12:01:24 From rodney : what's good people? 12:01:27 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Hi everyone 12:01:53 From Natty : They are closing down mail boxes everywhere here. 12:02:02 From @robinmarie : Natty what do you mean?? 12:02:03 From wendie : Mine disappeared 😬 12:02:10 From Lady Barbara : Suggestion for Printer. Gratitude ✍🏾 12:02:17 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds 😇💫 🙏🏾✨ 🇲🇦🤞🏾✡️🤚🏾🇲🇦🛸 12:02:26 From gallorook : Arise Good People..Whats cooking 12:02:44 From Kimberly : Good Day and blessings all! 12:02:53 From Lisa Marie : Peace & Blessings! 12:03:24 From Queen Of Torts : lol Lisa is going to get it 12:03:35 From Mah : Good Day everyone congratulations on your wins 12:04:08 From Meagen C. : hey hey my we the lawful people!! 12:04:12 From Lady Barbara : Yes me fear🤪🤪🤓 12:04:31 From Queen Of Torts : everyone make sure your muted 12:04:38 From Lady Barbara : Yes 12:04:41 From Queen Of Torts : yes 12:04:44 From K.Rose Mancarella El : YES!!! 12:04:45 From Prince Nasheen : Please be respectful and mute your mics 12:04:45 From Neekolas : it is the whole problem! 12:04:47 From Queen Of Torts : oh to well 12:04:55 From Neekolas : no agency# 12:05:03 From K.Rose Mancarella El : BOOM 12:05:14 From Kadijha Gonzague : i'm lost i'm sorry i'm new here 12:05:20 From Queen Of Torts : that's what i was trying to tell Kyle at the AG Office i like umm they skipped due process man 12:05:22 From Neekolas : Katherine! woo! 12:05:42 From @robinmarie : Kadijha are you on Lawful LIving? 12:05:49 From Indigenous Maiden : Lol just stick around and listen 12:05:51 From Neekolas : #agents 12:05:52 From Kadijha Gonzague : yes 12:06:13 From K.Rose Mancarella El : Welcome newbie, you're in GREAT hands <3 12:06:18 From Queen Of Torts : #starthere 12:06:36 From Kadijha Gonzague : Thank you 12:06:53 From Queen Of Torts : love new peeps welcome 12:07:49 From Shalunda Harrison : What if you called them for a situation 12:08:00 From hiya : #1192023 #call #thursday #zoom 12:08:29 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : when they tried to invite me to a jury summons court, I returned first one by fax with my no contract wording 12:08:31 From Queen Of Torts : #jan192023 #jan2023 12:08:41 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : second time I didn't open the letter and returned to send with my wording on it; 12:08:45 From Queen Of Torts : yes to must boob tube 12:09:00 From Mcreal : U hv the rt 2 shut TF up 12:09:27 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : third time they did it again and returned to sender with my rejected no contract wording on it and I never heard from them again; 3 times then they stop 12:09:28 From Queen Of Torts : lol #seewhathappenwas 12:10:00 From Tracy Cunningham : My lips are as tight as my asshole.... 12:10:04 From Queen Of Torts : #whyyoutalkingtome 12:10:18 From legallyattractive : 01192023 12:10:40 From legallyattractive : #01192023 12:10:46 From Neekolas : communication initiated while not operating within their commercial jurisdiction = that's a no no 12:11:01 From Tracy Cunningham : #trymehoe 12:11:44 From Queen Of Torts : #areyouwilltoputthatinwriting 12:12:31 From Queen Of Torts : man i watched you do that 12:12:33 From Tracy Cunningham : I asked CS if they were willing to put that in writing. She hung up on me. 12:12:36 From TonyG : #tonygtasksnotesCOMPREHENSIONofwhytheAGENTSareevenTALKINGtoUS. THEY’RE LIMITED TO ONLY SPEAK TO US ONLY WHILE OPERATING within their commercial jurisdiction. When they pop off at the mouth, have them make all of their claims in writing to you. 12:13:27 From TonyG : What the heck is a stationary?😅 12:14:07 From Tracy Cunningham : Military 12:14:16 From BarS : they make rules for Call Girls lol 12:14:21 From Neekolas : it's in my notice to cop-per! 12:14:44 From Neekolas : federal>state>municipal 12:15:19 From Neekolas : #supremacyclause 12:15:36 From K.Rose Mancarella El : CT is attempting to pass codes to allow anyone 12 or over access to vaccinations without parental consent 12:15:46 From TonyG to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : Oh snap, thats dope! I imagine its just as easy to get stationery items as it is priority mail box items from them joints 🤣 12:16:04 From Prince Nasheen : I needed to here that brake down! 12:16:06 From gallorook : just covered that 12:16:07 From Queen Of Torts : my mother paid for" private Christian " school same bs 12:16:28 From Indigenous Maiden : Facts @Queen 12:16:47 From Queen Of Torts : #inthecourt #judgebeyourfriend 12:16:50 From Neekolas : can someone 12 years old legally be bound to municipal codes? 12:17:45 From Queen Of Torts : #amwomannotes 12:17:45 From K.Rose Mancarella El : yes a 12 year old subject/ward can 12:17:51 From TonyG : Replying to "can someone 12 years…" Is that 12 year old a SLAVE???! 12:17:59 From TonyG : Replying to "can someone 12 years…" Ask yourself that question fam. 12:18:01 From I AM THAT I AM:Jaime-Craig:of clan Wilkinson : Just sent my motion to compel and they already opened it lol 12:18:37 From Indigenous Maiden : That’s a good way to look at it 😂 12:18:44 From Queen Of Torts : he wants to be smart 12:18:55 From Neekolas : and if there's no proof they are an orphan/ward..? 12:18:57 From Queen Of Torts : the liar lol 12:18:59 From Indigenous Maiden : Copy & paste I’m sure 12:19:08 From Tracy Cunningham : Replying to "can someone 12 years..." Minor.... no 12:19:31 From Tracy Cunningham : 1 - wtf you talking to me 12:19:43 From Queen Of Torts : how can i baby make a binding contract 12:20:18 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : yes 12:20:19 From BarS : Do you have authorization to speak for this person 12:20:21 From Natalie D : yes 12:20:23 From K.Rose Mancarella El : all the time 12:20:27 From Skenny : yes 12:20:31 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : multi tasking and computer and internet slkow 12:20:52 From BarS : Exactly where is the authorization to speak? 12:21:06 From BarS : people scared that it won't work! 12:21:23 From BarS : People are just scared for real. 12:21:29 From Queen Of Torts : OMG 12:21:36 From Queen Of Torts : LOL 12:21:48 From Tracy Cunningham : I thought he wanted to be beat 12:21:49 From Queen Of Torts : his puss hurts 12:21:49 From Stephen Grant : Chicken feathers 🪶 12:22:06 From Neekolas : horse feathers lol 12:22:07 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : lolll 12:22:14 From Queen Of Torts : i be like thanks i here to dominate 12:22:23 From Tracy Cunningham : All him if he prefers whips 🤣 12:22:24 From BarS : If my likeness is out there, you better be asking my permission to continue. Periodt 12:22:28 From wendie : 😂🤣🤣 12:22:34 From Queen Of Torts : lol tracy 12:22:38 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Give him his gag ball 12:22:40 From Queen Of Torts : omg safe word 12:22:46 From Neekolas : LOL 12:22:47 From Queen Of Torts : #safeword 12:22:55 From Queen Of Torts : #queenAmWomen 12:22:57 From Lisa Marie : Lol 12:23:03 From BarS : How they about to have a court proceeding with my name or likeness involved without my consent? They will be paying me some dollhiars! 12:23:11 From Queen Of Torts : bananas lol 12:23:24 From Stephen Grant : JABBERWOCKEY!! 12:23:30 From Queen Of Torts : #barflys 12:23:34 From BarS : I am here to Bar the Bar lol 12:23:38 From Tracy Cunningham : Sticks and stones may brake my bones but whips and chains excite me 🤣 12:23:44 From Queen Of Torts : need some pesticide 12:23:45 From Sunshine D : 😆 12:23:51 From Indigenous Maiden : #dontbeannoyed 12:23:52 From Crystal Douglass : The judge, strike down everything I fill on behalf of my brother, I have a POA. 12:23:56 From K.Rose Mancarella El : babahahahahhaha 12:24:10 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "Sticks and stones ma..." Ooh 12:24:28 From BarS : If no injured party. Fu## Off!!!! 12:24:29 From Queen Of Torts : judge needs a complaint 12:24:38 From Tracy Cunningham : Replying to "Sticks and stones ma..." 🤣🤣🤣 12:24:41 From Queen Of Torts : awesome get Michael 12:25:13 From Neekolas : records request that verified complaint... wait, there is none? 12:25:53 From K.Rose Mancarella El : consent 12:25:58 From Queen Of Torts : #declartionofindependence 12:25:58 From BarS : Even a warrant of idictment better involve an injured party! Better have a violent complaint. And it better not have a code attached to the alleged crime. 12:26:02 From K.Rose Mancarella El : don't be a you lol 12:26:07 From Tracy Cunningham : My permission 12:26:15 From K.Rose Mancarella El : strawman 12:26:31 From Neekolas : no nexus 12:26:33 From Queen Of Torts : #bitchshowme 12:26:45 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : loll 12:26:59 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : malika one there is funny 12:27:04 From BarS : I meant verified complaint, not violent but shid yeah better be violent complaint behind it. I don't need no one complaining about my music. lol 12:27:24 From Queen Of Torts : #consent #theyneedconsent 12:27:27 From K.Rose Mancarella El : penoge 12:27:34 From Indigenous Maiden : Yup peonage 12:27:43 From Neekolas : #freedomofmusic 12:27:46 From Tracy Cunningham : I saw that malika 12:28:11 From Queen Of Torts : #you 12:28:11 From Tracy Cunningham : Charles 🤣🤣 12:28:18 From Queen Of Torts : ewe 12:28:19 From Stephen Grant : Yoos 12:28:28 From Neekolas : crank that corporate boy! 12:28:31 From BarS : I be outside enjoying my music and exercise. I do not play my music loud just reasonable. I do my thing outside. My neighbors play their music. I don't like it but I deal with it. lol 12:28:45 From Indigenous Maiden : Lol @neekolas 12:28:45 From Stephen Grant : Ewe is a female sheep 12:29:04 From BarS : I ain't you. I am me. 12:29:06 From BarS : lol 12:29:17 From Stephen Grant : ewe is horny 12:29:43 From BarS : Yall seen that movie with Smokey from Friday I forget the movie but yall know if yall know 12:29:46 From King morpheus : The surety for public safety the state of is acting as parens patria of the legal name abandoned and registered security for the public debt from the registered legal resident of the state living assigned entity leaving him to be property of the state that is the tied you as surety 12:29:49 From Queen Of Torts : #you20cfr422.402 #SSN20cfr422.104 12:29:58 From BarS : Your likeness. 12:29:59 From Queen Of Torts : the style doesn't matter 12:30:12 From Tracy Cunningham : Reacted to "the style doesn't ma..." with ❤️ 12:30:14 From BarS : Fu## all caps they are using your likeness 12:30:27 From YUR : Agreed 12:30:31 From Queen Of Torts : if it looks like your calling and how they get the permission to use it 12:30:43 From Queen Of Torts : #idfraud 12:30:45 From BarS : Their true crime of intention is that they are intending to get you move for them. 12:30:55 From YUR : the communication is still adressed 12:31:12 From YUR : exactly 12:31:16 From Queen Of Torts : its like opening the door for a strangler 12:31:34 From Queen Of Torts : bs so asshole cant read 12:31:41 From BarS : Yall I do not get mail. I need to work on getting them to deliver to me so I can see what yall talking about. lol 12:31:54 From Trading Brigade : https://www.gingersoftware.com/content/grammar-rules/nouns/abstract-nouns/ 12:32:00 From Trading Brigade : #abstractnouns 12:32:05 From BarS : I need to sue USPS for holding my mail. lol 12:32:12 From Queen Of Torts : when i send it back stop sending it to me 12:32:41 From Tracy Cunningham : Let's all hold hands 12:32:52 From wendie : 🤣 12:32:57 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:33:02 From YUR : Masters of fonts and colors won't get it..... 12:33:10 From Stephen Grant : Abcdefglsdandamphetimine 12:33:29 From BarS : I thought only people in movies open the door for strangers. Cause ain't no way I will open the door. I am like my granny used to be. She said call before you try to come or you will not get an answer. When I was a child I thought it was mean but now I get it! Thank you granny for teaching me. 12:33:33 From Indigenous Maiden : #dontsendmeshit 12:33:36 From am woman iPhone : #01192023 #012023 #jan012023 #jan2023 12:33:53 From Queen Of Torts : #pumpndump #pumpanddump 12:34:04 From # bobbybrazown : #pumpanddump 12:34:21 From BarS : Granny would have us sitting waiting on a sunny day. Just to tell us. "I told yall to call." 12:34:28 From Queen Of Torts : #homework 12:35:17 From Stephen Grant : Blooo 12:35:25 From Queen Of Torts : #stateconstitution_homework 12:35:52 From am woman iPhone : #noticecreationconstitutionstates 12:36:02 From am woman iPhone : What are we calling this notice? 12:37:04 From Queen Of Torts : #mailfraud 12:37:27 From Queen Of Torts : take a copy of it for the mail fraud report 12:38:10 From Queen Of Torts : #protip 12:38:34 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:38:41 From Queen Of Torts : i do not recall 12:38:52 From Stephen Grant : In kalifornia its redonkulous 12:39:20 From mensah_c : Certainly not at a State abbreviation, and zip code 12:39:31 From Queen Of Torts : #frcprule17PublicOfficers 12:40:25 From Stephen Grant : It's Tar jey' 12:40:28 From Tracy Cunningham : Up your ass is where they is 12:40:57 From Tracy Cunningham : Stay in the truth eventually they fall 12:41:26 From iPad : I can’t hear you!! Work what’s that 12:41:29 From Neekolas : out on the block, not on the clock! 12:41:46 From Neekolas : restrictive? 12:41:49 From BarS : virgin 12:41:50 From Indigenous Maiden : Aggressive 12:42:04 From BarS : oh you did not say permiscuous lol 12:42:11 From Neekolas : de missive lol 12:42:12 From Tracy Cunningham : Not permissive 12:42:20 From Indigenous Maiden : Permit 12:42:31 From Indigenous Maiden : With permission 12:42:53 From BarS : yes look it up cause I was thinking not sexual and all lol 12:43:02 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=permissive 12:43:19 From Tracy Cunningham : #obligatory 12:43:28 From BarS : Non Consentual 12:43:42 From Shalunda Harrison : Restricted 12:43:47 From Truth Angel : opposite of permissive is without authority 12:43:49 From Stephen Grant : Don't kiss me with that plunger 12:44:26 From Mcreal : https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Permissive 12:44:43 From BarS : I do not consent to your authoitay 12:44:46 From Tracy Cunningham : I ain't no holla back girl 12:45:14 From Stephen Grant : EYE EYE SIR 12:45:27 From BarS : I did not giveth permission. Neither do I qualify to give such a permission. 