12:00:56 From eliyahu : shalom 12:01:31 From @am woman : Greetings all 12:01:37 From eliyahu : thank you mcreal 12:01:38 From Eugene Pride : peace & happiness 12:01:41 From C. Lockridge : SHOUTOUT TO YOU MCREAL 12:01:47 From C. Lockridge : 💯 12:01:54 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : thanks mcreal; 12:01:58 From Malika Dulce : MCREAL10 cashapp!! 12:02:06 From legallyattractive : I sent a donation 12:02:13 From wendie : awe I missed it 🤗 12:02:29 From @am woman : Thank ye mcreal it was awesome 12:02:44 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds 😇💫 🙏🏾✨ 🇲🇦🤞🏾✡️🤚🏾🇲🇦🛸 12:02:45 From #AiAm : Greetings Reflections to All #Tuesday10Jan2023 #01102023 #10TuesJan2023 12:02:51 From legallyattractive : #01102023 12:03:05 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : april 12:03:11 From @am woman : #jan2023 #jan102023 #012023 #01102023 12:03:15 From #AiAm : Ndeed, we do 12:03:27 From shurland's iPhone : Facts on facts 12:03:37 From wendie : 💓 12:04:04 From Kimberly : Greetings and Blessings all! 12:04:22 From @am woman : horrifying 12:04:40 From @am woman : wth 12:04:53 From @am woman : Thank goodness 12:05:19 From @am woman : Corporate entities can’t own houses 12:05:36 From legallyattractive : #corporate entities can not own houses- only hold bldgs. and equipment 12:05:36 From Hi y’all : #LLC #corporateentity 12:05:42 From @am woman : Only hold buildings and equipment relevant to their businesses 12:06:01 From Hi y’all : 12 USC 29 12:06:15 From Skenny : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/12/29 12:06:16 From @am woman : 12 usc 29 banks cannot own any property that is not a banking building for them. 12:06:31 From @am woman : #12usc29 12:06:32 From legallyattractive : #12usc29- banks cannot own property 12:06:50 From @am woman : Wow unreal.. 12:08:07 From Hi y’all : Brazen fools they are 12:08:11 From TonyG : Notes: city officers can only deal with city property. County agents can only deal with county property. State agents can only deal with state owned property. 12:08:50 From TonyG : Find the parts of the codes that state this: city charty, county charter, look for words of “property of the”. 12:08:55 From legallyattractive : look in your city charters for "property of the" 12:09:04 From TonyG : Semantics is very important. 12:09:08 From eliyahu : semantics = details, the victory is in the details 12:09:43 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : Hey All! 12:09:45 From Natty : Hey love and light to all and to all a happy learning experience. 12:09:46 From @am woman : Lol, I would always say I would’ve been a lawyer if I hadn’t been an artist.. lol 12:10:00 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I was just busy writing up some documents to blast our to CPS =) 12:10:39 From Hi y’all : Wowwwwwwwww 12:11:10 From Cyndi : Even when they call it an affidavit it never is one 12:11:44 From Neit : Right they use that. The company will say that they posted it but they may not have at all 12:11:46 From Hi y’all : I think it’s just the County prosecutor pushing paperwork with county actors names to snatch up homes. 12:12:29 From Hi y’all : MORE EVIDENCE 12:13:17 From Jessenia : #formoversubstance 12:13:21 From Sunshine D : Exactly.....the taxable termination 12:13:24 From TonyG : When something is done without proper form, writs/affidavit/etc. we know how to attack them. How do they “properly” follow through with those forms? 12:13:53 From Ma : in NY "housing court" venue they have clerks , the chief clerk signs the warrant of eviction, thoughts? 12:14:00 From eliyahu : their hypothecation of value for the thing is a tax, is what you are saying 12:14:06 From eliyahu : so the price tag itself is a tax 12:14:24 From legallyattractive : tax avoidance- cost and tax is A TAX 12:14:26 From Hi y’all : Is that why they stole my IRS pin from the mail?? 12:14:39 From @am woman : I sent that specific negative averment too on the house.. 12:15:26 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : haha. 12:15:34 From mel b : 😂😂😂😂 12:15:36 From shurland's iPhone : 😂😂 12:16:40 From benny : LA Superior is the so-called "Sherri Carter" lol 12:17:12 From benny : Most def a stamp.. "court Clerk" 12:17:52 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : is there a document on the site for #specificnegativeaverment ? 12:17:56 From shurland's iPhone : Absolutely!!! 12:18:02 From Neit : Different states are stamping and signing fraudulently different. It is still all fraud. I know the clerk has "clerkette's" stamping off 12:18:39 From Neit : No perverts may see my baby!!! 12:18:53 From eliyahu : "we are the government! be governed!" "Where is your authority?" "uh... we have papers and guns!" "so do we." "uh... just do what we say!" 12:19:19 From Ma : Fear thou not Amen 12:19:24 From Neit : Since slavery and involuntary solitude is unlawful I would have to give you consent to speak to me. 12:19:27 From TonyG : #tonygtasksnotes since slavery and involuntary servitude is illegal and unlawful i would have to consent to giving you permission to speak to me #Why agents shouldn’t be talking to any living person: 12:19:53 From Jessenia : #jessenianotes 12:20:09 From Jessenia : Thanks Tony!! 12:20:20 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : AMEN TRUE! 12:20:21 From TonyG : No prob hermana 12:20:43 From Coach : FREEDOM!!!! 12:20:46 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Free your mind and the rest will follow 12:20:56 From TonyG : Ashe @elizabeth! 12:20:58 From benny : h/t stop saying slave shit 12:21:24 From Mcreal : bully dem 12:21:24 From Coach : Preach! 12:21:31 From #AiAm : Since slavery is illegal and unlawful, involuntary servitude is unlawful I would have to give you consent to speak to me. 12:21:39 From benny : @elizabeth rodriguez.. "if you don't like the effect... don't produce the cause..." 12:21:48 From Mcreal : let ur nutz hang 12:21:49 From T Roy : FUCK THAT 12:22:04 From Donna : I got locked out my lawful living accout. I emailed but I didnt get a respond 12:22:16 From eliyahu : while they are clocked in, we are the master 12:22:49 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : We are supposed to have dominion over the principalities but we scared of the people lol 12:23:56 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : cas·tle doc·trine NOUN law (especially in the US) the principle that one is justified in the use of deadly force to protect one's home and its inhabitants from intruders, without being obliged to retreat: "the castle doctrine has been used to defend a number of deadly shootings in recent years" 12:24:15 From Neit : Since slavery and involuntary solitude is illegal and unlawful I would have to give you consent to speak to me. 12:24:28 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://legaldictionary.net/castle-doctrine/ 12:25:44 From benny : @jason/ professor bear3 hashtag negativeavertmentdocumen 12:25:48 From C. Lockridge : 🔥 12:26:42 From sunny! to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : cohost me! 12:26:58 From benny : ^ "t" 12:27:43 From TonyG : #tonygtasks notes MOTION TO SHOW AUTHORITY for nys, find it research it. Also, find prove authority in #beatthebar . It’s in statutes where they have to prove authority when challenged otherwise its presumed they have authority. 12:29:33 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : i can’t find this for CA. anybody found it?? 12:30:05 From Cyndi : We never found that for ohio 12:30:25 From benny : start search with what is rule to show authority in CA... rule 33? 12:31:44 From @am woman : Removing good faith 12:32:00 From eliyahu : so that's why this is more potent than anything else out there 12:32:16 From eliyahu : 31 USC 3123a Faith. 12:32:18 From benny : *that's* THEIR so-called oath. 12:33:11 From Dr. Dix : @Hasan where did you find that COMAR or annotated code? 12:34:19 From Natty : Look what the DOT has on their website now: Equity For the first time, DOT has centered Equity as a Department-wide strategic goal. This is a critical step to institutionalizing equity across the Department’s policies and programs, with the aim of reducing inequities across our transportation systems and the communities they affect. 12:35:01 From Dr. Dix : Maryland: COMAR (C) Power of Attorney https://dsd.maryland.gov/regulations/Pages/ 12:35:17 From Tina : @Cyndi, I believe this one is for Ohio https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-1337.22 12:35:43 From Tina : (G) "Power of attorney" means a writing or other record that grants authority to an agent to act in the place of the principal, whether or not the term power of attorney is used. 12:35:52 From Ray Shack : It is a financial transaction in every case... this is a really good video...COURT & GSA & PRISON BONDS NOTICE OF DEMAND https://youtu.be/cnZT0Ezp-QY 12:36:27 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : @malika what does that California Code 283 mean? 12:36:30 From Ras Bey (All Rights Reserved) : article 4 section 1 12:37:22 From Trading Brigade : It is not necessary to aver the capacity of a party to bring or defend an action, the authority of a party to bring or defend an action in a representative capacity, or the legal existence of an organized association of persons that made it a party 12:37:37 From Neit : Sometimes the lightbulbs come on and off with me. Whew Thanks yall. I have to stay up on studying and comprehending and taking time to truly get what I read.. 12:37:39 From TonyG : #TonygtasksNotesMotionToShowAuthority , if you can’t find your state motion to show authority then use 3-4 versions from other states to put in your doc! 12:37:55 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I’m looking for NJ I still can’t find that shit 12:38:22 From Neit : What does it mean to "stay all proceedings" I will search for it too. 12:38:34 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Somebody needs to mute 12:39:20 From Laura : https://legislature.maine.gov/statutes/18-C/title18-Csec5-951.html 12:39:43 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : right. and a Corporation needs to have a Board decide to hire an Atty, right? 