : can i has the plans? i want the plans. 15:01:22 From Antwonic’ Bey : wowwwwww 15:01:23 From eliyahu : imma do some science 15:01:23 From Mary : Woot woot 15:01:29 From Meagen C. : HECK YES 15:01:33 From Neekolas : that's cool, was looking into hydrogen cells a while back 15:01:34 From gliderl33 : We have free energy devices here as well! 15:01:44 From Samsung SM-G975U : I have hydrogen conversion 15:02:02 From benny : there's a canadian guy i follow who explains how to build battery cells 15:02:03 From T Roy : GEETS 15:02:12 From benny : lots of science! 15:02:14 From gliderl33 : Well. equal or over unity devices. 15:02:17 From Meagen C. : I have a hydrogen water machine and its the shit! 15:02:25 From benny : yep 15:03:20 From Meagen C. : i also just wanna say i fk love this group and these people! yall are the real deal and we are blessed to have found this community!!! ❤️ 15:03:28 From [mel b] : Reacted to "I have a hydrogen wa…" with 😍 15:03:51 From Lynn El : Reacted to "i also just wanna sa…" with ❤️ 15:03:55 From Meagen C. : that court hoe tried to do that to me too champ lol 15:04:01 From Royal Rising : Why do they do that? 15:04:05 From eliyahu : fraud on the court? 15:04:09 From benny : Reacted to "Why do they do tha..." with 😂 15:04:28 From benny : Replying to "yep" dangit... wrong person 15:04:38 From Royal Rising : Can’t follow directions 15:04:51 From Tecumseh 2.0 : disqualification required pursuant to... 15:04:56 From benny : Reacted to "that court hoe tri..." with 😂 15:04:56 From Meagen C. : Reacted to "Can’t follow directi..." with 👏 15:05:08 From eliyahu : how do i find out who administrates the district, Bobby? 15:05:15 From eliyahu : that came out of left field for me 15:05:31 From Meagen C. : so they really trickin lol 15:05:50 From Royal Rising : Did he mean Administrative Judge? 15:05:58 From benny : Replying to "Why do they do tha..." ok.. this crappy keyboard is dangerous. lol 15:06:07 From Royal Rising : I found the one for my county and cc’d him 15:06:27 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : writ of error. 15:06:37 From Maya Bee : 28 USC 455 15:07:08 From benny : Replying to "Did he mean Admini..." look up the org chart for courts. it'll show u titles. 15:07:54 From Meagen C. : well theres the proof in the pudding with the first judge leaving! they cant go back and do the process right if they didn't do it right in the first place! 15:08:01 From Royal Rising : Write this down lol 15:08:11 From eliyahu : damn type out that list so i can put it in a text file 15:08:12 From Meagen C. : me too @champ lmao 15:08:18 From Tecumseh 2.0 : judiciary committee of the house and senate 15:08:18 From eliyahu : and then i can track down all of that for my own 15:08:23 From Kiesha Pink : We should be disqualifying ourselves. Conflict of interest as both the judge & prosecuting attorney are bar members. How can we get a fair & impartial hearing 15:08:31 From benny : it's in the past 2 zooms... THE LIST 15:09:02 From eliyahu : yeah that's Judicial Complaint stuff 15:09:02 From Royal Rising : Ok 15:09:03 From benny : and dropped into t.me