12:02:31 From Bloom El : Greetings Beloveds 12:03:20 From Natty : Love and peace to all and to all Happy learning. 12:03:50 From Mary : Greetings 12:04:53 From #AiAm : Greethians To All Reflections my People 12:05:04 From LaShante Ruffin to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : Good afternoon I sent you a private message on Telegram when you have a moment can you please review? 12:07:17 From sophia : Happy New Day 12:08:24 From Demetrius Phillips : What was that form for injuries that occur on the road again? 12:08:24 From #AiAm : #wearestartingwiththecourtsthisday 12:08:34 From Demetrius Phillips : What was it called? 12:08:45 From # babybobbychrist : 'Prince' ws n Paisley-Park, O.D.'ing / die-ing / death on / n A-Elevator GOing-DOWN !!! 12:08:53 From #AiAm : #WEAreHavingCourtThisDay 12:08:56 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds 😇💫 🙏🏾✨ 🇲🇦🤞🏾✡️🤚🏾🇲🇦🛸 12:09:19 From # babybobbychrist : purple-rain 💯 12:09:21 From Kila : Good dayyyyyy 12:09:57 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : LOL 12:10:19 From Royal Rising #020923 : Yes too big for their britches 12:10:46 From Kila : prey or prayyy??? lol 12:11:13 From Samsung SM-G975U : And sing cumbaya 12:12:20 From Royal Rising #020923 : That sounds interesting. I want to see that patent 12:14:18 From Sia Meri El : Commerce #Title35-patents 12:14:54 From eliyahu : mangina 12:15:02 From Tracy Cunningham : 1usc1 12:15:05 From Natty : devolution noun Synonyms of devolution: ruin, abatement, decay, depriciation 1: transference (👉as of #rights , powers, #property , or responsibility) to another especially : the surrender of powers to local authorities by a central government 12:15:07 From Samsung SM-G975U : I'm a pussy product 🤪 12:15:15 From Royal Rising #020923 : Thank u @mcreal 12:15:24 From Samsung SM-G975U : kumbaya 12:17:08 From # babybobbychrist : "... e-i-n-g-o .. e-i-n-g-o & stupid ws hz NAME-O " 12:17:25 From eliyahu : yeah i didnt see it on PMAP wednesday either 12:20:39 From benny : Replying to "Yes too big for th..." over confident by way of a job title 12:20:46 From # babybobbychrist : #rectumNearlyKilledum 12:21:01 From eliyahu : Replying to "Yes too big for thei..." "sovereign citizen" due to a badge and a will to insurrect 12:21:04 From benny : Reacted to ""... e-i-n-g-o ....." with 👍 12:21:42 From # babybobbychrist : #pimpslapn 12:23:05 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : CPS put my private notices as their evidence on the record LOL 12:23:20 From eliyahu : when i rebuked CPS they dropped off the case and the judge disappeared 12:23:21 From Mcreal : Reacted to "CPS put my private n..." with 👍 12:23:28 From Mcreal : Bitches 12:24:38 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : Bitches Like my ex that has 3 lawyers now 😂😂😂 12:25:32 From Samsung SM-G975U : THEY HAVE NOSE TROUBLE 👃 12:25:56 From Mel Grover : sorry internet dropped. 12:25:57 From #AiAm : #purseholdingpersons 12:26:14 From T Roy : yes 12:26:20 From iPad : Yes 12:26:27 From Tracy Cunningham : Why tf you talking to me 12:26:58 From iPad : Title 5 not your employee 12:27:25 From eliyahu : an INC cannot use an unincorporated state's authority 12:27:32 From eliyahu : that's a fraud 12:28:06 From benny : could be MDNA II 12:28:36 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : 49. Dependants? 12:28:59 From eliyahu : McReal bout to destroy another judge 12:29:06 From benny : Reacted to "McReal bout to des..." with 😂 12:29:15 From eliyahu : McReal: Making judges cry since 2022 12:29:25 From iPad : Reacted to "McReal bout to destr…" with 😂 12:29:26 From benny : Reacted to "McReal: Making jud..." with 😂 12:29:29 From Mcreal : 2020 12:29:34 From benny : Removed a 😂 from "McReal: Making jud..." 12:29:36 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : McReal: Making judges cry since 2022 😭 cryyyyyy bababbyyyyyyy 12:29:37 From eliyahu : 2020* thanks :) 12:29:56 From Kimberly : Reacted to "McReal: Making judge..." with ☺️ 12:30:11 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Does A Police Incident Report Constitute A Complaint? 12:30:28 From Mcreal : 3949a 12:30:35 From Mcreal : Irs form 12:30:40 From eliyahu : a Police Incident Report constitutes evidence of Misidentification and Unlawful Conversion and Copyright Violation and Creating a Fake Identity 12:31:38 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Much Love, EliYahu 12:31:38 From iPad : Chain of command 12:31:43 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Replying to "Irs form" used with the 211 form 12:31:46 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Reacted to "a Police Incident Re..." with ❤️ 12:31:53 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Replying to "Irs form" @Mcreal 12:32:05 From Tecumseh 2.0 : did someone say quasi? 12:32:18 From Kiesha Pink : like a write up 12:32:20 From Mcreal : Reacted to "did someone say quas..." with 😂 12:33:21 From #AiAm : #unauthorizedpracticeoflaw 12:33:54 From Royal Rising #020923 : Reacted to "over confident by wa…" with 👍🏽 12:34:00 From Royal Rising #020923 : Replying to "Yes too big for thei…" Arrogant AF 12:37:48 From benny : the first year lieyer for the Landlard in my situation did a military active duty search background search on me. he attached a copy of his search. #withoutconsent 12:37:59 From Royal Rising #020923 : Reacted to "did someone say quas…" with 👍🏽 12:38:25 From Royal Rising #020923 : Daaaaang he’s been salty for years 12:39:09 From Samsung SM-G975U : What about the Texas guy that sued for wages after they gave him a ticket? 