12:41:49 From TonyG : Process due to private people, INJURED PARTY, if you are a private party regular man or woman and not an agent of the state etc, a man or woman must be damaged. #tonygtasksnotesdueprocessviolation when you work for the state either part time or full time, then they don’t need to do it “correctly”. 12:42:32 From Coach : People walk-in on da court tryin to play LOL😂🤣💯 12:42:55 From Laura : I'm requesting the contract from the municipality that hired the attny esquire to send me answers to stuff they should know. 12:43:07 From #AiAm : injured party means a person who has sustained bodily injury as the result of the act or omission of a third party, has pursued a personal injury or similar claim against the third party or has made a claim under his or her uninsured or underinsured 12:43:54 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : haha. thank you Malika! 12:44:04 From Trading Brigade : i figured u would .. 12:44:06 From benny : @Neit... stay means "put on hold" .. "paused" " 12:44:11 From Trading Brigade : man i need to call you bro 12:45:00 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://casetext.com/search?q=attorney%20authority&jxs=nj&sort=relevance&p=1&type=case 12:45:37 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : so, in the nutz!! 12:46:02 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : PROOF OF ATTORNEY’S AUTHORITY. The presentation of this power of attorney, or of a notarial copy of this power, by an officer of the Agent is sufficient proof to a person to whom such power or notarial copy is presented, without further investigation by such person, of the Attorney ’s authority to act. PROOF OF ATTORNEY’S AUTHORITY Sample Clauses | Law Insider www.lawinsider.com/clause/proof-of-attorneys-authority www.lawinsider.com/clause/proof-of-attorneys-authority 12:47:24 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Yo nothing coming up under proof of attorneys authority in NJ 12:47:32 From TonyG : @jessenia see if you can help me find New York in this pdf https://nysba.org/app/uploads/2020/01/LawyersCodeDec2807.pdf 12:47:42 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.lawinsider.com/clause/proof-of-attorneys-authority#:~:text=PROOF%20OF%20ATTORNEY%E2%80%99S%20AUTHORITY.%20The%20presentation%20of%20this,person%2C%20of%20the%20Attorney%20%E2%80%99s%20authority%20to%20act. 12:47:52 From Ma : but if the judge is a member of the Bar 12:47:56 From Mel Grover : I have a freaking zoom tomorrow morning anyone want to join? 8:30 a.m. 12:48:05 From Mel Grover : Bail hearing 12:48:47 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Massachusetts 12:49:33 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : says what authority they have, but doesn’t look like California requires them to Prove authority? 12:49:39 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : So many other states coming up when I search all these words but not NJ. 12:49:42 From Lee Wingo (Gliderl33) : Illinois is at 755 ILCS 45 but I have not found the text yet 12:50:05 From Individual Banker : Attorney can't speak in any court because of this https://casetext.com/case/trinsey-v-pagliaro 12:50:46 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : I cannot find the right michigan code for that; 12:51:14 From mel benjamin : What do you do when they issued a warrant? They definitely received a benefit 12:51:21 From T Roy : #michigan https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(2w23abmwtyoozpemkknw4lyq))/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=mcl-700-5501 12:51:36 From Queen Of Torts : 481.08 AUTHORITY. #minnAttAuthority An attorney may bind a client, at any stage of an action or proceeding, by agreement made in open court or in the presence of the court administrator, and entered in the minutes by such court administrator, or made in writing and signed by such attorney. During any proceeding or action the attorney may receive money claimed therein by a client, and within six years after judgment, upon payment thereof, may discharge the claim or acknowledge satisfaction of the judgment; but all such authority shall cease upon the substitution of another attorney 12:52:01 From Prince Nasheen : sorry I'm late, just looking to realize what is the subject being spoken about today? 12:52:33 From Queen Of Torts : #minnAttProofofAuthority 481.09 PROOF OF AUTHORITY. A court, upon motion and hearing, and when reasonable grounds are shown, may require any attorney to prove the attorney's authority to appear and, until such proof is made, may stay all proceedings by the attorney on behalf of the party the attorney assumes to represent. At any stage of the proceedings the court may relieve a party from the consequences of the unauthorized acts of an attorney and, upon motion, may summarily compel such attorney to repair any injury resulting therefrom. 12:53:38 From Queen Of Torts : #minnattshowauthoritybymotiontoshow 12:53:56 From Queen Of Torts : #motiontoshowauthority 12:57:29 From Queen Of Torts : #motionPractice 12:57:53 From Queen Of Torts : #challengeAuthorityAtanyStage #minnNotes 12:58:20 From Mel Grover : Why are we talking birth certificates aain at court????? 12:58:31 From shurland's iPhone : Not The BC😂😂 12:59:00 From sunny! : its a joke 12:59:47 From Queen Of Torts : #verifiedStatement 13:00:01 From shurland's iPhone : So this can also be used in NY courts as well? 13:00:22 From SUPREME BEAN : #Supremenotes 13:00:30 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 13:00:38 From Individual Banker : Trinsey vs. Pagilaro - Statements of counsel in their briefs or argument while enlightening to the Court are not sufficient for purposes of granting a motion to dismiss or summary judgment. 13:01:52 From Queen Of Torts : #motiontostrikeAttorney 13:01:57 From Cyndi : Joe trying to get in 13:02:12 From Laura : https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/statutes/18-C/title18-Csec5-931.html 13:02:44 From shurland's iPhone : The sate don’t have hands or feet 13:04:11 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Am I the only person from NJ here? Cuz I can never find shit for NJ. I have searched all of these key words!! WTF! Corrupt ass state lol 13:04:47 From Galaxy A02s : can you look up Wisconsin? 13:04:47 From Trinity : If anyone is using two devices for this meeting, please use 1 to allow others to join... 13:05:38 From benny : @elizabeth rodreguez.. try diff browser 13:05:42 From Mel Grover : If, in foreign invasion or civil war, the courts are actually closed, and it is impossible to administer criminal justice according to law, then, on the theater of active military operations, where war really prevails, there is a necessity to furnish a substitute for the civil authority, thus overthrown, to preserve the safety of the army and society; and as no power is left but the military, it is allowed to govern by martial rule until the laws can have their free course. As necessity creates the rule, so it limits its duration; for, if this government is continued after the courts are reinstated, it is a gross usurpation of power. Martial rule can never exist where the courts are open, and in proper and unobstructed exercise of their jurisdiction. It is also confined to the locality of actual war.6 13:05:45 From benny : sometimes that helps 13:05:57 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : ok 13:06:03 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I found this about judges lol https://casetext.com/statute/new-jersey-statutes/title-2b-court-organization-and-civil-code/chapter-2b2a/section-2b2a-2-cause-for-removal 13:06:55 From #AiAm : CR CHAPTER 40 SCR 40.05 #Legalcompetence requirement: #Proofofpractice https://www.wicourts.gov/sc/rules/chap40.pdf 13:07:08 From FreeMama : Looking for Colorado's attorney show authority. 13:10:06 From Truth Angel : Find the law library in the court house or law university and research West Law or Nexis Lexis 13:10:34 From mensah_c : Brigade, please share N 13:10:35 From mensah_c : J 13:10:54 From Issa Webb : What was the public act for IL for authority 13:11:02 From legallyattractive : Mississippi does not have authority of attorneys 13:11:16 From legallyattractive : I guess I gotta do full faith & credit 13:11:33 From Kelly Malone : https://www.courts.michigan.gov/4a496f/siteassets/rules-instructions-administrative-orders/rules-of-professional-conduct/michigan-rules-of-professional-conduct.pdf 13:12:11 From Queen Of Torts : SECTION 1. Article 14 of title 15, #Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW PART to read: PART 7 #UNIFORM #POWEROFATTORNEYACT SUBPART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 15-14-701. Short title. THIS PART 7 MAY BE CITED AS THE "UNIFORM POWER OF ATTORNEY ACT". 