12:02:12 From Stephen Grant : Smells like somebody died 12:02:31 From Natty : Love and peace to one and all, even the bad actors. 12:02:39 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds 😇💫 🙏🏾✨ 🇲🇦🤞🏾✡️🤚🏾🇲🇦🛸 12:03:53 From wendie : Under a spell 12:03:56 From Stephen Grant : God gives them their just rewards for a perfect reason 12:04:29 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : #falseimpersonation 12:05:01 From hiya : #18usc912 12:05:23 From Stephen Grant : Piracy 12:06:06 From T Roy : 3 12:06:42 From Jenn V : Orgy in the court! 12:06:48 From T Roy : intercoasre 12:06:51 From benny : well we know who always pays on this "date" 12:07:06 From Stephen Grant : 18 U.S. Code § 1652 - Citizens as pirates Whoever, being a citizen of the United States, commits any act of hostility against any citizen thereof, under color of any commission, or state, or on pretense of authority from any person, is a pirate, and shall be imprisoned for life. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 774.) 12:07:15 From benny : "so-called", anyway 12:07:43 From benny : #absentcontract 12:08:19 From Stephen Grant : Pirates 12:08:35 From Stephen Grant : Bufort T Justus 12:09:19 From Meagen C. : I sent my private notice to judge to the county auditor lol 12:09:32 From Jenn V : Replying to "18 U.S. Code § 1652 ..." foreclosures on private real property not owned by the county/state/United States (public) 12:09:47 From Najima El : #asabovesobelowseries 12:10:39 From Jenn V : #CollectiveBargainingAgreement 12:11:06 From benny : Randy mentions that the Bailiff is actually in court to keep the Judge in order... not us. He's there to arrest the judge but they do not. 12:11:38 From Irene Zantae : Yes 12:11:52 From Shalunda Harrison : Me 12:12:03 From Stephen Grant : They give enforcer gun & badge and say go out and conquer the town 12:12:47 From Jenn V : No titles 12:13:19 From Mel Grover : they always say, they don't use the constitution, it doesn't apply here.. which if under administrative, it is true. 12:13:29 From Shalunda Harrison : You better preach this thang.. I'm joining your church for sure 12:14:24 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : 1 USC 112 AND 1 USC 204... 12:14:52 From Trading Brigade : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/1/112 12:15:03 From Jenn V : Reacted to "1 USC 112 AND 1 USC ..." with ❤️ 12:15:05 From C Lockridge : Reacted to "1 USC 112 AND 1 USC ..." with ❤️ 12:15:06 From benny : memorize #supremacyclause 12:15:06 From Irene Zantae : Reacted to "1 USC 112 AND 1 USC …" with ❤️ 12:15:16 From Trading Brigade : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/1/204 12:15:17 From Irene Zantae : Reacted to "https://www.law.corn…" with ❤️ 12:15:22 From Irene Zantae : Reacted to "https://www.law.corn…" with ❤️ 12:15:56 From Stephen Grant : Pubic acts 12:16:35 From Stephen Grant : Oath of Pubic Orifice 12:17:56 From @am woman : #asabovesobelow #notsupposedtotalktoregularpeople 12:20:02 From benny : Make one's own "Wrong Party Defendant" document #wrongpartydefendant 12:20:05 From A'lukeyO-i : Greetings all.. I like the sound of that already.... Wrong party defendant... 12:20:26 From Dr. Abby : “Defendant in error” 12:21:11 From Natty : We are not qualified because without the FARA and Title 12 usc 614 Certification we can not be conducting transactions under their UCC Codes. 12:21:15 From Samiyha : Samiyhanotes 12:22:47 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : Can't stay long today... have a guest spot on The Fearless Floyd Show: One Micro-nation at a time: 12:23:02 From Stephen Grant : Intercourse 12:23:18 From Lady Barbara : Shalom All🌸✍🏾 12:23:32 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : that’s what the IRS is using against us right? 12:23:33 From Trading Brigade : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/17 12:23:48 From Jenn V : Illinois Constitution https://www.ilga.gov/commission/lrb/conmain.htm Cook County, Illinois Ordinances: https://library.municode.com/il/cook_county/codes/code_of_ordinances 12:24:14 From Kimberly : Greeting and blessings all! 12:24:39 From Chi-Bey : Islam 🤲🏾🇲🇦 12:25:08 From A'lukeyO-i : In is limited to perfomance and or duty terms. Not labor! 12:25:24 From A'lukeyO-i : Income* 12:25:50 From Trading Brigade : #error #omission #impossibility 12:25:55 From Tamara Waters -All Rights Reserved : Asalaam Alakium everyone, I unfortunately have to part at this time for work 🙃👎🏿 I am pleased to be here. Is there a way I can receive a recording to be able to come back and take notes? 12:25:59 From Kiesha Pink : forced compliance is not voluntary 12:27:57 From benny : monkey see... 12:28:56 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 12:29:09 From Meagen C. : i think the only real warrants from federal judges are for like big time ponzy scheme crimes lol that under cover agents get probable cause for 12:29:47 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : melonated… haha 12:30:19 From Meagen C. : then they aint nice!!!! lol 12:30:21 From C Lockridge : what’s the name of the sundown town? 12:30:31 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : haha @Mcreal 12:30:56 From benny : exactly 12:31:03 From benny : does not matter where! 12:31:10 From benny : or body count 12:31:21 From Stephen Grant : Melan crazy 12:31:33 From benny : yep! 12:31:53 From iPhone : Fuck around and find out 12:32:28 From Kiesha Pink : competency is key 12:32:40 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : right 12:33:26 From iPhone : They care about they job but they playing with your life ‼️ 12:34:48 From T Roy : yes 12:34:50 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : yes 12:34:51 From mel b : Many times 12:34:58 From wendie : I've seen it 12:35:37 From Kiesha Pink : case information statement for jersey 12:35:45 From mel b : I saw on a lawyers website that when they use bill of information when they there is an insider aka snitch 12:36:44 From Swaylo Da Goddess : Islam 12:36:46 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : the layers of all this is crazy. 12:38:35 From wendie : I did 12:38:47 From wendie : Cooperation of courts 12:38:48 From Shalunda Harrison : So the only people that was supposed to be on lock down during covid was military personnel 12:38:48 From Stephen Grant : Respectfully???? The byrd is protected speech 12:39:14 From Dr. Abby : Ceoprivatebanker is in the Post Office and my zoom is on the speaker, they all listening 😝 go Malika like Judge Brown 🤣🤣🤣 12:39:32 From benny : luv it 12:39:34 From Mel Grover : Minnesota Const. JurisdicitonARTICLE II NAME AND BOUNDARIES Section 1. Name and boundaries; acceptance of organic act.This state shall be called the state of Minnesota and shall consist of and have jurisdiction over the territory embraced in the act of Congress entitled, "An act to authorize the people of the Territory of Minnesota to form a constitution and state government, preparatory to their admission into the Union on equal footing with the original states," and the propositions contained in that act are hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed, and remain irrevocable without the consent of the United States. Sec. 2. Jurisdiction on boundary waters.The state of Minnesota has concurrent jurisdiction on the Mississippi and on all other rivers and waters forming a common boundary with any other state or states. Navigable waters leading into the same, shall be common highways and forever free to citizens of the United States without any tax, duty, impost or toll therefor. 12:39:46 From sophia : #inoffice #governorsoffice 12:39:50 From sophia : jurisdiction Primary tabs definition Power of a court to adjudicate cases and issue orders. Territory within which a court or government agency may properly exercise its power. See, e.g. Ruhrgas AG v. Marathon Oil Co. et al., 526 U.S. 574 (1999). jurisdiction: an overview One of the most fundamental questions of law is whether a given court has jurisdiction to preside over a given case. A jurisdictional question may be broken down into three components: whether there is personal jurisdiction [aka whether the court may even hear the case involving the particular defendant(s)]. This is further broken down into 3 categories (See Pennoyer v. Neff for additional information): in personam jurisdiction in rem jurisdiction quasi in rem jurisdiction whether there is jurisdiction over the subject matter whether there is jurisdiction to render the particular judgment sought. The term jurisdiction can be best understood by being compared to "power." Any court possesses jurisdiction over matters only to the extent gran 12:40:01 From wendie : Jurisdiction in corporate courts deemed necessary courts be hidden by justices of the peace may be established 12:40:05 From sophia : https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/26/301.6903-1 12:40:53 From wendie : Jurisdiction is mentioned 10 times in Tennessee constitution 12:41:16 From benny : en banc 12:41:25 From benny : #enbanc 12:41:51 From sophia : https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/jurisdiction 12:42:41 From benny : so translating in order to get this right... Article III judges are neutralized by statutes? 