12:39:39 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "What about the Texas..." with 😆 12:39:59 From Royal Rising #020923 : Bobby telling them telemarketers off 12:40:46 From Trading Brigade : https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-14/chapter-9/article-9/14-9-902 12:42:10 From legallyattractive : https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2010/title-79/29/79-29-1008/ 12:43:03 From # babybobbychrist : #politicaltriggers 12:43:16 From Jaime Wilkinson : § 13.1-1059. Transactions not constituting doing business. A. The following activities of a foreign limited liability company, among others, do not constitute transacting business within the meaning of this article: 1. Maintaining, defending, or settling any proceeding; 2. Holding meetings of its members or carrying on any other activities concerning its internal affairs; 3. Maintaining bank accounts; 4. Maintaining offices or agencies for the transfer, exchange and registration of the foreign limited liability company's securities or maintaining trustees or depositaries with respect to those securities; 5. Selling through independent contractors; 6. Soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail or through employees or agents or otherwise, if the orders require acceptance outside this Commonwealth before they become contracts; 7. Creating or acquiring indebtedness, deeds of trust, and security interests in real or personal property; 8. Securing or collecting debts or enforcing deeds of trust and sec 12:44:02 From eliyahu : oklahoma does not seem to have specific mentions like that 12:44:30 From Natty : So is 9 like an electric or phone bill.??? 12:44:51 From eliyahu : ah i stand corrected, found it: https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2014/title-18/section-18-441-1403 12:45:09 From Natty : (9) conducting an isolated transaction completed within thirty (30) days that is not conducted in the course of repeated transactions of a like nature; 12:45:39 From T Roy : #michigan https://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(3ugznmrz1xb0i4n55nw1wmlk))/mileg.aspx?page=getobject&objectname=mcl-450-5008&query=on&highlight=activities%20AND%20NOT%20constituting%20AND%20transacting%20AND%20business 12:45:47 From eliyahu : (a)(1) is basically a court... suspicious. (a) Activities of a foreign cooperative which do not constitute transacting business in this state under this article include: (1) Maintaining, defending, and settling an action or proceeding; (2) Holding meetings of the foreign cooperative’s members or directors or carrying on any other activity concerning the foreign cooperative’s internal affairs; (3) Maintaining accounts in financial institutions; (4) Maintaining offices or agencies for the transfer, exchange, and registration of the foreign cooperative’s own securities or maintaining trustees or depositories with respect to those securities; (5) Selling through independent contractors; (6) Soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail or electronic means, through employees, agents, or otherwise, if the orders require acceptance outside this state before they become contracts; (7) Creating or acquiring indebtedness, mortgages, or security interests in real or personal property; (8) Securing or collectin 12:46:22 From # babybobbychrist : own(H)er-Ship-ing / spiritual hip-ng / load-ing / truck-ing AS - 'ignorant beasts of burdens' 12:46:34 From # babybobbychrist : *hip-ng 12:46:48 From # babybobbychrist : *hip-ing 12:46:56 From eliyahu : get this BS: Oklahoma Statutes cede jurisdiction to United States for Interstate Commerce: (10) Transacting business in interstate commerce. 12:47:09 From eliyahu : straight up they want nothing to do with that 12:47:43 From eliyahu : but that's just for a "foreign cooperative" 12:48:21 From eliyahu : makes me wonder 12:49:00 From Natty : So disability was earned, but SS calls it a benefit. 12:49:10 From eliyahu : Oklahoma's is under Corporations 12:49:35 From Lynnea : F.S. 522.02 Persons presumed to be doing business in state.—Any person maintaining an office or soliciting personally or by agent such business in this state shall be presumed to be doing business in this state. 12:50:30 From iPad : And that’s applies to every state? Cause the STATE ( which is DC ) and they federal regulated zones only 12:51:27 From Trading Brigade : https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2020/title-15/chapter-6/article-1/section-15-6-8/ 12:51:52 From Lynnea : F.S. 48.193 Acts subjecting person to jurisdiction of courts of state. 12:52:14 From eliyahu : https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2022/title-20/section-20-643/ The court to which any action or proceeding has been transferred under the provisions of this act shall take jurisdiction thereof and shall proceed therein in all respects as if such action or proceeding had been originally commenced in said court. 12:52:22 From Tracy Cunningham : T.A C. 67-4-2004 Definitions Taxing jurisdiction” means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a territory or possession of the United States 12:52:31 From eliyahu : oklahoma "assumes" jurisdiction 12:52:32 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Massachusetts Section 2: Domicile, organization or place of business for personal jurisdiction Section 2. A court may exercise personal jurisdiction over a person domiciled in, organized under the laws of, or maintaining his or its principal place of business in, this commonwealth as to any cause of action. 