12:45:41 From Tracy Cunningham : Reacted to "I did not giveth per..." with ❤️ 12:45:58 From BarS : So therefore, I do not qualify to be ruled by you! 12:46:08 From Stephen Grant : Futha mucka 12:46:15 From Truth Angel : So you saying YOU are 1 USC ! 12:46:58 From BarS : Giving us khaki pant and blue shirts to shop at Walmart 12:47:07 From Tracy Cunningham : Play on playa 😎 🤣 12:47:15 From Indigenous Maiden : Who u should be talking to. Where is the documentary evidence I am such? 12:47:17 From BarS : I will take the shirt and pants but I ain't stocking the products lol 12:47:26 From Stephen Grant : A breach of military rules is called Infraction 12:47:30 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Henry Campbell Black’s Law Dictionary Fourth Edition page 1298 / PDF Page 1374 of 1956 PERMISSIVE. Allowed; allowable; that which may be done. 12:47:33 From Truth Angel : 15 USC 1692 (c) 12:47:59 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : PERMISSION. A license to do a thing; an au- thority to do an act which, without such author- ity, would have been unlawful. PERMISSIONS. Negations of law, arising eith- er from the law's silence or its express declara- tion. Ruth.Inst. b. 1, C. 1. PERMISSIVE. Allowed; allowable; that which may be done 12:48:16 From Tracy Cunningham : #definitions have to mean the same front and back 12:48:17 From @robinmarie : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/4724 12:49:10 From Stephen Grant : We volunteer to live in a garrison society 12:50:01 From Tecumseh 2.0 : 5 usc 552a too, right? individuals 12:50:02 From am woman iPhone : #noticeasabovesobelow #noticeagentscanttalktoregularpeople 12:50:12 From Truth Angel : MO NAH !🤣 12:50:51 From Stephen Grant : YO MAHN😂 12:51:07 From Queen Of Torts : lol 12:51:18 From Truth Angel : 🤣 12:51:20 From Stephen Grant : EI EI O 12:52:03 From Meagen C. : make it a broccolini lo 12:52:05 From Meagen C. : lol 12:52:13 From BarS : I am sending an information request pursuant to Open Records Act and/or Right to Know Act 12:52:30 From Stephen Grant : Credit union wants me to incorporate to get 30g commercial credit 12:53:08 From BarS : What is the red lines? 12:53:12 From Stephen Grant : I use my service number 12:53:50 From Stephen Grant : And my USMC rifle number 12:53:52 From wendie : 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 12:53:53 From Truth Angel : WOW 12:53:54 From Meagen C. : yes plelase 12:53:58 From BarS : Thank you Malika!!! 12:53:59 From K.Rose Mancarella El : cool 12:54:15 From K.Rose Mancarella El : awesome thank you 12:54:15 From wendie : 🥰 12:54:38 From Stephen Grant : I GET SCREWED ON EBAY TAX 12:55:30 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : the 1855 Michigan constitution has the best preamble, all the others updated ones are deleted stuff from it; 12:55:31 From Stephen Grant : ROYALLY SCREWED ON EBAY TAX 12:55:35 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : 1835 12:55:44 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : when they first entered the union 12:56:17 From katcan : Humbly invoking the blessings of Almighty God, the people of the State of Texas, do ordain and establish this Constitution. 12:56:38 From Tecumseh 2.0 : i like supreme creator 12:56:55 From Truth Angel : Liberty is given by grant 12:57:12 From Indigenous Maiden : The Most High 12:57:22 From @robinmarie : We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more independent and perfect government; establish justice; insure tranquillity; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the “State of Colorado”. 12:57:32 From Stephen Grant : The Great Creator. Massachusetts constitution 12:57:37 From Mel Grover : Minnesota Preamble We, the people of the state of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings and secure the same to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution 12:57:48 From Jessenia : Almighty God for our Freedom #newyorkpreamble 12:57:56 From Issa Webb : Who is the young lady from IL 12:58:18 From Queen Of Torts : #minnesota #minnpreamble 12:58:31 From Neekolas : our Creator - Virginia 12:58:44 From Truth Angel : It a verb 12:58:49 From K.Rose Mancarella El : CT: The People of Connecticut acknowledging with gratitude, the good providence of God, 12:59:02 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : https://www.etymonline.com/word/god 12:59:11 From @robinmarie : We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, 12:59:26 From @robinmarie : https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript 12:59:48 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : luke 17:20-21 12:59:59 From Stephen Grant : India. The Supreme Godhead 13:00:03 From Tecumseh 2.0 : gotta know who are we calling upon... 13:00:13 From Aryeh Mykha-El: Bey : Psalms 82:6 13:00:15 From Truth Angel : Facts "ordained" 13:00:16 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : kingome of is within us; 1, me. one 13:00:54 From rodney : ohio preamble: we, the people of the state of ohio, grateful to almighty god for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare, do establish this constitution. 13:00:58 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : key board Is new and keys different 13:01:19 From Mel Grover : Section 1. Object of government.Government is instituted for the security, benefit and protection of the people, in whom all political power is inherent, together with the right to alter, modify or reform government whenever required by the public good. 13:01:25 From #AiAm : CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA PREAMBLE To perpetuate the principles of free government, insure justice to all, preserve peace, promote the interest and happiness of the citizen and of the family, and transmit to posterity the enjoyment of liberty, we the people of Georgia, relying upon the protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution. https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:01:45 From Truth Angel : What type of people ? 13:01:54 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Article || In Massachusetts Says “It is the right as well as the duty of all men in society, publicly, and at stated seasons to worship the Supreme Being, the great Creator and Preserver of the universe.” The Preamble Says “We, therefore, the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging, with grateful hearts, the goodness of the great Legislator of the universe, in affording us, in the course of His providence, an opportunity, deliberately and peaceably, without fraud, violence or surprise, of entering into an original, explicit, and solemn compact with each other;” These Are In Reference To God 13:01:58 From Stephen Grant : Chairman Mao. All political power issues from the barrel of a gun. 13:02:08 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : @AiAM, the 1877 Georgis constitution is the best one to use per Jonah bey 13:02:38 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Article IV. The people of this commonwealth have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign, and independent state; and do, and forever hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not, or may not hereafter, be by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in Congress assembled. Article V. All power residing originally in the people, and being derived from them, the several magistrates and officers of government, vested with authority, whether legislative, executive, or judicial, are their substitutes and agents, and are at all times accountable to them. 13:02:45 From Stephen Grant : OFF WITH THEIR HEADS 13:02:47 From Tecumseh 2.0 : same basics... 13:02:48 From Truth Angel : Religion is the basis of the law 13:02:59 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : SECTION 1. INHERENT AND INALIENABLE RIGHTS All men are by nature free and independent and have certain inherent and inalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To secure these rights and the protection of property, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) 13:03:05 From wendie : 🤣 13:03:19 From BarS : And all bible does not apply to me 13:03:21 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : excellen references and because ot it I found the Genergal property tax act in michgan's 1963 constitution in finance section regarding the supplementarty areas for exemptions of property taxes 13:03:26 From Stephen Grant : Kill the messenger 13:03:36 From BarS : People love to say the entire bible applies to all at all times 13:03:37 From Natalie D : yes 13:04:00 From Kimberly : Florida-We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits, perfect our government, insure domestic tranquility, maintain public order, and guarantee equal civil and political rights to all, do ordain and establish this constitution. 13:04:13 From Truth Angel : Whatever your belief ! They are using the Biblical law against you 13:04:21 From Natalie D : Section 1. That all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; for the advancement of those ends they have at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. 13:04:22 From champ1111 : Reacted to "Florida-We, the peop…" with ❤️ 13:04:27 From champ1111 : Reacted to "Section 1. That all …" with ❤️ 13:04:31 From champ1111 : Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Section 1. That all …" 13:04:39 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Was that Illinois? 13:04:42 From Tecumseh 2.0 : men=thinker 13:04:43 From @robinmarie : Colorado Article II Section 1 All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all government, of right, originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. 13:04:46 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Article X. Each individual of the society has a right to be protected by it in the enjoyment of his life, liberty and property, according to standing laws. He is obliged, consequently, to contribute his share to the expense of this protection; to give his personal service, or an equivalent, when necessary: but no part of the property of any individual can, with justice, be taken from him, or applied to public uses, without his own consent, or that of the representative body of the people. In fine, the people of this commonwealth are not controllable by any other laws than those to which their constitutional representative body have given their consent. And whenever the public exigencies require that the property of any individual should be appropriated to public uses, he shall receive a reasonable compensation therefor. Massachusetts 13:04:48 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : the bible is being used to bring Trespass by way of many harms and injuries against men women, etc; study the strongs exhaustive concordance 1980 or prior because the publishers are removing the evidence from those translations 13:04:53 From katcan : Sec. 2. INHERENT POLITICAL POWER; REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient. 13:04:55 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "People love to say t..." So they can insert their opinion of yooo 13:05:08 From Kimberly : Florida-SECTION 1. Political power.—All political power is inherent in the people. The enunciation herein of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or impair others retained by the people. SECTION 2. Basic rights.—All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property. No person shall be deprived of any right because of race, religion, national origin, or physical disability. History.—Am. S.J.R. 917, 1974; adopted 1974; Am. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. 9, 1998, filed with the Secretary of State May 5, 1998; adopted 1998; Am. proposed by Constitution Revision Commission, Revision No. 6, 2018, filed with the Secretary of State May 9, 2018; adopted 2018. 13:05:31 From Truth Angel : "form" ??? 13:05:42 From Queen Of Torts : lol 13:05:43 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN OF 1835 In convention, begun at the city of Detroit, on the second Monday of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty five: Preamble. We, the PEOPLE of the territory of Michigan, as established by the Act of Congress of the Eleventh day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and five, in conformity to the fifth article of the ordinance providing for the government of the territory of the United States, North West of the River Ohio, believing that the time has arrived when our present political condition ought to cease, and the right of self-government be asserted; and availing ourselves of that provision of the aforesaid ordinance of the congress of the United States of the thirteenth day of July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and the acts of congress passed in accordance therewith, which entitle us to admission into the Union, upon a condition which has been fulfilled, do, by our delegates in convention assembled, mutually agree to form o 13:05:46 From Galaxy A02s : I'm not finding it for WIS CON SIN. 13:05:52 From @robinmarie : Colorado Section 2 The people of this state have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves, as a free, sovereign and independent state; and to alter and abolish their constitution and form of government whenever they may deem it necessary to their safety and happiness, provided, such change be not repugnant to the constitution of the United States. 13:05:53 From Indigenous Maiden : Inalienable- cannot be bought, sold or transferred 13:05:58 From Queen Of Torts : been there no lie 13:06:13 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : I have the certified copy of the Michigan constitution and if anyone wants it I can send it via email 13:06:20 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : 1835 I think 13:06:20 From Stephen Grant : The only correct bible is the Hebrew bible 13:06:31 From Kiesha Pink : New Jersey Article I. Rights and Privileges 1. All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain natural and unalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and of pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness. 