12:43:05 From eliyahu : Oklahoma: either it talks about the Courts specifically or it talks about "indian lands" or it talks about Municipal property. 12:43:28 From Swaylo Da Goddess : i can’t find it. 12:43:36 From Mel Grover : Minnesota Jurisdiciton ARTICLE VI JUDICIARY Section 1. Judicial power.The judicial power of the state is vested in a supreme court, a court of appeals, if established by the legislature, a district court and such other courts, judicial officers and commissioners with jurisdiction inferior to the district court as the legislature may establish. 12:44:23 From Jenn V : Illinois "Jurisdiction" The Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over actions concerning redistricting the House and Senate, which shall be initiated in the name of the People of the State by the Attorney General. (Source: Amendment adopted at general election November 4, 1980.) 12:44:23 From eliyahu : ...division of property... existing in the Territory of Oklahoma... <<< "in the State" 12:44:39 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : REVISED JUDICATURE ACT OF 1961 (EXCERPT) Act 236 of 1961 600.705 Limited personal jurisdiction over individuals. Sec. 705. The existence of any of the following relationships between an individual or his agent and the state shall constitute a sufficient basis of jurisdiction to enable a court of record of this state to exercise limited personal jurisdiction over the individual and to enable the court to render personal judgments against the individual or his representative arising out of an act which creates any of the following relationships: (1) The transaction of any business within the state. (2) The doing or causing an act to be done, or consequences to occur, in the state resulting in an action for tort. (3) The ownership, use, or possession of real or tangible personal property situated within the state. (4) Contracting to insure a person, property, or risk located within this state at the time of contracting. (5) Entering into a contract for services to be rendered or for materials to 12:45:58 From Najima El : #NC ARTICLE IV JUDICIAL   Section 1.  Judicial power. The judicial power of the State shall, except as provided in Section 3 of this Article, be vested in a Court for the Trial of Impeachments and in a General Court of Justice.  The General Assembly shall have no power to deprive the judicial department of any power or jurisdiction that rightfully pertains to it as a co-ordinate department of the government, nor shall it establish or authorize any courts other than as permitted by this Article. 12:46:02 From sophia : RCW 37.04.030 Reserved jurisdiction of state. The state of Washington hereby expressly reserves such jurisdiction and authority over land acquired or to be acquired by the United States as aforesaid as is not inconsistent with the jurisdiction ceded to the United States by virtue of such acquisition. [ 1939 c 126 § 3; RRS § 8108-3.] 12:46:15 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(qijf1iadiqbl2mclvg2cdgt2))/mileg.aspx?page=GetMclDocument&objectname=mcl-Constitution 12:46:22 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : jurisdiction searach 12:46:26 From C Lockridge : everyone who can’t find there’s drop the state so we can help each other out 12:46:48 From sophia : RCW 37.04.050 Concurrent jurisdiction—Governor authorized to accept—Procedures. (1) Upon the filing of a legally adequate notice with the governor by the secretary or administrator of any agency of the United States of America owning or having exclusive jurisdiction over certain property, the governor is authorized and directed to accept such jurisdiction as is necessary to establish concurrent jurisdiction between the United States and the state of Washington over the property as described in such notice and to the extent and periods of time authorized in such notice. The acquisition of such concurrent jurisdiction shall become effective upon filing the documents signifying such acceptance in the office of the secretary of state of the state of Washington. (2) The authorization contained in subsection (1) of this section shall not be exclusive, shall not affect any existing jurisdiction or concurrent jurisdiction by the state over federal property, and shall be in addition to any other method or methods of 12:47:42 From Jenn V : Illinois Jurisdiction (cont) (d) The General Assembly by law shall specify by whom and by what procedures the ability of the Governor to serve or to resume office may be questioned and determined. The Supreme Court shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to review such a law and any such determination and, in the absence of such a law, shall make the determination under such rules as it may adopt. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) 12:48:19 From Jenn V : SECTION 4. SUPREME COURT - JURISDICTION (a) The Supreme Court may exercise original jurisdiction in cases relating to revenue, mandamus, prohibition or habeas corpus and as may be necessary to the complete determination of any case on review. (b) Appeals from judgments of Circuit Courts imposing a sentence of death shall be directly to the Supreme Court as a matter of right. The Supreme Court shall provide by rule for direct appeal in other cases. (c) Appeals from the Appellate Court to the Supreme Court are a matter of right if a question under the Constitution of the United States or of this State arises for the first time in and as a result of the action of the Appellate Court, or if a division of the Appellate Court certifies that a case decided by it involves a question of such importance that the case should be decided by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court may provide by rule for appeals from the Appellate Court in other cases. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) 12:48:27 From Cyndi : Article II Section 1e Ohio? 12:48:31 From sophia : #jurisdication 12:49:11 From Meagen C. : 😂 12:49:34 From QuestionEverything2x : ARTICLE XVI BOUNDARIES Section 1. State boundaries. The State of Oregon shall be bounded as provided by section 1 of the Act of Congress of February 1859, admitting the State of Oregon into the Union of the United States, until: (1) Such boundaries are modified by appropriate interstate compact or compacts heretofore or hereafter approved by the Congress of the United States; or (2) The Legislative Assembly by law extends the boundaries or jurisdiction of this state an additional distance seaward under authority of a law heretofore or hereafter enacted by the Congress of the United States. [Constitution of 1859; Amendment proposed by S.J.R. 4, 1957, and adopted by the people Nov. 4, 1958; Amendment proposed by H.J.R. 24, 1967, and adopted by the people Nov. 5, 1968] 12:49:35 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 12:49:36 From Cyndi : Can someone copy paste that for ohio please and ask? 12:49:36 From Jessenia : #jessenianotes 12:50:00 From Kimberly : State Of Florida- Section 3- b) JURISDICTION.—The supreme court: (1) Shall hear appeals from final judgments of trial courts imposing the death penalty and from decisions of district courts of appeal declaring invalid a state statute or a provision of the state constitution. (2) When provided by general law, shall hear appeals from final judgments entered in proceedings for the validation of bonds or certificates of indebtedness and shall review action of statewide agencies relating to rates or service of utilities providing electric, gas, or telephone service. (3) May review any decision of a district court of appeal that expressly declares valid a state statute, or that expressly construes a provision of the state or federal constitution, or that expressly affects a class of constitutional or state officers, or that expressly and directly conflicts with a decision of another district court of appeal or of the supreme court on the same question of law. 12:50:40 From Jenn V : SECTION 9. CIRCUIT COURTS - JURISDICTION Circuit Courts shall have original jurisdiction of all justiciable matters except when the Supreme Court has original and exclusive jurisdiction relating to redistricting of the General Assembly and to the ability of the Governor to serve or resume office. Circuit Courts shall have such power to review administrative action as provided by law. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) 12:50:45 From sophia : #time 12:49 call Attorney General for record of one being in their system 12:51:33 From Kimberly : State Of Florida- SECTION 4. District courts of appeal.— (a) ORGANIZATION.—There shall be a district court of appeal serving each appellate district. Each district court of appeal shall consist of at least three judges. Three judges shall consider each case and the concurrence of two shall be necessary to a decision. (b) JURISDICTION.— (1) District courts of appeal shall have jurisdiction to hear appeals, that may be taken as a matter of right, from final judgments or orders of trial courts, including those entered on review of administrative action, not directly appealable to the supreme court or a circuit court. They may review interlocutory orders in such cases to the extent provided by rules adopted by the supreme court. (2) District courts of appeal shall have the power of direct review of administrative action, as prescribed by general law. (3) A district court of appeal or any judge thereof may issue writs of habeas corpus returnable before the court or any judge thereof or before any circuit judge wit 12:51:59 From Swaylo Da Goddess : what video? i wanna see it. 12:52:04 From Lady Barbara : 2021 Tennessee Code Title 16 - Courts Chapter 15 - Courts of General Sessions Part 5 - Jurisdiction § 16-15-501. General Jurisdiction Universal Citation: TN Code § 16-15-501 (2021) The court of general sessions is vested with all of the jurisdiction and shall exercise the authority formerly conferred by law upon justices of the peace in civil and criminal cases, suits and actions. The jurisdiction, power and authority of the court shall be coextensive with the county. 12:52:30 From Kimberly : Florida- 26.012 Jurisdiction of circuit court.— (1) Circuit courts shall have jurisdiction of appeals from final administrative orders of local government code enforcement boards and of reviews and appeals as otherwise expressly provided by law. (2) Circuit courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction: (a) In all actions at law not cognizable by the county courts; (b) Of proceedings relating to the settlement of the estates of decedents and minors, the granting of letters testamentary, guardianship, involuntary hospitalization, the determination of incompetency, and other jurisdiction usually pertaining to courts of probate; (c) In all cases in equity including all cases relating to juveniles except traffic offenses as provided in chapters 316 and 985; 12:52:45 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : gotta run... will be back if you're still on... 12:52:47 From sophia : RCW 4.12.050 Notice of disqualification. (1) Any party to or any attorney appearing in any action or proceeding in a superior court may disqualify a judge from hearing the matter, subject to these limitations: (a) Notice of disqualification must be filed and called to the attention of the judge before the judge has made any discretionary ruling in the case. (b) In counties with only one resident judge, the notice of disqualification must be filed not later than the day on which the case is called to be set for trial. (c) A judge who has been disqualified under this section may decide such issues as the parties agree in writing or on the record in open court. (d) No party or attorney is permitted to disqualify more than one judge in any matter under this section and RCW 4.12.040. (2) Even though they may involve discretion, the following actions by a judge do not cause the loss of the right to file a notice of disqualification against that judge: Arranging the calendar, setting a date for a hearing or trial, 12:53:05 From sunny! : cya keith! 12:53:14 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : ‘the will’ of a fictitious entity… 12:53:33 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : We made it! 12:54:11 From sophia : #person 12:54:36 From Kimberly : Florida- SECTION 11. Prohibited special laws.— (a) There shall be no special law or general law of local application pertaining to: (1) election, jurisdiction or duties of officers, except officers of municipalities, chartered counties, special districts or local governmental agencies; (2) assessment or collection of taxes for state or county purposes, including extension of time therefor, relief of tax officers from due performance of their duties, and relief of their sureties from liability; 12:54:42 From eliyahu : how so? 12:54:56 From Trading Brigade : https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2021/title-1/chapter-2/section-1-2-1/ 12:55:02 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Michigan BIDDERS ON PUBLIC WORKS (EXCERPT) Act 170 of 1933 123.508 Person; definition. Sec. 8. The word "person" as used herein, shall mean and include any individual, corporation, co-partnership, association or their lessees, trustees or receivers. History: 1933, Act 170, Imd. Eff. June 28, 1933 ;-- CL 1948, 123.508 12:55:48 From TerrellTamari Bey All Rights Reserved : Welppp! 12:56:13 From sophia : RCW 66.04.010 (32) "Person" means an individual, copartnership, association, or corporation. 12:56:19 From Dixalicious : Annotated Code of Maryland § 1-101. Definitions. (g) “Person” includes the State, any county, municipal corporation or other political subdivision of the State, or any of their units, or an individual, receiver, trustee, guardian, executor, administrator, fiduciary, or representative of any kind, or any partnership, firm, association, public or private corporation, or any other entity, unless otherwise provided. 12:57:29 From sophia : RCW 1.16.080 "Person"—Construction of "association," "unincorporated association," and "person, firm, or corporation" to include a limited liability company. (1) The term "person" may be construed to include the United States, this state, or any state or territory, or any public or private corporation or limited liability company, as well as an individual. (2) Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the terms "association," "unincorporated association," and "person, firm, or corporation" or substantially identical terms shall, without limiting the application of any term to any other type of legal entity, be construed to include a limited liability company. [ 1996 c 231 § 1; 1891 c 23 § 1, part; Code 1881 § 964; 1857 p 46 § 1; 1854 p 99 § 134; RRS § 146.] NOTES: Reviser's note: This section is a part of 1891 c 23 § 1. The introductory phrase of that section provides: "The following provisions relative to the construction of statutes shall be rules of construction and shall constitute a part of the cod 12:57:47 From Kimberly : Florida statutes-CONSTRUCTION OF STATUTES Chapter 1 DEFINITIONS View Entire Chapter 1.01 Definitions.—In construing these statutes and each and every word, phrase, or part hereof, where the context will permit: (1) The singular includes the plural and vice versa. (2) Gender-specific language includes the other gender and neuter. (3) The word “person” includes individuals, children, firms, associations, joint adventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations, and all other groups or combinations. 12:57:53 From Jenn V : Admittance 12:58:23 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/1/chapter-1 12:58:28 From eliyahu : yeah i keep pointing out that they tell you in the first portion of their scriptures that one must be an insane idiot with a not working mind to participate in their Monopoly game 12:58:29 From Nefertari : Good day all 12:58:42 From Swaylo Da Goddess : lol!!! 12:58:55 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : 1 U.S. Code Chapter 1 - RULES OF CONSTRUCTION U.S. Code Notes prev | next § 1. Words denoting number, gender, and so forth § 2. “County” as including “parish”, and so forth § 3. “Vessel” as including all means of water transportation § 4. “Vehicle” as including all means of land transportation § 5. “Company” or “association” as including successors and assigns § 6. Limitation of term “products of American fisheries” § 7. Marriage § 8. “Person”, “human being”, “child”, and “individual” as including born-alive infant 12:59:06 From Mel Grover : my computer is messing up, can somone please look up Minnesota person 12:59:20 From gallorook : YOU DO NOT ENGAGE THEM 12:59:35 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/1/8 12:59:39 From Shalunda Harrison : Cover them with a sheet 12:59:43 From benny : lolol 12:59:54 From Stephen Grant : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 13:00:05 From Chi-Bey : 😂😂😂😂😂😂 13:01:07 From sophia : it is a lovely thought to not engage them however they have moved upon the land with their inland marine stations (border stations)... 