12:53:02 From Kiesha Pink : interstate & foreign commerce 12:53:21 From Ni Opi’a Manicato : Massachusetts Section 1: Person defined Section 1. As used in this chapter, ''person'' includes an individual, his executor, administrator or other personal representative, or a corporation, partnership, association or any other legal or commercial entity, whether or not a citizen or domiciliary of this commonwealth and whether or not organized under the laws of this commonwealth. 12:56:18 From #AiAm : A court of this state may exercise personal jurisdiction over any nonresident or his or her executor or administrator, as to a cause of action arising from any of the acts, omissions, ownership, use, or possession enumerated in this Code section, in the same manner as if he or she were a resident of this state, if in person or through an agent, … 12:57:30 From Royal Rising #020923 : 😂 12:58:18 From Tracy Cunningham : Universal Citation: TN Code § 16-10-101 (2021) The circuit court is a court of general jurisdiction, and the judge of the circuit court shall administer right and justice according to law, in all cases where the jurisdiction is not conferred upon another tribunal. 12:58:23 From #AiAm : tps://law.justia.com › codes › georgia › 2010 › title-9 › chapter-10 › article-4 › 9-10-91 § 9-10-91 - Grounds for exercise of personal jurisdiction over ... A court of this state may exercise personal jurisdiction over any nonresident or his or her executor or administrator, as to a cause of action arising from any of the acts, omissions, ownership, use, or possession enumerated in this Code section, in the same manner as if he or she were a resident of this state, if in person or through an agent, … 12:58:31 From Samsung SM-G975U : Not the butcher baker candlestick maker 12:58:34 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : NJ Rev Stat § 42:2C-59 (2013) 42:2C-59 Activities not constituting transacting business. 59.Activities Not Constituting Transacting Business. a.Activities of a foreign limited liability company which do not constitute transacting business in this State within the meaning of this section include: (1)maintaining, defending, or settling an action or proceeding; (2)carrying on any activity concerning its internal affairs, including holding meetings of its members or managers; (3)maintaining accounts in financial institutions; (4)maintaining offices or agencies for the transfer, exchange, and registration of the company's own securities or maintaining trustees or depositories with respect to those securities; (5)selling through independent contractors; (6)soliciting or obtaining orders, whether by mail or electronic means or through employees or agents or otherwise, if the orders require acceptance outside this State before they become contracts; (7)creating or acquiring indebtedness, mortgages, or security interests in real or personal property; (8)securing or collecting debts or enforcing mortgages or other security interests in property securing the debts and holding, protecting, or maintaining property so acquired; (9)conducting an isolated transaction that is completed within 30 days and is not in the course of similar transactions; and (10) transacting business in interstate commerce. b.For purposes of this section, the ownership in this State of income-producing real property or tangible personal property, other than property excluded under subsection a. of this section, constitutes transacting business in this State. c.This section does not apply in determining the contacts or activities that may subject a foreign limited liability company to service of process, taxation, or regulation under law of this State other than this act. 12:59:08 From Mel Grover : Minnesota 609.025 JURISDICTION OF STATE. A person may be convicted and sentenced under the law of this state if the person: (1) commits an offense in whole or in part within this state; or (2) being without the state, causes, aids or abets another to commit a crime within the state; or (3) being without the state, intentionally causes a result within the state prohibited by the criminal laws of this state. It is not a defense that the defendant's conduct is also a criminal offense under the laws of another state or of the United States or of another country. History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.025; Ex1971 c 27 s 44; 1986 c 444 13:01:06 From Mel Grover : Minnesota 609.015 SCOPE AND EFFECT. Subdivision 1.Common law crimes abolished. Common law crimes are abolished and no act or omission is a crime unless made so by this chapter or by other applicable statute, but this does not prevent the use of common law rules in the construction or interpretation of the provisions of this chapter or other statute. Crimes committed prior to September 1, 1963, are not affected thereby. Subd. 2.Applicability. Unless expressly stated otherwise, or the context otherwise requires, the provisions of this chapter also apply to crimes created by statute other than in this chapter. History: 1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.015 13:01:55 From legallyattractive : https://law.justia.com/codes/mississippi/2013/title-9/ 13:03:57 From Samsung SM-G975U : Not being able to sue or be sued is = eo nomine 13:04:36 From eliyahu : Oklahoma wants to be evasive about their exact jurisdiction, but they have a list of stuff they *don't want to touch*: https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2022/title-80/section-80-101/ 13:04:54 From eliyahu : they have a clause about "Concurrent Jurisdiction with United States over Ceded Lands" 13:05:25 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : NJ Rev Stat § 59:13-4 (2021). 