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it. 13:06:41 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Article I. All men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential, and unalienable rights; among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in fine, that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness. Massachusetts 13:06:45 From YUR : EXACTLY 13:06:49 From Lisa Marie : Looking for Georgia’s. 13:06:51 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to "Article I. All men ..." with ❤️ 13:07:07 From Truth Angel : people are ignorant 13:07:15 From Neekolas : : that all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety #Virginia 13:07:19 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "Article I. All men ..." This after the witch trials 13:07:30 From Natalie D : TN 13:07:46 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN OF 1850 Preamble. The People of the State of Michigan do ordain this Constitution. ARTICLE I BOUNDARIES Territorial jurisdiction. The State of Michigan consists of and has jurisdiction over the territory embraced within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a point on the eastern extremity of Lake Michigan to the most northerly cape of the Maumee Bay shall intersect the same--said point being the north-west corner of the State of Ohio, as established by act of congress, entitled "An act to establish the northern boundary line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the State of Michigan into the Union upon the conditions therein expressed," approved June fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six; thence with the said boundary line of the State of Ohio till it intersects the boundary line between the United States and Canada in Lake Erie; thence with said boundary line between the United States and Canada through the Detroit river, Lake Hu 13:08:09 From K.Rose Mancarella El : CT: SEC. 2. All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit; and they have at all times an undeniable and indefeasible right to alter their form of government in such manner as they may think expedient. 13:08:14 From @robinmarie : Colorado Article VI Section 1. VESTMENT OF JUDICIAL POWER The judicial power of the state shall be vested in a supreme court, district courts, a probate court in the city and county of Denver, a juvenile court in the city and county of Denver, county courts, and such other courts or judicial officers with jurisdiction inferior to the supreme court, as the general assembly may, from time to time establish; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to restrict or diminish the powers of home rule cities and towns granted under article XX, section 6 of this constitution to create municipal and police courts. 13:08:14 From Mah : New York just say the law of the land 13:08:22 From Truth Angel : They are all DIP 13:08:58 From Stephen Grant : States are Federal Franchises 13:09:00 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : No Search function on Illinois site 13:09:13 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN OF 1908 [Effective January 1, 1909] PREAMBLE Preamble. We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution. ARTICLE 1 BOUNDARIES AND SEAT OF GOVERNMENT Boundaries. Sec. 1. The State of Michigan consists of and has jurisdiction over the territory embraced within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at a point on the eastern boundary line of the state of Indiana, where a direct line drawn from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the most northerly cape of Maumee Bay shall intersect the same--said point being the northwest point of the state of Ohio, as established by act of congress, entitled "An act to establish the northern boundary line of the state of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the state of Michigan into the Union upon the conditions therein expressed," ap 13:09:22 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Almighty God used 13:09:39 From Stephen Grant : You can't open a McDonald's and sell Burger King 13:10:03 From Truth Angel : In Burger King in Tennessee 13:10:52 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN OF 1963 PREAMBLE We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution. 13:10:59 From @robinmarie : Colorado XII Section 8 Section 8. OATH OF CIVIL OFFICERS Every civil officer, except members of the general assembly and such inferior officers as may be by law exempted, shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States and of the state of Colorado, and to faithfully perform the duties of the office upon which he shall be about to enter. 13:11:03 From Najima El : NC Article 1 - Sec. 5. Allegiance to the United States. Every citizen of this State owes paramount allegiance to the Constitution and government of the United States, and no law or ordinance of the State in contravention or subversion thereof can have any binding force. 13:11:15 From Mel Grover : NOT FINDING MINNESOTA SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND 13:11:18 From @robinmarie : Colorado's oath ^^^^^ mentions it 13:11:30 From Nubia : did anyone find it for New York? 13:11:36 From Tecumseh 2.0 : The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution provides that the Constitution, federal statutes, and treaties constitute “the supreme Law of the Land.” U.S. Constitution, Article VI, cl. 2. “It is well established that within constitutional limits Congress may preempt state authority by so stating in express terms.” Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. v. State Energy Resources Conservation & Dev. Comm., 461 U.S. 190, 203, 103 S.Ct. 1713, 75 L.Ed.2d 752 (1983). 13:11:37 From K.Rose Mancarella El : CT: SEC. 18. No hereditary emoluments, privileges or honors, shall ever be granted, or conferred in this state. 13:11:44 From @robinmarie : oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States... 13:11:58 From Trading Brigade : Paragraph V. What acts void. Legislative acts in violation of this Constitution or the Constitution of the United States are void, and the judiciary shall so declare them. 13:11:58 From YUR : THAT'S WHY I JUST USE THE CONSTITUTION AS OPPOSE TO THAT OF THE STATES... 13:12:05 From Mel Grover : Sec. 6. Oath of office of state officers.Each officer created by this article before entering upon his duties shall take an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States and of this state and to discharge faithfully the duties of his office to the best of his judgment and ability. 13:12:09 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : STATE CONSTITUTION (EXCERPT) CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN OF 1963 § 1 Political power. Sec. 1. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection. History: Const. 1963, Art. I, § 1, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964 Former Constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. II, § 1. 13:12:12 From Mel Grover : mINNESOTA 13:12:40 From wendie : In Tennessee constitution North Carolina to the United States of America 13:12:46 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Michigan 1908 constitution ARTICLE II DECLARATION OF RIGHTS Political power. Sec. 1. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security and protection. 13:12:51 From YUR : EXACTLY 13:12:53 From Queen Of Torts : #minnesota 13:12:54 From Jessenia : #jessenianotes #newyork 13:13:05 From Kiesha Pink : Article VII. Public Officers and Employees Section I 1. Every State officer, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of this State and of the United States and to perform the duties of his office faithfully, impartially and justly to the best of his ability. 13:13:13 From Stephen Grant : NORTHWEST ORDINANCE created 6 states around the Great Lakes including Minnesota 13:13:35 From Nubia : Dr Abby what section was that? 13:13:36 From Natty : Strong appealed to Indiana Supreme Court in Corydon which ruled in State v. Lasselle, July 22, 1820: “slavery can have no existence” in Indiana.[6] This decision did not free remaining slaves in Indiana;[7] it did establish 1816 Indiana Constitution as the authority for decisions in Indiana courts regarding slavery and involuntary servitude, including 1821 Mary Clark case.[8] 13:13:46 From Najima El : NC Constitution Article 1 - Sec. 2. Sovereignty of the people. All political power is vested in and derived from the people; all government of right originates from the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted solely for the good of the whole. 13:14:00 From Rhema Russell : Legislative acts in violation of this constitution or the constitution of the United States are void and the judiciary shall so declare them 13:14:18 From Lady Barbara : CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE Preamble and Declaration of Rights Whereas, The people of the territory of the United States south of the river Ohio, having the right of admission into the general government as a member state thereof, consistent with the Constitution of the United States, and the act of cession of the state of North Carolina, recognizing the ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States north west of the Ohio River, by their delegates and representatives in convention assembled, did on the sixth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, ordain and establish a Constitution, or form of government, and mutually agreed with each other to form themselves into a free and independent state by the name of the state of Tennessee, and, Whereas, The General Assembly of the said state of Tennessee, (pursuant to the third 13:14:22 From Stephen Grant : DEADHAND 13:14:27 From #AiAm : Paragraph III. Freedom of conscience. Each person has the natural and inalienable right to worship God, each according to the dictates of that person's own conscience; and no human authority should, in any case, control or interfere with such right of conscience. https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:14:35 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Article 5 Executive branch Power of governor. Sec. 4. The Governor shall be commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces, and may call out such forces to execute the laws, to suppress insurrections and to repel invasions. 13:14:47 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : 1910 michgian constitnution 13:14:48 From Stephen Grant : Deadhand= self authentication 13:15:03 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : correct 1850 Michigan constitution 13:15:09 From Mel Grover : ??? Minnesota?? Section 1. Name and boundaries; acceptance of organic act.This state shall be called the state of Minnesota and shall consist of and have jurisdiction over the territory embraced in the act of Congress entitled, "An act to authorize the people of the Territory of Minnesota to form a constitution and state government, preparatory to their admission into the Union on equal footing with the original states," and the propositions contained in that act are hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed, and remain irrevocable without the consent of the United States. 13:15:35 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 2. Rights and privileges.No member of this state shall be disfranchised or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to any citizen thereof, unless by the law of the land or the judgment of his peers. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the state otherwise than as punishment for a crime of which the party has been convicted. 13:15:41 From Neekolas : #unfuckwithable 13:15:51 From Indigenous Maiden : #invasionofprivacy 13:16:05 From Stephen Grant : THEN THEY DEAD 13:16:32 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : 1835 Michigan Constitution ARTICLE I BILL OF RIGHTS Political power. First. All political power is inherent in the people. 13:16:39 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : short and sweet 13:16:42 From Indigenous Maiden : THAT IS MY JAM 13:16:43 From Natty : OMG that is a hoot!!! 13:17:01 From Stephen Grant : Please. No soft shoe lol 13:17:13 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : authority of law if our private people's law 13:17:23 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : is 13:17:24 From Natalie D : Section 9. The Legislature shall have the right to vest such powers in the Courts of Justice, with regard to private and local affairs, as may be expedient. 13:17:28 From #AiAm : Paragraph II. Protection to person and property; equal protection. Protection to person and property is the paramount duty of government and shall be impartial and complete. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws. https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:17:51 From Stephen Grant : They soft-soap yoos 13:18:12 From Truth Angel : Section 1.05. Rights reserved to the people. No provisions of this charter, and no action by any officer or employee of the county acting under its authority, shall infringe upon rights, privileges and powers reserved or guaranteed to individual persons or to the people by the Constitution of the United States of America or the Constitution of the State of Tennessee. 13:18:22 From Stephen Grant : I hear little rascals 13:18:25 From Truth Angel : SHELBY COUNTY CHARTER SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSE 13:18:45 From Derrick Blash Bey : I can find ohio 13:19:00 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Illinois in full https://www.ilga.gov/commission/lrb/conent.htm 13:19:13 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/miconstitution1835.htm 13:19:32 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/miconstitution1850.htm 13:19:44 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/miconstitution1908.htm 13:19:54 From Tecumseh 2.0 : i found supreme court case cited within ohio case. posted above 13:20:24 From Neekolas : section 11 that the general assembly shall pass no law whereby private property, the right to which is fundamental, shall be damaged or taken except for public use. no private property shall be damaged or taken for public use without just compensation to the owner thereof. 