13:02:11 From Stephen Grant : Parcheesy 13:02:19 From benny : :) 13:02:37 From benny : application 13:02:49 From Stephen Grant : What comes after Fuckin A? FUCKIN B ! 13:03:13 From gallorook : ON YOUR BEWHOLE 13:03:39 From Kimberly : Florida- 6.04 Jurisdiction over such lands; how ceded to the United States.—Whenever the United States shall contract for, purchase, or acquire any land within the limits of this state for the purposes aforesaid, in either of the modes above mentioned and provided, or shall hold for such purposes lands heretofore lawfully acquired or reserved therefor, and shall desire to acquire constitutional jurisdiction over such lands for said purposes, the Governor of this state may, upon application made to him or her in writing on behalf of the United States for that purpose, accompanied by the proper evidence of said reservation, purchase, contract, or acquisition of record, describing the land sought to be ceded by convenient metes and bounds, thereupon, in the name and on behalf of this state, cede to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the land so reserved, purchased, or acquired and sought to be ceded; the United States to hold, use, occupy, own, possess, and exercise said jurisdiction over the same for 13:03:40 From Stephen Grant : I'm native ameddikan 13:03:45 From Chi-Bey : Lack of knowledge smh 🤦🏽‍♂️ 13:04:27 From Stephen Grant : Eastern Cherokee 13:04:40 From sophia : 15 U.S. Code § 1692j - Furnishing certain deceptive forms 13:04:55 From sophia : #FraudInTheInducement 13:05:01 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "15 U.S. Code § 1692j..." More piracy 13:05:04 From sunny! : https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/20/422.104 13:06:02 From sunny! : there has to be a well informed meeting of the minds for there to be a contract 13:06:02 From gallorook : IT IS ALL FICTIONAL 13:06:06 From Mel Grover : my computer is just spinning, still looking for person 13:06:09 From Mel Grover : Minnesota 13:06:11 From Kimberly : http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0000-0099/0006/0006ContentsIndex.html&StatuteYear=2022&Title=%2D%3E2022%2D%3EChapter%206Florida-TITLE II STATE ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 6 ADMISSION INTO UNION; CONCESSIONS; STATE BOUNDARIES 6.01 Assent to terms of admission into the union. 6.02 United States authorized to acquire lands for certain purposes. 6.03 Condemnation of land when price not agreed upon. 6.04 Jurisdiction over such lands; how ceded to the United States. 6.05 Transfer of title and jurisdiction over land owned by state. 6.06 United States may acquire state lands for national forests. 6.07 Congress may legislate concerning state lands acquired for national forests. 6.075 Lands owned or controlled by United States Department of Interior; Governor authorized to cede concurrent jurisdiction to enforce criminal laws. 6.08 Boundary between Florida and Alabama. 6.081 Florida-Alabama boundary redefined. 6.09 Boundary between Florida and Georgia. 6.10 Confirmation of certain 13:06:13 From Shalunda Harrison : Human trafficking is what it all is seems like to me 13:06:31 From benny : ... lookin' like.. fo sho 13:06:52 From Stephen Grant : Unequal Bargaining Powers = NO CONTRACT 13:07:03 From sophia : #nomeetingofminds 13:07:28 From eliyahu : SUBORNATION 13:07:31 From sophia : #falseadvertising 13:07:39 From eliyahu : "i was suborned until now, correct the record" 13:07:51 From Queen Of Torts : Love our study !! 13:07:54 From Stephen Grant : Business law 101. Contract can only be between equal bargaining powers 13:07:58 From eliyahu : "i heard allegations of mistake but had to make certain the knowledge of such mistake before acting" 13:08:07 From sophia : #identiytheft 13:08:23 From Kiesha Pink : misrepresentation 13:08:41 From sophia : #identitytheft 13:08:52 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : California JURISDICTION: - English as official language of CA: jurisdiction - ARTICLE III, SEC 6 - COURTS - jurisdiction, appellate - ARTICLE VI, SEC 11 - COURTS - jurisdiction, courts of appeal - ARTICLE VI, SEC 10 - COURTS - jurisdiction, superior - ARTICLE VI, SEC 10, 11 - COURTS - jurisdiction, supreme - ARTICLE VI, SEC 10, 11, 12, 18g - COURTS - jurisdiction, public schools, etc. - ARTICLE IX, SEC 6 13:09:22 From Stephen Grant : A 40 year old man cannot marry a 12 year old girl. GROSSLY UNEQUAL BARGAINING POWERS 13:09:32 From eliyahu : https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/subornation 13:09:50 From Kimberly : State Of Florida - CHAPTER 7 COUNTY BOUNDARIES- http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0000-0099/0007/0007ContentsIndex.html&StatuteYear=2022&Title=%2D%3E2022%2D%3EChapter%207 13:10:02 From eliyahu : @Stephen which is why the Temple had to do it on her behalf with the 44 year old Joseph... 13:10:30 From #AiAm : WIS-66.0435(1)(h)(h) “Person" means any natural individual, firm, trust, partnership, association, corporation or limited liability company. 13:11:37 From Tecumseh 2.0 : Here! 13:11:52 From Jaime Wilkinson : § 8.01-328. Person defined. As used in this chapter, "person" includes an individual, his executor, administrator, or other personal representative, or a corporation, partnership, association or any other legal or commercial entity, whether or not a citizen or domiciliary of this Commonwealth and whether or not organized under the laws of this Commonwealth. 13:12:30 From Jaime Wilkinson : § 25.1-100. Definitions. "Person" means any individual; firm; cooperative; association; corporation; limited liability company; trust; business trust; syndicate; partnership; limited liability partnership; joint venture; receiver; trustee in bankruptcy or any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court or otherwise; club, society or other group or combination acting as a unit; the Commonwealth or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof; any city, county, town, or other political subdivision or any department, agency or instrumentality thereof; or any interstate body to which the Commonwealth is a party. 13:12:51 From Jenn V : First mention of "person" Illinois: (720 ILCS 5/2-3) (from Ch. 38, par. 2-3) Sec. 2-3. "Another". "Another" means a person or persons as defined in this Code other than the offender. (Source: Laws 1961, p. 1983.) 13:13:41 From Jessenia : Am I the only one who CAN'T se Malika's screen?? 13:13:47 From sophia : 15 U.S. Code § 7 - “Person” or “persons” defined The word “person”, or “persons”, wherever used in sections 1 to 7 of this title shall be deemed to include corporations and associations existing under or authorized by the laws of either the United States, the laws of any of the Territories, the laws of any State, or the laws of any foreign country. (July 2, 1890, ch. 647, § 8, 26 Stat. 210.) 13:14:03 From Jessenia : Am I the only one who CAN'T see Malika's screen?? 13:14:20 From sophia : we cannot see malika's screen either 13:14:21 From C Lockridge : yeah its just you jessenia 13:14:29 From Jessenia : Ok , thanks lol 13:14:35 From eliyahu : Oklahoma Statutes 21: Crimes and Criminal Procedures: §21-105. Person defined. The word "person" includes corporations, as well as natural persons. R.L.1910, § 2832. §21-106. Person as designating party whose property may be subject of offense. Where the term "person" is used in this chapter to designate the party whose property may be the subject of any offense, it includes this state, any other state, government or country which may lawfully own any property within this state, and all public and private corporations or joint associations, as well as individuals. R.L.1910, § 2833. §21-107. Singular includes plural. The singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. R.L.1910, § 2834. §21-108. Gender. Words used in the masculine gender comprehend as well the feminine and neuter. R.L.1910, § 2835. §21-109. Present tense. Words used in the present tense include the future, but exclude the past. R.L.1910, § 2836. §21-110. Intent to defraud. Whenever, by any of the provisions of this chapter, an 13:14:54 From Jenn V : @Malika this references living beings: (720 ILCS 5/2-10.1) (from Ch. 38, par. 2-10.1) Sec. 2-10.1. "Person with a severe or profound intellectual disability" means a person (i) whose intelligence quotient does not exceed 40 or (ii) whose intelligence quotient does not exceed 55 and who suffers from significant mental illness to the extent that the person's ability to exercise rational judgment is impaired. In any proceeding in which the defendant is charged with committing a violation of Section 10-2, 10-5, 11-1.30, 11-1.60, 11-14.4, 11-15.1, 11-19.1, 11-19.2, 11-20.1, 11-20.1B, 11-20.3, 12-4.3, 12-14, or 12-16, or subdivision (b)(1) of Section 12-3.05, of this Code against a victim who is alleged to be a person with a severe or profound intellectual disability, any findings concerning the victim's status as a person with a severe or profound intellectual disability, made by a court after a judicial admission hearing concerning the victim under Articles V and VI of Chapter IV of the Mental Health and Deve 13:14:56 From eliyahu : basically they take 1 USC generally and slap it in there just before mentioning fraud 13:15:25 From benny : Replying to "Am I the only one ..." try double clicking in middle of screen. may reset. 