59:13-4. Jurisdiction in the New Jersey courts The courts of competent jurisdiction of the State of New Jersey shall have jurisdiction over all claims against the State for breach of a contract, either express or implied in fact. Contract claims against the State shall be heard by a judge sitting without a jury. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all suits filed against the State under this chapter shall be in accordance with the rules governing the courts of the State of New Jersey. 13:05:32 From Samsung SM-G975U : EO NOMINE 13:06:00 From Royal Rising #020923 : Monsters Inc is a movie about Adrenochrome 13:08:34 From Jaime Wilkinson : https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title13.1/chapter9/section13.1-757/ 13:08:45 From Jaime Wilkinson : https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title13.1/chapter12/section13.1-1059/ 13:08:59 From Mel Grover : https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/543.19 13:11:01 From eliyahu : Title 61. Public Buildings and Public Works §61-13. Definitions. Universal Citation: 61 OK Stat § 13 (2022) (a) For the purpose of this act the term "contractor" means an individual, general partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, association, corporation or a combination of any of the foregoing who does or undertakes for compensation the construction of any public works. (b) The term "public works" for the purpose of this act means the construction, alteration, repair, improvement, moving, wrecking or demolition of any highway, road, railroad, earthwork, building or other structure, project, development or improvement, whether it be in whole or in part. 13:11:25 From Samsung SM-G975U : 2-bagger 13:11:49 From iPad : Working papers in NY 13:11:54 From Jessenia : https://law.justia.com/constitution/new-york/article-vi/section-15/ 13:12:07 From Lynnea : http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0000-0099/0048/Sections/0048.193.html 13:12:11 From eliyahu : man why am i getting a minor exorcism just looking over these statutes, did the State curse me or something? 13:17:01 From eliyahu : finally found it under Criminal: Title 22. Criminal Procedure §22-353. Jurisdiction. Universal Citation: 22 OK Stat § 353 (2022) A. The jurisdiction of a multicounty grand jury impaneled under the Multicounty Grand Jury Act shall extend throughout the state, including but not limited to, a single county as designated in the State Supreme Court's order convening the multicounty grand jury. B. The subject matter jurisdiction of the multicounty grand jury shall be limited to: 1. Murder; 2. Rape; 3. Bribery; 4. Extortion; 5. Arson; 6. Perjury; 7. Fraud; 8. Embezzlement; 9. Manufacturing, distribution, dispensing, possession or possession with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense, a controlled dangerous substance, or any other violation of Section 2-101 et seq. of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes; 10. Organized crime, which for purposes of the Multicounty Grand Jury Act, means any unlawful activity of an association trafficking in illegal goods or services, including but not limited to, gambl 13:17:26 From # babybobbychrist : #putandcall / #puttandcull 13:18:37 From Samsung SM-G975U : Is she single? 13:18:44 From eliyahu : now civil: Title 12. Civil Procedure §12-1148.3. Extent of jurisdiction. Universal Citation: 12 OK Stat § 1148.3 (2022) Proceedings under this act may be had in all cases against tenants holding over their terms and, incident thereto, to determine whether or not tenants are holding over their terms; in sales or real estate on executions, orders or other judicial process, when the judgment debtor was in possession at the time of the rendition of the judgment or decree, by virtue of which such sale was made; in sales by executors, administrators, guardians and on partition, where any of the parties to the partition were in possession at the commencement of the suit, after such sales, so made, on execution or otherwise, shall have been examined by the proper court, and the same by said court, adjudged valid; and in cases where the defendant is a settler or occupier of lands and tenements without color of title, and to which the complainant has the right of possession. This section is not to be construed as limi 13:18:50 From #AiAm : 801.05  Personal jurisdiction, grounds for generally. A court of this state having jurisdiction of the subject matter has jurisdiction over a person served in an action pursuant to s. 801.11 under any of the following circumstances: (1) Local presence or status. In any action whether arising within or without this state, against a defendant who when the action is commenced: (a) Is a natural person present within this state when served; or 801.05(1)(b)(b) Is a natural person domiciled within this state; or (c) Is a domestic corporation or limited liability company; or (d) Is engaged in substantial and not isolated activities within this state, whether such activities