13:20:34 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : 1963 Michigan constitution https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(pnduczu3g1uxa5pg11f3tzuq))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-Constitution-I 13:21:14 From #AiAm : Paragraph VII. Citizens, protection of. All citizens of the United States, resident in this state, are hereby declared citizens of this state; and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to enact such laws as will protect them in the full enjoyment of the rights, privileges, and immunities due to such citizenship. 13:21:29 From Stephen Grant : North West Ordinance. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the northeastern part of Minnesota). 13:21:40 From Truth Angel : Real Estate ??? 13:22:01 From Tracy Cunningham : 2021 Tennessee Code Title 40 - Criminal Procedure Chapter 6 - Warrants Part 1 - Search Warrants § 40-6-103. Probable Cause and Affidavit Universal Citation: TN Code § 40-6-103 (2021) A search warrant can only be issued on probable cause, supported by affidavit, naming or describing the person, and particularly describing the property, and the place to be searched. 13:22:03 From C. Lockridge : Did anyone find Wisconsin? i’ve been looking can’t seem to find “the supreme law of the land” reference 13:22:47 From Mel Grover : Minnesota Sec. 10. Unreasonable searches and seizures prohibited.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated; and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or things to be seized. 13:22:48 From Truth Angel : They operate off presumptions ! 13:22:53 From #AiAm : Paragraph XIII. Searches, seizures, and warrants. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated; and no warrant shall issue except upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation particularly describing the place or places to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. 13:22:57 From Cornesha Pittman : #VIRGINIA Section 10. General warrants of search or seizure prohibited That general warrants, whereby an officer or messenger may be commanded to search suspected places without evidence of a fact committed, or to seize any person or persons not named, or whose offense is not particularly described and supported by evidence, are grievous and oppressive, and ought not to be granted. 13:23:10 From Natalie D : Section 9. The Legislature shall have the right to vest such powers in the Courts of Justice, with regard to private and local affairs, as may be expedient. 13:23:13 From Kimberly : Only Supreme law I can find: sec 9-(9) It is declared to be the intent of the Legislature and of the electors of the State of Florida to provide by this section home rule for the people of Dade County in local affairs and this section shall be liberally construed to carry out such purpose, and it is further declared to be the intent of the Legislature and of the electors of the State of Florida that the provisions of this Constitution and general laws which shall relate to Dade County and any other one or more counties of the State of Florida or to any municipality in Dade County and any other one or more municipalities of the State of Florida enacted pursuant thereto by the Legislature shall be the supreme law in Dade County, Florida, except as expressly provided herein and this section shall be strictly construed to maintain such supremacy of this Constitution and of the Legislature in the enactment of general laws pursuant to this Constitution. History.—Added, H.J.R. 858, 1941; adopted 1942; Am. S.J.R. 10 13:23:17 From wendie : I can't find eminent domain 13:23:31 From Natalie D : STILL NEED CLARIFICATION ON THE MEANING 13:23:35 From Natalie D : Section 9. The Legislature shall have the right to vest such powers in the Courts of Justice, with regard to private and local affairs, as may be expedient. 13:23:39 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota Sec. 7. Due process; prosecutions; double jeopardy; self-incrimination; bail; habeas corpus.No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law, and no person shall be put twice in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense, nor be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. All persons before conviction shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, except for capital offenses when the proof is evident or the presumption great. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless the public safety requires it in case of rebellion or invasion. 13:23:45 From Nubia : I can't find it for New York 13:24:15 From #AiAm : https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:24:17 From Stephen Grant : All government power issues from the People of the several States 13:24:23 From Truth Angel : PRE-SUME 13:24:30 From #AiAm : #GA:Paragraph XIII. Searches, seizures, and warrants. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated; and no warrant shall issue except upon probable cause supported by oath or affirmation particularly describing the place or places to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:24:36 From Tracy Cunningham : RULE 4: ARREST WARRANT OR SUMMONS ON A COMPLAINT. (a) Issuance of Warrant or Summons. If the affidavit of complaint and any supporting affidavits filed with it establish that there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed and that the defendant has committed it, the magistrate or clerk shall issue an arrest warrant to an officer authorized by law to execute it or shall issue a criminal summons for the appearance of the defendant. More than one warrant or criminal summons may issue on the same complaint. (1) District Attorney General’s Choice. The district attorney general may direct the clerk to issue either a criminal summons or a warrant. (2) Examination Under Oath. Before ruling on a request for a warrant, the magistrate or clerk may examine under oath the complainant and any witnesses the complainant produces. (3) Record of Issuance. The general sessions court clerk shall promptly record in a docket book the issuance of every warrant and summons in the county. (4) Failure to Appear for Summons. A warrant shall issue for a defendant who fails to appear in response to a criminal summons. 13:24:36 From Najima El : NC - Sec. 19.  Law of the land; equal protection of the laws. No person shall be taken, imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, liberties, or privileges, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any manner deprived of his life, liberty, or property, but by the law of the land.  No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any person be subjected to discrimination by the State because of race, color, religion, or national origin. Sec. 20.  General warrants. General warrants, whereby any officer or other person may be commanded to search suspected places without evidence of the act committed, or to seize any person or persons not named, whose offense is not particularly described and supported by evidence, are dangerous to liberty and shall not be granted. 13:24:44 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 2. Rights and privileges.No member of this state shall be disfranchised or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to any citizen thereof, unless by the law of the land or the judgment of his peers. There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the state otherwise than as punishment for a crime of which the party has been convicted 13:25:01 From C. Lockridge : #Wisconsin Article I Section 11 of the Wisconsin Constitution states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated; and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.” 13:25:08 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : SECTION 2. DUE PROCESS AND EQUAL PROTECTION No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law nor be denied the equal protection of the laws. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) SECTION 6. SEARCHES, SEIZURES, PRIVACY AND INTERCEPTIONS The people shall have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and other possessions against unreasonable searches, seizures, invasions of privacy or interceptions of communications by eavesdropping devices or other means. No warrant shall issue without probable cause, supported by affidavit particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) SECTION 20. INDIVIDUAL DIGNITY To promote individual dignity, communications that portray criminality, depravity or lack of virtue in, or that incite violence, hatred, abuse or hostility toward, a person or group of persons by reason of or by reference to religious, racial, ethnic, national or regional affiliation are condemned. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) 13:25:10 From Truth Angel : Absconding Debtor 13:25:15 From Tracy Cunningham : Replying to "NC - Sec. 19.  Law o..." Tennessee rule 4 13:25:38 From Natty : Sheriff here will not answer anything. 13:25:43 From C. Lockridge : #lockridge 13:26:00 From Jessenia : #jessenianotes 13:26:16 From wendie : 🤣 they don't likey answering notices 😁 13:26:25 From Miguel Be : Reacted to "#jessenianotes" with 👍🏽 13:26:26 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to "🤣 they don't likey ..." with 😂 13:26:38 From Indigenous Maiden : #timestamp 13:27:14 From Tracy Cunningham : I live in the county where the lady cop is mucho popular right now. They busy running trains. The people are safe. 13:27:17 From Queen Of Torts : #countydaterequest 13:27:27 From mensah_c : Creating Estoppel! 13:27:34 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 13:27:38 From Truth Angel : Is County Property ? 13:27:57 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "I live in the county..." Was she on FearFactor 13:28:38 From Tracy Cunningham : Replying to "I live in the county..." 🤷‍♀️🤣 13:28:49 From Neekolas : simulating legal process 13:28:59 From Truth Angel : Criminal Trespass 13:29:22 From Tracy Cunningham : We gotta reverse their bs on them 13:29:44 From Kadijha Gonzague : Is that also applicable with evictions? 13:30:12 From Truth Angel : based on alleged debt 13:30:19 From Neekolas : yes 13:30:26 From Stephen Grant : Especially when you tell them to move the pole before i get my chainsaw out 13:30:36 From BarS : Alabama That all political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit;  and that, therefore, they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to change their form of government in such manner as they may deem expedient. 13:30:39 From Miguel Be : Which office do I write in NY? 13:31:02 From Jessenia : #beannotes 13:31:28 From Neekolas : public surplus 13:31:45 From Stephen Grant : The plates are the Probable cause 13:31:47 From Queen Of Torts : #taby 13:32:13 From Stephen Grant : Plates belong to this state 13:32:47 From Dr. Dix : FiF 13:32:57 From Neekolas : case can't move forward once the element of jurisdiction is challenged!!! 13:32:58 From Stephen Grant : I'll take a fifth 😆 13:33:22 From #AiAm : #GA SECTION III. GENERAL PROVISIONS Paragraph I. Eminent domain.(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Paragraph, private property shall not be taken or damaged for public purposes without just and adequate compensation being first paid. (b) When private property is taken or damaged by the state or the counties or municipalities of the state for public road or street purposes, or for public transportation purposes, or for any other public purposes as determined by the General Assembly, just and adequate compensation therefor need not be paid until the same has been finally fixed and determined as provided by law; but such just and adequate compensation shall then be paid in preference to all other obligations except bonded indebtedness. (c) The General Assembly may by law require the condemnor to make prepayment against adequate compensation as a condition precedent to the exercise of the right of eminent domain and provide for the disbursement of the same to the end that the rights and equities of the pro 13:33:30 From Neekolas : "case" because it's not a valid case without a real cause of action 13:33:33 From Mcreal : 1234 fiiiiif 13:33:45 From Tracy Cunningham : 2021 Tennessee Code Title 64 - Regional Authorities Chapter 2 - Railroad Authorities Part 4 - North Central Tennessee Railroad Authority § 64-2-407. Eminent Domain Universal Citation: TN Code § 64-2-407 (2021) The authority is hereby authorized and empowered to condemn, in the name of the authority any land, easements or rights-of-way in the boundaries of the authority that, in the opinion of the board of directors, are necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this part. Title to property so condemned shall be taken by and in the name of the authority, and the property shall thereafter be entrusted to the authority for the purposes of this part. Such condemnation proceedings shall be in accordance with title 29, Chapters 1 6 and 17. Where title to any property sought to be condemned is defective, it shall be passed by the judgment or decree of the court. Where condemnation proceedings become necessary, the court in which any such proceedings are filed shall, upon application by the authority and upon posting of a bond with the clerk of the court in such amount as the court may deem commensurate with the value of the property, order that a writ of possession shall issue immediately, or as soon and upon such terms as the court, in its discretion, may deem proper and just. 13:33:50 From Stephen Grant : Certificate of Title = legal title 13:34:07 From Stephen Grant : Not equitable title 13:34:22 From Neekolas : looool 13:34:27 From Truth Angel : "We Coming" Coach Prime 13:34:38 From Tracy Cunningham : Yes 13:34:55 From Neekolas : they are not accustomed to being the ones on bottom 13:34:56 From Tracy Cunningham : Over my cold dead hands 13:35:30 From Truth Angel : Child Trafficking ? 13:35:33 From Stephen Grant : Send them the itemized bill in lieu of bankruptcy enforcement 13:35:41 From wendie : Tennessee constitution doesn't allow monopolies but the statues do allow it 🤣 13:35:51 From Neekolas : section 11 #Virginia #privateproperty 13:35:58 From Mel Grover : #minnesota Sec. 13. Private property for public use.Private property shall not be taken, destroyed or damaged for public use without just compensation therefor, first paid or secured. 