15-14-702. Definitions. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED, IN THIS PART 7: (1) " #AGENT " MEANS A #PERSON GRANTED AUTHORITY TO ACT FOR A PRINCIPAL UNDER A POWER OF ATTORNEY, WHETHER DENOMINATED AN AGENT, ATTORNEY-IN-FACT, OR OTHERWISE. THE TERM INCLUDES AN ORIGINAL AGENT, COAGENT, SUCCESSOR AGENT, AND A PERSON TO WHICH AN AGENT'S AUTHORITY IS DELEGATED. (2) "DURABLE", WITH RESPECT TO A #POWEROFATTORNEY, MEANS NOT TERMINATED BY THE PRINCIPAL'S INCAPACITY. 13:12:42 From Queen Of Torts : https://www.google.com/search?q=colo+attorney+to+act+as+attorney+at+law+authority&oq=colo+attorney+to+act+&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j33i10i160l3j33i299j33i22i29i30.27295j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 13:12:50 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 13:13:01 From benny : @legallyattracive.. search results are differing... one pulled up Power of Attorney when searching out CA. also try searching rules of court for attorney 13:13:47 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Over here finding other shit and not the POA lol Rule 4:26-4. Fictitious Names; In Personam Actions In any action, irrespective of the amount in controversy, other than an action governed by R. 4:4-5 (affecting specific property or a res), if the defendant's true name is unknown to the plaintiff, process may issue against the defendant under a fictitious name, stating it to be fictitious and adding an appropriate description sufficient for identification. Plaintiff shall on motion, prior to judgment, amend the complaint to state defendant's true name, such motion to be accompanied by an affidavit stating the manner in which that information was obtained. If, however, defendant acknowledges his or her true name by written appearance or orally in open court, the complaint may be amended without notice and affidavit. No final judgment shall be entered against a person designated by a fictitious name. 13:14:15 From Hi y’all : That’s what credit unions do. Then you get pennies 13:14:22 From benny : yes ma'am 13:14:36 From Truth Angel : It in your State research and stop being lazy 13:14:54 From #najima : NC and VA are in the comments of the motion to show authority post 13:15:03 From Queen Of Torts : Section 15-14-741 - Statutory form - power of attorney A document substantially in the following form may be used to create a statutory form power of attorney that has the meaning and effect prescribed by this part 7. STATE OF #COLORADOSTATUTORY FORM POWER OF ATTORNEY IMPORTANT INFORMATION This power of attorney authorizes another person (your agent) to make decisions concerning your property for you (the principal). Your agent will be able to make decisions and act with respect to your property (including your money) whether or not you are able to act for yourself. The meaning of authority over subjects listed on this form is explained in the "Uniform #PowerofAttorney Act", part 7 of article 14 of title 15, #Colorado Revised Statutes. 13:15:11 From Galaxy A02s : thanks for the Wi. omg. I searched with all different ways. they say they hide here in WIS CON SIN. 13:15:59 From benny : change up the syntax rephrase the search/query 13:17:10 From benny : exactly 13:17:21 From Truth Angel : Them Deputy Sheriffs are not that smart ! They just do what they are told ! 13:17:24 From hiya : can ppl mute please 13:17:26 From benny : does not matter 13:17:28 From FreeMama : Thanks Queen 13:17:56 From Truth Angel : Property Inspection are usually done by real estate agents 13:18:17 From benny : reallY?! 13:18:25 From Queen Of Torts : your welcome 13:19:02 From sunny! : bobby mute please 13:19:13 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Mute please 13:19:33 From benny : BACKGROUND! 13:19:36 From benny : pls... thank u 13:19:45 From sunny! : bobby!!!! 13:19:48 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Is it possible NJ doesnt have this stature in place?? 13:19:51 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://casetext.com/rule/new-jersey-rules-of-court/new-jersey-rules-of-court/njr-ct-part-iv/part-iv-rules-governing-civil-practice-in-the-superior-court-tax-court-and-surrogates-courts 13:20:09 From #AiAm : Admission to the practice of law in Wisconsin Admission on proof of practice The applicant who applies for admission to the practice of law in Wisconsin must show they have been substantially engaged in the practice of law in a state or territory, the federal government, or the District of Columbia for three years within the last five years prior to filing application for admission. A lawyer may satisfy this requirement by proof of practice in more than a single jurisdiction and under more than one provision of SCR 40.05 . • Admission on Proof of Practice - Information and Filing Instructions (BE-370) • https://www.wicourts.gov/sc/rules/chap40.pdf 13:20:12 From deanervin1 : Bobby please mute 13:20:42 From benny : @elizabeth rodri... it's there... try diff synonyms. it's there. play with the words 13:21:26 From deanervin1 : sunny can you mute bobby 13:21:47 From sunny! : I cant 13:22:00 From sunny! : i don't have cohost 13:22:01 From deanervin1 : crap 13:22:05 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Somebody yell at him to mute lol 13:22:13 From benny : my dogs... animals.. pets! 13:23:16 From Hi y’all : KELVIN 13:23:17 From benny : PLS STAY ON MUTE UNTL SPEAKIN"" go 13:23:20 From Cee Lockridge : MALIKA PLEASE HAVE KEVIN MUTE 13:23:26 From benny : for the luv of!... 13:23:28 From benny : ahaha 13:23:30 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Omg somebody driing 13:23:31 From Cee Lockridge : KEVIN SELBY 13:23:34 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : driving 13:23:37 From benny : is JASON on the call?! 13:23:44 From Hi y’all : It was Bobby, but then someone took his place 13:24:06 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : what you talkin about Benny? 13:24:07 From benny : re-present 13:24:21 From benny : not u... the Halloween jason 13:24:22 From benny : haha 13:24:28 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Is this saying what I think it’s saying?? That they have personal jurisdiction over you in NJ just by serving you?Rule 4:4-4. Summons; Personal Service; In Personam Jurisdiction Service of summons, writs and complaints shall be made as follows: (a) Primary Method of Obtaining In Personam Jurisdiction. The primary method of obtaining in personam jurisdiction over a defendant in this State is by causing the summons and complaint to be personally served within this State pursuant to R. 4:4-3, as follows: (1) Upon a competent individual of the age of 14 or over, by delivering a copy of the summons and complaint to the individual personally, or by leaving a copy thereof at the individual's dwelling place or usual place of abode with a competent member of the household of the age of 14 or over then residing therein, or by delivering a copy thereof to a person authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process on the individual's behalf; 13:25:06 From benny : #knowtheirpower 13:25:11 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : Anyone have success with Criminal Complaints in California??!! 13:25:42 From benny : Any have Pacer access to look up a name? 13:25:55 From Trading Brigade : https://law.justia.com/constitution/georgia/conart9.html 13:26:00 From Queen Of Torts : 2017 #Illinois Compiled Statutes Chapter 755 - ESTATES 755 ILCS 45/ - #IllinoisPowerofAttorneyAct . 13:26:16 From benny : #corporatepowers 13:26:18 From @am woman : 1 13:26:19 From #najima : 1 13:26:23 From sunny! : 1 13:26:24 From Samiyha : 1 13:26:27 From Natty : 1 13:26:28 From deanervin1 : 1 13:26:29 From Queen Of Torts : 1 13:26:32 From Cee Lockridge : 1 13:26:33 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : 1 13:26:34 From SmithyKev97 : 1 13:26:38 From wendie : 1 13:26:41 From wendie : 🤤🤣 13:26:46 From Steve law : 1 13:26:47 From Queen Of Torts : couple different counties lol 13:26:47 From T Roy : 1 13:26:49 From SUPREME BEAN : 1 13:26:49 From Irene Zantae : 1 13:26:49 From Lee Wingo (Gliderl33) : 1 13:26:49 From #AiAm : 1 13:26:49 From Natalie D : 1 13:26:50 From Skenny : 1 13:26:53 From I AM THAT I AM:Jaime-Craig:of clan Wilkinson : 1 13:26:54 From TonyG : What are we pulling up fam? 13:27:00 From wendie : 49 Tennessee charter 13:27:11 From Queen Of Torts : #beatthebarshirt #idtheft #abuseofprocess 13:27:16 From Queen Of Torts : yes 13:27:29 From #najima : corporate powers of the county/city near you @TonyG 13:27:36 From Rashika’s iPhone : I’m new here ready to be on y’all level 13:27:41 From Daniella : Just found Missouri 13:27:56 From Queen Of Torts : #corpPowers #bodiescorpate 13:28:13 From Queen Of Torts : #propery #ofthecouty 13:28:29 From Galaxy A02s : I found , Wisconsin 13:28:32 From Laura : https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/statutes/30-A/title30-Asec5954.html 13:28:40 From eliyahu : the cash registers 13:28:42 From eliyahu : the computers 13:28:46 From eliyahu : the water cooler 13:28:49 From T Roy : Parks 13:28:49 From eliyahu : the filing cabinet 13:28:52 From Sean Alim El All Rights Reserved : https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=13607 13:29:32 From Natty : They thought we had some cook duds.l 13:29:42 From mensah_c : 2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Section 40:37A-55 - Body politic and corporate; powers and duties. 