are wholly interstate, intrastate, or otherwise. (2) Special jurisdiction statutes. In any action which may be brought under statutes of this state that specifically confer grounds for personal jurisdiction over the defendant. (3) Local act or omission. In any action claiming injury to person or property within or without this state arising out of 13:19:32 From eliyahu : Oklahoma allows you to show up to court to protect endangered property: Title 12. Civil Procedure §12-718.5. Personal jurisdiction. Universal Citation: 12 OK Stat § 718.5 (2022) A. A foreign-country judgment may not be refused recognition for lack of personal jurisdiction if: 1. The defendant was served with process personally in the foreign country; 2. The defendant voluntarily appeared in the proceeding, other than for the purpose of protecting property seized or threatened with seizure in the proceeding or of contesting the jurisdiction of the court over the defendant; 3. The defendant, before the commencement of the proceeding, had agreed to submit to the jurisdiction of the foreign court with respect to the subject matter involved; 4. The defendant was domiciled in the foreign country when the proceeding was instituted or was a corporation or other form of business organization that had its principal place of business in, or was organized under the laws of, the foreign country; 5. The defendant had 13:19:50 From eliyahu : "i am ... probation" are you the person?> 13:20:02 From eliyahu : folks being confused about what the people and person are 13:22:14 From eliyahu : "i want to change my plea to THE MINOR PRIMER IS IN ERROR" 13:22:27 From eliyahu : the basis for the case is erroneous 13:23:28 From Kiesha Pink : peonage 13:24:15 From benny : relanguage perceptions of "them" and their actions. 13:24:20 From #AiAm to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : WISC:801.05  Personal jurisdiction, 13:25:15 From eliyahu : man i read all kinds of free stuff, i love free stuff 13:25:15 From benny : true THATT 13:25:22 From eliyahu : and i work for free too 13:25:28 From eliyahu : i am like "here let me bless you" 13:25:42 From Jasmine Marie : So how can probation get overturned? 13:25:43 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : Greetings what documents can I send to court to stop their court appearance request? 13:25:46 From eliyahu : and then folks are like "imma charge you for x y or z" and i am like "hey i work for free can--" they say "nope." 13:26:01 From Jasmine Marie : I was just put on probation today for a 2013 charge 😩 13:26:12 From eliyahu : Jasmine are you a Business? 13:26:26 From eliyahu : are you Established under the Laws of United States? 13:26:37 From eliyahu : like did United States give birth to you? 13:26:50 From Trading Brigade : pil·lage #pillaging rob a (place) using violence, especially in wartime. "the abbey was plundered and pillaged" steal (something) using violence, especially in wartime. 13:26:52 From eliyahu : "protected interest" wow 13:26:57 From eliyahu : rescission tho 13:27:04 From eliyahu : RESCIND AB INITIO 13:27:10 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : Replying to "like did United Stat..." Nope. It's for my son who's a vulnerable adult 13:27:26 From eliyahu : Replying to "like did United Stat..." sounds like he's pretending to be a U.S. Person 13:27:33 From eliyahu : Replying to "like did United Stat..." did United States give birth to him? 13:28:03 From eliyahu : Replying to "like did United Stat..." SSA POMS RM 10212.001 - that's where the legal name comes from (Unlawful Conversion, Felony Fraud) 13:28:28 From eliyahu : Replying to "like did United Stat..." Why do they think they can do that? Because treason. 20CFR422.103 13:28:38 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : Replying to "like did United Stat..." No. I corrected his us citizenship status via the passport 13:28:45 From eliyahu : i know right 13:28:46 From Arah Muaba Bey, All Rights Reserved : 14th Amendment is for Corporations. 13:28:57 From eliyahu : "within this state" is under 2. 13:29:09 From Jessenia : https://law.justia.com/constitution/new-york/article-vi/section-15/ 13:29:20 From eliyahu : i know right in D.C. on a Map 13:29:22 From sunny! : Replying to "like did United Stat..." does your son owe allegiance to the united states? https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/22/212 13:29:26 From eliyahu : 28USC3002(15) 13:29:32 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : Replying to "like did United Stat..." Is there something I can send them to put them on notice that we don't consent and would like them to cease and desist 13:29:36 From eliyahu : GEOGRAPHIC = Map 13:29:44 From # babybobbychrist : #toontown 13:29:45 From eliyahu : GEOGRAPHICALLY DEFINED = defined on a map 13:29:47 From Jen Bracelin : Replying to "Jasmine are you a Bu…" I did send them w9, copy of affidavit of identity theft to irs, a public questionnaire asking for all insurance, etc 13:29:57 From Jasmine Marie : No I'm not but I'm new to this 13:30:10 From Jasmine Marie : Had an inkling of what to do but was not sure 13:30:19 From eliyahu : Replying to "Jasmine are you a Bu..." we go so far as to disqualify the entire Person because we never made it ourselves and it's fraud 13:30:34 From eliyahu : Replying to "Jasmine are you a Bu..." that SSN is also fraud 13:30:58 From eliyahu : She was taking deposits of Seamen 13:31:04 From eliyahu : in her place