13:15:26 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : Sui Juris 13:15:31 From Swaylo Da Goddess : islam 13:15:40 From Jessenia : I am on the Zoom Browswer and I refreshed it and that worked!! Thanks 13:17:35 From eliyahu : OS 21-865 "Health and Human Services" 5. "Person" means any natural person, corporation, association, organization, institution or partnership; 13:17:55 From eliyahu : Oklahoma does not define "natural person" and leaves it up to the imagination 13:17:58 From Swaylo Da Goddess : Lol. 13:18:03 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : California: CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE - CCP PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS   (6) “Person” includes a corporation as well as a natural person. 13:18:38 From #AiAm : WIS-165.40(1)(e)(e) “Person" means an individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, association, limited liability company, corporation or joint stock company, lessee, trustee or receiver. 13:19:41 From Swaylo Da Goddess : i have seen that 13:19:47 From QuestionEverything2x : List from search in California Code of definition of "person": https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codesTextSearch.xhtml 13:20:12 From Crystal Douglass : Indiana Code Title 1-1-4-5 13:21:21 From Crystal Douglass : Person extends to politic and corporate. Title 1-1-4-5 13:21:37 From T Roy : U.S. BIOLOGICAL SURVEY LANDS (EXCERPT) Act 187 of 1937 3.382 United States biological survey lands; ceding of jurisdiction to federal government, concurrent jurisdiction. Sec. 2. The jurisdiction of said lands is hereby ceded to the United States of America: Provided, That this cession is upon the express condition that the state of Michigan shall retain concurrent jurisdiction, both civil and criminal, over persons on said lands, so far that all civil and criminal process issued by any court of competent jurisdiction or officers having authority of law to issue such process and all orders made by such court, or any judicial officer duly empowered to make such orders necessary to be served upon any person, may be executed upon said lands in the same way and manner as if jurisdiction had not been ceded as aforesaid. History: 1937, Act 187, Imd. Eff. July 14, 1937 ;-- CL 1948, 3.382 13:21:46 From hiya : I have 13:22:06 From eliyahu : they are absolutely desperate to imply that people belong in their jurisdiction 13:22:06 From hiya : on born alive 13:22:09 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : California Commercial Code 1201 (b) (4) “Bank” means a person engaged in the business of banking, and includes a savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, and trust company. 13:22:58 From Jenn V : Found It! Illinois "Person": (720 ILCS 5/2-15) (from Ch. 38, par. 2-15) Sec. 2-15. "Person". "Person" means an individual, natural person, public or private corporation, government, partnership, unincorporated association, or other entity. (Source: P.A. 97-597, eff. 1-1-12.) 13:23:15 From #najima : #NCGS #NC Article 9. General Administration; Penalties and Remedies. § 105-228.90.  Scope and definitions. (23)      Person. - An individual, a fiduciary, a firm, an association, a partnership, a limited liability company, a corporation, a unit of government, or another group acting as a unit. The term includes an officer or employee of a corporation, a member, a manager, or an employee of a limited liability company, and a member or employee of a partnership who, as officer, employee, member, or manager, is under a duty to perform an act in meeting the requirements of Subchapter I, V, or VIII of this Chapter, of G.S. 55-16-22, of Article 81 of Chapter 106 of the General Statutes, or of Article 3 of Chapter 119 of the General Statutes. 13:24:11 From Jessenia : #freecarissab 13:24:58 From Swaylo Da Goddess : Wow. 13:25:13 From Jenn V : What is the title of this document, please? 13:25:17 From Stephen Grant : Yup 13:25:33 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : so deceptive 13:25:34 From Stephen Grant : They do it every time 13:25:37 From benny : gotta tell fear to KICK ROCKS.. no matter how it FEELS. sad. 13:25:40 From Jessenia : what was the charge?? 13:25:45 From Jessenia : ok 13:25:48 From benny : exactly. 13:25:52 From Swaylo Da Goddess : islam 13:25:53 From Jessenia : makes sense 13:26:06 From Jessenia : right 13:26:15 From Jessenia : lol 13:26:18 From benny : we keep wanting to drill down... irrelevant. 13:26:30 From benny : good. her mind has relaxed in there. 13:26:33 From Stephen Grant : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 13:26:35 From benny : time to think an dponder 13:26:38 From benny : ponder 13:26:46 From eliyahu : yeah i had my breakthrough last week friday, i am finally able to read this stuff on my own without being spoon fed like a baby 13:27:04 From benny : mind control! 13:27:05 From Jessenia : awww 13:27:07 From benny : maximus! 13:27:15 From benny : yep 13:27:30 From Stephen Grant : Deposited into their "bank" 13:27:31 From benny : me, too. hahaha or 13:27:39 From benny : yep 13:27:42 From @meagzen : me too!!!! 13:27:54 From @meagzen : my mom said i always fought for the underdog lol 13:27:57 From Jessenia : right 13:28:12 From benny : "friends" get wound up when one does not SHRINK to FIT. hahaha 13:28:18 From #AiAm : WIS-68.06  Persons aggrieved. A person aggrieved includes any individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association, public or private organization, officer, department, board, commission or agency of the municipality, whose rights, duties or privileges are adversely affected by a determination of a municipal authority. History: 1975 c. 295; 1993 a. 112. 13:28:26 From C Lockridge : congrats meagzen! #disqualifiedthejudge 13:28:49 From benny : right on... right on! 13:29:02 From Jenn V : Very first mention containing "person" in Illinois is the definition for "Another" but found the actual definition of "Person" further down 13:29:05 From eliyahu : yeah my judges kept running away because i put the notice of attorney no authority on the case before i knew where to send it 13:29:26 From C Lockridge : 🔥🔥 13:29:32 From Stephen Grant : I do not consent to any aggrieved party status 13:30:10 From Stephen Grant : What case? Duh 13:30:17 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : awesome @Meagzen 13:30:19 From Issa Webb : I think this is the 1st occurrence of person in IL 13:30:23 From Issa Webb : (5 ILCS 70/1.05) (from Ch. 1, par. 1006)     Sec. 1.05. "Person" or "persons" as well as all words referring to or importing persons, may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate as well as individuals. 13:30:37 From benny : mind games! 13:30:51 From Mcreal : Meagan my hero with balls 13:31:08 From Arah Muaba Bey All Rights Reserved : of course they're playing games. 13:31:17 From benny : watch this doc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZEWKFDlWIQ 13:31:20 From Stephen Grant : Docket = port of entry 13:31:28 From benny : MInds Of Men 13:31:51 From @meagzen : 😂 13:31:56 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "MInds Of Men" Criminal minds 13:32:40 From benny : Replying to "watch this doc htt..." MInds of Men... see how it's done (to one's mind) 13:33:47 From benny : never ADMIT. hahah 13:34:30 From benny : #postpone for the #WIN 13:35:13 From Stephen Grant : Women don have balls they got boots for walkin and thats justa what theyll do 13:35:49 From benny : just cos u cannot see them... js 13:35:49 From tabitha’s iPad : Bruce Barns reset the date 8 times over a 14 month period 13:35:50 From benny : haha 13:36:00 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to "haha" with 😂 13:38:26 From benny : CHECKMATE 13:38:34 From Stephen Grant : They are so full of it 13:39:11 From Stephen Grant : 😁 13:39:17 From benny : all in a day's work of dealing with deceivers. 13:39:36 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to "all in a day's work ..." with 😋 13:41:10 From Stephen Grant : Order of protection 😀 see ya in court 😜 13:41:11 From benny : "judge has been made aware of conspiracy"... complicit. 