13:36:17 From Tracy Cunningham : Our imminent domain is railroads (tn) 13:36:21 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "Tennessee constituti..." Statutes are agency interpretation 13:36:50 From Natalie D : Tennessee 13:36:52 From Natalie D : Section 21. That no man's particular services shall be demanded, or property taken, or applied to public use, without the consent of his representatives, or without just compensation being made therefore. 13:36:59 From Truth Angel : Eminent Domain ! 13:37:21 From Trading Brigade : https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2020/title-22/chapter-1/section-22-1-2/ 13:37:27 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota Sec. 12. Imprisonment for debt; property exemption.No person shall be imprisoned for debt in this state, but this shall not prevent the legislature from providing for imprisonment, or holding to bail, persons charged with fraud in contracting said debt. A reasonable amount of property shall be exempt from seizure or sale for the payment of any debt or liability. The amount of such exemption shall be determined by law. Provided, however, that all property so exempted shall be liable to seizure and sale for any debts incurred to any person for work done or materials furnished in the construction, repair or improvement of the same, and provided further, that such liability to seizure and sale shall also extend to all real property for any debt to any laborer or servant for labor or service performed. 13:37:29 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : SECTION 15. RIGHT OF EMINENT DOMAIN Private property shall not be taken or damaged for public use without just compensation as provided by law. Such compensation shall be determined by a jury as provided by law. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) 13:37:57 From Truth Angel : You mean Fannie Mae 🤣 13:39:15 From Derrick Blash Bey : ARTICLE 1 SECT. 19 IN OHIO, EMINENT DOMAIN 13:39:18 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : From Carl Collicott regarding Freddie Mac: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) Freddie Mac is out of business, and even if they were still in business, they're restricted to member bank transactions see 12 U.S.C. 1717 SPS is owned by Credit Suisse of Switzerland, not permitted to do business in the united states, and the "face to face meeting is for "military housing" administered by the Federal Housing Administration, the FHA was abolished in 1965, I addressed that matter on my page 13:39:24 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i started a document a while back with all the Michigan constitution comparisons, will have to get back to it; 13:39:25 From Tecumseh 2.0 : get a quit claim deed. lol 13:39:49 From Neekolas : that's what the cop thought, told me i need to register my private car as private with the dmv; a Public agency!!! 13:40:30 From Truth Angel : It's the Attorney and with the force of the County Sheriff 13:41:19 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "that's what the cop ..." No law says that 13:41:44 From Truth Angel : All based on deceptive conduct 13:41:58 From BarS : Alabama...(c)(1) Any person entering onto private land pursuant to this section shall be responsible for conducting himself or herself in a manner that does not damage the private land, cemetery, gravesite, or burial site, and shall be liable to the owner or lessee of the property for any damage caused as the result of his or her access 13:42:31 From Stephen Grant : The tow man? 13:42:54 From Stephen Grant : That's a fetish 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 13:42:59 From #AiAm : #GA :Paragraph XXII. Involuntary servitude. There shall be no involuntary servitude within the State of Georgia except as a punishment for crime after legal conviction thereof or for contempt of court. https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:43:00 From Tracy Cunningham : Reacted to "That's a fetish 😆 ?..." with 😆 13:43:41 From Truth Angel : Humans are going to be Humans 13:43:45 From Queen Of Torts : 4 13:43:48 From Queen Of Torts : minn 13:43:59 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : S/o quaszymoto 📜 13:44:16 From spiritpower : 4 in Ca 13:44:28 From Neekolas : yey 13:44:30 From Natalie D : no 13:44:31 From Najima El : yes 13:44:34 From Tracy Cunningham : Yes 13:44:35 From Mah : So if the Corp has the multi dwelling registered with the county and they send the enforcers to evict you how are you enforcing /protecting your specific apartment within the registered multi dwelling? 13:44:40 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 3. Census enumeration apportionment; congressional and legislative district boundaries; senate districts.At its first session after each enumeration of the inhabitants of this state made by the authority of the United States, the legislature shall have the power to prescribe the bounds of congressional and legislative districts. Senators shall be chosen by single districts of convenient contiguous territory. No representative district shall be divided in the formation of a senate district. The senate districts shall be numbered in a regular series 13:44:54 From Truth Angel : Chattel Count 😂 13:45:12 From Queen Of Torts : i never did a census 13:45:27 From Natalie D : I haven't either 13:45:27 From Tracy Cunningham : Never did it 13:45:32 From Neekolas : good upstanding mf's 13:45:33 From Queen Of Torts : always asked them to show me how i need to do that 13:45:43 From spiritpower : Bringing money to their area 13:45:44 From Truth Angel : Farm animals 😂 13:45:47 From K.Rose Mancarella El : CT: ARTICLE ELEVENTH.GENERAL PROVISIONS.SEC. 1. Members of the general assembly, and all officers, executive and judicial, shall, before they enter on the duties of their respective offices, take the following oath or affirmation, to wit:You do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that you will support the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of the state of Connecticut, so long as you continue a citizen thereof; and that you will faithfully discharge, according to law, the duties of the office of...........to the best of your abilities. So help you God. 13:45:55 From Queen Of Torts : one lady a chased back to her car with my horse i was working 13:45:58 From Sunshine D : Exactly why I cancelled insurance license two years ago after I learned all of this stuff. 13:46:08 From Tracy Cunningham : For consumer waste 13:46:09 From Miguel Be : So the state can be funded 13:46:13 From Natty to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : But some say if we are receiving benefits we are considered in their system. 13:46:16 From Mel Grover : human capital 13:46:24 From Neekolas : #inhabitants, corporate territories need those!! 13:46:42 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i filled out the online census when is came and other than NAME, ADDRESS, PEOPLE IN HOUSE, 1 I WROTE none of your business for any personal question; back at Macomb location i wasn't going nto fill it out and a man came to my door and threatened me with jail time if i didn' 13:46:50 From Stephen Grant : So they can make sure you are all present and accounted for SIR 13:46:51 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i didn't know what i know today back then 13:47:12 From Queen Of Torts : #bible 13:47:21 From Stephen Grant : EYE EYE SIR 13:47:38 From Miguel Be : I did the census - I knocked on peoples doors - man…. SMH 13:47:41 From Queen Of Torts : #census 13:47:54 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : How does a business have an ethnicity 😅 13:47:55 From Truth Angel : I am Extraterrestrial 😎 13:47:59 From K.Rose Mancarella El : They sat on my porch and they would harrass me coming and going 13:48:06 From Stephen Grant : SHINE YOUR BRASS AND BOOTS AND FALL OUT 13:48:18 From King morpheus : Citizens of the ship admiralty maritime vessel lost at sea 13:48:35 From #AiAm : GA: Paragraph XXIX. Enumeration of rights not denial of others. The enumeration of rights herein contained as a part of this Constitution shall not be construed to deny to the people any inherent rights which they may have hitherto enjoyed. https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:48:39 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 3. Census enumeration apportionment; congressional and legislative district boundaries; senate districts.At its first session after each enumeration of the inhabitants of this state made by the authority of the United States, the legislature shall have the power to prescribe the bounds of congressional and legislative districts. Senators shall be chosen by single districts of convenient contiguous territory. No representative district shall be divided in the formation of a senate district. The senate districts shall be numbered in a regular series 13:48:47 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "Citizens of the ship..." Cast away 13:49:01 From Truth Angel : Art. 1 sec 8 13:49:16 From Stephen Grant : State of Shock 😲 13:49:21 From Neekolas : ecclesiasticus 27: as a nail sticks between the joinings of stones; so does sin stick between buying and selling 13:49:21 From Aryeh Mykha-El: Bey : “The state” my bad kimberly 13:49:27 From K.Rose Mancarella El : Bill of lading... 13:49:41 From Truth Angel : A Ho is a Ho is Ho ! 13:49:56 From Tracy Cunningham : Ex 30:12 Israel after their number, then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto the LORD, when thou numberest them; that there be no plague among them, when thou numberest them. 13:50:29 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "ecclesiasticus 27: a..." mortar 13:50:38 From Truth Angel : Inmates -Head Count 🤓 13:50:52 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 3. Census enumeration apportionment; congressional and legislative district boundaries; senate districts.At its first session after each enumeration of the inhabitants of this state made by the authority of the United States, the legislature shall have the power to prescribe the bounds of congressional and legislative districts. Senators shall be chosen by single districts of convenient contiguous territory. No representative district shall be divided in the formation of a senate district. The senate districts shall be numbered in a regular series 13:50:56 From Key Duke : Reacted to "Inmates -Head Count …" with ❤️ 13:51:02 From Natalie D : Tennessee 13:51:04 From Natalie D : Section 4. The apportionment of senators and representatives shall be substantially according to population. After each decennial census made by the Bureau of Census of the United States is available the General Assembly shall establish senatorial and 6 representative districts. Nothing in this Section nor in this Article II shall deny to the General Assembly the right at any time to apportion one House of the General Assembly using geography, political subdivisions, substantially equal population and other criteria as factors; provided such apportionment when effective shall comply with the Constitution of the United States as then amended or authoritatively interpreted. If the Constitution of the United States shall require that legislative apportionment not based entirely on population be approved by vote of the electorate, the General Assembly shall provide for such vote in the apportionment act. 13:51:25 From Stephen Grant : Calendar: Roman prisoners 13:51:50 From Truth Angel : How many ho's walking the track ? 13:52:02 From katcan : CENSUS is not in Texas constitution 13:52:05 From Stephen Grant : Docket. In port 13:52:13 From Tracy Cunningham : 2021 Tennessee Code Title 9 - Public Finances Chapter 16 - Special County Census for Allocation of Funds § 9-16-101. Special Census by Counties Universal Citation: TN Code § 9-16-101 (2021) For purposes of determining its eligibility in whole or part for an allocation of tax proceeds or other funds, each county may take not more than two (2) special censuses at its own expense at any time during the interim between the regular decennial federal censuses. The special census shall be taken by the federal census bureau or in a manner directed by and satisfactory to the department of economic and community development. The population of the county shall thereafter be revised in accordance with the special census, effective on July 1 following certification of the census results by the federal census bureau or department of economic and community development to the commissioner of finance and administration. 13:52:35 From BarS : Kansas (a) Every public or private university and college shall obtain from all enrolled students census information upon forms provided by the secretary of state. Such information shall be obtained as of the federal census date as specified by the secretary and shall be used to carry out K.S.A. 11-301 , and shall be supplied to the secretary at a time specified by the secretary. (b) Every military officer in charge of more than 50 persons in the military service shall obtain from all persons in the military service and under the command of such officer census information upon forms provided by the secretary of state. Such information shall be obtained as of the federal census date as specified by the secretary and shall be used to carry out K.S.A. 11-301 . Such information shall be supplied to the secretary at a time specified by the secretary. 13:52:35 From Stephen Grant : I'll huff and puff and 13:52:45 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Where enumeration appears in the Bible https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/words/Enumeration 13:52:49 From #najima : The word census for #NC is only related to decennial counting of agents/representatives of the senate/house 13:52:49 From Tracy Cunningham : 8675309 13:52:57 From Natty : Indiana State Censuses and Alternate Enumerations Genealogy Division, Indiana State Library The United States Census included Indiana for the first time in 1820. Prior to that, there was at least one enumeration of the Indiana Territory, in 1807. Although the Indiana Constitution of 1816 provided for regular state censuses, in practice the state was enumerated on an irregular schedule and many of the censuses were “enumerations” in the strictest sense of the term: enumerators counted the number of white males in each township and county without listing any personal information about any individuals. Most of these enumerations have not survived at the state level, although some may still exist in various county auditors’ offices. 