of business 13:31:09 From Sha : lol 13:31:42 From Samsung SM-G975U : DAYUMM i want some too😆 🤣 😂 😹 13:32:25 From Samsung SM-G975U : She had everyone laying pipe 😉 13:32:55 From Samsung SM-G975U : Aww fawk 13:32:57 From eliyahu : she was getting help with her plumbing by members of vessels of United States 18USC9 13:33:18 From Ray Shack : I'm glad making love and intercourse are two different things 13:33:50 From Samsung SM-G975U : Pig farming 13:34:02 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "I'm glad making love..." with 👍 13:34:44 From Samsung SM-G975U : Replying to "I'm glad making love..." One is a one way with no reacharound 13:34:45 From eliyahu : https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2022/title-12/section-12-718-5/ << personal (Civil) 13:34:56 From Sha : https://law.justia.com/constitution/new-york/article-vi/section-15/ 13:34:57 From Tracy Cunningham : #Tennessee 16-15-501. General jurisdiction. (a)  The court of general sessions is vested with all of the jurisdiction and shall exercise the authority formerly conferred by law upon justices of the peace in civil and criminal cases, suits and actions. The jurisdiction, power and authority of the court shall be coextensive with the county. 13:35:15 From eliyahu : https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2022/title-22/section-22-353/ << Criminal Jurisdiction 13:35:28 From Jaime Wilkinson : https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title16.1/chapter6/section16.1-77/ 13:35:30 From Samsung SM-G975U : Animal Farm 13:35:47 From #AiAm : 755.045 Jurisdiction. 755.05 Territorial jurisdiction. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/755 13:36:03 From eliyahu : our Federal Trade Zone out here is 0.7 miles 13:36:04 From Jaime Wilkinson : https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title17.1/chapter5/section17.1-513/ 13:36:06 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "755.045 Jurisdiction..." with 👍 13:36:09 From eliyahu : i can't wait to tag the sheriffs with that 13:36:35 From #AiAm : https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov › statutes › statutes › 753 Wisconsin Legislature: Chapter 753 753.03753.03 Jurisdiction of circuit courts. The circuit courts have the general jurisdiction prescribed for them by article VIIof the constitution and have power to issue all writs, process and commissions provided in article VIIof the constitution or by the statutes, or which may be necessary to the due execution of the powers vested in them. 13:37:04 From Samsung SM-G975U : And i was gonna apply for a Free Trade Zone 😆 13:38:01 From Mashai Small : I have court next week 13:38:03 From Samsung SM-G975U : Be careful of Brownstone 13:38:07 From Sir Absolute : I have a court date on March 6th for a speeding ticket, first appearance 13:38:30 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : My vulnerable son has court next month 13:39:45 From Tracy Cunningham : https://casetext.com/statute/tennessee-code/title-16-courts/chapter-4-court-of-appeals/section-16-4-108-jurisdiction-venue 13:41:16 From Nubia : https://law.justia.com/constitution/new-york/article-vi/section-7/ 13:41:30 From Lynnea : http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0900-0999/0910/0910.html 13:42:13 From eliyahu : yeah now i can't stop 13:42:18 From Kelly Malone : Can you do Mochigan 13:42:21 From eliyahu : at first i was like "analysis paralysis." 13:42:27 From Kelly Malone : Michigan 13:42:29 From eliyahu : for like a solid year. 13:42:59 From eliyahu : Replying to "I have a court date ..." were you driving a state vehicle at the pleasure of the governor while being paid? 13:43:32 From Nubia : i hear you eliyahu 13:44:18 From Royal Rising #020923 : Reacted to "our Federal Trade Zo…" with 👍🏽 13:44:22 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : Who's here in Minnesota? 13:44:26 From Sir Absolute : If I'm on federal probation, how do I avoid a violation for not going to court for a speeding ticket? 13:45:42 From eliyahu : what was the class for getting rid of a warrant? 13:46:11 From gallorook : can't have a court case...can't have a warrant 13:47:42 From Sir Absolute : where can I find the information for federal probation? I did 19 yrs in federal prison, I swear I'm not trying to go back!!! 13:48:24 From Queen Of Torts : lol i just typed it al out during our class 13:48:35 From Queen Of Torts : they come when ever 13:49:31 From Queen Of Torts : lynnea do securities fraud 13:49:37 From Queen Of Torts : complaint for your man 13:49:57 From Royal Rising #020923 : Digital warfare. 13:50:19 From Queen Of Torts : let the DMS know someone is trading his private information 13:50:23 From Jen Bracelin : Replying to "where can I find the…" Did you cause any injury or bodily harm? 13:51:03 From Queen Of Torts : identity theft 13:51:11 From Queen Of Torts : #sec #identitytheft 13:51:32 From Queen Of Torts : #warrentmeans 13:51:52 From Queen Of Torts : #mensrea 13:52:17 From eliyahu to Malika Dulce(Direct Message) : could you toss me a copy of that doc as sample too, just so i don't have to trasncribe it from screencaps in a mess of a folder? i have some family to take care of 13:52:29 From Sir Absolute : ✋ 13:52:51 From Queen Of Torts : #breachoffiduciary 13:53:38 From tabitha’s iPad : Why do u think they was hell bent on not getting rid of the one they supposedly had on me 13:53:51 From Queen Of Torts : #humantrafficking 13:54:06 From Queen