13:41:27 From benny : yes! 13:41:40 From benny : absence of "GOOD FAITH" #goodfaith 13:41:44 From #AiAm : SUBCHAPTER I OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR WIS-14.0114.01  Office of the governor; creation. There is created an office of the governor under the direction and supervision of the governor. History: 1977 c. 29 s. 1649. 13:41:51 From @meagzen : Reacted to "Order of protection ..." with 😂 13:41:53 From sophia : #goodfaith 13:41:55 From Stephen Grant : Unclean hands = dismissed! 13:41:57 From @meagzen : Reacted to "absence of "GOOD FAI..." with 👏 13:41:59 From benny : for US not THEM... 13:42:00 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : classic 13:42:14 From benny : yep... agents promote that chittery. 13:42:23 From Shalunda Harrison : Turn the other cheek 13:42:33 From Donna : is there anyone in the group can help me with a employment termination case. 13:42:41 From benny : bend ova... 13:42:52 From benny : let the ream-fest begin 13:43:15 From benny : was the protection order granted?! 13:43:37 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "was the protection o..." By Gotti 13:44:00 From benny : RICO 13:44:57 From @meagzen : No Benny- it was not LMAO 13:45:10 From #AiAm : WIS-14.017(4) (4)  Council on military and state relations. There is created in the office of the #governor a council on military and state relations. The council shall assist the #governor by working with the state's military installations, commands and communities, state agencies, and economic development professionals to develop and implement strategies designed to enhance those military installations. The council shall advise and assist the #governor on issues related to the location of military installations in this state. The council shall assist and cooperate with state agencies to determine how those agencies can better serve military communities and military families. The council shall assist the efforts of military families and their support groups regarding quality-of-life issues for service men and women, their spouses, and their dependents. The chairperson of the council shall be elected by the members of the council. The council shall consist of the following: (a) A representative of the depart 13:45:15 From @meagzen : because there was nothing on the record for them to protect! 13:45:30 From Nefertari : What can one do after the taking 13:46:14 From @meagzen : they filed my lotice of liability into this kangaroo case but it was a private notice of liability to the attorneys so they thought they were going to file it in and get a protective order that they didn't have to answer my request for admissions in the #NOL 13:46:27 From eliyahu : if i want to get a new car after my car was taken years back (fraud, no limitation) my first steps are...? 13:46:50 From Mcreal : Disqualify 13:46:55 From Jenn V : One has no need to file a Federal suit to stop the county? 13:47:53 From Kimberly : Lovely bible study and lessons...thank you! Malika and all that shared !!!! blessings all! 13:48:13 From @meagzen : @Jenn that's up to you but that's why a lot of us in this community do file federal claims against them so they'll stop fucking with us 13:48:15 From Jaime Wilkinson : #virginia § 8.1A-304. Obligation of good faith. Every contract or duty within the Uniform Commercial Code imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance and enforcement. 13:48:40 From @meagzen : they're not going to prosecute you in a county court if they're being sued for tort claims unless they're really stupid as fuck 13:48:46 From wendie : Ucc 1-304: obligation of God faith 13:50:22 From T Roy : https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(exhzmjs5mdbctjswrcoqflyb))/mileg.aspx?page=MCLBasicSearch 13:51:22 From Chi-Bey : DOPE ZOOM 🤲🏾🇲🇦💪🏾 THANKS FOR YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM ‼️ 13:52:08 From C Lockridge : Wis. Stat. 102.07 Employee defined 102.07 Employee defined. “Employee" as used in this chapter means: (1) (a) Every person, including all officials, in the service of the state, or of any local governmental unit in this state, whether elected or under any appointment or contract of hire, express or implied, and whether a resident of the state or employed or injured within or without the state. The state and any local governmental unit may require a bond from a contractor to protect the state or local governmental unit against compensation to employees of the contractor or to employees of a subcontractor under the contractor. This paragraph does not apply beginning on the first day of the first July beginning after the day that the secretary files the certificate under s. 102.80 (3) (a), except that if the secretary files the certificate under s. 102.80 (3) (ag) this paragraph does apply to claims for compensation filed on or after the date specified in that certificate. 13:54:23 From Jenn V : (215 ILCS 5/154.6) (from Ch. 73, par. 766.6) Sec. 154.6. Acts constituting improper claims practice. Any of the following acts by a company, if committed without just cause and in violation of Section 154.5, constitutes an improper claims practice: (a) Knowingly misrepresenting to claimants and insureds relevant facts or policy provisions relating to coverages at issue; (b) Failing to acknowledge with reasonable promptness pertinent communications with respect to claims arising under its policies; (c) Failing to adopt and implement reasonable standards for the prompt investigations and settlement of claims arising under its policies; (d) Not attempting in good faith to effectuate prompt, fair and equitable settlement of claims submitted in which liability has become reasonably clear; (e) Compelling policyholders to institute suits to recover amounts due under its policies by offering substantially less than the amounts ultimately recovered in suits brought by them; (f) Engaging in 13:54:58 From Stephen Grant : Bad faith = unclean hands = tortious conduct 13:55:00 From eliyahu : Obligation of Good Faith, Okla. Stat. tit. 12A § 1-304... 13:55:24 From Kimberly : Florida good faith- http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?StatuteYear=2022&AppMode=Display_Results&Mode=Search%2520Statutes&Submenu=2&Tab=statutes&Search_String=good+faith 13:55:25 From eliyahu : 2014 Oklahoma Statutes Title 25. Definitions and General Provisions §25-9. Good faith. 13:55:33 From eliyahu : Good faith consists in an honest intention to abstain from taking any unconscientious advantage of another, even through the forms or technicalities of law, together with an absence of all information or belief of facts which would render the transaction unconscientious. 13:55:43 From eliyahu : Every contract of duty within the Uniform Commercial Code imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance and enforcement. Breach of the obligation of good faith imposed by this section shall not give rise to a separate tort cause of action. Okla. Stat. tit. 12A, § 1-304 13:56:26 From Sunshine D : threw it on the lawn 13:56:41 From Jaime Wilkinson : https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title59.1/chapter28/section59.1-362/ § 59.1-362. Reasonableness and good faith. A. Every agreement entered into under this chapter shall impose on the parties the obligation to act in good faith. B. This chapter shall impose on every term and provision of any agreement a requirement of reasonableness. Every term or provision of any agreement shall be interpreted so that the requirements or obligations imposed therein are reasonable. 1988, c. 73. 13:56:56 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : California Code - PERSONs: CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE - CCP PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS  (6) “Person” includes a corporation as well as a natural person. CORPORATIONS CODE - CORP GENERAL PROVISIONS   18.  “Person” includes a corporation as well as a natural person. EVIDENCE CODE - EVID DIVISION 2. WORDS AND PHRASES DEFINED [100 - 260]  175.  “Person” includes a natural person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, limited liability company, or public entity. FAMILY CODE - FAM DIVISION 1 PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS [1. - 185]   PART 2. DEFINITIONS 105.  “Person” includes a natural person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, limited liability company, or public entity. FINANCIAL CODE - FIN GENERAL PROVISIONS   18.  “Person” includes any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, limited liability company, syndicate, estate, trust, business trust, or organization of any kind. FISH AND GAME CODE - FGC DIVISION 0.5. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS [1 - 99.5]   CHAPTER 1 General Definitions 67.  “Person” means any natural person or any partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, or other type of association. FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL CODE - FAC GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS   38.  “Person” means any individual, partnership, association, corporation, limited liability company, or any organized group of persons whether incorporated or not. GOVERNMENT CODE - GOV GENERAL PROVISIONS  17.  “Person” includes any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, limited liability company, business trust, corporation, or company. HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE - HSC GENERAL PROVISIONS  19.  “Person” means any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, limited liability company, or company. INSURANCE CODE - INS GENERAL PROVISIONS 19.  “Person” means any person, association, organization, partnership, business trust, limited liability company, or corporation. LABOR CODE - LAB GENERAL PROVISIONS 18.  “Person” means any person, association, organization, partnership, business trust, limited liability company, or corporation. PROBATE CODE - PROB DIVISION 1 PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS [1. - 88]   PART 2. DEFINITIONS [20 - 88] 56.  “Person” means an individual, corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, or other entity. REVENUE AND TAXATION CODE - RTC GENERAL PROVISIONS  19.  “Person” includes any person, firm, partnership, general partner of a partnership, limited liability company, registered limited liability partnership, foreign limited liability partnership, association, corporation, company, syndicate, estate, trust, business trust, or organization of any kind. As used in Division 2 (commencing with Section 6001), “person” shall include, in addition to the items of definition contained in the first sentence, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, receiver, executor, administrator, or assignee. STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE - SHC GENERAL PROVISIONS  19.  “Person” means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, organization, limited liability company, or business trust. VEHICLE CODE - VEH DIVISION 1. WORDS AND PHRASES DEFINED [100 - 681] 470.  “Person” includes a natural person, firm, copartnership, association, limited liability company, or corporation. WATER CODE - WAT GENERAL PROVISIONS 19.  “Person” means any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, limited liability company, or company. 13:57:13 From eliyahu : so it's "public" private 13:57:30 From eliyahu : private pretending to be public 13:57:36 From eliyahu : impersonation 13:57:53 From #AiAm : 2022 Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations Chapter 401 - Uniform commercial code — general provisions. 401.304 - Obligation of good faith. Universal Citation: WI Stat § 401.304 (2022) 401.304 Obligation of good faith. Every contract or duty within chs. 401 to 411 imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance and enforcement. History: 2009 a. 320. This section does not support an independent cause of action for failure to act in good faith under a contract. Hauer v. Union State Bank of Wautoma, 192 Wis. 2d 576, 532 N.W.2d 456 (Ct. App. 1995). 13:58:46 From Kimberly : Florida- 671.203 Obligation of good faith.—Every contract or duty within this code imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance and enforcement. History.—s. 1, ch. 65-254; s. 10, ch. 2007-134. Note.—s. 1-203, U.C.C.; supersedes ss. 678.54, 614.02(11). 13:59:24 From sophia : #selfenrichment now he is knowing of his criminal activity 13:59:40 From benny : exactly what it is called 13:59:48 From Stephen Grant : Attorneys do that all the time 14:00:30 From eliyahu : the world is so very different now that i see every attorney as a criminal and everyone that works with a court as accomplces 14:01:06 From Jenn V : The settling parties have the initial burden of making a preliminary showing of good faith under the Illinois Contribution Act. This initial burden is met with proof of a legally valid settlement agreement. The non-settling defendants must then prove the absence of good faith by a preponderance of the evidence. https://www.robertkreisman.com/injury-lawyer/illinois-supreme-court-considers-good-faith-settlements-illinois-contribution-act/#:~:text=The%20settling%20parties%20have%20the%20initial%20burden%20of,good%20faith%20by%20a%20preponderance%20of%20the%20evidence. 14:01:08 From benny : white collar crimes 14:01:26 From mel b : Question: if someone got hit with a criminal charge - no injured party. What class does one take to handle it and their so called WAR - Rent ? 14:01:31 From benny : i called 14:01:40 From Mel Grover : @Cyndi look under Federal Block Grants 14:02:57 From benny : was told this applies to property theft/ffaud. had been hoping it was applicable landlard. 14:03:32 From Stephen Grant : Guy neighbors?????? 14:03:45 From iPhone : Where is thy neighbor form located? 14:03:56 From Queen Of Torts : #tro #pointers 14:04:05 From Stephen Grant : TRO ?????? 14:04:15 From eliyahu : for Oklahoma's Criminal Investigations Unit under White Collar Crime, Frauds/Confidence Games is what qualifies for Courts, true/false? 14:04:25 From Jenn V : Financial Crimes Illinois: https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/documents/072000050K17-10.6.htm 14:04:38 From Queen Of Torts : No 14:05:25 From T Roy : https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/publications/JCAR/JCAR%20Files/Rule%20Documents%20by%20Department%20and%20Rule%20Number/Department%20of%20Attorney%20General/2021-034 14:05:46 From T Roy : MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF ATORNEY GENERAL FINANCIAL CRIMES DIVISION, PUBLIC HEARING, FINANCIAL EXPLOITATION PREVENTION ACT 14:05:48 From Mel Grover : @Cyndi, I saw he has MANY businesses and also the block grants are in the millions 14:05:48 From benny : defamation, too 14:06:45 From benny : talk about the $15k!! added to your charges. 14:07:18 From Tecumseh 2.0 : grand jury 14:07:44 From eliyahu : when i asked a gal at the oklahoma BLM about a state park she avoided jurisdiction and i was like "you have jurisdiction under 28 usc 3002 section 15 if you want to take a moment to read it." and then she claimed that no "State Parks are not under the federal government" and i was like "remember, attorneys *always lie*, so go ahead and open it up on law.cornell.edu and read it, i'll wait for you to finish" and she with a shaken voice simply denied jurisdiction and told me to call Nevada for jurisdiction over an Oklahoma state park 14:07:46 From Natty : My brother went to the FBI Office when they were holding me in jail and they didn't even blink an eye. 14:08:06 From eliyahu : so when we assert that attorneys always lie it tends to shake up employees... she's not the first who had that response 14:09:18 From benny : @teena ... mention the appeal just denied... 14:09:50 From eliyahu : sounds like she needs Sue-a-long... 14:10:11 From benny : she just joined and was pointed to that class 14:10:23 From benny : and PMAP 14:10:24 From Mcreal : Subpoena 14:11:16 From eliyahu : are we losing her? 14:13:11 From benny : woot 14:13:22 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : in the nuts!! 14:14:42 From benny : breaking up @mcreal 14:14:47 From Stephen Grant : Storm Bradford told me how all mortgage contracts are fraudulent in many ways even if you did qualify 14:15:25 From Jenn V : Identity theft and what else> 14:16:12 From Dr. Abby : Charles you’re breaking bruh. We wanna hear what you’re saying 14:16:22 From Swaylo Da Goddess : Islam 14:16:39 From Swaylo Da Goddess : I overstand 14:16:43 From eliyahu : identity theft and invasion of privacy 14:16:45 From Stephen Grant : Sounds like a democracy 😂😂 14:16:49 From iPhone : Invasion of privacy 14:17:05 From Jenn V : Reacted to "identity theft and i..." with ❤️ 14:17:10 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to "identity theft and i..." with ❤️ 14:17:12 From Jenn V : Replying to "identity theft and i..." thank you 14:17:26 From El Sciolo Dominus Caesar Imperium Privatus© (UCC1- : Reacted to "identity theft and i..." with ❤️ 14:17:34 From Dr. Abby : It is true Malika. The judge would say, you took out a loan to buy the property or the auto. Here’s the check you cashed with your signature on it 14:18:10 From eliyahu : i have spent years getting ready to straight up bust out of the garbage my family has put up with for four generations, i started my bust out sunday 14:19:25 From Jenn V : Article 1, Sec 8, Clause ___? 14:19:34 From Prince Nasheen : I love it!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 14:19:35 From C Lockridge : 1 14:19:36 From Khakum : 1 14:19:57 From Jenn V : Reacted to "1" with ❤️ 14:20:01 From Jenn V : Reacted to "1" with ❤️ 14:20:09 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 14:20:56 From Mcreal : The whole amount is a tax write it off as a loss 14:22:14 From benny : see Malika's #homedepot post 14:22:20 From benny : on LL.com 14:24:03 From Jessenia : #jessenianotes 14:25:33 From benny : technicality! 