13:53:02 From # bobbybrazown : ^^^ lol 13:53:09 From Queen Of Torts : caul that one 13:53:18 From Truth Angel : Back of your neck is a U.S. tag !🤪 13:53:28 From Sunshine D : BR 549 13:54:15 From BarS : Kansas (b) The census information obtained by the secretary of state for the purposes of subsection (a) shall be identical to the data from the actual enumeration conducted by the United States bureau of the census and used for the apportionment of representatives of the United States house of representatives. The secretary of state shall not use bureau of the census counts derived by any other means, including the use of statistical sampling, to add or subtract population by inference. 13:54:17 From Queen Of Torts : lmao 13:54:45 From Neekolas : electronic data element slide 13:54:45 From #AiAm : ARTICLE I. BILL OF RIGHTS SECTION I. RIGHTS OF PERSONS #GA: Paragraph XXV. Status of the citizen. The social status of a citizen shall never be the subject of legislation. https://www.senate.ga.gov/Documents/gaconstitution.pdf 13:54:49 From Truth Angel : hold dez …. 13:55:21 From Truth Angel : Snitch like 69😂 13:55:29 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i have audios a friend shared form telegram from a woman teaching the 1099 NEC form and how to fill it out 13:55:48 From K.Rose Mancarella El : the companies ein not yours 13:55:49 From Stephen Grant : EI EI Ohh 13:55:58 From Queen Of Torts : to even get 1099 you got to sign up to be agent 13:56:09 From Queen Of Torts : right 13:56:21 From Truth Angel : Pretty woman driving down the street 😅 13:56:21 From K.Rose Mancarella El : 1099c is claim to your dividends and interest 13:56:33 From BarS : WHAT??? All forms and other personally identifiable data and information obtained by the secretary of state, or by officials of a university or college or a military officer to carry out this act or any part thereof shall be confidential and shall not be subject to the open records act, and shall be used solely and exclusively to make the adjustments required under K.S.A. 11-301 and 11-304 as contemplated by the constitution of Kansas. 13:56:51 From K.Rose Mancarella El : 1099c is for your unclaimed securities 13:57:28 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i cannot find the 1963 Census article 13:57:46 From Dr. Dix : cannot find Maryland enumeration of citizens 13:57:58 From Truth Angel : Judge is the bank 13:58:09 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : opps 1908 i cannot find i don't think i found 1963 yet eitehr 13:58:17 From TonyG : Yes or no if he got paid. 13:58:30 From Tracy Cunningham : https://www.census.gov/history/www/genealogy/decennial_census_records/census_records_2.html 13:59:05 From TonyG : It’s the principal. 13:59:47 From K.Rose Mancarella El : I'm gone be honest... I want ALL my dividends and interest... I'm experimenting... I will let you know how it works out. I ain't follow no process, I am doing my own 13:59:48 From Truth Angel : Charles gonna get his scrilla 14:00:30 From TonyG : Ex locksmith bond was 1mill, but as you said, its only 200 a year to maintain it. 14:00:44 From BarS : 13 U.S.C. § 2 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 13. Census § 2. Bureau of the Census The Bureau is continued as an agency within, and under the jurisdiction of, the Department of Commerce. 14:00:54 From Truth Angel : YMCA 🤣 14:01:07 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : can't find it in 1850 michigan constitution on census but if i had time some day i will look again; now on to the 1835 14:01:33 From katcan : inhabitants is not in Texas Constitution 14:02:00 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Acts void. 21. All acts of the legislature contrary to this or any other article of this Constitution shall be void. 14:02:11 From slim herbin : I.S.L.A.M 🤞🇲🇦🤚PEACE AND LOVE 14:02:14 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : that is why i got a certified copy of the 1835 constitution 14:02:19 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Someone from Illinois find the census? 14:02:53 From Natalie D : Section 20. The style of the laws of this state shall be, "Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee." No law of a general nature shall take effect until forty days after its passage unless the same or the caption thereof shall state that the public welfare requires that it should take effect sooner. 14:03:04 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : ARTICLE IV LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Legislative power. 1. The legislative power shall be vested in a Senate and House of Representatives. Number of representatives and senators. 2. The number of the members of the House of Representatives shall never be less than forty-eight, nor more than one hundred; and the Senate shall at all times equal in number one third of the house of representatives, as nearly as may be. Census, time of taking; apportionment of legislative members. 3. The Legislature shall provide by law for an enumeration of the inhabitants of this state in the years on thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and every ten years after the said last mentioned time: and at their first session after each enumeration so made as aforesaid, and also after each enumeration made by the authority of the United States, the legislature shall apportion anew the representatives and senators among the several counties and districts, according to the number of 14:03:27 From Truth Angel : Dejure when ? 14:03:53 From BarS : Does the state make one a resident by going to college or university? Is it implied? 14:04:22 From BarS : Commerce is always the root of it all 14:05:00 From K.Rose Mancarella El : i can't find nothing in ours lol :( 14:05:04 From #najima : #NC ARTICLE II LEGISLATIVE Section 1. Legislative power. The legislative power of the State shall be vested in the General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. Sec. 21. Style of the acts. The style of the acts shall be: "The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:". 14:05:10 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : wow, they only have a right to do census within their own goverment 14:05:21 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota Powers of Government DISTRIBUTION OF THE POWERS OF GOVERNMENT Section 1. Division of powers.The powers of government shall be divided into three distinct departments: legislative, executive and judicial. No person or persons belonging to or constituting one of these departments shall exercise any of the powers properly belonging to either of the others except in the instances expressly provided in this constitution. 14:05:21 From Truth Angel : I da Baby Pappy of ya bastard😂 14:05:24 From K.Rose Mancarella El : But I can't read and listen at same time lol 14:05:31 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to "I da Baby Pappy of y..." with 😂 14:05:40 From Tracy Cunningham : Tennessee Law Tennessee residents are subject to Tennessee state and U.S. federal laws. Federal laws apply in Tennessee as they do across all 50 states. In addition to the U.S. Constitution, which is the supreme law of the U.S., federal laws include statutes that are periodically codified in the U.S. Code. Federal laws also include decisions by courts that interpret federal laws. Finally, federal laws include regulations issued by federal administrative agencies to implement federal laws. You can explore federal laws and related resources by visiting the federal law section of the Justia site. The state of Tennessee also has its own state laws. Tennessee state laws include the Tennessee Constitution, laws passed by the Tennessee legislature and periodically codified in the Tennessee Code, and decisions by courts that interpret Tennessee laws. The current Tennessee Constitution dates from 1870 and is the third version of this document. Its preamble traces the authority of this Constitution to the original Tennessee Constitution, which was adopted in 1796. Section 3 of Article XI provides the two processes for amending the Constitution. First, an amendment proposed in the legislature will appear on a ballot if it is approved by a simple majority of each chamber of the legislature, and then approved again in the next legislative session by a two-thirds majority of each chamber. In addition, the legislature can place a proposal on a ballot to call a constitutional convention to amend or otherwise change the Constitution. A convention cannot be held more often than once in six years. The Tennessee Code contains the laws passed by the Tennessee legislature. These laws and the provisions of the Tennessee Constitution are often interpreted by the Tennessee Supreme Court and the Tennessee intermediate appellate courts. These are the Tennessee Court of Appeals, which reviews appeals in civil cases, and the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals. Three federal district courts in Tennessee also issue decisions that may affect Tennessee residents. These are the Eastern, Middle, and Western District Courts of Tennessee. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals holds the authority to review decisions by federal district courts in Tennessee. Sometimes the U.S. Supreme Court may review a case that has been appealed from the Sixth Circuit or from the Tennessee Supreme Court. 14:05:43 From @robinmarie : what part of the bible are you looking for? 14:05:50 From Tracy Cunningham : Ex 30:12 14:05:54 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Where enumeration appears in the Bible https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/words/Enumeration 14:05:59 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 22. Majority vote of all members to pass a law.The style of all laws of this state shall be: "Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Minnesota." No law shall be passed unless voted for by a majority of all the members elected to each house of the legislature, and the vote entered in the journal of each house.#Minnesota 14:06:09 From @robinmarie : Thanks Hasan! 14:06:28 From Tabitha De jesus : Bye 14:06:50 From Neekolas : admit or deny: the US Constitution is still in force and effect 14:06:59 From Truth Angel : Read ! YOU talking about Reading ! 14:07:10 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Replying to "Where enumeration ap..." Thank you, Hassan 14:07:17 From Neekolas : You WILL VOLUNTEER!!! 14:07:34 From Tracy Cunningham : Exodus 30:12-16 King James Version 12 When thou takest the sum of the children of Israel after their number, then shall they give every man a ransom for his soul unto the Lord, when thou numberest them; that there be no plague among them, when thou numberest them. 14:07:39 From Stephen Grant : HOLY SHIT 14:07:44 From Derrick Blash Bey : Ohio Art 2 Sect 15 B The style of the laws of this state shall be, "be it enacted by the general assembly of the state of Ohio."b 14:08:03 From Stephen Grant : He wayyyyyy bigger than you 😆 🤣 😂 14:08:06 From Indigenous Maiden : #timestamp 14:08:37 From C. Lockridge : 11 times WISCONSIN 14:08:39 From @robinmarie : CO Article II Section 27. PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ALIENS Aliens, who are or may hereafter become bona fide residents of this state, may acquire, inherit, possess, enjoy and dispose of property, real and personal, as native born citizens. 14:08:44 From Mel Grover : 18 timesd 14:08:53 From Mel Grover : Minnesota 18 times United STates 14:09:03 From Neekolas : 30 in Virginia lol 14:09:04 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/words/Enumeration 14:09:07 From Truth Angel : Tyre Nichols died in the hospital three days after a traffic stop in Memphis on January 7, 2023 14:09:44 From BarS : Alabama has the longest constitution. Ugh 14:10:34 From Truth Angel : Pick Up Da Pieces 🙃 14:11:00 From Truth Angel : Matrix 14:11:01 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : @Truth who is Tyre Nichols 14:11:02 From CoChaplain / Assist Secretary Sia Meri Rah EL : https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwisnrKZ09T8AhX9lGoFHTpABFQQFnoECAsQBQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fuscode.house.gov%2Fview.xhtml%3Fpath%3D%2Fprelim%40title48%2Fchapter11%26edition%3Dprelim&usg=AOvVaw2gERr3S6sa0qwzMH7udcrO 14:11:25 From Truth Angel : Marriage is a business 14:12:26 From Mel Grover : @sharonqueen did you find this one? 14:12:37 From Queen Of Torts : no still looking 14:12:40 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 14:12:55 From CoChaplain / Assist Secretary Sia Meri Rah EL : #collectdebts 14:14:18 From TonyG : New York State: Section 10, which dealt with ownership of lands, allodial tenures and escheats, was repealed by amendment approved by vote of the people November 6, 1962.] 14:14:37 From TonyG : Can’t find it for New York yet. 14:14:47 From Kimberly : (3) After a change of ownership or control, as defined by general law, including any change of ownership of a legal entity that owns the property, such property shall be assessed at just value as of the next assessment date. Thereafter, such property shall be assessed as provided in this subsection. 14:14:59 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : STATE CONSTITUTION (EXCERPT) CONSTITUTION OF MICHIGAN OF 1963 § 6 Resident aliens, property rights. Sec. 6. Aliens who are residents of this state shall enjoy the same rights and privileges in property as citizens of this state. History: Const. 1963, Art. X, § 6, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964 Former Constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. XVI, § 9. 