Of Torts : boom 13:54:41 From Queen Of Torts : i never signed out i refused 13:55:33 From iPhone : How can we use this releasing someone already in 13:55:36 From sophia : #Nebraska 2021 Nebraska Revised Statutes Chapter 24 - Courts 24-517 - Jurisdiction. Universal Citation: NE Code § 24-517 (2021) 24-517. Jurisdiction. Each county court shall have the following jurisdiction: (1) Exclusive original jurisdiction of all matters relating to decedents' estates, including the probate of wills and the construction thereof, except as provided in subsection (c) of section 30-2464 and section 30-2486; (2) Exclusive original jurisdiction in all matters relating to the guardianship of a person, except if a separate juvenile court already has jurisdiction over a child in need of a guardian, concurrent original jurisdiction with the separate juvenile court in such guardianship; source: https://law.justia.com/codes/nebraska/2021/chapter-24/statute-24-517/# 13:55:38 From Queen Of Torts : they said i could not leave i ask if they where going to go against judges orders i got eye rolls lol 13:56:07 From tabitha’s iPad : They let me go after 24 hours i dint pay anything 13:56:10 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : I'm here in Minnesota 13:56:25 From Queen Of Torts : hey minnesotian 13:56:37 From eliyahu : "here's the facts of the case: 1) Why are they talking to me?" 13:56:53 From Jamaica (Yaphah El) : Reacted to "hey minnesotian" with ✊🏽 13:56:55 From Maya Bee : Facts about the castle doctrine! 13:57:02 From Queen Of Torts : the lastiest they came was 9:30 pm 13:57:15 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Indeed 13:57:33 From Queen Of Torts : last time they came with with SWAT for fred he doesn't even know them! 13:57:48 From hiya : Check his state , he needs help now 14:00:15 From hiya : M …. lol yes they come in the am 14:00:40 From Queen Of Torts : my sun called 911 when they tried to kidnap his sister and the pig that dispatch sent him to said he did not have time for this and hung up 14:00:46 From Queen Of Torts : i trying to get the call 14:01:12 From Queen Of Torts : #specialfunding #swat 14:01:34 From Queen Of Torts : lol 14:02:11 From Maya Bee : They’re so full of shit! That’s why I don’t even bother calling them queen of torts (outside of creating my own record) 14:02:25 From Queen Of Torts : i would do roasters they way meaner then bulls lol we use to ride ours he was like buffalo size 14:02:35 From Maya Bee : They are sooooo afraid of us y’all each and everyone of us 14:02:52 From Kiesha Pink : forced consent 14:02:54 From eliyahu : Oklahoma has it in the form of a Notice in the Statutes: https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2015/title-12a/section-12a-3-307 14:03:12 From Trading Brigade : https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2014/title-53/chapter-7/article-5/section-53-7-54 14:03:37 From Royal Rising #020923 : Who are “they” that is appointing a themself. The clerk, the judge or the courthouse? Or all of them 14:03:39 From Queen Of Torts : some guy name danny starr works for mn dnr looking for my sun he asking neihbors but wont come here lol so weird 14:03:56 From eliyahu : Fiduciary Elements, Oklahoma: http://okcca.net/ouji-cr/3-9/ 14:03:57 From Samsung SM-G975U : I a have a reptile dysfunction 14:04:36 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "some guy name danny ..." with 👍 14:04:48 From Samsung SM-G975U : Replying to "some guy name danny ..." Spy 14:04:54 From eliyahu : yeah i straight up asked who runs the court and tells the clerk what to do and she answered "i just file documents, the attorney tells me what to do" 14:04:58 From eliyahu : i was like "slam dunk." 14:05:10 From Samsung SM-G975U : Reacted to "yeah i straight up a..." with 👍 14:05:11 From eliyahu : racketeering, conspiracy, fraud 14:05:16 From Queen Of Torts : #pointers 14:05:50 From Royal Rising #020923 : #disqualificationpointers 14:05:55 From eliyahu : traveling, not driving 14:06:12 From hiya : Ty ……..T 14:06:17 From eliyahu : payment impossibility is in money talk right 14:06:34 From Queen Of Torts : #fta 14:06:56 From Queen Of Torts : traffic violation not crime 14:07:03 From #AiAm : Breach of fiduciary duty Universal Citation: GA Code § 53-7-54 (2019) (a) If a personal representative or temporary administrator commits a breach of fiduciary duty or threatens to commit a breach of fiduciary duty, a beneficiary of a testate estate or heir of an intestate estate shall have a cause of action: (1) To recover damages; 14:07:16 From Samsung SM-G975U : File a nonpayment of wages against them with state wage and hour 14:07:31 From tabitha’s iPad : They did me for a FTA 14:08:44 From Samsung SM-G975U : Walmart is a major investor in these court bonds and prison bonds. 14:08:44 From #AiAm : CONTEMPT OF COURT 785.01 Definitions. 785.02 Power of court to punish for contempt of court. 785.03 Procedure. 785.04 Sanctions authorized. 785.05 Limitation on imprisonment. 785.06 Court commissioners, municipal courts and administrative agencies. 