13:29:42 From Natty : Kool duds 13:29:45 From benny : *filing cabinet" Hahaha *pencil holders" 13:29:46 From mensah_c : (d)To acquire, rent, hold, use and dispose of other personal property for the purposes of the authority; 13:30:13 From TonyG : Can’t find anything besides this pdf that keeps showing up Ontario county New York https://ontariocountyny.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6269/LDC_Cert_Inc-_Filing_Receipt?bidId= I’ll save under notes and see if it actually discusses a code and/or statute. #tonygtasksnotesontariocountynycharter? 13:30:57 From Sis : https://library.qcode.us/lib/sacramento_county_ca/pub/county_code/item/sacramento_county_charter-article_i?view=all 13:31:01 From Natalie D : https://www.cityofclarksville.com/DocumentCenter/View/834/City-Charter-PDF 13:31:06 From legallyattractive : 2010 Mississippi Code TITLE 25 - PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; PUBLIC RECORDS Chapter 31 - District Attorneys. 25-31-11 - Powers and duties. 13:31:08 From wendie : 2021 Tennessee Code Title 13 - Public Planning and Housing Chapter 30 - Tennessee Local Land Bank Program § 13-30-109. Corporate Powers 13:31:30 From legallyattractive : https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2010/title-25/31/25-31-11/ 13:31:31 From mensah_c : https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2013/title-40/section-40-37a-55/ 13:31:33 From Kelly Malone : have anyone found Michigan 13:31:53 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : 2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40 - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Section 40:37A-55 - Body politic and corporate; powers and duties. Universal Citation: NJ Rev Stat § 40:37A-55 (2013) 40:37A-55 Body politic and corporate; powers and duties. 12.Every authority shall be a public body politic and corporate constituting a political subdivision of the State established as an instrumentality exercising public and essential governmental functions to provide for the public convenience, benefit and welfare and shall have perpetual succession and, for the effectuation of its purposes, have the following additional powers: (a)To adopt and have a common seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (b)To sue and be sued; (c)To acquire, hold, use and dispose of its facility charges and other revenues and other moneys; (d)To acquire, rent, hold, use and dispose of other personal property for the purposes of the authority; 13:32:25 From TonyG : 2013 Mississippi Code Title 83 - INSURANCE Chapter 31 - MUTUAL COMPANIES IN GENERAL § 83-31-9 - Corporate powers 13:32:41 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : https://library.municode.com/md/baltimore_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CHTR 13:33:01 From legallyattractive : https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2020/title-59/chapter-3/subchapter-foreigntradezones/ 13:33:13 From Sean Alim El All Rights Reserved : https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=2978 13:33:22 From legallyattractive : 2020 Mississippi Code Title 59 - Ports, Harbors, Landings and Watercraft Chapter 3 - Ports of Entry Foreign Trade Zones 13:33:25 From eliyahu : §11-22-101. Corporate powers of municipalities. All incorporated municipalities shall be bodies corporate and politic, and shall have the powers to: 1. Sue and be sued; 2. Purchase and hold real and personal property for the use of the municipality; 3. Sell and convey any real or personal property owned by the municipality and make orders respecting the same as may be conducive to the best interests of the municipality; 4. Make all contracts and do all other acts in relation to the property and affairs of the municipality, necessary to the good government of the municipality, and to the exercise of its corporate and administrative powers; and 5. Exercise such other powers as are or may be conferred by law. Laws 1977, c. 256, § 22-101, eff. July 1, 1978. 13:33:30 From eliyahu : https://oksenate.gov/sites/default/files/2019-12/os11.pdf 13:33:31 From Kelly Malone : Michigan Legislature User Menu          Main Content Section 450.1261  friendly link  printer friendly BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT (EXCERPT) Act 284 of 1972 450.1261 Corporate powers. Sec. 261.   A corporation, subject to any limitation provided in this act, in any other statute of this state, or in its articles of incorporation, shall have power in furtherance of its corporate purposes to do all of the following:   (a) Have perpetual duration.   (b) Sue and be sued in all courts and participate in actions and proceedings, judicial, administrative, arbitrative, or otherwise, in the same manner as natural persons.   (c) Have a corporate seal, and alter the seal, and use it by causing it or a facsimile to be affixed, impressed, or reproduced in any other manner.   (d) Adopt, amend, or repeal bylaws, including emergency bylaws, relating to the business of the corporation, the conduct of its affairs, its rights and powers and the rights and powe 13:33:34 From benny : LA COUNTY Sec. 101. Powers of the City. The City of Los Angeles shall have all powers possible for a charter City to have under the constitution and laws of this state as fully and completely as though they were specifically enumerated in the Charter, subject only to the limitations contained in the Charter. Sec. 102. Relationship to Other Governmental Entities. (a) The City may, by ordinance, transfer or consolidate functions of the City government to or with appropriate functions of the state or county government or other governmental entities, or make use of functions of the state or county government or other governmental entities. The Charter provisions providing for the function of the City government transferred or consolidated may, by ordinance, be suspended during the continuation of the transfer or consolidation. Any transfer or consolidation may be repealed by ordinance, which repeal will terminate the suspension of the Charter provisions providing for the transferred or consolidate 13:33:46 From eliyahu : oh that copy paste was far too large sorry 13:33:52 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : https://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs4.asp?DocName=006500050HArt%2E+11&ActID=802&ChapterID=14&SeqStart=137700000&SeqEnd=-1 13:34:06 From benny : ^^ was.. apologoes 13:34:07 From eliyahu : OS 11 §11-22-101 13:34:12 From benny : apologies. 13:34:13 From T Roy : #michigan http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(i402ljjelvutdc0n1cgoc0lj))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-450-1261 13:34:17 From benny : https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/los_angeles/latest/laac/0-0-0-86 13:34:26 From eliyahu : pg 141-142 of the OS 13:34:33 From Queen Of Torts : #minnesota 373.02 POWERS, HOW EXERCISED. The #powers of the #county as a body politic and corporate shall only be exercised by the county board or in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the county board. Deeds and other written instruments made by the county shall be executed in its name by the chair of the county board and by the clerk of the board. 13:34:43 From Samiyha : I think I found it § 12402.1. City property and affairs. (a) General rule.--In exercising its discretion to make decisions that further the public interest under terms it deems most beneficial to the city, council may, subject to any restrictions, limitations or exceptions stated in this chapter: (1) Purchase, hold, use and manage real and personal property. (2) Exchange personal property. **(3) Lease, sell and convey real and personal property owned by the city. 13:34:45 From #najima : Chapter 153A. Counties. Article 2. Corporate Powers. § 153A-11. Corporate powers. The inhabitants of each county are a body politic and corporate under the name specified in the act creating the county. Under that name they are vested with all the property and rights of property belonging to the corporation; have perpetual succession; may sue and be sued; may contract and be contracted with; may acquire and hold any property and rights of property, real and personal, that may be devised, sold, or in any manner conveyed, dedicated to, or otherwise acquired by the corporation, and from time to time may hold, invest, sell, or dispose of the property and rights of property; may have a common seal and alter and renew it at will; and have and may exercise in conformity with the laws of this State county powers, rights, duties, functions, privileges, and immunities of every name and nature. (1868, c. 20, ss. 1, 2, 3, 8; 1876-7, c. 141, s. 1; Code, ss. 702, 703, 704, 707; Rev., ss. 1309, 1310, 1318; C.S., ss. 1 13:34:51 From eliyahu : see also OS 18 §18-1104. Revocation or forfeiture of charter - proceedings. 