14:15:52 From Natty : Thanks for sharing knowledge here today Gotta run... 14:15:53 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota lands collection of debt Sec. 12. Imprisonment for debt; property exemption.No person shall be imprisoned for debt in this state, but this shall not prevent the legislature from providing for imprisonment, or holding to bail, persons charged with fraud in contracting said debt. A reasonable amount of property shall be exempt from seizure or sale for the payment of any debt or liability. The amount of such exemption shall be determined by law. Provided, however, that all property so exempted shall be liable to seizure and sale for any debts incurred to any person for work done or materials furnished in the construction, repair or improvement of the same, and provided further, that such liability to seizure and sale shall also extend to all real property for any debt to any laborer or servant for labor or service performed. 14:15:53 From CoChaplain / Assist Secretary Sia Meri Rah EL : https://law.justia.com/citations.html 14:16:00 From #najima : NC Legislative Research Commission- Alien Landholding https://www.ncleg.gov/Files/Library/studies/1983/st10178.pdf 14:16:01 From Truth Angel : Faith and Attorney 😁 14:16:15 From Mel Grover : #minnesota private property for public use Sec. 13. Private property for public use.Private property shall not be taken, destroyed or damaged for public use without just compensation therefor, first paid or secured. 14:16:30 From #AiAm : Georgia Code § 1-2-11 (2020) - Rights of Aliens Generally; Purchase ... O.C.G.A. §§ 1-2-10 and1-2-11, regarding the rights of citizens of other nations to sue in Georgia, apply to citizens of foreign countries who are residing within the United States and do not extend to nonresident aliens; a decision adopting the doctrine of forum non conveniens was not decided on the basis of those statutes or the rights and … https://constitution.congress.gov › browse › essay › artI-S8-C18-8-5-2 › ALDE_00001262 Aliens in the United States | Constitution Annotated - Congress The Fifth Amendment, as well as the Fourteenth Amendment, protects every one of these persons from deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. ); Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202, 215 (1982) (holding that unlawfully present aliens were entitled to both due process and equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment). 14:16:44 From Nubia : Constitution of the State of New York Art. III § 5-a § 5-a. [Definition of inhabitants]For the purpose of apportioning senate and assembly districts pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this article, the term “inhabitants, excluding aliens” shall mean the whole number of persons 14:16:48 From Truth Angel : Without appointment 14:17:42 From mensah_c : #attorneytrust 14:18:15 From Truth Angel : Immigrants have to sign up for Selective Service ! 14:18:32 From Queen Of Torts : mel this all i can find for minn ….Sec. 4. Lands taken for public way or use; compensation; common carriers.Land may be taken for public way and for the purpose of granting to any corporation the franchise of way for public use. In all cases, however, a fair and equitable compensation shall be paid for land and for the damages arising from taking it. All corporations which are common carriers enjoying the right of way in pursuance of the provisions of this section shall be bound to carry the mineral, agricultural and other productions of manufacturers on equal and reasonable terms. 14:18:56 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : very sad Truth; 14:18:56 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota Special Laws ARTICLE XII SPECIAL LEGISLATION; LOCAL GOVERNMENT Section 1. Prohibition of special legislation; particular subjects.In all cases when a general law can be made applicable, a special law shall not be enacted except as provided in section 2. Whether a general law could have been made applicable in any case shall be judicially determined without regard to any legislative assertion on that subject. The legislature shall pass no local or special law authorizing the laying out, opening, altering, vacating or maintaining of roads, highways, streets or alleys; remitting fines, penalties or forfeitures; changing the names of persons, places, lakes or rivers; authorizing the adoption or legitimation of children; changing the law of descent or succession; conferring rights on minors; declaring any named person of age; giving effect to informal or invalid wills or deeds, or affecting the estates of minors or persons under disability; granting divorces; exempting property from taxation or regulati 14:18:57 From #AiAm : The UknightedStates is a Businessis 14:19:11 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : that family shoud contact malika; 14:19:11 From Truth Angel : Gorilla Pimping 14:19:15 From #AiAm : to citizens of the UknightedStates 14:19:24 From Mcreal : Reacted to "Gorilla Pimping" with 😂 14:19:59 From Tracy Cunningham : Today, the 1870 Constitution is still the fundamental charter for the State of Tennessee. Click 14:20:31 From Tracy Cunningham : https://sos.tn.gov/civics/guides/tennessee-state-constitution 14:21:41 From Queen Of Torts : what we looking for now 14:22:01 From Truth Angel : Trust Me take the jab 😂 14:22:16 From Queen Of Torts : i was still trying to find minn alien or whatever not under land or ownership or citizen 14:22:32 From YUR : CAPITALISM =SLAVERY 14:23:33 From @robinmarie : I'm not white. My skin is kind of peachy with tiny brown freckles. 🤗 14:23:38 From #AiAm : https://www.theatlantic.com › ideas › archive › 2019 › 10 › us-immigration-laws-unconstitutional-double-standards › 599140 Immigration Law Defies the American Constitution A few constitutional rights are indeed limited to U.S. citizens or to "the people," as in the case of the Second Amendment right to bear arms, which might be interpreted as a synonym for... 14:23:52 From Tracy Cunningham : It's another divide & conquer 14:24:07 From YUR : EXACTLY 14:24:47 From Tracy Cunningham : Imps 14:24:57 From Neekolas : obvious and clearly written 14:24:59 From Stephen Grant : The suffixes -field is appended to town names like Northfield etc to indicate the smallpox killing fields 😳 14:25:15 From Neekolas : like the cop said " the law isn't hidden"!!! 14:25:36 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 15. Lands allodial; void agricultural leases.All lands within the state are allodial and feudal tenures of every description with all their incidents are prohibited. Leases and grants of agricultural lands for a longer period than 21 years reserving rent or service of any kind shall be void. 14:25:40 From @robinmarie : steel mills 14:25:44 From @robinmarie : paper mills 14:25:53 From @robinmarie : prison guards 14:26:02 From @robinmarie : dentists 14:26:05 From Stephen Grant : Cops 14:26:11 From Truth Angel : https://news.yahoo.com/tyre-nichols-investigation-family-protests-022138601.html 14:26:13 From @robinmarie : 😁 14:26:29 From @robinmarie : radiologists 14:26:51 From Stephen Grant : We're all busdrivers 😆 🤣 😂 😹 14:27:01 From Truth Angel : Vaccine Takers 14:27:02 From @robinmarie : that guy that gets paid $25K to change a lightbulb on top of a tower 14:27:19 From Stephen Grant : What are professionals 14:27:32 From @robinmarie : Search and rescue 14:27:36 From Dr. Dix : going through medical training drove me further away! 14:27:42 From Dr. Dix : cannabis all day 14:27:51 From Stephen Grant : They hide the powdered wigs 14:29:04 From Stephen Grant : Oink oink 🐷 14:29:10 From Truth Angel : Income 14:29:16 From Miguel Be : Amazing 14:29:33 From Stephen Grant : That's all folks 14:29:58 From Truth Angel : Stop ! 14:29:58 From Queen Of Torts : mel you find this one 14:30:07 From Stephen Grant : Bourne 14:30:15 From Stephen Grant : Berth 14:30:24 From Queen Of Torts : i running out of word to search lol 14:30:33 From Mel Grover : no, wonder if we can ask help to find?? screenshare? 14:30:48 From Truth Angel : If you a U.S. citizen 14:30:52 From Stephen Grant : Sleeper berth 14:31:44 From Queen Of Torts : idk lol 14:31:55 From Stephen Grant : New york is the rotten apple 14:32:06 From Miguel Be : Reacted to "New york is the rott…" with 👍🏽 14:32:14 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Not illinois 14:33:20 From Truth Angel : Counting Dez O's 14:33:29 From Nubia : NY CONST Art. VI, § 3. Jurisdiction of court of appeals 14:33:35 From Nubia : NY CONST Art. VI, § 7. Jurisdiction of supreme court;  new classes of actions 14:34:14 From Truth Angel : Coun-ty Prosecutor 14:35:22 From Truth Angel : Presumptions ! 14:35:23 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota Jurisdiction Section 1. Judicial power.The judicial power of the state is vested in a supreme court, a court of appeals, if established by the legislature, a district court and such other courts, judicial officers and commissioners with jurisdiction inferior to the district court as the legislature may establish. [Amended, November 2, 1982] 14:35:24 From @robinmarie : Colo. Const. Art. VI, Section 9, DISTRICT COURTS - JURISDICTION Colo. Const. Art. VI, Section 17, COUNTY COURTS - JURISDICTION - APPEALS Colo. Const. Art. VI, Section 3, ORIGINAL JURISDICTION - OPINIONS Colo. Const. Art. VI, Section 2, APPELLATE JURISDICTION Colo. Const. Art. VI, Section 15, JUVENILE COURT - JURISDICTION - JUDGES - ELECTION - TERM - QUALIFICATIONS 14:35:37 From Miguel Be : How do I get access to the previous videos? 14:35:44 From #najima : NC doesn't have a specific jurisdiction section but it breaks it down under each branch of goiv 14:35:48 From Nubia : Constitution of the State of New York Art. VI § 11. [County court;  jurisdiction] 14:36:15 From Nubia : a. The county court shall have jurisdiction over the following classes of actions and proceedings which shall be originated in such county court in the manner provided by law, except that actions and proceedings within the jurisdiction of the district court or a town, village or city court outside the city of New York may, as provided by law, be originated therein:  actions and proceedings for the recovery of money, actions and proceedings for the recovery of chattels and actions and proceedings for the foreclosure of mechanics liens and liens on personal property where the amount sought to be recovered or the value of the property does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars exclusive of interest and costs;  over all crimes and other violations of law;  over summary proceedings to recover possession of real property and to remove tenants therefrom;  and over such other actions and proceedings, not within the exclusive jurisdiction of the supreme court, as may be provided by law. 14:36:38 From Truth Angel : Juris-diction 14:36:52 From Kimberly : Florida-a) The supreme court shall adopt rules for the practice and procedure in all courts including the time for seeking appellate review, the administrative supervision of all courts, the transfer to the court having jurisdiction of any proceeding when the jurisdiction of another court has been improvidently invoked, and a requirement that no cause shall be dismissed because an improper remedy has been sought. The supreme court shall adopt rules to allow the court and the district courts of appeal to submit questions relating to military law to the federal Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces for an advisory opinion. Rules of court may be repealed by general law enacted by two-thirds vote of the membership of each house of the legislature. 14:37:36 From Queen Of Torts : Sec. 5. Restriction on holding office.No senator or representative shall hold any other office under the authority of the United States or the state of Minnesota, except that of postmaster or of notary public. If elected or appointed to another office, a legislator may resign from the legislature by tendering his resignation to the governor. 14:37:57 From Neekolas : article 6 the judicial power of the commonwealth shall be vested in a supreme court and in such other courts of original or appellate jurisdiction subordinate to the supreme court as the general assembly may from time to time establish #Virginia 14:38:08 From Truth Angel : The group of paid Pimps 14:38:13 From Queen Of Torts : mel luck with this one? i cannot find the last four now lol 14:38:22 From Kimberly : Florida SECTION 3. Supreme court.— (a) ORGANIZATION.—The supreme court shall consist of seven justices. Of the seven justices, each appellate district shall have at least one justice elected or appointed from the district to the supreme court who is a resident of the district at the time of the original appointment or election. Five justices shall constitute a quorum. The concurrence of four justices shall be necessary to a decision. When recusals for cause would prohibit the court from convening because of the requirements of this section, judges assigned to temporary duty may be substituted for justices. (b) JURISDICTION.—The supreme court: (1) Shall hear appeals from final judgments of trial courts imposing the death penalty and from decisions of district courts of appeal declaring invalid a state statute or a provision of the state constitution. (2) When provided by general law, shall hear appeals from final judgments entered in proceedings for the validation of bonds or certificates of indebtedness and s 14:38:41 From @robinmarie : 😂 14:39:10 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Anyone finding the census and alien equivalents in Illinois? 14:39:35 From CoChaplain / Assist Secretary Sia Meri Rah EL : Lynn I can’t find it in mississippi either 14:39:39 From Crystal Douglass : Indiana 14:39:51 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i found for Michigan but only for the legislative members 14:40:04 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : look under legislative braind 14:40:19 From Truth Angel : Sleepy is his name !🤣 14:40:54 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Records SECTION 19. RECORDS - REPORTS All officers of the Executive Branch shall keep accounts and shall make such reports as may be required by law. They shall provide the Governor with information relating to their respective offices, either in writing under oath, or otherwise, as the Governor may require. (Source: Illinois Constitution.) 14:42:08 From Truth Angel : They can't read anyway ! 