785.07 Contempt orders imposing confinement. https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/785 14:10:14 From #AiAm : isconsin Statutes > Chapter 403 > Subchapter III > § 403.307 Wisconsin Statutes 403.307 – Notice of breach of fiduciary duty Current as of: 2022 | Check for updates | Other versions https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/wisconsin/wi-laws/wisconsin_laws_403-307 14:10:27 From eliyahu : yeah so VOID JUDGMENT on that 19 years 14:10:31 From eliyahu : and DAMAGES 14:10:48 From eliyahu : they do need to be paying you bigtime 14:11:02 From eliyahu : they never had authority to arrest and prosecute for drugs without the things Hasan mentioned 14:11:25 From eliyahu : there is no limitation on VOID JUDGMENT 14:11:34 From eliyahu : you can do that any time, even sixty years later 14:11:52 From Mel Grover : Minnesota JUrisdiciton of Court 480A.06 JURISDICTION. §Subdivision 1.Final decisions. The court of appeals has jurisdiction of appeals from all final decisions of the trial courts, other than the conciliation courts, of the state of Minnesota, except that it shall not have jurisdiction of appeals in legislative or statewide election contests or criminal appeals in cases in which the defendant has been convicted of murder in the first degree. Subd. 2.Interlocutory decisions. The court of appeals shall have jurisdiction of interlocutory appeals and other matters as may be prescribed in the Rules of Appellate Procedure. Subd. 3.Certiorari review. The court of appeals shall have jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari to all agencies, public corporations and public officials, except the Tax Court and the Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals. The court of appeals shall have jurisdiction to review decisions of the commissioner of employment and economic development, pursuant to section 268.105. Subd. 4.Adminis 14:11:56 From eliyahu : Jurisdiction is the root of their problem, and it can be hit at any time, even sixty years later 14:14:23 From Trading Brigade : https://law.justia.com/codes/north-carolina/2021/chapter-55c/section-55c-2/ 14:14:31 From Trading Brigade : The term "public corporation" for the purposes of this Chapter, means the State of North Carolina or any political subdivision thereof, or any public agency of this State or any political subdivision thereof, or any public board, bureau, commission or authority created by the General Assembly, or a corporate municipal instrumentality of one or more states. 14:14:54 From eliyahu : #fireyourguru 14:15:17 From eliyahu : i want one lol 14:15:25 From eliyahu : #FireYourSPCGuru 14:15:47 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : https://www.ncleg.gov/Laws/GeneralStatutes 14:15:57 From eliyahu : Domestic to "in the State"/"in this State" 14:16:15 From eliyahu : Intent, Definitions, Scope, Applicability 14:17:11 From eliyahu : for Oklahoma the "people have supreme political power" and i was like "then why would i ever want to be a person" 14:17:36 From iPhone : I still can not get an administrative hearing for release of an inmate How do I initiate the void judgment for never being qualified in GA? 14:17:53 From eliyahu : jurisdictional challenge iPhone 14:18:02 From eliyahu : can be done any time, do it via #recordsrequest 14:18:16 From eliyahu : and then slam them with proof that "no such records exist" 14:19:12 From Jaime Wilkinson : #Virginia § 58.1-100. Property subject to state taxation only. Insurance taxes, licenses on insurance companies, taxable intangible personal property, rolling stock of all corporations operating railroads and all other classes of property not specifically exempted or reserved for local taxation, are hereby segregated and made subject to state taxation only. 14:20:06 From eliyahu : Notice of Lack of Personal Jurisdiction - cites of code of where it says they have personal jurisdiction and how they can get it from USC and CFR and then proof from the records offices (SOS and such) that "no such records exist" as attachments 14:20:29 From eliyahu : yes 14:21:03 From Trading Brigade : (12) Parent. - A corporation is a parent of another corporation when, directly or indirectly, it controls the other corporation by stock ownership, interlocking directors, or by any other means whatsoever exercised by the same or associated financial interests, whether the control is direct or through one or more subsidiary, affiliated, or controlled corporations. https://law.justia.com/codes/north-carolina/2021/chapter-105/article-4/section-105-130-2/ 14:22:19 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2013/title-2a/section-2a-34-8 14:23:06 From Queen Of Torts : got pigs swarming around here 14:23:19 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Reacted to "got pigs swarming ar..." with 😣 14:24:12 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://www.njcourts.gov/attorneys/rules-of-court/jurisdiction-2 14:24:41 From eliyahu : i keep telling folks we have to put the military on notice that the pigs are acting as mercenaries for a foreign noble that can't occupy public office and that if any of them are Masons they can't be public officials either 14:25:14 From eliyahu : that way we keep the military on notice of the invading foreign nobility and their private standing army of insurrectionist terrorists 14:25:30 From iPhone : Replying to "can be done any time…" Hey thank you so kindly was this for my comment ? 14:25:58 From Elizabeth Rodriguez : https://casetext.com/statute/new-jersey-statutes/title-2b-court-organization-and-civil-code/chapter-2b12-establishment-of-municipal-courts/section-2b12-16-territorial-jurisdiction 14:26:13 From eliyahu : Replying to "can be done any time..." probably, we do a Request For Admissions or a RecordsRequest or both, usually the latter works better but you can do both