13:35:43 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : The Charter for The City of Leominster Massachusetts 📜 https://library.municode.com/ma/leominster/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTICHSPACAC 13:35:52 From benny : "Permission to proceed, Sir" 13:36:11 From Queen Of Torts : 373.47 COUNTY DEBT AUTHORITY. Subdivision 1.Authority to incur debt. Subject to prior approval by the Statewide Radio Board under section 403.36, the governing body of a county may finance the cost of designing, constructing, and acquiring public safety communication system infrastructure and equipment for use on the statewide, shared public safety radio system by issuing: 13:36:55 From eliyahu : i just say "want to win the case? good luck. Want to get out of the court trouble? Disqualify yourself and the court." 13:37:27 From eliyahu : then i start in "did you create a legal name business entity or consent to one being made? do you know what it is and how to use it? are you qualified to use government papers? Are you their employee?" 13:37:32 From benny : that club splits the profits... maybe? and passes the names around for yt vid audiences. 13:37:38 From Mel Grover : On this motion to show authority does it matter if plaintiff or petitioner? if doing a counter claim? 13:38:46 From benny : plaintiff IS petitioner otherwise respondent or defendant 13:38:48 From Samiyha : PHILADELPHIA POWERS 13:39:18 From Ras Bey (All Rights Reserved) : wow 13:39:18 From benny : plaintiff is the injured party 13:39:39 From eliyahu : i can't find the county charter anymore, did i get them in trouble by reporting them to the SEC and Fed? 13:39:42 From Samiyha : https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/philadelphia/latest/philadelphia_pa/0-0-0-263557 13:39:50 From benny : which infers entitlement to due process 13:41:00 From Queen Of Torts : 373.01 #minnCorpPOWERS . §Subdivision 1.Public #corporation; listed #powers. (a) Each #county is a body politic and corporate and may: (1) Sue and be sued. (2) Acquire and hold real and personal property for the use of the county, and lands sold for taxes as provided by law. (3) Purchase and hold for the benefit of the county real estate sold by virtue of judicial proceedings, to which the county is a party. (4) Sell, lease, and convey real or personal estate owned by the county, and give contracts or options to sell, lease, or convey it, and make orders respecting it as deemed conducive to the interests of the county's inhabitants. (5) Make all contracts and do all other acts in relation to the property and concerns of the county necessary to the exercise of its corporate powers. (b) No sale, lease, or conveyance of real estate owned by the county, 13:42:02 From Mel Grover : Coach neighbors had something on his class last night, about filing the same case in both state and fed at the same time, sounds like a night mare to me! 13:43:36 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Michigan code legislation for counties: https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(2w23abmwtyoozpemkknw4lyq))/mileg.aspx?page=GetObject&objectname=mcl-chap45 13:44:55 From Neit : What happens when hearing happens? 13:46:05 From Queen Of Torts : name calling is childish 13:46:17 From Queen Of Torts : yes dump it on them 13:46:45 From Queen Of Torts : they did behind my back lol after they kicked me out of zoom 13:46:45 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Revised Statutes of 1846 (EXCERPT) COUNTIES. 45.3 County; body corporate, purposes. Sec. 3. Each organized county shall be a body politic and corporate, for the following purposes, that is to say: To sue and be sued, to purchase and hold real and personal estate for the use of the county; to borrow money for the purpose of erecting and repairing county buildings, and for the building of bridges, to make all necessary contracts, and to do all other necessary acts in relation to the property and concerns of the county. History: R.S. 1846, Ch. 13 ;-- CL 1857, 302 ;-- CL 1871, 433 ;-- How. 439 ;-- CL 1897, 2441 ;-- CL 1915, 2243 ;-- CL 1929, 1101 ;-- CL 1948, 45.3 13:46:55 From Lee Wingo (Gliderl33) : What would you file the notice of motion for proof of authority into if a hearing has not been established yet? 13:47:00 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(2w23abmwtyoozpemkknw4lyq))/mileg.aspx?page=getObject&objectName=mcl-45-3 13:47:43 From Sunshine D : defamation of character 13:48:07 From Queen Of Torts : Right !! 13:48:43 From Queen Of Torts : he hurt me feeling 13:49:25 From Queen Of Torts : if he invades my privacy ! 13:49:41 From Queen Of Torts : #whyyoutalkingtome 13:50:17 From plixia wilson : that hate when you call them kangaroo courts 😂 13:51:00 From Cee Lockridge : #lockridge 13:51:09 From Queen Of Torts : #cheifjudge #chiefclerk #headadmin 13:51:20 From Queen Of Torts : #pointers 13:51:40 From benny : "Any acting through the authority of.." 13:51:52 From benny : Chief Presiding Judge 13:53:13 From benny : they LOVE our PHONE CALLS. :))) 13:54:17 From Tecumseh 2.0 : made it!! 13:54:20 From Queen Of Torts : cavemen lol 13:54:41 From Queen Of Torts : #amwomannotesHolly 13:55:03 From Queen Of Torts : #HollyDumbassNotes 13:55:39 From Queen Of Torts : #haressment 13:55:46 From Rashika’s iPhone : I need help so bad with my eviction summons. 13:56:04 From Queen Of Torts : #provideRecords 13:56:08 From benny : add VEXATIOUS BARRATRY 13:56:14 From wendie : Legal research tools from Casetext Search all cases and statutes... Statutes, codes, and regulations Tennessee Code Title 50 - Employer And Employee Chapter 4 - Administrative Inspections Tenn. Code § 50-4-102 Current through 2021-2022, ch. 1146 Section 50-4-102 - "Issuing officer" defined As used in this chapter, "issuing officer," means either: (1) Any official authorized by law to issue search warrants; or (2) Any court of record in the county of residence of the agency making application for an administrative inspection warrant. 13:57:08 From Cyndi : Ignore her block her phone and email 13:57:23 From Queen Of Torts : just keep doing the Admin process NOL ITS 13:58:02 From Queen Of Torts : keep focus on your process 13:58:11 From Cyndi : They won’t show with a warrant they might show with cops but they will be for the cps protection and u can straight tell them to leave 13:58:25 From Mel Grover : They still do that, wether they follow their rules or not 13:58:26 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Yeah I havent spoken to these people at all and they keep trying to get me to. 13:58:31 From Queen Of Torts : yes like they did with Fred 13:58:45 From benny : Fake Court Documents 13:59:16 From Queen Of Torts : fred had a case 13:59:16 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : #recordsrequest 13:59:59 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : They are very sneaky narcissists 14:00:00 From Queen Of Torts : there no court 14:00:11 From Queen Of Torts : just a bitch bugging here 14:00:13 From Trinity : Report Identity theft... 14:00:15 From # bobbybrazown : #bargames 14:00:27 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : And my ex is one of them trying to scare me to comply too. Fuck him fuck the fuck em all. 14:00:32 From Queen Of Torts : yes #AdminReport 14:00:51 From TonyG : Cps is an administrative hearing #tonygtasksnotescpsisanadministrativehearing 14:01:12 From Queen Of Torts : #stateOfficiers #CPS #officeofperson 14:01:28 From Queen Of Torts : #notafosterparent 14:01:57 From Queen Of Torts : yup 14:02:12 From # bobbybrazown : im NOT A-BarTendor(er) !!! 14:02:13 From T Roy : Knock knock glock 14:03:05 From # bobbybrazown : buuuut I-SUUUUR CAN tendor A-Bar !!! 14:03:09 From Queen Of Torts : maybe they really want it lol 14:03:10 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : respectfully fuck off… with all due respect… haha 14:03:53 From benny : @T Roy.. hilare 14:04:07 From Queen Of Torts : #circleChurch 14:07:01 From legallyattractive : wheres the disqualify judge notes from last week 14:07:05 From Hi y’all : Yes I am, Indigenous Maiden. I just followed, gratitude! 14:07:36 From Hi y’all : @legally search hashtag #mcreal on the site 14:07:43 From Tecumseh 2.0 : pick a leg and kick it hard 14:08:04 From Queen Of Torts : #disqualifyJudge 14:08:10 From Hi y’all : Hey u made it Tecumseh! 14:08:33 From TonyG : #tonygtasksdisqualifyjudge search #disqualifyjudge on lawful living site 14:08:47 From Tecumseh 2.0 : finally! lol 14:08:59 From Queen Of Torts : #motiontoDisqualify 14:09:30 From Hi y’all : Can we hashtag it #judgeimmacunt 14:09:32 From # bobbybrazown : dnt fall4 THEIR-'pillow talk' #pillow2post 14:10:08 From Queen Of Torts : #object #motionpractice #abuseofprocess #motionforobjection 14:10:24 From benny : #taooflaw 14:10:26 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : haha 14:10:28 From # bobbybrazown : post / stake / Silver-Tongue = VAMPIRE-KILLER 14:10:40 From benny : #eddiecraig #ruleoflawradio 14:10:46 From benny : #mondays 14:10:55 From Ras Jai Bey (Land of Nod) : 😂 judge cunt 14:10:56 From Queen Of Torts : #writtenAuthority #default 14:11:00 From # bobbybrazown : #silverbullet 14:11:06 From Queen Of Torts : #judgeCunt 14:11:32 From Queen Of Torts : CUNT cannot understand normal thinking ..lol 14:11:41 From Hi y’all : #criminalcomplaints 14:11:45 From Queen Of Torts : #pointers #protip 14:11:52 From Jessenia : #jessenianotes 14:11:56 From Hi y’all : #conspiracy 14:11:57 From Queen Of Torts : #CCListMcReal 14:12:03 From Sunshine D : What if sheriff and AG are a part of it? I noticed them all.... 14:12:11 From SUPREME BEAN : On the cc list conspiracy on all parties involved. 