14:42:08 From Nubia : i found different types of jurisdictions but not the overall jurisdicition for New York yet..... did anyone else find it ? 14:43:04 From Crystal Douglass : Indiana Constitution is pitiful!!!!! 14:45:32 From Queen Of Torts : lol 14:45:33 From Tracy Cunningham : #TennesseeConstitution Article I Section 34. The General Assembly shall make no law recognizing the right of property in man 14:45:58 From Truth Angel : Memphis Police Department Requirements Age: Applicants must be at least 21 years of age upon completion of the Police Basic Training Program at the Police Training Academy. 14:46:25 From Truth Angel : You reall think they read ??? 14:47:29 From Mel Grover : @sharonqueen im getting behind..LOL 14:47:44 From Neekolas : cops: "but it says ALL persons!" 14:47:54 From Stephen Grant : Apply = beg 14:48:11 From Tracy Cunningham : Statutory persons 14:48:37 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : 1963 Michigan constitution ARticle II http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(cddviixtjpnvnhfcyypdqnnu))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-Constitution-III 14:48:47 From Mel Grover : Minnesota Jurisdiciton Section 1. Name and boundaries; acceptance of organic act.This state shall be called the state of Minnesota and shall consist of and have jurisdiction over the territory embraced in the act of Congress entitled, "An act to authorize the people of the Territory of Minnesota to form a constitution and state government, preparatory to their admission into the Union on equal footing with the original states," and the propositions contained in that act are hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed, and remain irrevocable without the consent of the United States. 14:49:12 From @robinmarie : Municipalities and counties exist for convenient administration of government and are merely instruments of the state, created to carry out the will of the state. Bd. of County Comm’rs v. City & County of Denver, 150 Colo. 198, 372 P.2d 152 (1962), appeal dismissed, 372 U.S. 226, 83 S. Ct. 679, 9 L. Ed. 2d 714 (1963). 14:49:13 From Truth Angel : Facts Bobby 14:49:14 From Stephen Grant : Washington was annexed 14:49:48 From Stephen Grant : Oregone Country was annexed 14:50:51 From Stephen Grant : The flag of Oregone Country is in Salem and has 6 flags 14:51:19 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : the charters and ordinances are online most of the time; 14:51:49 From K.Rose Mancarella El : wow 14:52:38 From #AiAm : https://archive.org › details › constitutionsgen00scot Constitutions and General Regulations of the Supreme Council of the ... Constitutions and General Regulations of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, as revised at the annual session in 1885 also constitutions and regulations of 1762, and the Grand Constitution of 1786 : Scottish Rite (Masonic order). 14:52:44 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(cddviixtjpnvnhfcyypdqnnu))/mileg.aspx?page=GetMclDocument&objectname=mcl-Constitution 14:52:51 From Neekolas : ok what #rewatch 14:52:53 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : when i did a search for jurisdiction that is what came up 14:52:56 From Indigenous Maiden : #interesting 14:54:05 From @robinmarie : A municipal corporation, created by a state for the better ordering of government, has no privileges or immunities under the federal constitution which it may invoke in opposition to the will of its creator. Bd. of County Comm’rs v. City & County of Denver, 150 Colo. 198, 372 P.2d 152 (1962), appeal dismissed, 372 U.S. 226, 83 S. Ct. 679, 9 L. Ed. 2d 714 (1963). 14:54:23 From @robinmarie : ^^^^^^may invoke in opposition to the will of its creator 14:54:42 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : great i am looking on wrong place 14:57:14 From #AiAm : #minimumcontacts 14:57:27 From Kimberly : Awesome bible study and lesson!! than you Malika and all that shared...blessings 14:57:40 From K.Rose Mancarella El : Yes I agree 14:57:54 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : yes it is; 14:58:00 From Derrick Blash Bey : yes I love this as well 14:58:06 From Kimberly : https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Constitution#A1S20 14:58:12 From Antwonic’ Bey : Agreed Gratitude! 14:58:32 From mensah_c : Excellent course Malika. Appreciate you! 14:58:36 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : yes and download those sections into PDF files 14:59:25 From Tracy Cunningham : You scaring me with that knife Hasan 🤣 14:59:31 From @robinmarie : Found it in Colorado!! Section 1. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION - HOW CALLED .... Before proceeding, the members shall take an oath to support the constitution of the United States, and of the state of Colorado, and to faithfully discharge their duties as members of the convention.... 14:59:40 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i found an article over a week ago on how MSM will dissolve spike proteins, and who every is stalking me and my internet searches removed the article link and i could not find it after that ; they don't want people to know the natural remedies that will help them; 14:59:42 From Neekolas : yeah what's up with that? 15:00:37 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes\ 15:00:37 From K.Rose Mancarella El : I broke down the territories real good in my cross complaint... I corneded them . 15:00:39 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i have 2 or more great books here that helps me with an ingredient in a products; so i compile a document on each one 15:00:51 From iPad : Reacted to "New york is the rott…" with 👍🏽 15:01:03 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : it goes into my folders for those producxts 15:01:06 From Coach Harris : Replying to "i found an article o…" Wow! Do you have info on any of the articles u can share? 15:01:07 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : products 15:02:13 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Replying to "i found an article o..." i created a 57 page document so far, with What is a spike protein, and my info at my website on products, post your email and I can send it to you; took me a l ong time to compile the info.i am very detailed; 15:02:24 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : yes 15:02:27 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : loll 15:02:57 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : i am still going to update the document when i have time; been busy with zooms 15:03:31 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : also adding info on snake peptides and th poisons our city have been adding to the city water supply 15:03:35 From CoChaplain / Assist Secretary Sia Meri Rah EL : Replying to "i found an article o…" Legallyattractive@gmail.com 15:03:41 From I-mA : @brendatheresa my email is SmithyKev97@gmail.com. Thanx 15:04:01 From Antwonic’ Bey : SirAntwonic@protonmail.com Thanks so much Star 15:04:30 From K.Rose Mancarella El : I was not in the geographical jurisdiction of the Federal Government when these allegedcharges were supposed to have taken place as according to (18 U.S.C. Section 7 and 18U.S.C. 1152,) this court of U.S.District court of Connecticut domiciled within an enclaveand the alleged charges did not take place with this enclave. Legally according to(Article 1 section 8, clause 17) this court is in its legal right to exist but it does not havethe right to legislate the People outside of its borders. Therefore I move this court todismiss this case for lack of subject matter, no jurisdiction. I invoke the laws of myrepublic. I move the court to dismiss with prejudice and expunge the record. 15:04:30 From Indigenous Maiden : #federaljurisdiction 15:04:39 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Jonesville admits chlorinated the water to remove iron from the 2 wells they get water from and they are adding the poison slurry from phosphorus mining in the water a swell; dumbing everyone down 15:04:57 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : www.fluoridealert.org for more info 15:05:16 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : they have articles on that 15:05:17 From Kimberly : @brenda thank you!kimberlyhale4u@gmail.com 15:06:14 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : when zoom is over i will send it; i think i have to send it by file convoy because too big for email 15:07:12 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota Minimum Contacts @sharonQueenofTorts https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/2022/cite/290.015?keyword_type=all&keyword=Minimum+contacts 15:07:16 From Stephen Grant : Oregon Country was annexed. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-ushistory1/chapter/oregon-california-and-texas/#:~:text=Annexing%20Oregon%20was%20an%20important,gateways%20for%20trade%20with%20Asia. 15:08:20 From Stephen Grant : https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-ushistory1/chapter/oregon-california-and-texas/#:~:text=Annexing%20Oregon%20was%20an%20important,gateways%20for%20trade%20with%20Asia. 15:08:38 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Section 100.3020 Resident (IITA Section 301) a) General definition. The term "resident" is defined in IITA Section 1501(a)(20) to mean: 1) an individual who is in Illinois for other than a temporary or transitory purpose during the taxable year or who is domiciled in Illinois but is absent from Illinois for a temporary or transitory purpose during the taxable year; 2) the estate of a decedent who, at his or her death, was domiciled in Illinois; 3) a trust created by the will of a decedent who, at his or her death, was domiciled in Illinois; and 4) an irrevocable trust, the grantor of which was domiciled in Illinois at the time the trust became irrevocable. For the purpose of this subsection (a)(4), a trust is considered irrevocable to the extent that the grantor is not treated as the owner of the trust under 26 USC 671 through 678 15:10:30 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : https://ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/086/086001000J30200R.html 15:12:40 From #AiAm : Governa will be like Driving Ms. Daisy 15:13:48 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota County Powers 373.02 POWERS, HOW EXERCISED. The powers of the county as a body politic and corporate shall only be exercised by the county board or in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the county board. Deeds and other written instruments made by the county shall be executed in its name by the chair of the county board and by the clerk of the board. History: (641) RL s 411; 1984 c 629 s 1; 1986 c 444 15:14:16 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/373 15:15:46 From #AiAm : THE CONSTITUTION OF GEORGIA, 1995 (as Amended to 2004)[1] Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE General Provisions CHAPTER TWO Georgian Citizenship. Basic Rights and Freedoms of [the] Individual CHAPTER THREE The Parliament of Georgia CHAPTER FOUR The President of Georgia CHAPTER FOUR1 The Government of Georgia CHAPTER FIVE Judicial Power CHAPTER SIX State Finances and Control CHAPTER SEVEN State Defense CHAPTER EIGHT Revision of the Constitution CHAPTER NINE Transitional Provisions The citizens of Georgia, whose firm will is to establish a democratic public order, economic freedom and a social state based on the Rule of Law, to guarantee universally recognized human rights and freedoms, to strengthen State independence and the peaceful relations with other peoples, based on the centuries-old traditions of the Georgian Statehood and the basic principles of the Constitution of Georgia of 1921, proclaim the present Constitution. https://constitutionnet.org/sites/default/files/Georgia%20Constitution.pdf 15:16:15 From Josie : Please repeat who you sent the Claim of Damages for Unlawful Summons to again please. 15:16:51 From Mel Grover : Who would one complaint to if suing the STATE and National BAR?? does that become a conflict in any court?? 15:17:25 From Stephen Grant : Alaska state troopers are listed as Territorial police and as to US Marshall's 15:17:43 From Tracy Cunningham : Passing the bucket 15:18:02 From Mel Grover : #Minnesota County Powers https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/373.01 15:18:28 From Stephen Grant : Bucket 🪣 of sh** 15:18:56 From Tracy Cunningham : Reacted to "Bucket 🪣 of sh**" with 😜 15:18:56 From Indigenous Maiden : #notrespass #verbiage 15:19:41 From Tracy Cunningham : They just doing they job 15:19:44 From Indigenous Maiden : Isn’t trespass federal? 15:19:51 From Indigenous Maiden : Trespass to Land 15:20:21 From Tracy Cunningham : I'm being a total smartass 😄 15:20:41 From Coach Harris : I pity the fool! 15:21:35 From Truth Angel : Morris Code 15:21:53 From Coach Harris : Poltergeist 15:22:02 From Neekolas : phew 15:22:07 From champ1111 : Reacted to "Poltergeist" with 😂 15:22:25 From :~jennifer-lynn:~ : Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation https://idfpr.illinois.gov/ 15:22:28 From Coach Harris : Reacted to "Poltergeist" with 😂 15:22:29 From Coach Harris : Removed a 😂 reaction from "Poltergeist" 15:23:34 From Coach Harris : Thank you all for being so helpful and courageous 🏆🥇💯❤️ 15:23:52 From Jessenia : #bronxcounty #countypowers https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/CNT/900 15:24:03 From Tecumseh 2.0 : they talk about 2 cfr 200 in the CAFR... 15:24:47 From Tracy Cunningham : Appreciate this church. Thank you Malika for giving your time. 15:25:33 From Jessenia : County Government Organization #NYS #countypowers - https://www.nysac.org/files/County%20Organization%20in%20NYS%20-%20Updated%202_18_15.pdf 15:26:05 From champ1111 : Send me the instrument of the underlying obligation so that I can make it payable. 15:26:54 From Nubia : thank you!! 15:26:54 From Miguel Be : Thank u 15:26:59 From Neekolas : peeece all 15:27:10 From Sunshine D : Thanks Malika! 15:27:25 From I-mA : Thanx 'Lika.Blessed Love 15:27:31 From hiya : Ty M and all 15:27:34 From Mah : Thank you 15:27:35 From spiritpower : Where do I go to learn about foreclosure? 15:27:48 From Neekolas : 19 usc 81o