14:25:39 From Stephen Grant : Custodian of the Record 14:25:40 From benny : custodian of records 14:27:18 From benny : off into the weeds... cast a too big a net... 14:27:44 From benny : circle back to the rest of 'em 14:27:50 From benny : just for kicks 14:28:04 From sophia : thank you malika... we will stop throwing shit at the wall.... 14:28:07 From eliyahu : i'm considering doing a Records Minimization Act for my property in their systems... 14:28:24 From benny : Reacted to "thank you malika....." with 😂 14:29:20 From benny : danny and donny... sittin' in the tree... k-i-s-s-i-n-g. 14:29:25 From Jenn V : Reacted to "thank you malika... ..." with 😂 14:30:11 From benny : #actinginretaliation 14:30:30 From eliyahu : oh right how do i get that email tracking thing 14:30:47 From hiya : 6 hands are up and getting tired …. lol 14:32:20 From eliyahu : but their system is rooted on birth registration in bad faith 14:32:30 From eliyahu : without that they have no money 14:34:28 From Mel Grover : when disqualifying attorney, do we send it private or on the record? 14:34:51 From Mel Grover : its the attorney for county and also for DHS in the county 14:35:04 From Mel Grover : im also doing the judge 14:35:25 From sunny! : Replying to "oh right how do i ge..." https://mailerplex.com/ and https://mailtrack.io/ are the ones I've seen people use 14:35:28 From eliyahu : Notice goes private, Motion goes in case, two ways to do it 14:35:40 From eliyahu : i sent the notice into the case before i knew which was which and it worked anyway 14:35:46 From benny : their version of PAPER CUTS. haha 14:37:06 From eliyahu : "imma try something, let's see what happens" 14:37:13 From eliyahu : science in action 14:37:27 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : haha @eliyahu 14:39:39 From tabitha’s iPad : So for closed classes when we do the judge disqualified can we add a true bill for damages they caused 14:40:02 From Jenn V : also file mail fraud complaints 14:40:15 From eliyahu : i just hope our experiments aren't as lively during the reaction as dropping raw nickel into distilled water 14:41:18 From Coach : Does free utilities mean free mobile service? 14:41:41 From eliyahu : technically yes, but i havent got to that point yet 47 CFR Part 36 - JURISDICTIONAL SEPARATIONS PROCEDURES; STANDARD PROCEDURES FOR SEPARATING TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROPERTY COSTS, REVENUES, EXPENSES, TAXES AND RESERVES FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANIES 1 14:41:45 From eliyahu : 47 U.S. Code § 152 - Application of chapter 47 CFR Appendix to Part 36 - Glossary 14:41:53 From eliyahu : those are the codes Keith dropped in when i asked 14:42:29 From [mel b] : The 3rd is the STATE 14:42:33 From [mel b] : 😂😂😂😂 14:43:06 From El Sciolo Dominus Caesar Imperium Privatus© (UCC1- : The boogeyman "state" 14:43:18 From benny : 5th estate 14:43:37 From benny : 4 legs of jurisdiction... get it?! haha 14:44:04 From eliyahu : yeah 4 legs is part of why i call it the beast system 14:44:10 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : I got booted off zooms 14:44:28 From benny : prob muted 14:45:15 From eliyahu : my aunt would love it if i could "secretly" kill the mortgage choking out the family 14:45:29 From eliyahu : would have to be a surprise though, she doesn't want me to mess with it 14:45:46 From Miguel Be : How do I get envolved with current mortgage study group? 14:46:30 From benny : join the class 14:46:36 From Jenn V : Please repeat 14:46:47 From Tecumseh 2.0 : 31 usc 3730 14:46:52 From Jenn V : husband was just let go today for retaliation 14:46:57 From Jenn V : Reacted to "31 usc 3730" with ❤️ 14:47:22 From Tecumseh 2.0 : 31 usc 3730(h) 14:47:31 From Lady Barbara : I would like to be add to current mortgage. 14:48:02 From Dr. Abby : Thanks 🙏 JusJoe 14:48:03 From Jenn V : Reacted to "31 usc 3730(h)" with ❤️ 14:48:11 From Cee Lockridge : 🔥 14:49:18 From Jenn V : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/31/3730 14:49:28 From Jenn V : Replying to "https://www.law.corn..." (h)Relief From Retaliatory Actions.— (1)In general.— Any employee, contractor, or agent shall be entitled to all relief necessary to make that employee, contractor, or agent whole, if that employee, contractor, or agent is discharged, demoted, suspended, threatened, harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment because of lawful acts done by the employee, contractor, agent or associated others in furtherance of an action under this section or other efforts to stop 1 or more violations of this subchapter. (2)Relief.— Relief under paragraph (1) shall include reinstatement with the same seniority status that employee, contractor, or agent would have had but for the discrimination, 2 times the amount of back pay, interest on the back pay, and compensation for any special damages sustained as a result of the discrimination, including litigation costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees. An action under this subsection may be broug 14:49:49 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : how long after donation does it take to be let in a group/class?? 14:50:09 From Miguel Be : How do you join the groups? 14:50:10 From benny : send prompt that u have made the donate... 14:50:36 From benny : copy THAT! 14:51:20 From benny : #don't insultMalika :) 14:52:20 From eliyahu : malika i asked you how to get a bank account or something similar set up without a SSN or other entrapment stuff 14:52:24 From eliyahu : DMs 14:52:29 From Kimberly : Florida- TITLE XVIII PUBLIC LANDS AND PROPERTY CHAPTER 253 STATE LANDS- https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2019/Chapter253/All 14:53:47 From benny : what?! 14:53:56 From @meagzen : woahhhh 14:54:10 From Khakum : this sounds like a movie 14:54:12 From @meagzen : damn 14:54:24 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : this is a crazy story 14:54:42 From Champ H : Ohhh! She was an employee.. she was doing sidebar deals.. 14:55:12 From @meagzen : sounds like big crimes goin on with that dealership lol 14:55:13 From Coach : Is this a Netflix show?!😳😱 14:55:24 From @meagzen : it's always small car dealers... sketchy shit lol 14:55:28 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 14:55:40 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : ha. i was thinking the same thing @Coach! 14:56:07 From benny : wheres the body? js 14:56:30 From Jenn V : WebBank closed my account after receiving my NOL 14:56:45 From Coach : @benny Exactly!! 14:56:46 From Cee Lockridge : hitman 14:56:56 From Cee Lockridge : i knew it lol 14:56:57 From benny : she was being watched! 14:57:06 From Champ H : Makes sense! Sidebar deals! 14:57:13 From Irene Zantae : This is gonna be a Netflix movie in line 3 years lol 14:57:18 From Coach : What city…wow! 14:57:34 From benny : oxygen channel 14:57:41 From eliyahu : they just took my car without a suit 14:57:46 From eliyahu : what? 14:57:51 From eliyahu : they have to sue first? 14:58:02 From Coach : You get a car…you get a car…you get a car 14:58:21 From Irene Zantae : Reacted to "oxygen channel" with 😂 14:58:24 From benny : some #deals are not worth it.. 14:59:29 From Jenn V : Replying to "what?!" (5 ILCS 515/2) (from Ch. 1, par. 3752) Sec. 2. Jurisdiction of the State of Illinois over said lands is hereby ceded to the United States, subject, however, to the right of the state and any and all officers under its authority to serve and execute on said lands any civil or criminal process issued under the authority of the State of Illinois or any officer thereof, in the same manner as if jurisdiction had not been ceded to the United States. (Source: Laws 1903, p. 354.) 14:59:39 From Jenn V : Reacted to "Florida- TITLE XVIII..." with 👍 14:59:53 From benny : Replying to "oxygen channel" there was a crazy CA / Newport Beach story made into one of those shows. Called "Dirty John" crazy story! 15:00:55 From eliyahu : so let me get this straight... 15:01:06 From eliyahu : we make an offer to the dealer and then the car is paid on acceptance and trade 15:01:12 From eliyahu : and then you can cancel any "loan" 15:01:13 From Jenn V : Thank you so much, Malika 15:01:23 From Stephen Grant : 🌺🌺❤️❤️❤️ 15:01:26 From benny : Excellent Call!! Great Calls. 15:01:29 From T Roy : FLAT_____ 15:01:40 From Miguel Be : Reacted to "send prompt that u h…" with 👍🏽 15:01:40 From Jenn V : What is the title to the document again, please? 15:01:49 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : thank you @Malika and everybody!! 15:02:09 From benny : Today's theme: Act In Good Faith #actingoodfaith