14:12:15 From Queen Of Torts : yes still notice them 14:12:27 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : #liznotes #disqualifyjudge #disqualifyattorney 14:12:28 From Sunshine D : Aggravated Identity Theft 14:12:33 From TonyG : Flowchart, where do we find the flowchart for the list of things to do? #tonygtasksnotesfindtheflowchart for list of things to do. 14:12:35 From Hi y’all : Isn’t that misprision of felony 14:12:36 From Sunshine D : Aiding and abetting 14:12:44 From sunny! : #18usc4 14:12:48 From Queen Of Torts : #gulityof18usc4 14:12:57 From SUPREME BEAN : Guilty of 18 usc 4 if they continue to allow the actions of the agent 14:13:26 From Sunshine D : Overt Conspiracy To Defraud 14:13:29 From Queen Of Torts : #complaits #tellonthemall 14:13:34 From Ras Jai Bey (Land of Nod) : where could I find the template ? 14:13:47 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : lol 14:13:53 From SUPREME BEAN : Where is this template ? 14:14:13 From benny : @supreme bean just dropped link in t.me 14:14:16 From Queen Of Torts : hot potato hot potato 14:14:18 From Amud Rashad-El : Yeah where's that flow chart? 14:14:21 From # bobbybrazown : global warming / climate change / ENVIRO-MENTALISTs 14:14:25 From Queen Of Torts : #notservice 14:14:35 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : summons needs to be Personal Service! 14:14:45 From SUPREME BEAN : Preciate you. 14:14:46 From benny : repeat, pls 14:15:02 From SUPREME BEAN : FRCP 4. Certified mail is Not service 14:15:08 From Stephen Grant : FRCP 4 14:15:08 From Queen Of Torts : #waveservicerule4 #notservice #fedrule4 14:15:19 From Hi y’all : Lol 14:15:30 From Queen Of Torts : wow 14:15:52 From Queen Of Torts : like rats when the lights come on 14:15:57 From Hi y’all : Lmao 14:15:58 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : all Recuse themselves!! wow 14:16:07 From Not a Guru : @Queen of Torts synchronicity thank you. Just received a postcard with 37 cent postage for a summons 14:16:10 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/4 14:16:31 From Ashley Cumlaude : #timestamp 2:14:00 #processofservice #FRCP #RULE4 #ASHLEYCUMLAUDE #WAIVER #EMPLOYEE 14:16:34 From Not a Guru : how does one refute/rebut. It is with regard to a foreclosure 14:16:51 From benny : Layer Cake! 14:17:04 From Queen Of Torts : yes do not file all at once … on at at time its fun 14:17:30 From benny : 31 days apart for bar grieves... so they will not be lumped as one 14:17:39 From Not a Guru : no sound coming through 14:17:57 From Queen Of Torts : when I hear layers I think of Donkey in Shrek lol just lile Onions 14:17:58 From Samiyha : samiyhanotes 14:18:01 From # bobbybrazown : Yogi-Bears / prevent'n & STOP'n forest fires 14:18:54 From eliyahu : yeah templates are for home study, make your own docs 14:19:02 From Queen Of Torts : yes 14:19:06 From # bobbybrazown : RUUUUN FORREST !!! 14:19:20 From Queen Of Torts : must put the intent in it 14:19:21 From benny : judges b callin' out the cut n paste 14:19:24 From benny : rightfully so 14:19:33 From benny : happened to me 14:19:42 From benny : learned fr it... years ago 14:20:04 From Hi y’all : Establish a what relationship?? 14:20:10 From Hi y’all : It was muffled 14:20:26 From Queen Of Torts : #28usc144BiasorPrejudiceofJudge 14:20:50 From benny : exactly 14:20:58 From Queen Of Torts : #whennotadefendent 14:21:20 From Cyndi : Are u just sending like that? 14:21:21 From Queen Of Torts : #plaintiffmightneedthispart #needfornamecalling 14:22:09 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : @Cyndi i think this is just their notes. 14:22:13 From Kelly Malone to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : I disqualified a judge while I was in jail 14:22:34 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : where is this Doc on the site?? 14:22:36 From Cyndi : Are we supposed to be adding anything to the codes? 14:23:21 From benny : refer to or include in entirety. nothing is added to code 14:23:25 From Cyndi : How do u end the notice? 14:23:34 From benny : u could include case law - 4th leg. 14:24:21 From Queen Of Torts : #cashapp #cashappMcRealdonation 14:24:54 From Amud Rashad-El : I have a general question, is there a course or class I can partake in to learn all of these things? 14:25:13 From Prince Nasheen : I have a general question, is there a course or class I can partake in to learn all of these things? 14:25:26 From # bobbybrazown : glove / G-Love / "if it does not fit, we-MUST-Acquit !!!" 14:25:32 From benny : there's a course called Jurisdictionary there's a good law radio show called ruleoflawradio.com 14:25:48 From Queen Of Torts : someone post malikas donation stuff links 14:26:16 From benny : oh... look up O'Connor's law guides. Civil Penal Causes of Action 14:26:52 From Lady Barbara to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : Apologize for being so late today, will relook. Thank you for everything. I am getting it together. 14:26:53 From benny : refers to TX law but an excellent launching pad for referencing ur state codes/laws 14:27:12 From Queen Of Torts : #counterclaimsteps #counterclaim #motionpratice 14:27:31 From Amud Rashad-El : I'm writing all of this down thank you 14:27:57 From TonyG : Peace familia. Will catch up on the next 1 14:28:41 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : Peace @TonyG 14:28:53 From Amud Rashad-El : Nice I'm in Cali as well 14:29:37 From benny : city @Amud ? 14:29:45 From # bobbybrazown : u ALREDY Engage-ed 14:29:58 From # bobbybrazown : promised suit 14:30:21 From benny : FEEDBACK 14:30:26 From Queen Of Torts : #cashapp - $MalikaMbele #Paypal - malikasvp@gmail.com #cashappMalika 14:30:40 From # bobbybrazown : court-ing / king-ing 14:31:30 From benny : k 14:31:50 From Tabitha De jesus : Sunny can I be added to that document please thank u 14:31:50 From benny : pm ur email/ t.me screen name 14:31:57 From # bobbybrazown : "A-Mouth WILL-say-ANY-thing / Thing / THING !!! " 14:32:22 From benny : or dropped it at a door 14:33:13 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : where is that document located at; 14:33:21 From benny : ahhh.. i had it reversed in mind. only applies TO public housing. got it! 14:33:28 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : landlord tenant eviction jurisdiction 14:33:43 From sunny! : a link to it is in rent free 14:33:48 From Truth Angel : Someone owe the tax ! 14:33:54 From Tabitha De jesus : Ok 14:33:57 From Queen Of Torts : #rentfree 14:34:05 From Queen Of Torts : yes add the clerk they always involed 14:34:06 From eliyahu : this is in SueAlong too? 14:34:17 From Tabitha De jesus : GG is added 14:34:24 From # bobbybrazown : who cares about Tax tht doesn't concern u !!! ??? 14:35:02 From Queen Of Torts : i put the CASH app comments 14:35:11 From Queen Of Torts : #howtotakeaclass 14:35:18 From sunny! : cashapp - $MalikaMbele paypal - malikasvp@gmail.com 14:35:33 From Queen Of Torts : #cashapp - $MalikaMbele #Paypal - malikasvp@gmail.com #cashappMalika 14:35:34 From SUPREME BEAN : Someone’s phone is too close to the mic. It’s distorting the sound. 14:35:55 From benny : or is hovering an input 14:36:16 From Queen Of Torts : thanks benny to saying something 14:36:29 From Queen Of Torts : n Supreme bean 14:36:34 From Stephen Grant : i donated my $dirtysocks$ 14:36:38 From benny : books 14:37:19 From benny : check telegram (t.me) will post a pic of cover 14:37:23 From Queen Of Torts : its a employee number what the fuck 14:37:35 From Queen Of Torts : LMAO 14:37:40 From Amud Rashad-El : Ok thanks again 14:38:20 From YUR : "Sacred Economics" Eisenstein 14:38:45 From # bobbybrazown : #analyst / but-brotherS 💯 14:39:09 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : #2023 year 14:39:16 From Not a Guru : is anyone able to possibly hookup to assist with a newb forming a NOL and Intent to sue? 14:39:46 From Queen Of Torts : #unitChief 14:40:01 From benny : no 14:40:04 From benny : fast talker 14:40:13 From benny : copy 14:40:21 From Queen Of Torts : #whenyousendbullshitin 14:40:28 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : OMG GUYS I just found out that CPS bitch went to my daughters school to question her and she’s not even a child of my ex husband!!!! I AM LIVID!!! 14:40:32 From SUPREME BEAN : If you send “I living man/woman” stuff they trash it or send to the unit chief or revolve your bail.. you indicate that you’re a risk 14:40:34 From Stephen Grant : all i can give you Malika is $chosesinaction$ 14:40:37 From Truth Angel : I am a fire breathing dragon ! lol 14:40:38 From # bobbybrazown : but but butT BUTT-BrotherS n A-LeGal Bro'mance Marriage 14:40:48 From benny : sillyness 14:40:54 From Queen Of Torts : #flighRisk 14:40:58 From benny : yep 14:41:03 From eliyahu : yeah we have to explain this to the brainwashed folks at the DA 14:41:08 From benny : one is NOT taken seriously 14:41:14 From benny : AT ALL 14:41:21 From eliyahu : i watched a lot of the SPC and such attempts at court and they got wrecked 95% of the time 14:41:29 From Stephen Grant : #talkinouttheyass 14:41:31 From Queen Of Torts : #recorddoesntoreflect 14:41:38 From Truth Angel : Sovereign Citizen lol 14:41:42 From benny : yep 14:41:45 From benny : cartoon law 14:42:12 From # bobbybrazown : #toontown 🤪 14:42:31 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : haha. Bam! 14:42:31 From Hi y’all : Flight risk? From the plantation? 14:42:42 From eliyahu : flight risk from slavery 14:42:42 From SUPREME BEAN : What’s Nolle prose ? 14:42:45 From Stephen Grant : lol 14:42:53 From eliyahu : nolle proseque - no prosecution 14:42:57 From eliyahu : or do not prosecute 14:43:02 From Truth Angel : I am Clean Chitterlings ! 🤣 14:43:04 From Stephen Grant : nisi prius 14:43:13 From eliyahu : that sounds like a kind of cheap car 14:43:30 From benny : wow... super fast talker... hahaha 14:43:38 From SUPREME BEAN : Thanks .. someone did that with the bc atuff was curious 14:43:38 From Stephen Grant : nisi prius period 14:43:49 From eliyahu : nisi prius = a specialty cheap car? 14:44:03 From Stephen Grant : #bullshitsniffer 14:44:06 From # bobbybrazown : #pantysniffer 14:44:54 From # bobbybrazown : pantaloon-S 14:45:19 From Hi y’all : Wait..Didn’t you talk about it? 14:45:19 From # bobbybrazown : Chaucerian 14:45:35 From # bobbybrazown : dandy-fellowS 14:45:39 From Truth Angel : Why ??? They just know procedure 14:46:13 From Truth Angel : Facts 14:46:25 From benny : insider's view 14:46:44 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : trade cases? 14:46:45 From eliyahu : on the inside the DA office has no clue what is going on until you tell them specifically what is happening, why, how, what their job is, and what to do about it? 14:47:03 From benny : makes sense 14:47:26 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : like they’re playing poker I’ll see your eviction, and raise you a drug possession? 14:47:26 From # bobbybrazown : 'baseball-carding' 14:47:47 From # bobbybrazown : 'stamp collecting' 14:48:07 From Sunshine D : human trafficking 14:48:18 From SUPREME BEAN : Human trafficking at its finest 14:48:37 From benny : deal... let's make a deal 14:48:39 From eliyahu : securitization of living flesh - look up the penalty and start hitting these fools with it 14:48:40 From Hi y’all : Tell us how they knew 14:48:53 From Tabitha De jesus : 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 14:48:53 From benny : cool! @amud 14:48:56 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : these fuckin BAR members! 14:49:01 From Truth Angel : The attorney probably dealing 14:49:03 From Hi y’all : Surveillance? 14:49:08 From Tabitha De jesus : B 14:49:16 From @am woman : This is nuts 14:49:26 From Stephen Grant : kingpins work with the state!!! 14:49:53 From benny : critical analysis... thinker! right on!! 14:50:05 From benny : big picture thinker 14:50:15 From @am woman : Tell us more on the dirt.. 14:50:18 From benny : dot connector 14:50:37 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : having some morals @Samiyha! 14:50:39 From @am woman : How do they trade criminals?? 14:50:44 From eliyahu : this testimony alone is evidence of an ongoing criminal racketeering conspiracy 14:51:11 From Hi y’all : Stay on topic 14:51:12 From benny : @eliyahu ... ab-so-lut-ly!! 14:51:15 From Hi y’all : This is gold. 14:51:26 From Truth Angel : What was your first clue ! 14:51:46 From @am woman : What…. 14:52:00 From eliyahu : ask IRS for the 1099LTC from the prison... 14:52:17 From # bobbybrazown : don't b so gd serious Hiya 14:52:28 From # bobbybrazown : u AINT my-mommy 14:52:33 From Hi y’all : #NFLDraft 14:52:46 From benny : do they leave 'em alone? do they get "touched" "painted" 14:53:03 From @am woman : Y’all knew about the definitions? Seen any good docs from people who knew what they were doing? 14:53:25 From Queen Of Torts : #pointers 14:53:33 From Hi y’all : I can’t decide if this is encouraging or discouraging lol 14:53:33 From eliyahu : so you can trap a new attorney by acting the fool 14:53:38 From # bobbybrazown : H-adlerS r handle(BAR)er-Z 14:53:50 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : ADA = assistant district attorney? 14:53:51 From eliyahu : and then beat them to pieces when they appear as a defendant 14:53:52 From # bobbybrazown : it AINT no-thing 'new' 14:54:02 From benny : @hi y'all it's information 14:54:11 From benny : y on ada 14:54:20 From Stephen Grant : BACKROOM DEALS 14:54:28 From Tabitha De jesus : Yup the DA in ny did not know anything 14:54:47 From Truth Angel : Criminal Justice System 😎 14:55:01 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : it’s all inverted 14:55:16 From Truth Angel : No 14:55:22 From benny : friend in Ag's office "hints" 14:55:30 From # bobbybrazown : #52pickup ( / card-game-ing ) 14:56:00 From mensah_c : $200k student loan debt 14:56:05 From Truth Angel : They operate off presumptions ! 14:56:16 From eliyahu : owed by United States @mensah, they need to pay up 14:56:17 From Stephen Grant : oh no. they do because they took union members in the back room to sign papers against the union. reported to Fbi in person 14:56:36 From Stephen Grant : FBI was VERY excited 14:57:24 From eliyahu : ah give them a little wiggle room, i hear "you have no rights, shut up" pretty often 14:57:33 From # bobbybrazown : lol 14:57:53 From benny : yep!! 14:58:00 From benny : court clerks do this, too! 14:58:10 From Stephen Grant : black lists by the judges, attorneys? cops. we pig farm the cops 😆 🤣 😂 14:58:10 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : instead of prosecute the cop for perjury! 14:58:13 From Truth Angel : Low level bankers don't know sh*t either ! 14:58:13 From benny : convenience absence 14:58:47 From TerrellTamari Bey All Rights Reserved : Checkmaaattteeeeee! 14:58:52 From mensah_c : @eliyahu, ... so they sell out! 14:59:02 From Stephen Grant : that's where HOWARD FRIEDMAN comes in 14:59:19 From Truth Angel : That's Judge sh*t ! 14:59:29 From T Roy : That is handled by the comptoller 14:59:42 From Stephen Grant : Better call Saul 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 😹 14:59:47 From SUPREME BEAN : Yea Benny 14:59:53 From SUPREME BEAN : Just found out 15:00:00 From # bobbybrazown : 'salt works' 15:00:35 From mensah_c : @eliyahu, I've experienced improprieties by brand new law clerks 15:00:35 From Stephen Grant : cops have a private web across states 15:00:57 From benny : yep! 15:01:03 From benny : goes to credibility 15:01:06 From # bobbybrazown : *Salter = 1 who makes OR sells salt 15:01:07 From eliyahu : i got straight up told by a court clerk "look i just file stuff, i do whatever the attorney tells me. if you have a problem, talk to the attorney." 15:01:10 From Truth Angel : Not the masonic lodge aka FOP 15:01:18 From Stephen Grant : LAURIE LISTS 15:01:28 From # bobbybrazown : 'Better Call Saul" 15:01:56 From benny : "i got straight up told by a court clerk "look i just file stuff, i do whatever the attorney tells me. if you have a problem, talk to the attorney." nope... ur fingers TOUCHED It. 15:01:58 From Queen Of Torts : i heard Mille Lacs county jailers making new docs onto a new file ..two files in the same calling... they making up shit i watched n heard them 15:02:06 From Stephen Grant : DAs have Laurie Lists dirty cops 15:02:39 From benny : @STephen Grant... is this a public list? 15:02:42 From SUPREME BEAN : Fraternal order of peace : FOP 15:02:54 From T Roy : POLICE 15:03:10 From Queen Of Torts : where the complaint come from 15:03:17 From Queen Of Torts : for the pig 15:03:18 From # bobbybrazown : #pickandchoose 15:03:36 From Hi y’all : #codewords 15:03:41 From benny : wow!! 15:03:45 From Queen Of Torts : lol we did that for domino delivery customers 15:03:58 From benny : totally subjective 15:04:01 From benny : buttholes 15:04:04 From Stephen Grant : https://news.yahoo.com/full-laurie-list-nh-police-124105791.html 15:04:19 From Queen Of Torts : we had a secret code on the pc lol just us knew in the store 15:04:21 From eliyahu : Hasan's getting cut off 15:04:21 From benny : issa club! 15:04:58 From eliyahu : "Y'all are racist! I can't do law, you expect me to do law to cash a check! You racist! Car 44 is the best!" 15:05:05 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : haha 15:05:15 From benny : i got complimented by a biz owner recently... "Best complaint in 10 years of biz" ahaha 15:05:21 From Stephen Grant : http://therobingroom.com/ 15:05:42 From Stephen Grant : dirty judges 15:07:00 From Queen Of Torts : #complaintsonpaperPigs 15:07:03 From benny : Invited to come in for an "on the house" restitution. :)) it's all about how to make one's case. 15:07:12 From SUPREME BEAN : Problems with cops : put your complaint on paper. Hit their insurance. 15:07:38 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : POWERFUL 15:07:43 From SUPREME BEAN : Group effort : judicial complaints/ bar grievances. 15:07:45 From Queen Of Torts : #groupBarG 15:07:45 From eliyahu : so if we have trouble we just hit up Amici Curiae? 15:07:47 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I’M DOWN 15:07:56 From eliyahu : sounds easy 15:07:58 From benny : yes... power in numbers 15:08:01 From eliyahu : and effective 15:08:03 From Truth Angel : Indemnity Bond 15:08:07 From Not a Guru : yes, please. So many in Chicago 15:08:35 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : thanks @Samiyha 15:08:45 From Sunshine D : Thanks Samiyha 15:08:56 From Lady Barbara : I am willing to do that “Bar Grievance👌🏿👍🏿 15:08:56 From SUPREME BEAN : Thank you @samiyha 15:09:07 From Hi y’all : #flowchart 15:09:09 From Queen Of Torts : #complaintList 15:09:13 From benny : Commissioner Hilary Gerber Family Court - LA Superior Court denies restraining orders for... acts in support of Commerce. 15:09:16 From Queen Of Torts : i got more to do lol 15:09:37 From benny : @samiyha Fantastico! Thank u 15:09:49 From Queen Of Torts : right keep it simple 15:09:52 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : i sent 12 bar grievances into my last case so far. 15:09:58 From Ma : I did judicial complaint and bar complaint 15:10:01 From Queen Of Torts : awesome 15:10:57 From eliyahu : they take a look at the docs and are like "uh, no. not touching this." 15:11:07 From Queen Of Torts : #firmFoundation 15:11:09 From Cee Lockridge : 🔥🔥🔥 15:11:41 From benny : Judge Joshua Wayser Santa Monica - LA County Superior Court look this joker up on therobingroom.com loong list of dirty judge stories on this one 15:12:09 From benny : pls group Bar Grieve Wayser! 15:12:12 From Truth Angel : Run 15:13:17 From Lady Barbara : The first step is Motion to Show Authority. Lawyer, first? 15:13:30 From benny : not for bar grieve 15:14:13 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I want that Joe power 15:14:32 From benny : get those paper cuts started 15:14:41 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : YES MA’AM! 15:15:32 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : just with paperwork! 15:15:36 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : that’s awesome 15:15:46 From Queen Of Torts : #internalComplaint 15:15:46 From benny : jason, u know this 15:16:02 From Truth Angel : Who got the trust funds ? 15:16:42 From Queen Of Torts : #riskmanagmentClaim #NoticeofClaimnClaimofDamages 15:17:15 From Queen Of Torts : oh yea Minn State gets back real quick when they do not work there 15:17:39 From Queen Of Torts : i send in State Tort 15:17:55 From Truth Angel : The works at the neighborhood Walmart ! 15:17:56 From Queen Of Torts : #agancyhasinternaldept 15:18:13 From Queen Of Torts : #HollyDumbass 15:18:19 From Hi y’all : Peace McReal 15:18:23 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : peace @McReal 15:18:27 From Queen Of Torts : admin is top 3 15:18:37 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : mental flow chart 15:18:43 From Hi y’all : #relisten for flow chart 15:19:20 From Stephen Grant : State of Shock 15:19:26 From Truth Angel : How about think 15:19:27 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : I can make a graphic for the flow chart 15:19:30 From benny : #Momeno 15:19:54 From #AiAm : 10 U.S. Code § 2603 - Acceptance of fellowships, scholarships, or grants 12 U.S. Code § 2603 - Uniform settlement statement 26 U.S. Code § 2603 - Liability for tax Which of these to view mentioned on this class 15:19:56 From benny : #Momento 15:19:57 From Queen Of Torts : invasion of privacy 15:20:02 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : what code is the Delegation of Authority?? 15:20:14 From Truth Angel : No No No ! 15:20:24 From Stephen Grant : they don't read bar grieveances. they count them. 15:20:33 From benny : wonderful study 15:22:52 From benny : gracias!! 15:23:19 From Queen Of Torts : #joekickingbutt 15:23:30 From Queen Of Torts : #counterClaim 15:23:51 From Queen Of Torts : #newclaim 15:23:57 From benny : yuup 15:24:15 From SUPREME BEAN : Can he repeat what he said ? 15:24:24 From benny : CoA Malicious Prosecution Abuse Of Process 15:24:42 From Ray Shack : #maliciousprosecution #conspiracy 15:24:51 From Queen Of Torts : #MaliciousProsecution #abouseofprocess 15:25:13 From Queen Of Torts : #JoeNotes 15:25:15 From benny : CoA Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED) 15:25:30 From @am woman : #jusjoetips 15:25:49 From Queen Of Torts : #intentionInflictionodEmotionDistress #fakecourt 15:25:51 From benny : CoA Legal Malpractice 15:26:11 From Queen Of Torts : #legalMalpractice 15:26:11 From SmithyKev97 : Thanx Laydee Malika & di LawFULL( ly) Livin' crew!! Bless UP unnu self!! 15:26:40 From T Roy : Flat_____________ 15:26:49 From eliyahu : agreed T Roy 15:27:02 From benny : CoA Aiding & Abetting 15:27:04 From eliyahu : scientific analysis and testing shows earth is flat and does not move 15:27:16 From Hi y’all : Yes good strategy 15:27:22 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : on their home field! @Tecumseh 2.0 15:27:22 From Truth Angel : Tennessee police fired after wild accusations of cop threesome, on duty sexual escapades 15:27:27 From Queen Of Torts : dreaming about ya 15:27:44 From Queen Of Torts : you wake up tired Joe lol 15:27:52 From Neekolas : about to! 15:27:55 From benny : tossin' n turnin' in their sleep 15:28:00 From Hi y’all : Lol 15:28:08 From Shalunda Harrison : love it 15:28:16 From SmithyKev97 : Dat Part....... 15:28:16 From Hi y’all : SALTY!!! 15:28:21 From Shalunda Harrison : oh shit 15:28:24 From benny : oh chit 15:28:24 From eliyahu : "how can we steal money now?" 15:28:26 From Queen Of Torts : WTF 15:28:29 From Ray Shack : we out of a job 15:28:30 From SmithyKev97 : WTF 15:28:36 From benny : who's hiring 15:28:38 From Queen Of Torts : i never seen this before 15:28:39 From benny : ? 15:28:55 From eliyahu : "our IOLTA is only fed by securities fraud, how we going to get those checks without a judge?" 15:28:56 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : damn. they deserve to go down! 15:28:59 From Hi y’all : They are 15:29:07 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : gas lighting.. 15:29:08 From benny : we chose the wrong team 15:29:08 From SmithyKev97 : Thatz How They Think?? 15:29:31 From Shalunda Harrison : they probably have a contingency plan 15:29:37 From eliyahu : they better get used to seeing it 15:29:42 From Truth Angel : I still owe student loans lol 15:29:44 From SmithyKev97 : Dat Part.. 15:29:59 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : laughing at the ‘living man’ shite 15:30:12 From eliyahu : "i am a living man! the birth certificate is fraud!" that is not a defense... Samiyha was saying they laugh at that 15:30:34 From eliyahu : meanwhile you are volunteering to be a bank executive by showing up 15:30:36 From benny : it's the content 15:30:41 From DianeMeyer 1st : Can you do this after conviction 15:30:53 From benny : ridic CONTENT 15:30:55 From Truth Angel : So you got a name 15:31:02 From Queen Of Torts : when they tow the plate lol 15:31:03 From benny : reTARD CONTENT 15:31:39 From benny : resist the urge to use sovereign crappola. please, people.:) 15:31:42 From Truth Angel : Idiots lol 15:32:00 From benny : study. study. study 15:32:22 From Queen Of Torts : right 15:32:24 From benny : correct 15:32:37 From benny : mythology crap 15:32:41 From Queen Of Torts : they do not want to even look up person 15:32:50 From Mel Grover : Im curious if she ever saw Habeas work, and also what triggered an article 2 court??? 15:33:06 From benny : no cut corners... cut corners will make u bleed 15:33:15 From Queen Of Torts : maybe she never seen that part 15:33:20 From Shalunda Harrison : @benny but God is sovereign 15:33:30 From benny : conflation 15:33:34 From benny : we know. 15:33:34 From Queen Of Torts : they had a special clerk for my small claims 15:33:48 From Queen Of Torts : so no other in the office would see it 15:33:54 From benny : that's the trickery played and preyed 15:34:01 From #AiAm : #GroupOrientNotices and GroupOrientedComplaint would be key!!! 15:34:27 From eliyahu : so this records request stuff is what is killing their cases 15:34:30 From hiya : 2 hands are up 15:34:31 From Queen Of Torts : one clerk was like oh i never seen a doc like that then my clerk would rip my motion from the newbies hand 15:34:41 From eliyahu : "PROVE IT" is now our #1 weapon against their foolishness 15:34:42 From Truth Angel : What attorney ?lol 15:34:44 From benny : no. records requests are real and viable 15:34:49 From benny : done correctly 15:34:50 From eliyahu : and then we have to sue them or they keep coming 15:34:57 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : that’s the A-team right??! 15:35:09 From Not a Guru : The Malik-A Team 15:35:09 From Lee Wingo (Gliderl33) : That was the A team 15:35:13 From Truth Angel : A-Team Theme Song 15:35:23 From Neekolas : i gotta go into court building to get record request tomorrow 15:35:29 From eliyahu : that works wonders 15:35:32 From benny : add "colons-in-name" and colored pens. 15:35:34 From Queen Of Torts : she not married 15:35:36 From Jason/ Professor3 Bear : Pity the Fools!! 15:35:37 From benny : c'mon... 15:35:37 From Queen Of Torts : no house 15:35:41 From Queen Of Torts : a apt 15:35:57 From Sunshine D : 😆 15:35:59 From Hi y’all : Y’all funny 😆 15:36:03 From #AiAm : Appreciate Every One 15:36:11 From Queen Of Torts : here Daddy is on Colo he milatary air force 15:36:12 From Cee Lockridge : we get results! 15:36:19 From #AiAm : Luhv My People 15:36:24 From Hi y’all : Pray for me please if you’re a praying man or woman 15:36:27 From Sis : hella funny today . .informing though . .luv u guz . .!!! 15:36:44 From Queen Of Torts : LMAO love it 15:36:53 From Shalunda Harrison : that's them boule 15:36:54 From eliyahu : shalom